How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

This is how evil progressivism is...they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

But police are now saying the incident never happened.

In fact, the woman apparently admitted to police that she made up the entire story about the attack at the hands of two white males.

Muslim Student Claimed White Man in Trump Hat Assaulted Her. Now Police Are Setting Record Straight.

What the fuck is "Progressivism", Buttsoiler? And what does it have to do with this topic?
"There is something fundamentally unfair about a government that takes away so much of people's money, power, and personal control while telling them that life will be better as a result." - Steve Forbes
This isn't how evil progressivism is..

This is a prime example of why America rejected the Democrats and the alt-left. They not only attempt to crucify people for their beliefs (much like ISIS, the Taliban and other muslim radicals), but they even attempt to do it to people who haven't even shared their beliefs. The Gaines' have made no comment at all on where they stand on homosexuality. And yet the alt-left (which is practically the all-left) are attempting to shame and destroy them.

As a hard-core constitutional conservative, I just want to say thank you to progressives for destroying the Dumbocrat Party and employing an extremist, bat-shit crazy ideology. You've turned rational people against you all across the country (and all across the globe). You single-handedly ended the Clinton family role in politics, turned millions towards conservatism, and handed control of the White House, House, Senate, and 33 states to the Republican's.

BuzzFeed’s Attack on Chip and Joanna Gaines Backfires
The second book I pulled off the shelf, "Your Rugged Constitution by Bruce Findlay says this: "The Constitution does not say plainly that the Supreme Court shall have this great power (judicial review) yet it has been used by the Court for over 100 years."
How many law books would convince you?
And why would you go to books about the U.S. Constitution when you can just go to the U.S. Constitution itself. This is as stupid as teammates forming opinions about Michael Jordan based off of books they read about him when they could just go actually talk to Michael Jordan himself. Seriously...who does that?!? :lol:

It seems the Constitution is a little more complex than Michael Jordan, which is why we have a Supreme Court that decided they would interpret the Constitution in a most famous case, Marbury. I remember a course on the Constitution in college where many of us went through the revelation that the Constitution does not spell out judicial review.
By this time you must have discovered this fact yourself.
The second book I pulled off the shelf, "Your Rugged Constitution by Bruce Findlay says this: "The Constitution does not say plainly that the Supreme Court shall have this great power (judicial review) yet it has been used by the Court for over 100 years."
How many law books would convince you?
And why would you go to books about the U.S. Constitution when you can just go to the U.S. Constitution itself. This is as stupid as teammates forming opinions about Michael Jordan based off of books they read about him when they could just go actually talk to Michael Jordan himself. Seriously...who does that?!? :lol:

It seems the Constitution is a little more complex than Michael Jordan, which is why we have a Supreme Court that decided they would interpret the Constitution in a most famous case, Marbury. I remember a course on the Constitution in college where many of us went through the revelation that the Constitution does not spell out judicial review.
By this time you must have discovered this fact yourself. are 10 shades of confused about the Marybury case. :lmao:

First you claimed that it created "judicial review" (when the U.S. Constitution clearly and indisputably spelled that out already). And now you're claiming that it established that the Supreme Court could interpret the U.S. Constitution itself (when it did no such thing).

Progressives are funny little creatures. Whenever they hear something that makes them feel "smart" they will repeat is ad-nauseam even when it's nonsensical. For most progressives, it's the buzzwords "infrastructure", "critical thinking", and "threat to national security". But Regent here has decided to take the road less traveled. The term he has latched onto and throws out in every discussion even when it doesn't make sense is "Marbury vs. Madison". Ah may be just as stupid, but at least it's not as redundant!
It seems the Constitution is a little more complex than Michael Jordan...
Nah. It's just a little three page document. It's not nearly as complex as a human being. The fact that you find it such an impossible mountain to climb explains why you are so confused by it.

( the way....that was just an analogy. It illustrates how dumb it is to read material B about material A when you can skip the middle man, go directly to the source, and read material A)
So why all the Court cases if one just has to read the Constitution? The Supreme Court is asked to review over eight thousand cases each year and it hears eighty. So why don't those eight thousand case lawyers just read the Constitution as you do? Do your Constitutional decisions usually stand, or do some question or even appeal?
So why all the Court cases if one just has to read the Constitution? The Supreme Court is asked to review over eight thousand cases each year and it hears eighty. So why don't those eight thousand case lawyers just read the Constitution as you do? Do your Constitutional decisions usually stand, or do some question or even appeal?
Why? Because there are men and women like Barack Obama (they are called progressives) who will break any law to get what they want. Therefore, the founders created yet an additional layer of checks and balances.

For instance - the 2nd Amendment is absolutely crystal clear. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Yet progressives attempt to outlaw firearms all the time. They know what it says. They don't care. They can't accept the rights of others or a limitation of their power. That is why we have court cases.
So why all the Court cases if one just has to read the Constitution? The Supreme Court is asked to review over eight thousand cases each year and it hears eighty. So why don't those eight thousand case lawyers just read the Constitution as you do? Do your Constitutional decisions usually stand, or do some question or even appeal?
Why? Because there are men and women like Barack Obama (they are called progressives) who will break any law to get what they want. Therefore, the founders created yet an additional layer of checks and balances.

For instance - the 2nd Amendment is absolutely crystal clear. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Yet progressives attempt to outlaw firearms all the time. They know what it says. They don't care. They can't accept the rights of others or a limitation of their power. That is why we have court cases.
So why did the Anti Federalists, the liberals, keep insisting on a Bill of Rights?
So why all the Court cases if one just has to read the Constitution? The Supreme Court is asked to review over eight thousand cases each year and it hears eighty. So why don't those eight thousand case lawyers just read the Constitution as you do? Do your Constitutional decisions usually stand, or do some question or even appeal?
Why? Because there are men and women like Barack Obama (they are called progressives) who will break any law to get what they want. Therefore, the founders created yet an additional layer of checks and balances.

For instance - the 2nd Amendment is absolutely crystal clear. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Yet progressives attempt to outlaw firearms all the time. They know what it says. They don't care. They can't accept the rights of others or a limitation of their power. That is why we have court cases.
So why did the Anti Federalists, the liberals, keep insisting on a Bill of Rights?
For the exact same reason. They feared that men would abuse power (as progressives have) and the federal government would become oppressive. They were concerned over what they considered the most critical rights (free speech, firearms, privacy, etc.).
What you call 'liberals' are anything but.

They are dimocraps. I call them dimocrap scum because -- That's what they are.

I, personally, am liberal. I believe in our Republic, I believe in Natural Rights, I believe in a person's right to be free, I believe in all the things spelled out in our Founding Documents.

I am a liberal.

dimocrap SCUM are NOT liberals.

dimocrap SCUM are the lowest form of life to ever exist on the Planet Earth.

The dimocrap scum party is a criminal organization. It's intent is to enslave ALL the people of the USA.

Think I'm being radical? Think about how much they've done for African Americans over the decades. They've taken them off the southern plantations (run by dimocraps) and put them in Inner City plantations (run byt dimocraps). The only time they give a flying FUCK about them is every four years.

Otherwise, they're happy to abort them, let them kill each other (700 hundred dead in Chicago so far), let them go to failing schools, let them roam the streets without Fathers because they've been made Feral Animals by the dimocrap scum party. Turned the women into...... Whatever

dimocrap scum are the lowest form of life to ever exist on the Planet.


Worse than Nazis, worse than the communists, worse than the Fascists, worse than the conquering hordes of Huns and Mongols......

And they should be eradicated like the disease they are

And the reason the founders gave for the right to bear arms was what?
Haven't I done enough of your homework for you? Do you really not know the answer to this already? Do you really not know how to find it?
As good lawyers say: never ask a question if you do not know the answer. It sounded like you wanted to go off on the second amendment for a time so this seemed like the best place to start.
And the reason the founders gave for the right to bear arms was what?
Haven't I done enough of your homework for you? Do you really not know the answer to this already? Do you really not know how to find it?
As good lawyers say: never ask a question if you do not know the answer. It sounded like you wanted to go off on the second amendment for a time so this seemed like the best place to start.
But we're not in a court of law here. So why are you asking questions about things that basically everyone who didn't drop out of high school already knows the answer to? :dunno:

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