How exactly can someone respect either party?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Bush first ran in 2000. Liberals were already attacking him as an enemy of the proletariat, a racist, a sexist, a theocrat, a Muslim hater, a monkey, and the modern day Hitler. This continued nonstop for eight years. Conservatives took this as a sign that liberals hated America and set themselves up as firm supporters of the government. Liberals took him as a reason to do so and set themselves up as staunch critics of the administration.
Obama first ran in 2008. Conservatives were already attacking him as a Communist, a socialist, a racist, an atheist, a Muslim, a monkey, and the modern day Hitler. This has continued nonstop for going on eight years. Liberals took this as a sign that conservatives hate America and set themselves up as firm supporters of the government. Conservatives took him as a reason to hate the government and set themselves up as staunch critics of the administration.
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Translation: You can't defend your side when it's been acting exactly like the enemy, but you can't bring yourself to let it go unchallenged either, so you take your usual lazy hit-and-run method. You also don't believe I'm independent because reasons.
Phony equivalence fallacies are boring. As are people who claim to be independents.
Yes, I thought this was erroneous in many ways but it shows someone is actually trying to think about the nature of human politics, that's better than most people do regarding politics, so I applaud the effort. Truth is the two parties and their followers act very different when they hold power and when they do not.
Translation: You can't defend your side when it's been acting exactly like the enemy,

But they don't act like the enemy. That would be the point. You're sputtering now because I won't accept your big lie at face value.

but you can't bring yourself to let it go unchallenged either, so you take your usual lazy hit-and-run method. You also don't believe I'm independent because reasons.

Those reasons being that you regularly parrot GOP propaganda here. For example, see all your recent crazy rants about Planned Parenthood. If you don't want to be called a GOP shill, stop acting like one. You're not capable of criticizing Republicans beyond a mealymouthed "They're just as bad as the Democrats!", which is the big giveaway for spotting a GOP shill who is trying to pretend to be independent.

And speaking of lazy hit-and-run tactics, I expect you'll be leaving now, given your reluctance to stick around in the threads you start.
But they don't act like the enemy. That would be the point. You're sputtering now because I won't accept your big lie at face value.
Which part do you dispute, that liberals were calling Bush Hitler for eight years, or that conservatives have been doing the same to Obama for approximately the same amount of time?

Those reasons being that you regularly parrot GOP propaganda here.
Such as...?

For example, see all your recent crazy rants about Planned Parenthood.
Oh. You mean that I posted the undercover interviews with PP employees where they admitted to skirting around the law to profit off doing fucked up shit. Gotcha.

If you don't want to be called a GOP shill, stop acting like one.
Eh. Your opinion of me is probably the lowest of my concerns. Just for shits and giggles, though, how much do you fantasize Karl Rove is paying me to piss you off in my free time?

You're not capable of criticizing Republicans beyond a mealymouthed "They're just as bad as the Democrats!", which is the big giveaway for spotting a GOP shill who is trying to pretend to be independent.
They're corrupt as fuck. They falsely imprisoned the last Democratic lawyer of my state then burned down a woman's house and tried to murder her for investigating it. Bush was going to invade Iraq before he got elected and lied to the public to justify it. His buddies made bank off the wars. They've pretty much hijacked the pro-life movement while actively opposing the interests of the working poor and throwing refugees back into the same cartel run shithole they tried escaping from. I've said all of this here before. Not my fault you've if you've chosen not to read it.

And speaking of lazy hit-and-run tactics, I expect you'll be leaving now, given your reluctance to stick around in the threads you start.
I will be going to work in about fifteen minutes, so there's that.
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Ah, the "You aren't glued to the computer all day, so I win!" sulky tactic.

Liberals didn't call Bush Hitler for 8 years. A very few liberals called Bush Hitler, and the rest of the liberals told them how such shit wasn't cool. I can't recall a single Democrat of any prominence making such a claim.

In contrast, a majority of conservatives are completely unhinged about Obama, including much of the Republican leadership. And the ones who aren't crazy are saying nothing to the kooks to reign them in.

The two sides aren't even remotely alike, and it takes sort of a willful blindness to pretend they are.

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