How does "prosecutorial discretion" justify giving work permits to illegals?

And the USSC has clearly taken a side:

Removal is a civil, not criminal, matter. A principal feature of the removal system is the broad discretion exercised by immigration officials. Federal officials, as an initial matter, must decide whether it makes sense to pursue removal at all.


Its up to the executive who will be removed.
I understand, though not accept, Obama's claim that he can't deport every illegal so he has to look the other way for some of these criminal invaders. But giving them permits to work here is another story entirely. That is a brazen case of the president writing laws and as such unconstitutional.
Bracero Program[edit]
The Bracero Program (1942-1964) was a temporary-worker importation agreement between the United States and Mexico. Initially created as an emergency procedure to alleviate wartime labor shortages, the 1942 program actually lasted until 1964, bringing approximately 4.5 million legal Mexican workers into the United States during its lifespan.[7]
The Bracero Program expanded during the early 1950s, admitting more than 400,000 Mexican workers for temporary employment per year until 1959 when numbers began a steady decline.[7] While illegal immigration was a concern of both the United States and Mexico, the Bracero Program was seen as a partial solution to the upsurge of undocumented worker entries.[7]
Under the program, total farm employment increased, domestic farm worker employment decreased, and the farm wage rate decreased.[1] Critics have noted widespread abuses of the program: workers had ten percent of their wages withheld for planned pensions but the money was often never repaid.[8] Workers also were de-loused with DDT at border stations and were often placed in housing conditions deemed ‘highly inadequate’ by the Farm Service Agency. [9] Other scholars who interviewed workers have highlighted some of the more positive aspects of the program, including the higher potential wages a bracero could earn in the United States.[10] Due in large part to the growing opposition by organized labor and welfare groups, the program came to an end in 1964.[7]
Guest worker program - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

you really should do a little research before you spew your shit.
Do you not understand that the Bracero Program was passed by Congress while Obama's actions are his own? If you dont grasp that distinction you dont need to be posting here.
not the's part of the history of immigration..
if you didn't grasp that.
then you are as stupid as you appear.
the pres has the authority to take action on his own when congress fails to act and they epically failed..
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crossing an imaginary border is not breaking in.


Is that the justification you use to allow illegal immigrants to violate the our sovereignty? This has to be the dumbest statement today.
yes in reality borders are imaginary they are by there very nature a construct!
what really dumb is you not knowing that.
sovereignty is also imaginary.
those people are not top priority offenders even when they are citizens.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao:

But somehow people who offend our immigration laws are. That's cute.
learn to read you silly fuck. Tipsycatlover wants them to be top priority!
sovereignty is also imaginary.

In other words "America's sovereignty is imaginary"

I'll let this post speak for itself. If sovereignty were imaginary, you wouldn't be able to maintain control of your life, or of your money, your movements, or anything else that pertained to you.
I understand, though not accept, Obama's claim that he can't deport every illegal so he has to look the other way for some of these criminal invaders. But giving them permits to work here is another story entirely. That is a brazen case of the president writing laws and as such unconstitutional.
Easy... it's not justified or legal. The guy's a POS criminal. He just happens to be the POTUS, and apparently if you are a Democrat you are allowed to do whatever the hell you want.
Why have any laws when The Emperor gets to pick and choose which ones will be enforced.

I'm hearing a cry for anarchy in all this......
Why have any laws when The Emperor gets to pick and choose which ones will be enforced.

I'm hearing a cry for anarchy in all this......
He's hoping for riots in the streets so he can declare a national emergency and lock up the dissenters.
I understand, though not accept, Obama's claim that he can't deport every illegal so he has to look the other way for some of these criminal invaders. But giving them permits to work here is another story entirely. That is a brazen case of the president writing laws and as such unconstitutional.

but it was ok when Reagan and bush did it. :cuckoo:
You're behind the times. That talking point has been debunked a gazillion times. Surely you know that, "counselor" <smirk>

debunked by whom? rush Limbaugh?

keep on trying. no doubt other low information voters are all in with that
We've got like 3 threads debunking it and you deflect to Rush Limbaugh.
Have you been drinking again? Having delusions of competence?
Just because they're here illegally, doesn't make them criminals. Crossing an imaginary line doesn't equate with real crimes like robbery, assault and murder.
Liberal immigration policy...
I wasn't talking about the policy per se, just the notion that all illegals are criminals.
And then failed to make yourself clear. Because your thinking is muddled and irrational.
No, I am trying to understand but you make it difficult.There are certainly legal differences between crossing a border and murder. No one got deported for murder. But your opinion seems to be that some crimes are really OK. What crimes are OK? What are the parameters for deciding that.
I never said some crimes are OK. That's just you putting words in my mouth. I merely objected to calling illegals criminals, as if that very status put them on a par with thieves and murderers.
What is a criminal? If it isnt someone who breaks the law, then what is it?
it depends on the law the situation.
I'm fairly sure you get away with petty crimes daily.
So what are you saying here?
the pres has the authority to take action on his own when congress fails to act and they epically failed..
"Just because we CAN do a thing does not mean that we SHOULD do a thing."

There was no pressing national emergency at-stake to warrant such Executive Orders.

With any luck, the Congress will straighten his ass out, and reverse the madness that he is unleashing.

In any event, after bitch-slapping Congress, Obumble will be under metaphorical saturation-level counterbattery fire very shortly now.

Sounds like fun.
sovereignty is also imaginary.

In other words "America's sovereignty is imaginary"

I'll let this post speak for itself. If sovereignty were imaginary, you wouldn't be able to maintain control of your life, or of your money, your movements, or anything else that pertained to you.
false! I have no such problem with the fact that it is imaginary.

it's asshats like you who need that illusion.
btw by answering with anything other than this phrase: "I'll let this post speak for itself" you destroyed the whole point you were attempting to make as meaning less as it was.
sovereignty is also imaginary.

In other words "America's sovereignty is imaginary"

I'll let this post speak for itself. If sovereignty were imaginary, you wouldn't be able to maintain control of your life, or of your money, your movements, or anything else that pertained to you.
false! I have no such problem with the fact that it is imaginary.

it's asshats like you who need that illusion.
btw by answering with anything other than this phrase: "I'll let this post speak for itself" you destroyed the whole point you were attempting to make as meaning less as it was.
There's nothing imaginary about the border.

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