How do you think this Russian-Ukrainian war would be going down if Donald Trump were still president?


Donbas is not a region in Donetsk, jackass.

You are clueless. And only wikidiots consider Wikipedia to be a reliable source of information.

Furthermore, Trump was not president in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea without firing a shot.

Putin did nothing but cower in fear while Trump was in office. Putin owns Biden.
It’s in Donetsk and Luhansk.


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The Russian-Ukrainian war has been going on since 2014, actually. If you didn’t know.

It didn’t drastically escalate until a few months ago though.

But just wondering, do you think the war would be happening any differently if Donald Trump were still in office?

Everyone knows Trump and Putin are friends, but USA was still giving money to Ukraine while Trump was in office. I’ve heard different number-figures on different sites, but I’ve heard USA has given like $5 Billion from 2014 until 2022 towards Ukraine. (Not sure how much say the president has on that though.)

But here is a site that shows USA was giving financial and military aid towards Ukraine while Trump was in office. Here’s what you need to know about the US aid package to Ukraine that Trump delayed

Buy anyways, just wondering if you think the war would be happening any differently if Trump won the 2020 election..
Though I wouldn't piss on Joe if he was on fire I would shit on him if it were flammable, Enough said.


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Trump would have sold the USA to Russia ........
And built Trump Tower Moscow, just as he was negotiating to do, up until he secured the nomination at the very least.
Trump would have sold the USA to Russia ........
meh, I don't think that is the plan, the plan here is to make it possible for Vanguard to buy Russia, just like Vanguard & Blackrock own the rest of the world.

I don't think Russia would ever be able to buy the USA from Vanguard or Blackrock, the price would be too high.


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