How Does Questioning an Election Result Equate to Inciting Violence?

This whole thing is about silencing Trump and we the American people who dare to question the election. Of course, we have every right to do so, but that is not the point. Rights do not matter to Dim Fascist.

They demand our silence. They will not get it.

Correct, this is about destroying Trump, a potential 2nd term, Trump fund raising and his 75 million voters which scares the living shit out of the Democrats.
You’re right. The Dems are so scared after winning the last election by an 8 million vote landslide and taking over the senate. Knees are shaking. You’re an idiot

Don't pretend to be a blithering idiot you know damn well its not a popular vote election. Go stuff a ballot box that's all you people are good at doing.
The EC was a landslide. Of the same magnitude of Trumps win over Clinton. Pop vote is just icing on the cake

No Dems cheated and rigged the election. :itsok:
I know you’re saying that because you’ve heard Trump and his puppets repeat it at nausea. But no, that’s not what the facts say. 60 attempts have failed in court from lack of evidence. His lies have been debunked by Republican state officials. It’s a joke. Give it up man

I have no time to play your stupid TROLL games. :talk2hand:
What I said wasn’t a game. There was no spin, just facts. Trumps cases have been dismissed around 60 times now, some by judges that he appointed. Do you respect the legal system? Law and order or not?

apparently not when it doesn’t go your way which makes you just as bad as the leftists you fight so hard to demean.
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.

He repeated called on people to "fight" and to "fight hard".

Trump has been given ample opportunity to question the results of the election, but he refuses to accept the answers. He lost, fair and square. Even worse, Trump is lying in telling the public that the election was "stolen" and asking them to fight to keep him in power.

It's not wrong to question something. It is wrong to refuse to accept reality and attacking people based on false information, lies, and political animus.
Winner winner!!
Questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.
When you continue to question an election result repeatedly, for over two months, constantly losing for lack of the evidence that you say that no one will examine, you're an asshole. A motherfucking asshole!

It seems to be inciting violence in me, and I'm not always like that.
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.

"Never" :laughing0301:

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

You can't help noticing that the two Congresscritter klowns at the end of the 2nd video ------ are not from any of the states they're whining about, so they're trying to disenfranchise voters elsewhere. You'll also notice that that animated jester on the end, she's a gun nut who just got elected, so that means her first official act, literally three days after swearing an Oath to uphold the Constitution ............ was a vote to subvert the Constitution. And finally you'll notice that the election she's jumping up and down alleging "fraud" over ----------- is the same election that put her in the spot from which she spews. Therefore, if the election is really fraudulent, then so is she for taking an office she "knows" she got through fraud.

Interesting times, fraught with mendacity. Like your OP, which can best be expressed visually as:


"Never" huh.
FUCK outta here.

Humor clearly goes right over your head. Provide any quote or statement where Trump called for violence at the Capital. I'll wait. :D

Already did. That you choose to go :lalala: neither concerns nor interests me. If I went around trying to edumacate you on your entire litany of ignorances, well nobody has that kind of time.

See that last image in my post? That's where you won't find what you're asking for. And that's why you're in that position. It's all on you. I can lead the whores to the water; I can't drink it on your behalf.

Oh and I forgot to add ---- while Rump was issuing marching orders to the Traitoriots ---- he spoke to them behind a wall of bulletproof glass.

Why do you think he set up that way?

I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned
The courts refused to rule on the merits of Trump's case, and all the evidence included therein.
I think that makes his case for him. The evidence has all been compiled and presented.
The courts will not even look. Case closed.
The cases were dismissed for lack of merit. That’s literally what the judges said. NO MERIT. No evidence, No case. Let it sink in. It’s propaganda you’re being fed. Wake up
No cases were ruled on their merit. No evidence considered. If you have a decision where one of the co-conspirator judges said that and actually considered the evidence in the briefs of Trump lawyers
go ahead and point it out.
I doubt you can, though. You are just blowing smoke out of your ass.
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.
“How Does Questioning an Election Result Equate to Inciting Violence?”

Because to do so is completely devoid of merit – the election was fair, honest, and lawful; elections officials both state and Federal, both Democratic and Republican have certified the election as such.

To continue to ‘question’ the election result in bad faith, absent any objective, documented evidence in support, with baseless conspiracy theories and lies weeks after the election was verified, certified, and codified to be true, accurate, and legitimate, is to indeed seek to incite violence – it’s the only motive to baselessly question the election result.
I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned
The courts refused to rule on the merits of Trump's case, and all the evidence included therein.
I think that makes his case for him. The evidence has all been compiled and presented.
The courts will not even look. Case closed.
The cases were dismissed for lack of merit. That’s literally what the judges said. NO MERIT. No evidence, No case. Let it sink in. It’s propaganda you’re being fed. Wake up
No cases were ruled on their merit. No evidence considered. If you have a decision where one of the co-conspirator judges said that and actually considered the evidence in the briefs of Trump lawyers
go ahead and point it out.
I doubt you can, though. You are just blowing smoke out of your ass.
All cases are ruled on merit. What are you talking about? Stop repeating retarded talking points. Cases are presented in their merits. They are allowed forward on them. Trip has had none because he can’t prove any of the fake claims he is making
I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned
The courts refused to rule on the merits of Trump's case, and all the evidence included therein.
I think that makes his case for him. The evidence has all been compiled and presented.
The courts will not even look. Case closed.
The cases were dismissed for lack of merit. That’s literally what the judges said. NO MERIT. No evidence, No case. Let it sink in. It’s propaganda you’re being fed. Wake up
No cases were ruled on their merit. No evidence considered. If you have a decision where one of the co-conspirator judges said that and actually considered the evidence in the briefs of Trump lawyers
go ahead and point it out.
I doubt you can, though. You are just blowing smoke out of your ass.
All cases are ruled on merit. What are you talking about? Stop repeating retarded talking points. Cases are presented in their merits. They are allowed forward on them. Trip has had none because he can’t prove any of the fake claims he is making

Did you read any of the Judges' decisions, because I did. No decision I read said there was no fraud. The judges were afraid to invalid an entire election without overwhelming evidence. I know you're a Dim but even idiots like you can understand the difference. So I know you will keep repeating the same talking point but you're wrong, :D
I know it sounds like fact to you because tough guy Trump said it very strongly many times but I’m sorry that doesn’t make it true. You need actual facts and evidence to make these thing true. Things Trump doesn’t have. You’ve been conned
The courts refused to rule on the merits of Trump's case, and all the evidence included therein.
I think that makes his case for him. The evidence has all been compiled and presented.
The courts will not even look. Case closed.
The cases were dismissed for lack of merit. That’s literally what the judges said. NO MERIT. No evidence, No case. Let it sink in. It’s propaganda you’re being fed. Wake up
No cases were ruled on their merit. No evidence considered. If you have a decision where one of the co-conspirator judges said that and actually considered the evidence in the briefs of Trump lawyers
go ahead and point it out.
I doubt you can, though. You are just blowing smoke out of your ass.
All cases are ruled on merit. What are you talking about? Stop repeating retarded talking points. Cases are presented in their merits. They are allowed forward on them. Trip has had none because he can’t prove any of the fake claims he is making

Did you read any of the Judges' decisions, because I did. No decision I read said there was no fraud. The judges were afraid to invalid an entire election without overwhelming evidence. I know you're a Dim but even idiots like you can understand the difference. So I know you will keep repeating the same talking point but you're wrong, :D
None of the decisions said there was no fraud because none of the claims from trumps lawyers claimed there was fraud. Even when asked specifically Rudy would not say the word fraud because they did not have evidence to prove fraud. What they have been saying in court is much different from what they are saying in front of the cameras. You are being played
Trump whipped these people into a frenzy by telling them the election was stolen. Had Trump done the honorable thing and conceded this incident wouldn’t have happened.
he said they were stealing election, pointing to the capitol building, which was lie and asked the crowd to save the country...

and they did try to start a fascist revolution to end the democracy...

thats not "questioning election results"...
"questioning election results" is done in a courtroom...
which trump tried and lost...
numerous times...
against judges he himself appointed...

I question the election result. Am I inciting violence? And free speech rights means you speak where you choose.

right and that doesnt cover you in a capitol building trying to force your way into the chamber to murder some law makers to overthrow democracy...

How dramatic. :lol: It was a mostly peaceful protest. Just like all the protests this past summer, right? :D

No one was trying to overthrow the Government and no law makers were hurt. Seriously, you can stop clutching your pearls and relax.

hmm, why they were chanting about "peacefully" hanging pence then?... :)

It was a mostly peaceful protest. That what the media said for months as American cities endured billions of dollars of damage. Right?

So the event at the Capital was a mostly peaceful protest. Understand? :D

That it was. The Dems called Antifa and BLM protesters as they looted, murdered and burned buildings to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi.

This protests in DC was a peaceful protests. The only death among the protesters was a young unarmed woman shot and killed crawling through a window.
Trump never called for violence or rioting. So how exactly did he incite violence if he never called for violent action?

Be specific? And again, questioning something is not wrong in America. At least it didn't used to be wrong.
You must have missed the part about "Trial by combat." And "We're coming for you."

Every man who has lost the office after one term or their party lost after two terms has gracefully exited the post. Except for the blob. None have lied about having the election stolen. His own AG said there was no sizable voter fraud.

Trump is responsible for the violence.
he said they were stealing election, pointing to the capitol building, which was lie and asked the crowd to save the country...

and they did try to start a fascist revolution to end the democracy...

thats not "questioning election results"...
"questioning election results" is done in a courtroom...
which trump tried and lost...
numerous times...
against judges he himself appointed...

I question the election result. Am I inciting violence? And free speech rights means you speak where you choose.

right and that doesnt cover you in a capitol building trying to force your way into the chamber to murder some law makers to overthrow democracy...

How dramatic. :lol: It was a mostly peaceful protest. Just like all the protests this past summer, right? :D

No one was trying to overthrow the Government and no law makers were hurt. Seriously, you can stop clutching your pearls and relax.

hmm, why they were chanting about "peacefully" hanging pence then?... :)

It was a mostly peaceful protest. That what the media said for months as American cities endured billions of dollars of damage. Right?

So the event at the Capital was a mostly peaceful protest. Understand? :D

That it was. The Dems called Antifa and BLM protesters as they looted, murdered and burned buildings to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi.

This protests in DC was a peaceful protests. The only death among the protesters was a young unarmed woman shot and killed crawling through a window.
And the cop you guys clobbered over the head with a fire extinguisher.
he said they were stealing election, pointing to the capitol building, which was lie and asked the crowd to save the country...

and they did try to start a fascist revolution to end the democracy...

thats not "questioning election results"...
"questioning election results" is done in a courtroom...
which trump tried and lost...
numerous times...
against judges he himself appointed...

I question the election result. Am I inciting violence? And free speech rights means you speak where you choose.

right and that doesnt cover you in a capitol building trying to force your way into the chamber to murder some law makers to overthrow democracy...

How dramatic. :lol: It was a mostly peaceful protest. Just like all the protests this past summer, right? :D

No one was trying to overthrow the Government and no law makers were hurt. Seriously, you can stop clutching your pearls and relax.

hmm, why they were chanting about "peacefully" hanging pence then?... :)

It was a mostly peaceful protest. That what the media said for months as American cities endured billions of dollars of damage. Right?

So the event at the Capital was a mostly peaceful protest. Understand? :D

i am just wondering if these peaceful lunatics would spare ted cruz or just peacefully round him up with the rest, if that crazy chick made it into the chamber without getting shot and followed by other lunatics, overrunning the secret service...

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