How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

This is how left-wing policy always ends: complete and total poverty and misery...

Apparently the top 10 states that voted for Hillary Clinton over President-elect Donald Trump during the 2016 election have a very disturbing commonality: they’re dying.

According to the Independent Journal Review, citing work by noted Washington Times columnist and economist Stephen Moore, those states are performing so poorly economically “people are clamoring to move out of them.”

Blue states that voted for Hillary Clinton share something in common: they’re dying
Is racism a problem in the US?
If a problem, should universities, attempt to study the problem the nation attempt to remove the problem?
This isn't a university "study". This is a course attempting to indoctrinate young, naive minds that white people are the root of all evil and the cause of all of their problems.
Is that what the syllabus for the course says?
Is racism a problem in the US?
If a problem, should universities, attempt to study the problem the nation attempt to remove the problem?
This isn't a university "study". This is a course attempting to indoctrinate young, naive minds that white people are the root of all evil and the cause of all of their problems.
Is that what the syllabus for the course says?
Yes. This is why it's a good idea to read the article before commenting...
Look at all of this "tolerance" by this repulsive progressive. There are so many things wrong here on so many levels:
  • She proudly proclaims herself a "slut" and supports that position with positive points about being a "slut". This is a pig teaching young, impressionable minds. Her words tell young men not to value women, but to see them as nothing but sexual objects for their own pleasure (which explains all of the Democrat male politicians) and it tells young women that they are not worthy of being anything but a sexual object to men.
  • Like all progressive fascists, this repulsive pig cannot accept that someone else has a different opinion, a right to voice that different opinion, and a right to vote however they want.
  • She engages in severe cyber bullying of her once former friend simply because her friend did not vote for who this repulsive progressive pig wanted her to vote for.
As appalling as this story is - there could be a silver lining. This might show a one time Dumbocrat supporter just how ugly and evil that side of the aisle is and turn her into a conservative.

Georgetown Professor LOSES IT on Muslim Student When She Explains Reason for Voting Trump...
This is what happens with the progressive policy approach to crime. It just doesn't work when you disarm law abiding citizens, demonize law enforcement, and ensure that thugs everywhere will be immune from responsibility for their actions.

Progressives are causing blood to flow in the streets. And it's not a coincidence that it's nearly exclusively black blood that is flowing. It's such a shame that progressives got control of the education system in America and dumbed down the black community to the point that they can't even see what progressives are doing to them. Keeping them illiterate and indoctrinating them has resulted in the simplistic mind-set of "Dumbocrat good, Republican bad" despite the fact that they are dying and wallowing in the misery of progressivism.

Black Lives Matter gets what it wants in Chicago — and crime is skyrocketing
This is what happens with the progressive policy approach to crime. It just doesn't work when you disarm law abiding citizens, demonize law enforcement, and ensure that thugs everywhere will be immune from responsibility for their actions.

Progressives are causing blood to flow in the streets. And it's not a coincidence that it's nearly exclusively black blood that is flowing. It's such a shame that progressives got control of the education system in America and dumbed down the black community to the point that they can't even see what progressives are doing to them. Keeping them illiterate and indoctrinating them has resulted in the simplistic mind-set of "Dumbocrat good, Republican bad" despite the fact that they are dying and wallowing in the misery of progressivism.

Black Lives Matter gets what it wants in Chicago — and crime is skyrocketing
So the problem seems to be that Chicago had little crime and was a great place to live until the progressives dumbed down the Black community? Any idea of when the dumbing-down of the black community began in Chicago?
This is what happens with the progressive policy approach to crime. It just doesn't work when you disarm law abiding citizens, demonize law enforcement, and ensure that thugs everywhere will be immune from responsibility for their actions.

Progressives are causing blood to flow in the streets. And it's not a coincidence that it's nearly exclusively black blood that is flowing. It's such a shame that progressives got control of the education system in America and dumbed down the black community to the point that they can't even see what progressives are doing to them. Keeping them illiterate and indoctrinating them has resulted in the simplistic mind-set of "Dumbocrat good, Republican bad" despite the fact that they are dying and wallowing in the misery of progressivism.

Black Lives Matter gets what it wants in Chicago — and crime is skyrocketing
So the problem seems to be that Chicago had little crime and was a great place to live until the progressives dumbed down the Black community? Any idea of when the dumbing-down of the black community began in Chicago?
No. The problem is that Chicago had a lot of crime because of progressive corruption (if you check the history you will find an endless stream of appalling Dumbocrat mayors, councilmen, judges, officers, etc.) who sold their office - and by extension, justice - to Al Capone and the Chicago syndicate.

But those same progressives took all of that crime and made it exponentially worse by implementing policy designed to increase the power of politicians, decrease the rights and powers of the people, and ensure as many people as possible are in poverty and beholden to the government plantation for their survival.

Tell me regent - how is that whole gun ban thing working out in Chicago right now?
How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

since "liberals" of today are really socialists

and the socialist govt's of China, USSR, Nazi
have killed millions in the name of a false Utopia

One should say, pretty evil

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