How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Liberals aren't the ones who believe in torture and making America a pirate nation. That would be your kind.

Take the oil: Are Republicans now on the side of "War Crimes"?
We know - none of you would ever do what it takes to protect America. You're more interested in seeing it fall. You people hate the founders, hate the U.S. Constitution, and hate capitalism.

I 100% support the torture of a muslim terrorist. I support it just for "fun" and just as a deterrent to future terrorists. Unlike a soldier of say...Russia....muslim terrorists do not represent a nation, do not defend anyone, and do not wear a uniform. While I would never advocate the torture of a uniformed soldier of another nation, I fully support it with muslims.
Stealing, invasion and torture would do more towards this nation's downfall than anything Democrats could do. Try to figure out why.
Liberals aren't the ones who believe in torture and making America a pirate nation. That would be your kind.

Take the oil: Are Republicans now on the side of "War Crimes"?
We know - none of you would ever do what it takes to protect America. You're more interested in seeing it fall. You people hate the founders, hate the U.S. Constitution, and hate capitalism.

I 100% support the torture of a muslim terrorist. I support it just for "fun" and just as a deterrent to future terrorists. Unlike a soldier of say...Russia....muslim terrorists do not represent a nation, do not defend anyone, and do not wear a uniform. While I would never advocate the torture of a uniformed soldier of another nation, I fully support it with muslims.
Stealing, invasion and torture would do more towards this nation's downfall than anything Democrats could do. Try to figure out why.
We know "why" - because you believe what ever your progressive masters tell you. Even though none of it is true.

Waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is what lead to the courier for Bin Laden - which lead to his death. But hey....don't let those pesky little facts get in your way.
A liberal hypocrite strikes again.

This teacher showed her class a video of Trump's inauguration and, at one point, she aimed a squirt gun at his image and started "shooting" him. She yelled 'die' during her little mock assassination.

Liberal teachers have freaked over kids with toy guns, even though they weren't even pretending to shoot anyone, and yet they think it's okay for them to pretend to kill someone they don't like.

The teacher should be fired. We don't need these crazy ass libs messing with our children's minds.

Teacher Acts Out Trump ‘Assassination’ While Showing Inaugural...
It just never stops with progressives. The intolerance. The violence. The hate. We need to prosecute these people and get them behind bars where they belong...

The left has gone from bad to worse to down right criminal. The beauty of it is that the world is watching and their actions are manufacturing more conservatives every day. The bad news is that a lot of good people are getting hurt in the process.

Conservatives: I cannot stress this enough. You must be armed 24x7. When you attend these events, arm yourself (firearms, knives, teasers, mace, etc.). Not just one of those. All of those. Go in groups and defend yourselves. Use the minimum force necessary to end the violence against you (up to and including lethal force). Whatever level you were forced into using, keep them subdued until law enforcement arrives and press charges. Don't let these animals just get up and walk away so that they can comeback again the next day and attack someone else.

To the Trump Administration: it's time to crack down on this stuff. This is domestic terrorism - making it your jurisdiction. It is time to turn Homeland Security and the F.B.I. on these animals. Track them down, prosecute them, and put them in prison where they belong.

Domestic Terrorism Hits UC Berkeley and Our Media Only Encourages More
A. The ambulance should have run these filthy animals over

B. Each and every one of them should be charged with attempted murder

C. Progressives are such disgusting, filthy animals. Look at this guy. Looks like he's strung out on heroin and hasn't showered in several weeks.


Anti-Trump protesters block ambulance with critical patient
This is a prime example of how evil liberalism is...

Seattle, Wash. community is in uproar after a man undressed in the women’s locker room at a local pool. The women inside the locker room at the time attempted to kick him out, but the guy refused and said “the law has changed and I have the right to be here.”

He returned to the restroom for a second time later that evening, when young girls were changing for swim practice.

Wash. man uses women's bathroom to test transgender ruling
They should have stuck with don't ask, don't tell. But no... they have to thrust their "moral" code on government. Same goes with their concept of charity which is progressive taxation. They behave just like religious fanatics because they are religious fanatics.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains its extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity towards a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to reject it.
Enough to sell Uranium to Russia and give Nukes to Iran while watching ISIS thugs behead 10s of thousands and doing nothing. Enough to spy on Americans and our President while plotting a Seditious Revolt with Obama as the leader of a treasonous group of vipers.
The left has gone from bad to worse

Hate is a core value of fascism.

This is how evil progressivism is...

The violent left-wing hatriot thugs

The violent left-wing hatriot thugs

:lol: Buttsoiler starts a thread about "Liberalism" and then proceeds to cite "the left"... "fascism".... "progressivism", whatever that is .... everything but "Liberal".

What a maroon.
Liberals aren't the ones who believe in torture and making America a pirate nation. That would be your kind.

Take the oil: Are Republicans now on the side of "War Crimes"?
We know - none of you would ever do what it takes to protect America. You're more interested in seeing it fall. You people hate the founders, hate the U.S. Constitution, and hate capitalism.

I 100% support the torture of a muslim terrorist. I support it just for "fun" and just as a deterrent to future terrorists. Unlike a soldier of say...Russia....muslim terrorists do not represent a nation, do not defend anyone, and do not wear a uniform. While I would never advocate the torture of a uniformed soldier of another nation, I fully support it with muslims.
Stealing, invasion and torture would do more towards this nation's downfall than anything Democrats could do. Try to figure out why.
We know "why" - because you believe what ever your progressive masters tell you. Even though none of it is true.

Waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is what lead to the courier for Bin Laden - which lead to his death. But hey....don't let those pesky little facts get in your way.

Oh fucking bullshit. And again ----- nothing whatsoever to do with LIberalism.
A liberal hypocrite strikes again.

This teacher showed her class a video of Trump's inauguration and, at one point, she aimed a squirt gun at his image and started "shooting" him. She yelled 'die' during her little mock assassination.

Liberal teachers have freaked over kids with toy guns, even though they weren't even pretending to shoot anyone, and yet they think it's okay for them to pretend to kill someone they don't like.

The teacher should be fired. We don't need these crazy ass libs messing with our children's minds.

Teacher Acts Out Trump ‘Assassination’ While Showing Inaugural...

Dafuk does this have to do with Liberalism?

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