How Does A Snowflake Answer The Question:"What Is An Assault Weapon" ??

I mean you punks will fire on a baseball practice fer fucks sake.

You're "right".......It is better to shoot at 5 and 6 years old at Sandy Hook, correct, you fucking moron?.

Too bad they didnt have armed security at sandy hoax...
Your nutcase baseball fan was shut down with extreme prejudice by armed security.
Why dont you want to give our children the same protections?
Doesnt fit your agenda does it?
These kids know what an assault weapon is!


All I see is a target rich environment that can't shoot back..:dunno:
ask anyone who voted for Obama what an assault weapon is,,,odds are, they were just as dumbfounded as those girls in the footage
Most hunting rifles are semiautmatic, moron. You obviously don't know jack shit about guns, yet here you are pontificating about guns as if you're an expert.
No one can gunsplain like a rightard can gunsplain. After all, who hasn't seen those safari pictures full of semi automatic rifles?
How amusing. The gunsplainers fell short on this thread.

At the time that the now-defunct Federal Assault Weapons Ban passed in 1994, the U.S. Department of Justice said, "In general, assault weapons are semiautomatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use."[3] The origin of the term has been attributed to legislators, gun control groups, the media, and the firearms industry itself.[1][4][5][6] It is sometimes conflated with the term "assault rifle", which refers to selective-fire military rifles that can fire in automatic and / or burst mode.[5]
Assault weapon - Wikipedia
if you are breaking in my house and I get to my Winchester Model 12 sawed off shotgun you can bet I'll assault you with it - your dead ass wont know the difference between a fully automatic AR 15 and a 5 shot pump scatter gun either.
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Most hunting rifles are semiautmatic, moron. You obviously don't know jack shit about guns, yet here you are pontificating about guns as if you're an expert.
No one can gunsplain like a rightard can gunsplain. After all, who hasn't seen those safari pictures full of semi automatic rifles?
As for weapons of war Lever action and bolt action all were used in wars. In fact bolt action was the norm from the 1870's to 1940's.
You'll have to ask the snowflakes at the nRA who made their convention a gun-free zone for safety. From their own gullible followers.

The snow drifts in the hall were 8 feet deep.

Cant take the risk of having a snowflake with a death wish showing up.
I mean you punks will fire on a baseball practice fer fucks sake.

Some live in a miserable world, I wouldn't know how to describe your situation you're special.

The con snowflakes all show up to whine and snivel on que.
if you are breaking in my house and I get to my Winchester Model 12 sawed off shotgun you can bet I'll assault you with it - your dead ass wont know the difference between a fully automatic AR 15 and a 5 shot pump scatter gun either.

And just how many people have ever tried breaking into your home? So if I was to enter your home with my AR 15 and blasted you before you got to your Winchester, then what?
if you are breaking in my house and I get to my Winchester Model 12 sawed off shotgun you can bet I'll assault you with it - your dead ass wont know the difference between a fully automatic AR 15 and a 5 shot pump scatter gun either.

And just how many people have ever tried breaking into your home? So if I was to enter your home with my AR 15 and blasted you before you got to your Winchester, then what?

grab your AR come try to kick in my door and find out -- I dare you.
Most hunting rifles are semiautmatic, moron. You obviously don't know jack shit about guns, yet here you are pontificating about guns as if you're an expert.
No one can gunsplain like a rightard can gunsplain. After all, who hasn't seen those safari pictures full of semi automatic rifles?

So "gunsplain" is another word for "facts?" Is that what you're saying?

Snowflakes have a lot of derogatory terms meaning "the truth."
How amusing. The gunsplainers fell short on this thread.

At the time that the now-defunct Federal Assault Weapons Ban passed in 1994, the U.S. Department of Justice said, "In general, assault weapons are semiautomatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use."[3] The origin of the term has been attributed to legislators, gun control groups, the media, and the firearms industry itself.[1][4][5][6] It is sometimes conflated with the term "assault rifle", which refers to selective-fire military rifles that can fire in automatic and / or burst mode.[5]
Assault weapon - Wikipedia

So "assault rifle" is something different than "assault weapon?" Is that the idiocy you're trying to put over on us?

By "the justice department" you mean Janet Reno. You'll excuse me if I don't accept her as an authority on "assault weapons." Bills that Congress issues don't change reality, and since WW II an assault rifle/assault weapon has always been a rifle that can fire in single shot mode and fully automatic mode.
if you are breaking in my house and I get to my Winchester Model 12 sawed off shotgun you can bet I'll assault you with it - your dead ass wont know the difference between a fully automatic AR 15 and a 5 shot pump scatter gun either.

And just how many people have ever tried breaking into your home? So if I was to enter your home with my AR 15 and blasted you before you got to your Winchester, then what?

grab your AR come try to kick in my door and find out -- I dare you.

Yeah right super hero. If you think a robbery is going to be that obvious, you've been watching too much TV.

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