How Does Trump Back Out of This One Without Looking Completely Ball-less?

You’re so stupid you cheer as the MSM and deep state destroy anyone decent that may come along to try to fix the system.
And you are truly CRAZY if you believe that POS trump is THAT GUY who is trying to fix the system.

Con Man works for the con man.
trump isn't working for you, ya fool.
To ensure that he gets a fair deal and makes it a debate on policy and process of being President rather than let's embarrass and attack Trump.
Does Haley also get to select the moderator? She has just as much at stake. It looks to me as if the moderator or a small set of moderators should be selected by a neutral third party and if Trump and Haley can't agree on one, the debate is off.
The polls say you’re wrong. But that should be no surprise
What polls? Show us a poll that says the public thinks Trump doesn't need to debate because his opponents aren't serious.
After bragging of having passed two dementia tests, Trump challenges Haley to an "aptitude test". Haley returns with a challlenge to an actual debate, on stage. Trump, of course, is chicken. Does that bother any of you Trump fans? Don't you think that makes him look like reveals that he's a demented, yellow-bellied coward?

You as a democrat want him to debate Haley because you think it could potentially hurt him. That potential always exists in a debate. Thats why he is just ignoring her. Thats it, game over, Trump wins. :dunno:
You as a democrat want him to debate Haley because you think it could potentially hurt him. That potential always exists in a debate. Thats why he is just ignoring her. Thats it, game over, Trump wins. :dunno:

Trump does best for himself when he shuts the fk up.
He debated everyone in 2016 and won. Now his 2020 debates may not have been quite as successful, but he has to think he won them.

His 2016 debates where all about how bad everything was, and how he was going to fix it. After 4 years of not fixing much of anything, and doing the opposite of most his promises, he'd get exposed.
So he hides behind his rallies and social media so he don't have to answer for all his lies and broken promises.

For him, that's a win. For his supporters who have been bragging about Trumps embellished record, it's an even bigger win, because they have to try and explain why they still support a loser.
I used to like Kimmel, Fallon, Cobert, Meyers, John Oliver, Bill Maher, etc., but they have all gone down hill.
In what way?
Its now all just all superficial Trump bashing.
All late night comedians have always bashed the president. Some presidents are more bashable than others. You have to admit that Trump is an absolute gold mine for them. Remember Bush Jr. He was close.
And while I do not like Trump, the attacks on Trump are ridiculous and embarrassing to watch.
Well, that's a subjective opinion. I didn't like to watch when they made fun of Obama or Clinton, but I never faulted them for doing it.
They are crude and uninformed.
Kimmel and Letterman were very well informed. Their staffs make certain of it.
It is obvious Trump is actually the innocent victim.
That is not the LEAST bit obvious.
Like in the Jean Carroll case, she accuses him of rape after 30 years, and he then is not supposed to defend himself from those charges, by getting hit with a 83 million defamation suit?
A jury of his peers made those decisions and there is a great deal of evidence that such behavior from him was very typical. How many women accused him of sexual molestation? EIGHTEEN. And he himself admitted to such behavior. What does it take to convince you?
Sorry, but the law says you CAN discredit and attack those who accuse you.
What law is that?
The problem seems to be you are getting your information from these very superficial and bad TV shows.
I get my information from CNN, Google News, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSN, AP, BBC and SmartNews. I'm just reading them off the bookmark bar at the top of my screen here. I don't get news from late night tv - I am almost always well aware of it long before the shows air.
Look at reality.
The first charge was the classified docs
The first criminal charge brought against Trump was falsifying business records re a series of checks he wrote attorney Michael Cohen to be paid for the silence of two different women who claimed to have had extramarital affairs with him. The next indictment was for the classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. The third was the federal election subversion case and the fourth was the Georgia election subversion case..
and if you actually read the laws, presidents have total discretion over them. They can do whatever they want with them, permanently.
I spent six years in the military and 36 years as a military contractor with secret clearances and above. I am familiar with the statutory requirements for handling classified material. Since this case came about, I have read the Presidential Records Act. Trump, as president, had the authority to declassify anything he wanted to but he did NOT have the power to do that in his mind, by himself or without proper procedure and documentation. The Presidential Records Act, which may be read in its entirety here: does NOT do what Trump has claimed it does. It quite clearly states:

§2202. Ownership of Presidential records​

The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.​

after having provided the following definitions:

§2201. Definitions​

As used in this chapter—​

(1) The term "documentary material" means all books, correspondence, memoranda, documents, papers, pamphlets, works of art, models, pictures, photographs, plats, maps, films, and motion pictures, including, but not limited to, audio and visual records, or other electronic or mechanical recordations, whether in analog, digital, or any other form.​
(2) The term "Presidential records" means documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by the President, the President's immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of the President whose function is to advise or assist the President, in the course of conducting activities which relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President. Such term—​
(A) includes any documentary materials relating to the political activities of the President or members of the President's staff, but only if such activities relate to or have a direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President; but​
(B) does not include any documentary materials that are (i) official records of an agency (as defined in section 552(e) 1 of title 5, United States Code); (ii) personal records; (iii) stocks of publications and stationery; or (iv) extra copies of documents produced only for convenience of reference, when such copies are clearly so identified.​
(3) The term "personal records" means all documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion therof,2 of a purely private or nonpublic character which do not relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President. Such term includes—​
(A) diaries, journals, or other personal notes serving as the functional equivalent of a diary or journal which are not prepared or utilized for, or circulated or communicated in the course of, transacting Government business;​
(B) materials relating to private political associations, and having no relation to or direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President; and​
(C) materials relating exclusively to the President's own election to the office of the Presidency; and materials directly relating to the election of a particular individual or individuals to Federal, State, or local office, which have no relation to or direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.​
(4) The term "Archivist" means the Archivist of the United States.​
(5) The term "former President", when used with respect to Presidential records, means the former President during whose term or terms of office such Presidential records were created.​
Donald Trump has blatantly lied to the American public about the Presidential Records Act (and a great many other things). You would be well advised to rely on NOTHING he tells you without strict verification.
For example, if the CIA steals classified weapons docs from the Russians and a president gives them to a US weapons producer, does the US weapons producer have to give them back when the president's term is over? Of course not.
The president could do that but he would have to go through the proper procedure to declassify that material. If he did NOT do that, the material should and would be immediately seized from whomever the president gave it.
All the other 90 charges against Trump are like that, ridiculous.
Since the Espionage Act violation charges are not the LEAST bit ridiculous but the ones most likely to put Trump behind bars, the fact that he has 90 other charges you find equivalent, puts the man is in very, very deep doodoo.
All those involved with the charges, including judge Lewis Kaplan, should all be in jail.
No, they should not. What SHOULD change here is you taking the word of a known pathological liar and failing to do ANYTHING to verify it. Trump's lies are generally stupid and can be shown false in seconds. You should make the effort.
They clearly are the ones violating rights.
Not just Trump's rights, but the 80 million voters.
The only people attempting to violate rights were Trump and company's attempts to overthrow a fair and legal election which he lost in order to illegally and unconstitutionally remain in power. Donald J Trump is a traitor and should spend the rest of his life behind bars.
Does Haley also get to select the moderator? She has just as much at stake. It looks to me as if the moderator or a small set of moderators should be selected by a neutral third party and if Trump and Haley can't agree on one, the debate is off.
Nope. She's the one who wants to debate instead of taking his challenge. I think the ball is ethically in his court. But they can mutually agree that questions not related to what the person's duties as President will be will not be on the table.
Are you arguing the current crop were better?

Damn, you must be INCEL
Current crop WERE better? I'm not following your tense.

I'm suggesting that Carson is dead and Leno is retired.
Nope. She's the one who wants to debate instead of taking his challenge. I think the ball is ethically in his court.
I disagree. If the Yankees invite the Dodgers to a game, the invitation doesn't give the Dodgers the right to rewrite the rules.
I disagree. If the Yankees invite the Dodgers to a game, the invitation doesn't give the Dodgers the right to rewrite the rules.
But if the Dodgers have reason to think the game is rigged in favor of the Yankees, are they cowards to refuse?
You as a democrat want him to debate Haley because you think it could potentially hurt him.
Yes, but I believe it will hurt him by informing the American electorate of the actual state of his current qualifications.
That potential always exists in a debate. Thats why he is just ignoring her. Thats it, game over, Trump wins.
Unless he gets convicted of crimes that cause his popularity to plummet.
But if the Dodgers have reason to think the game is rigged in favor of the Yankees, are they cowards to refuse?
No, but if the game is not rigged and the Dodgers know that, we're back to a revelation of cowardice with dishonesty throw in to boot.
After bragging of having passed two dementia tests, Trump challenges Haley to an "aptitude test". Haley returns with a challlenge to an actual debate, on stage. Trump, of course, is chicken. Does that bother any of you Trump fans? Don't you think that makes him look like reveals that he's a demented, yellow-bellied coward?

donald trump thanks you for your support,,
YO! Wake up!!! You're missing all the fun. Besides, we were all talking about you behind your back.
Crick: you seem to wish to imagine that I cared about anytiiig you say.

Your entire existence is just for my amusement. And you even suck at that.
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