How Does Trump Back Out of This One Without Looking Completely Ball-less?

Ah, so it was you, wasn't it.

Your statement here is a bit confused. The story throughout this thread and my previous thread that was locked up when someone complained that I had not provided supporting links, was that:

1) After boasting about the resuls of his "person, man, woman, camera, TV" test, Trump challenged Haley to take an "aptitude" test.
2) Haley responded with a challenge to a televised debate
3) Trump declines.

So, in clear and simple terms, what lie do you believe I have told?

What you have wrong is what is missing before your #1) statment.
Which is that Haley started it all by claiming Trump had dementia.
Not a nice thing to say, and not based on any evidence.
So then Trump responded with his dementia test results.
And only THEN does your #1) on your list start.
It is wrong to put Trump boasting about passing a dementia test first, since that is not normally something anyone would boast about.
But since it was really just in response to the attack by Haley, in reality it is perfectly reasonable.
And it is then Haley who loses, by ignoring the dementia test challenge, and instead going for the debate that would prove nothing.
The best presidents tend to be bad debaters.
Lawyers tend to be the best debaters, and I would never vote for a lawyer for anything.
I think I’ve gotten some insight into your problem, Crick. It’s not actually necessary to “watch” something in every “time slot.”
But it is commonplace to watch something in that particular time slot.
You need fresh air and sunshine.
Not when Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert are on the air. I am in bed.
Make some friends. If you are incel as so many are, the best way to meet potential partners is to make as many friends as possible. First you meet people, then you meet more people through those friends. Most likely you’ll find a match, eventually.

Good luck, I mean it,
I have been married to the same woman for 39 years. We have children and a grandchild. I have more than enough friends and it's extremely likely that you will never be among their number.
Why should he get to pick the moderator?
To ensure that he gets a fair deal and makes it a debate on policy and process of being President rather than let's embarrass and attack Trump.
What you have wrong is what is missing before your #1) statment.
Which is that Haley started it all by claiming Trump had dementia.
Haley was most assuredly not the first person to suggest Trump suffers dementia.
Not a nice thing to say, and not based on any evidence.
Based on LOTS of evidence. Recall the Nikki Haley / Nancy Pelosi confusion?
So then Trump responded with his dementia test results.
And they were IMPRESSIVE
And only THEN does your #1) on your list start.
Yes. I'm not certain what your problem might be here. There were a lot of things that happened before the events noted in the OP.
It is wrong to put Trump boasting about passing a dementia test first, since that is not normally something anyone would boast about.
That was NOT the first time Trump had boasted about taking and passing that test. The first time was while he was in office. Do YOU not remember that?
But since it was really just in response to the attack by Haley, in reality it is perfectly reasonable.
I never even suggested that it was unrreasonable.
And it is then Haley who loses, by ignoring the dementia test challenge, and instead going for the debate that would prove nothing.
The debate would be enormously more challenging than a dementia test. To suggest otherwise is... demented. ; - )
The best presidents tend to be bad debaters.
Says the worst presidential debaters.
Lawyers tend to be the best debaters, and I would never vote for a lawyer for anything.
A large number of our presidents and congresspeople have been lawyers. If you're job deals almost purely with the law, it's not a bad place to start.
Sorry you don't watch him. He's quite funny. And successful. But if you prefer Jimmy Fallon or Stephen Colbert, have at it. It's a free TV set.

I used to like Kimmel, Fallon, Cobert, Meyers, John Oliver, Bill Maher, etc., but they have all gone down hill.
Its now all just all superficial Trump bashing.
And while I do not like Trump, the attacks on Trump are ridiculous and embarrassing to watch.
They are crude and uninformed.

It is obvious Trump is actually the innocent victim.
Like in the Jean Carroll case, she accuses him of rape after 30 years, and he then is not supposed to defend himself from those charges, by getting hit with a 83 million defamation suit?
Sorry, but the law says you CAN discredit and attack those who accuse you.

The problem seems to be you are getting your information from these very superficial and bad TV shows.
Look at reality.
The first charge was the classified docs, and if you actually read the laws, presidents have total discretion over them. They can do whatever they want with them, permanently. For example, if the CIA steals classified weapons docs from the Russians and a president gives them to a US weapons producer, does the US weapons producer have to give them back when the president's term is over? Of course not.

All the other 90 charges against Trump are like that, ridiculous.
All those involved with the charges, including judge Lewis Kaplan, should all be in jail.
They clearly are the ones violating rights.
Not just Trump's rights, but the 80 million voters.
If there's no point in Trump debating Haley, there's even less point in Biden taking a cognitive test. But I would like to see Trump and Biden take the same test. THAT would be informative.
Actually you're right, I don't think there is a rational person in the country that doesn't know that Biden is in decline....
I conclude that ALL politicians are corrupt.

You and your kind caused it all. You’re so stupid you cheer as the MSM and deep state destroy anyone decent that may come along to try to fix the system. All thats left now are lowIQ saps you cheer for and corrupt criminals. Now its a Police state using the Court system to harrass those who don’t play along. Sending US treasure to enemies as the country collapses. But your kind in GOVT getting rich. You’re a suicidal fool. All of you and your kind.
After bragging of having passed two dementia tests, Trump challenges Haley to an "aptitude test". Haley returns with a challlenge to an actual debate, on stage. Trump, of course, is chicken. Does that bother any of you Trump fans? Don't you think that makes him look like reveals that he's a demented, yellow-bellied coward?

Ahh a thread that, no matter how you answer, is designed to just argue and no matter what answer someone gives, they’ll be attacked and ridiculed for being a “trumper”. In other words, a pointless thread…

I’ll bite….

Does it make him look like he has dementia? I wouldn’t suggest that, I mean, while trump has moments, he seems, cognitively, on top of things still.

Now, does it make him look like a coward? Again, poor choice of words. Of course, any answer in this thread would just be speculation, since none of us could really know for sure. Perhaps trump might be intimidated because shes younger and more lucid and probably a bit smarter than him, or, it could be that trump just doesn’t see any upside to a debate, considering how far ahead in the polls he is, and she doesn’t really have a good shot at winning anyway.

Also, even if he were intimidated by her, trump is bombastic enough that he could keep her at bay with his wiley and often outlandish rants.
That a number of people skip past the OP. The topic of this thread is the mutual debate challenges between Trump and NIKKI HALEY. Trump challenged Haley first - apparently to one of those dementia tests he's mastered - but, when Haley responded with a debate challenge of her own, is now walking that back like the coward he is..

Has trump actually denied a debate? I didn’t think he gave a response?
Haley was most assuredly not the first person to suggest Trump suffers dementia.

Based on LOTS of evidence. Recall the Nikki Haley / Nancy Pelosi confusion?

And they were IMPRESSIVE

Yes. I'm not certain what your problem might be here. There were a lot of things that happened before the events noted in the OP.

That was NOT the first time Trump had boasted about taking and passing that test. The first time was while he was in office. Do YOU not remember that?

I never even suggested that it was unrreasonable.

The debate would be enormously more challenging than a dementia test. To suggest otherwise is... demented. ; - )

Says the worst presidential debaters.

A large number of our presidents and congresspeople have been lawyers. If you're job deals almost purely with the law, it's not a bad place to start.

The point is the dementia claims against him are what caused Trump to correctly bring up dementia test results.
So Trump did not start the inappropriate topic, and his response was appropriate.

The Nikki Haley/Pelosi confusion is after a long plane flight, and everyone gets like that when tired.
That is not at all proof. And in fact it proves Trump is winging it and not just reading prepared speeches. So it counts in his favor, not against him.

While I would have been interested in seeing a debate myself, it could only give Haley more exposure, so is strategically a bad idea. Not debating her indicates nothing more than good planning.

I have never seen a lawyer who really understands law at all.
Lawyers keep trying to quote legislation and demand to see legislation to back up any claims of what is legal or not, and that clearly is incredibly ignorant.
Legislation is not at all the foundation or basis for law.
If it were, then legislation could never be struck down as illegal, which happens frequently.
Clearly REAL law is a set of abstractions based on the defense of inherent individual rights, in a republic.
And it is the need for the defense of those rights that should be discussed, not quoting legislation.
The history of lawyers getting law totally wrong is long and awful. Like Dred Scott, Prohibition, the War on Drugs, federal gun control, over turning Roe vs Wade, etc.
For example, with overturning Roe vs Wade, they are allowing state legislatures to essentially practice medicine, dictate a religious definition of life, and override the basic privacy and intimate choices of families. The actual principles of law that violates is obvious and horrendous.

And your basic premise is wrong. Those who do the best in debates, like Reagan, are the worst presidents. They are not basing their positions on any complex or logical thought, but populist jingo.
That would put Hitler at the top of the list of people to vote for. And clearly I disagree with that.
Because it reveals his cowardice.
Nonsense from a dope. He has other fish to fry and she has become just an irrelevant gnat. It isn’t cowardice to ignore her, now. It’s just good management.

You wouldn’t understand.

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