How does "prosecutorial discretion" justify giving work permits to illegals?

Uhm, when the very first act you commit upon entering this country is a felony, you're a criminal. Your moral equivocation shit doesn't hold water.
You're the one that's equivocating, if you rank border crossing with theft, rape and murder.
You need to petition to have the law changed.
I'm not a citizen of VA. Your friend should do the petitioning. I know someone who shot a guy who was damaging his car. The shooteer spent a year in jail and that was bargained down from ten.
I understand, though not accept, Obama's claim that he can't deport every illegal so he has to look the other way for some of these criminal invaders. But giving them permits to work here is another story entirely. That is a brazen case of the president writing laws and as such unconstitutional.

but it was ok when Reagan and bush did it. :cuckoo:
You should read up on what Reagan did.

His bill had teeth which Congress removed. Of course we realize now that amnesty backfired big time.

So what does dummy do? Why provide more amnesty without doing anything about the border. Yup. I'm sure his interpretatin will work much better. NOT.
I understand, though not accept, Obama's claim that he can't deport every illegal so he has to look the other way for some of these criminal invaders. But giving them permits to work here is another story entirely. That is a brazen case of the president writing laws and as such unconstitutional.

but it was ok when Reagan and bush did it. :cuckoo:
You're behind the times. That talking point has been debunked a gazillion times. Surely you know that, "counselor" <smirk>
I understand, though not accept, Obama's claim that he can't deport every illegal so he has to look the other way for some of these criminal invaders. But giving them permits to work here is another story entirely. That is a brazen case of the president writing laws and as such unconstitutional.

but it was ok when Reagan and bush did it. :cuckoo:
You're behind the times. That talking point has been debunked a gazillion times. Surely you know that, "counselor" <smirk>

debunked by whom? rush Limbaugh?

keep on trying. no doubt other low information voters are all in with that
You know, practically, it probably doesn't matter to Obama if the courts cut him off on this. It's now about "the dems offered legal status, and the gop took it away." Cynical, but perhaps effective politically.
I understand, though not accept, Obama's claim that he can't deport every illegal so he has to look the other way for some of these criminal invaders. But giving them permits to work here is another story entirely. That is a brazen case of the president writing laws and as such unconstitutional.

but it was ok when Reagan and bush did it. :cuckoo:
You're behind the times. That talking point has been debunked a gazillion times. Surely you know that, "counselor" <smirk>
Actually, didn't Reagan's actions come in the form of an enacted law? As I recall, the provision for requiring non-citizen workers to have special ID was stripped from the bill, which inhibited its effectiveness.
SO I am trying to understand your position here. Is intent the yardstick by which we judge whether someone is a criminal or not? If I want to better my family and that involves defrauding an insurance company, do I get a pass?Or is it commonality? Many people speed so speeding is not a crime. Or many people cheat on their taxes so that isnt a crime either.I am trying to understand your argument here.
No you're not trying to understand my argument. You're throwing in red-herrings to cloud the issue. Simply crossing a border and not hurting anyone or stealing from anyone is not of the same order as those who do rob, maim and murder.
dude as soon as they are on our soil they are stealing from US Citizens, everyone of us.
No, I am trying to understand but you make it difficult.There are certainly legal differences between crossing a border and murder. No one got deported for murder. But your opinion seems to be that some crimes are really OK. What crimes are OK? What are the parameters for deciding that.
I never said some crimes are OK. That's just you putting words in my mouth. I merely objected to calling illegals criminals, as if that very status put them on a par with thieves and murderers.
again they are theives

Edit: BTW, how's that hole you're standing in? I see it keeps getting deeper. Hell you'll be in China soon. Oh, you better not cross their imaginay line! What a turd!!!!!
And those illegals who are breaking into this country know they are committing a crime. Obama granting pardons only encourages more of the crime.
crossing an imaginary border is not breaking in.

false! the pres in not granting pardons criminals will be and are being deported.
1000 people a day are being deported should be cumming in your pants with that news .
No, I am trying to understand but you make it difficult.There are certainly legal differences between crossing a border and murder. No one got deported for murder. But your opinion seems to be that some crimes are really OK. What crimes are OK? What are the parameters for deciding that.
I never said some crimes are OK. That's just you putting words in my mouth. I merely objected to calling illegals criminals, as if that very status put them on a par with thieves and murderers.
What is a criminal? If it isnt someone who breaks the law, then what is it?
it depends on the law the situation.
I'm fairly sure you get away with petty crimes daily.
I understand, though not accept, Obama's claim that he can't deport every illegal so he has to look the other way for some of these criminal invaders. But giving them permits to work here is another story entirely. That is a brazen case of the president writing laws and as such unconstitutional.

The same way it did when Reagan granted work permits to 200,000 nicaraguans?

The Reagan Administration announced today that it was easing immigration standards for the 200,000 Nicaraguan exiles in the United States, including those whose requests for asylum were turned down and who face deportation.

After consulting with the White House, Attorney General Edwin Meese 3d signed an order saying that no Nicaraguan who has a well-founded fear of persecution will be deported and that those seeking a work authorization will be entitled to one.


Congressional efforts to do the same stalled. Congress wouldn't take action. And the Reagan administration made it clear that in general, if Congress wouldn't take action, Reagan would unilaterally.
Just because they're here illegally, doesn't make them criminals. Crossing an imaginary line doesn't equate with real crimes like robbery, assault and murder.

Se how the far left drones justify backing Obama!

And the line is hardly imaginary with a big ol fence there.

Now the far left drones having any type of independent thought is imaginary.
damn that's funny ! a consevobot CLAIMS IDEPENDANT THINKING...must be a glitch in the program..
  • con·ser·va·tive
  • [ kən súrvətiv ]
  1. reluctant to accept change: in favor of preserving the status quo and traditional values and customs, and against abrupt change
  2. of conservatism: relating to, characteristic of, or displaying conservatism
  3. cautious and on low side: cautiously moderate and therefore often less than the final outcome
And those illegals who are breaking into this country know they are committing a crime. Obama granting pardons only encourages more of the crime.
crossing an imaginary border is not breaking in.

false! the pres in not granting pardons criminals will be and are being deported.
1000 people a day are being deported should be cumming in your pants with that news .
wow and look who is headed to China!!!

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