How Does Questioning an Election Result Equate to Inciting Violence?

That’s our president spreading false information not expressing an opinion. The words of a president have weight and he has sworn an oath to protect and serve the public. Those “opinions” you think he is expressing go against his oath and pose a danger to our system of government and public safety as seen by the circus at the capital
Don't quit your day job, assuming you have one.
Trump has repeatedly said the democrats stole the election. Sounds like fact to me based on what we know.
It's certainly more fact based than the Russia Russia brush the left smeared Trump with for four years.
I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned
This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.

Correct, this is about destroying Trump, a potential 2nd term, Trump fund raising and his 75 million voters which scares the living shit out of the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dems are so scared after winning the last election by an 8 million vote landslide and taking over the senate. Knees are shaking. You’re an idiot

Then why are you in favor of silencing people and removing their First Amendment rights? You are contradicting yourself.

We'll just not hold our breath while this troll tries to answer that one. lol
Breath, I answered
This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.

Correct, this is about destroying Trump, a potential 2nd term, Trump fund raising and his 75 million voters which scares the living shit out of the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dems are so scared after winning the last election by an 8 million vote landslide and taking over the senate. Knees are shaking. You’re an idiot
You're the dip who vote this moron in . You are the one who should be scared about a year from now.
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I’m not worried about Biden. He is harmless. Trump was the dangerous one and I’m happy to see him go. Enough is enough. The China shop is destroyed. I hope ur happy
This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.

Correct, this is about destroying Trump, a potential 2nd term, Trump fund raising and his 75 million voters which scares the living shit out of the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dems are so scared after winning the last election by an 8 million vote landslide and taking over the senate. Knees are shaking. You’re an idiot

Don't pretend to be a blithering idiot you know damn well its not a popular vote election. Go stuff a ballot box that's all you people are good at doing.
The EC was a landslide. Of the same magnitude of Trumps win over Clinton. Pop vote is just icing on the cake

No Dems cheated and rigged the election. :itsok:
That’s our president spreading false information not expressing an opinion. The words of a president have weight and he has sworn an oath to protect and serve the public. Those “opinions” you think he is expressing go against his oath and pose a danger to our system of government and public safety as seen by the circus at the capital
Most likely the terrorists aren't done, either.

The Big Lie worked. It's worked before.
At least some Republicans are dropping the act and finally admitting reality. Better late than never I guess
This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.

Correct, this is about destroying Trump, a potential 2nd term, Trump fund raising and his 75 million voters which scares the living shit out of the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dems are so scared after winning the last election by an 8 million vote landslide and taking over the senate. Knees are shaking. You’re an idiot

Don't pretend to be a blithering idiot you know damn well its not a popular vote election. Go stuff a ballot box that's all you people are good at doing.
The EC was a landslide. Of the same magnitude of Trumps win over Clinton. Pop vote is just icing on the cake

No Dems cheated and rigged the election. :itsok:
I know you’re saying that because you’ve heard Trump and his puppets repeat it at nausea. But no, that’s not what the facts say. 60 attempts have failed in court from lack of evidence. His lies have been debunked by Republican state officials. It’s a joke. Give it up man
Questioning the integrity of the election is viewed as sedition, questioning the narrative of the DNC and mainstream media is considered inciting a riot, only if you happen to be conservative. So would Biden have followed the wrinkled up bitch’s advice and contested the election if he had lost? The country would be in flames if he had.
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.
Shouldn't you direct that question to the rioters themselves.
How Does Questioning an Election Result Equate to Inciting Violence?
ASK the DEMS who burned down our cities and stopped traffic on major highways and looted businesses for months asshole, your all a bunch of hypocrites.

after what election ?
Questioning the integrity of the election is viewed as sedition, questioning the narrative of the DNC and mainstream media is considered inciting a riot, only if you happen to be conservative. So would Biden have followed the wrinkled up bitch’s advice and contested the election if he had lost? The country would be in flames if he had.

the questions were answered over and over. Those Cons knew the vote was legit but played up the lie for their own political benefit.
I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned
The courts refused to rule on the merits of Trump's case, and all the evidence included therein.
I think that makes his case for him. The evidence has all been compiled and presented.
The courts will not even look. Case closed.
Questioning the integrity of the election is viewed as sedition, questioning the narrative of the DNC and mainstream media is considered inciting a riot, only if you happen to be conservative. So would Biden have followed the wrinkled up bitch’s advice and contested the election if he had lost? The country would be in flames if he had.
Questioning?! Who is questioning? I didn’t hear any questions from Trump just lies and false claims.
I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned
The courts refused to rule on the merits of Trump's case, and all the evidence included therein.
I think that makes his case for him. The evidence has all been compiled and presented.
The courts will not even look. Case closed.
The cases were dismissed for lack of merit. That’s literally what the judges said. NO MERIT. No evidence, No case. Let it sink in. It’s propaganda you’re being fed. Wake up
That’s our president spreading false information not expressing an opinion. The words of a president have weight and he has sworn an oath to protect and serve the public. Those “opinions” you think he is expressing go against his oath and pose a danger to our system of government and public safety as seen by the circus at the capital
Don't quit your day job, assuming you have one.
Trump has repeatedly said the democrats stole the election. Sounds like fact to me based on what we know.
It's certainly more fact based than the Russia Russia brush the left smeared Trump with for four years.
I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned

Nothing to see here.....

That’s our president spreading false information not expressing an opinion. The words of a president have weight and he has sworn an oath to protect and serve the public. Those “opinions” you think he is expressing go against his oath and pose a danger to our system of government and public safety as seen by the circus at the capital
Don't quit your day job, assuming you have one.
Trump has repeatedly said the democrats stole the election. Sounds like fact to me based on what we know.
It's certainly more fact based than the Russia Russia brush the left smeared Trump with for four years.
I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned

Nothing to see here.....

What’s your point?
That’s our president spreading false information not expressing an opinion. The words of a president have weight and he has sworn an oath to protect and serve the public. Those “opinions” you think he is expressing go against his oath and pose a danger to our system of government and public safety as seen by the circus at the capital
Don't quit your day job, assuming you have one.
Trump has repeatedly said the democrats stole the election. Sounds like fact to me based on what we know.
It's certainly more fact based than the Russia Russia brush the left smeared Trump with for four years.
I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned

Nothing to see here.....

What’s your point?

They stole it. He admits it.
This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.

Correct, this is about destroying Trump, a potential 2nd term, Trump fund raising and his 75 million voters which scares the living shit out of the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dems are so scared after winning the last election by an 8 million vote landslide and taking over the senate. Knees are shaking. You’re an idiot

Then why are you in favor of silencing people and removing their First Amendment rights? You are contradicting yourself.
I’m not in favor of taking away anybody’s first amendment rights. Just those that abuse that right to endanger the public. Then it crosses a line. Like yelling bomb on a plane or screaming profanities at a preschool. There are limits ya know

Or saying cops want to indiscriminately hurt or kill minorities. :D. Obviously that incited violence. Yes, I was certain you would agree.
That’s our president spreading false information not expressing an opinion. The words of a president have weight and he has sworn an oath to protect and serve the public. Those “opinions” you think he is expressing go against his oath and pose a danger to our system of government and public safety as seen by the circus at the capital
Don't quit your day job, assuming you have one.
Trump has repeatedly said the democrats stole the election. Sounds like fact to me based on what we know.
It's certainly more fact based than the Russia Russia brush the left smeared Trump with for four years.
I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned

Nothing to see here.....

What’s your point?

They stole it. He admits it.

He admitted stealing it?! What are you listening to?? Haha.
This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.

Correct, this is about destroying Trump, a potential 2nd term, Trump fund raising and his 75 million voters which scares the living shit out of the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dems are so scared after winning the last election by an 8 million vote landslide and taking over the senate. Knees are shaking. You’re an idiot

Then why are you in favor of silencing people and removing their First Amendment rights? You are contradicting yourself.
I’m not in favor of taking away anybody’s first amendment rights. Just those that abuse that right to endanger the public. Then it crosses a line. Like yelling bomb on a plane or screaming profanities at a preschool. There are limits ya know

Or saying cops want to indiscriminately hurt or kill minorities. :D. Obviously that incited violence. Yes, I was certain you would agree.
If Biden held a rally saying that the Cops are targeting and killing Blacks and we need to fight back and then the mob moved in on a police station and took it over then yes I’d think that Biden was responsible and should be held accountable.

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