How Does Questioning an Election Result Equate to Inciting Violence?

Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.
When did Trump question anything?! He has been making straight claims of theft and fraud. Said he won the election and they are stealing our country. Said Pence could change things when he couldn’t. No that’s not questioning that’s called lying. That’s called riling people up and stoking fear. The sending them to the capital in the way he did to see the direct result... well it doesn’t get more obvious than that.I

So. That's called expressing an opinion. Is that illegal? Are opinions scary to you?

And Trump never called for violence. Ever. Complete bullshit.
That’s our president spreading false information not expressing an opinion. The words of a president have weight and he has sworn an oath to protect and serve the public. Those “opinions” you think he is expressing go against his oath and pose a danger to our system of government and public safety as seen by the circus at the capital
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.

"Never" :laughing0301:

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

You can't help noticing that the two Congresscritter klowns at the end of the 2nd video ------ are not from any of the states they're whining about, so they're trying to disenfranchise voters elsewhere. You'll also notice that that animated jester on the end, she's a gun nut who just got elected, so that means her first official act, literally three days after swearing an Oath to uphold the Constitution ............ was a vote to subvert the Constitution. And finally you'll notice that the election she's jumping up and down alleging "fraud" over ----------- is the same election that put her in the spot from which she spews. Therefore, if the election is really fraudulent, then so is she for taking an office she "knows" she got through fraud.

Interesting times, fraught with mendacity. Like your OP, which can best be expressed visually as:


"Never" huh.
FUCK outta here.

Humor clearly goes right over your head. Provide any quote or statement where Trump called for violence at the Capital. I'll wait. :D
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.
When did Trump question anything?! He has been making straight claims of theft and fraud. Said he won the election and they are stealing our country. Said Pence could change things when he couldn’t. No that’s not questioning that’s called lying. That’s called riling people up and stoking fear. The sending them to the capital in the way he did to see the direct result... well it doesn’t get more obvious than that.I

So. That's called expressing an opinion. Is that illegal? Are opinions scary to you?

And Trump never called for violence. Ever. Complete bullshit.
That’s our president spreading false information not expressing an opinion. The words of a president have weight and he has sworn an oath to protect and serve the public. Those “opinions” you think he is expressing go against his oath and pose a danger to our system of government and public safety as seen by the circus at the capital

Nope. Trump thinks the election was stolen. Per polling so do about a third of Dims and more than half of all Americans.

The President has every right to express that opinion. That violates no oath and does not incite violence.
he said they were stealing election, pointing to the capitol building, which was lie and asked the crowd to save the country...

and they did try to start a fascist revolution to end the democracy...

thats not "questioning election results"...
"questioning election results" is done in a courtroom...
which trump tried and lost...
numerous times...
against judges he himself appointed...

I question the election result. Am I inciting violence? And free speech rights means you speak where you choose.

right and that doesnt cover you in a capitol building trying to force your way into the chamber to murder some law makers to overthrow democracy...

How dramatic. :lol: It was a mostly peaceful protest. Just like all the protests this past summer, right? :D

No one was trying to overthrow the Government and no law makers were hurt. Seriously, you can stop clutching your pearls and relax.

hmm, why they were chanting about "peacefully" hanging pence then?... :)

It was a mostly peaceful protest. That what the media said for months as American cities endured billions of dollars of damage. Right?

So the event at the Capital was a mostly peaceful protest. Understand? :D

not after they tried to go into the chamber where democratically elected law makers were to grab and hang em...

Not after dozens were killed in riots this summer and billions of dollars of damage was done. :D. See, I can play the game too.

So since they were mostly peaceful protests this past summer so was the event at the Capital. We how that works?

keep playing...

but make sure not to run people over because they have some different opinion...

dont invade capitol building trying to murder democratically elected law makers to end democracy and the values of your country...

dont spread lies of election fraud when they were busted in numerous courtrooms over and over again to call people for an armed uprising...

so play nice and peaceful...
and you will be ok...
We are a country with the rule of law. trump had his day in court....60 losses even with judges he nominated. Rather than accept the results...he stoked the anger of the people he lied to. He may as well broke out the Windows to the Capital himself. Not only that...I am sure that the next AG will investigate and find trump planned and orchastrated the mob attack. trump and his enablers need to go to jail....and many will.
Don't even try to use the BLM protests as an excuse for this violent terror attack.

It would have happened regardless and everyone knows that
Whether or not the election results are/were fraudulent and to what degree is really beside the point. As an American citizen I am perfectly within my rights to raise questions and doubt about the outcome, especially since there are hundreds or thousands of allegations, AND according to many survey and polls upwards of 40 - 50% of the people are also raising questions and doubts.
just because whole bunch of lunatics believe in a lie doesnt make it truth...

Doesn't make it false either...
You prove truth in a courtroom, in a democratic country of course...
Sometimes the truth cannot be proved... But it's still the truth.
and if we were gonna make up truth just because whole bunch of people did think so, which happens in banana republics
Nobody is making up truth. Newsflash, bub: I can make up my own mind about what is questionable without help from you.
Funny thing about banana republics, they do not allow any questions about the legitimacy of their elections either.
when you walk into a building thats the symbol of democracy and the place the democracy actually happens and try to murder democratically elected law makers
"Murder democratically elected lawmakers?" This is 100% pure unadulterated horseshit. There was no attempted murder of anybody.
then you are an anti democratic fascist trying a revolution to end the democracy itself...
More of your 100% pure unadulterated horseshit. There is no revolution going on and the end of democracy is not in doubt. Now, if they tried to install a CHAZ zone inside the Capitol building, then you might have a point.
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.
When did Trump question anything?! He has been making straight claims of theft and fraud. Said he won the election and they are stealing our country. Said Pence could change things when he couldn’t. No that’s not questioning that’s called lying. That’s called riling people up and stoking fear. The sending them to the capital in the way he did to see the direct result... well it doesn’t get more obvious than that.I

So. That's called expressing an opinion. Is that illegal? Are opinions scary to you?

And Trump never called for violence. Ever. Complete bullshit.
That’s our president spreading false information not expressing an opinion. The words of a president have weight and he has sworn an oath to protect and serve the public. Those “opinions” you think he is expressing go against his oath and pose a danger to our system of government and public safety as seen by the circus at the capital

Nope. Trump thinks the election was stolen. Per polling so do about a third of Dims and more than half of all Americans.

The President has every right to express that opinion. That violates no oath and does not incite violence.
No he really doesn’t. Not when he’s had months to present evidence and challenge in court. He repeated lie after lie and false information at that rally. Information that he has been told is false. He knows better but is playing up the conspiracy to save face. And as a result a large chunk of his puppets, people like yourself, believe his crap. A chunk of them went to the capital after Trump told them to go there to fight for their country. Now 5 people are dead. Trump belongs on Alex Jones’ lap not in the White House. He will be there soon enough and all you nuts can have a field day with the grievance conspiracies.
when they don't want you questioning it.

then again this is the same side that says Trump told people to drink bleach.

honesty isn't their strong point.
How Does Questioning an Election Result Equate to Inciting Violence?
ASK the DEMS who burned down our cities and stopped traffic on major highways and looted businesses for months asshole, your all a bunch of hypocrites.
Whether or not the election results are/were fraudulent and to what degree is really beside the point. As an American citizen I am perfectly within my rights to raise questions and doubt about the outcome, especially since there are hundreds or thousands of allegations, AND according to many survey and polls upwards of 40 - 50% of the people are also raising questions and doubts.
just because whole bunch of lunatics believe in a lie doesnt make it truth...

Doesn't make it false either...
You prove truth in a courtroom, in a democratic country of course...
Sometimes the truth cannot be proved... But it's still the truth.
and if we were gonna make up truth just because whole bunch of people did think so, which happens in banana republics
Nobody is making up truth. Newsflash, bub: I can make up my own mind about what is questionable without help from you.
Funny thing about banana republics, they do not allow any questions about the legitimacy of their elections either.
when you walk into a building thats the symbol of democracy and the place the democracy actually happens and try to murder democratically elected law makers
"Murder democratically elected lawmakers?" This is 100% pure unadulterated horseshit. There was no attempted murder of anybody.
then you are an anti democratic fascist trying a revolution to end the democracy itself...
More of your 100% pure unadulterated horseshit. There is no revolution going on and the end of democracy is not in doubt. Now, if they tried to install a CHAZ zone inside the Capitol building, then you might have a point.

so, you are asking for election results to be overturned and the presidency to be handed over to your guy, just because a lie and a hoax of an election fraud that is believed by some bunch of lunatics can not be disproved, eh...

do you even see the giant HOLE in your fucked up logic?...

i bet you dont...

and just because the logical and intellectual people laugh at your ill logic, you want to walk into the capitol building, hang some law makers, literally kill democracy and install your guys as a what?... president?... king?... ruler?... protector?... fuhrer?...

if you are still wondering how come you lost the election landslide, take a deep look into a mirror...

"the people" are sick of your entitled privileged ideology...
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.

You think facts matter to Democrats?
This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.

Questioning cop violence equates calling for violence.
This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.

Correct, this is about destroying Trump, a potential 2nd term, Trump fund raising and his 75 million voters which scares the living shit out of the Democrats.
This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.
Yes it is about silencing Trump because Trump is lying and misleading millions of people who are gullible enough to believe him over the facts. The shit you all complain about has been investigated and deliberated over, yet you think you know more than the officials that actually have the intel. You’re not fooling anybody. Y’all are soar losers throwing a tantrum. Grow up
This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.

Correct, this is about destroying Trump, a potential 2nd term, Trump fund raising and his 75 million voters which scares the living shit out of the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dems are so scared after winning the last election by an 8 million vote landslide and taking over the senate. Knees are shaking. You’re an idiot
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.

He called for agressive action to stop the counting of electoral votes. Even after it, he refused to condemn the rioters. He also floated the false notion that Pence could overturn the election as well as Congress. Neither Pence or Congress has that power. Also he dithered with the National Guard as Pence may have been the one who approved calling up the National Guard. Aster all this, he is calling senators to support overturning the election.
The fact is, unlike the city burning the protests are what the founders would have done. They would have brought more tar and feathers though.

Just two weeks before the idiots approved a bill sending almost a trillion dollars as gifts to their special interest groups and overseas. This is not even remotely acceptable.
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This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.
Yes it is about silencing Trump because Trump is lying and misleading millions of people who are gullible enough to believe him over the facts. The shit you all complain about has been investigated and deliberated over, yet you think you know more than the officials that actually have the intel. You’re not fooling anybody. Y’all are soar losers throwing a tantrum. Grow up

I think the election was stolen. That is my independent belief. You disagree, and that is fine. I do not think your opinion should be silenced. Why are you and your pals so afraid of me and millions who hold the same opinion I do? Seriously, why are you all so frightened?
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.

"Never" :laughing0301:

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

You can't help noticing that the two Congresscritter klowns at the end of the 2nd video ------ are not from any of the states they're whining about, so they're trying to disenfranchise voters elsewhere. You'll also notice that that animated jester on the end, she's a gun nut who just got elected, so that means her first official act, literally three days after swearing an Oath to uphold the Constitution ............ was a vote to subvert the Constitution. And finally you'll notice that the election she's jumping up and down alleging "fraud" over ----------- is the same election that put her in the spot from which she spews. Therefore, if the election is really fraudulent, then so is she for taking an office she "knows" she got through fraud.

Interesting times, fraught with mendacity. Like your OP, which can best be expressed visually as:


"Never" huh.
FUCK outta here.

Humor clearly goes right over your head. Provide any quote or statement where Trump called for violence at the Capital. I'll wait. :D

Already did. That you choose to go :lalala: neither concerns nor interests me. If I went around trying to edumacate you on your entire litany of ignorances, well nobody has that kind of time.

See that last image in my post? That's where you won't find what you're asking for. And that's why you're in that position. It's all on you. I can lead the whores to the water; I can't drink it on your behalf.

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