How far have we already gone?

So says the dumb ass that cannot do simple research to verify his stupid post concerning CO2 levels at the beginning of the present ice age.

I did the research rocks which is why I stated the number that I did. Sorry you are so poorly educated that you have become a dupe for any nutcase out there with an agenda to push.
So says the dumb ass that cannot do simple research to verify his stupid post concerning CO2 levels at the beginning of the present ice age.

I did the research rocks which is why I stated the number that I did. Sorry you are so poorly educated that you have become a dupe for any nutcase out there with an agenda to push.
You stupid bitch, shut the fuck up.

Wikipedia has oceanic pH at 8.069, today, 8.179 pre-industrial. That should be more believable, to you, than the amalgamation of measurements, from around the world, from my other source, since it comes in at a neat difference, of 0.11 pH, which is +28.8%.

Ocean acidification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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So says the dumb ass that cannot do simple research to verify his stupid post concerning CO2 levels at the beginning of the present ice age.

I did the research rocks which is why I stated the number that I did. Sorry you are so poorly educated that you have become a dupe for any nutcase out there with an agenda to push.
You stupid bitch, shut the fuck up.

Wikipedia has oceanic pH at 8.069, today, 8.179 pre-industrial. That should be more believable, to you, than the amalgamation of measurements, from around the world, from my other source, since it comes in at a neat difference, of 0.11 pH, which is +28.8%.

Ocean acidification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're ranting again.

530B additional tons of CO2 over 250 years, cannot possibly have the effect that you describe. It just not possible for it to lower pH by even .1 much less .4 as you allege

Yes, if you take the trouble to read the articles you link to you'll see that Carbolic acid breaks down into bicarbonate which is an alkaline, the opposite of an acid.

Sorry Crosstard, I went to a graph with variance, but you may actually be trying to figure this out, so from Wikipedia, pH migrated from 8.179 pre-industrial age, to 8.069, today, a 28.8% increase.

You are still a fucktard, since you spell carbonic acid as 'carbolic,' which it isn't. I posted the entire acid to carbonate exchange, earlier, and you were too punk to read it, since you were circle-jerking with guys like suckassbil.

The exchange to carbonate needs to keep ocean water basic, in order for shells to form. Since the shells aren't forming well, we can hypothesize carbonic acid is interfering, and studies show this is happening, all over the oceans. Don't forget to read die-off reports, already posted.

Suckassbil, your posts at every environment thread are consistently off-topic.
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Hey. Wiener. Psst! See the thread on acidification, where I wrote the OP? See about ten of my posts, which you were too gay to read, but they all mention carbonic acidification, and how the carbonic acid has an affinity, for cold water? Preach, if you must, DD+D.

Yeah, I saw the thread. You proved beyond any doubt that you fail to understand the science. And again, neither CO2 nor carbonic acid has any affinity for cold water. Neither CO2 nor carbonic acid seeks out cold water or bypasses warm water in favor of cold water which is what the word affinity suggests. Words have meanings and it always helps to know and understand those meanings if you want to avoid looking like a rube.

OMG, Wiener found out about the dead oysters. What's next, Wiener admits the reefs are due to die, by 2050, and the eggs, little fish, plankton, and whatever can go, any time? What's next, Wiener rants about CO2 being all the way, to 400 ppm? Go Wiener, go Wiener, go Wienerbitch! Earth to Wiener . . .

And again I found that you fail to understand the science. The cold water upwelling from the deep ocean has absolutely nothing to do with man and his burning of fossil fuel.

And again, I like the way you show how intimidated you are with your incessant and completely impotent name calling. I note that you can't talk to anyone on the topic without falsely fortifying yourself with a dose of name calling. Mental masturbation is what it is and it only makes you look like the idiot that you clearly are. But do keep it up because it is very entertaining. It is always good to know that one's opponent is intimidated and routine name calling is such a clear psychological tell.
You stupid bitch, shut the fuck up.

Wikipedia has oceanic pH at 8.069, today, 8.179 pre-industrial. That should be more believable, to you, than the amalgamation of measurements, from around the world, from my other source, since it comes in at a neat difference, of 0.11 pH, which is +28.8%.

Sorry guy, as with everyting else, you have missed the boat. You clearly don't have a clue as to what rocks and I were talking about. Here is a clue for you, the time period in question far preceeds the industrial period.

And anyone who accepts wiki as a credible source for information considering their history is a complete idiot.
Hey. Wiener. Psst! See the thread on acidification, where I wrote the OP? See about ten of my posts, which you were too gay to read, but they all mention carbonic acidification, and how the carbonic acid has an affinity, for cold water? Preach, if you must, DD+D.

Yeah, I saw the thread. You proved beyond any doubt that you fail to understand the science. And again, neither CO2 nor carbonic acid has any affinity for cold water. Neither CO2 nor carbonic acid seeks out cold water or bypasses warm water in favor of cold water which is what the word affinity suggests. Words have meanings and it always helps to know and understand those meanings if you want to avoid looking like a rube.

OMG, Wiener found out about the dead oysters. What's next, Wiener admits the reefs are due to die, by 2050, and the eggs, little fish, plankton, and whatever can go, any time? What's next, Wiener rants about CO2 being all the way, to 400 ppm? Go Wiener, go Wiener, go Wienerbitch! Earth to Wiener . . .

And again I found that you fail to understand the science. The cold water upwelling from the deep ocean has absolutely nothing to do with man and his burning of fossil fuel.

And again, I like the way you show how intimidated you are with your incessant and completely impotent name calling. I note that you can't talk to anyone on the topic without falsely fortifying yourself with a dose of name calling. Mental masturbation is what it is and it only makes you look like the idiot that you clearly are. But do keep it up because it is very entertaining. It is always good to know that one's opponent is intimidated and routine name calling is such a clear psychological tell.

But Wienerbitch, again you are being oppositional, in the face of science, and you assert your own previous oppositionality, and you are like the queers which shot speed and tricked their HIV all the way through full-blown AIDS, to die and kill others, which means you are a selfish shit-piece that gets called "bitch."

Ocean acidification - another effect of global warming | Time for change

Marine calcifiers face a second challenge: their calcium carbonate shells dissolve in environments that are too acidic. In fact, some deep, cold ocean waters are naturally too acidic for marine calcifiers to survive, meaning that these organisms only exist above a certain depth known as the "saturation horizon." With ocean acidification, the saturation horizon is expected to shift closer to the surface by 50 to 200 meters relative to its position during the 1800s (Doney, 2006). The Southern and Arctic oceans, which are colder and therefore naturally more acidic, may become entirely inhospitable for organisms with shells made from aragonite--one of the weaker mineral forms of calcium carbonate--by the end of this century (EUR-OCEANS, 2007).

Don't forget to eat lots of your own shit, and swallow it, since you put your foot in your mouth, your head up your asshole, and you don't chew and swallow your own shit or your own foot, but rather, you pull your head out of your ass, for moments, and show people your shit-eating grin. You type shit, for USMB readers. This will prove to be a mistake. Chew and wallow your own shit. Don't pony it over to USMB.


Here is Fatass' swell graph, again, since from thread-to-thread, you keep Wienerbitching around, ignoring Fatass' graph and its implications, which are CO2 flattens out, at 280 ppm, at peak warming, to fall, forcing cooling, which trend is consistent, for 430,000 years, until we get to the present, when CO2 shoots all the way to 400 ppm, today, following the industrial age, when humans multiplied, emitted GHGs, and defoliated, egregiously. And now for telling a bitch, just how it is . . .

Fatass' graph is following you around, Wienerbitch. Maybe you should have a look at the fucker! Even really stupid people can read graphs, Wiener. Go for it. This one shows what happens, with CO2, without too much methane, CH4. When the methane gets out, up go temperatures. When the cold water wells up, water-creatures get dead. It's rather simple, but you are worse than simple, you are a fucktard.
But Wienerbitch, again you are being oppositional, in the face of science, and you assert your own previous oppositionality, and you are like the queers which shot speed and tricked their HIV all the way through full-blown AIDS, to die and kill others, which means you are a selfish shit-piece that gets called "bitch."

You really should just come out of the closet guy. That much repressed latent homosexuality simply can't be good for your subconscious.

Marine calcifiers face a second challenge: their calcium carbonate shells dissolve in environments that are too acidic.

Define "to acidic" and describe what you believe atmospheric concentration/atmospheric temperature conditions would have to be like in order to reach that definiton of to acidic. Do keep in mind that as sea water warms, it is outgassing more CO2.
In English as a non-retard language, too acidic is any solution, which won't let calcification occur, so shellfish and plankton cannot form their shells.

Yeah, got that. Unlike you, I actually have some college chemistry under my belt. In fact, I was a chemistry major till I decided that I wanted to pursue orthodontics.

I asked you a question and apparently you couldn't find anything to cut and paste that provided an answer to the actual question I asked. Clearly, you are unable to actually discuss the topic and are nothing more than a cut and paste drone.

I asked you to define "to acidic" in terms of PH and then tell me how much CO2 you believe would need to be exchanged from the atmosphere to the ocean and under what temperature conditions this would need to happen.

Here is a clue guy, I am trying to get you to do just a bit of work and learn that if we burned every drop of fossil fuel on the planet during the depths of an ice age when the ocean could hold the maximum concentration of CO2, there wouldn't be enough to make the ocean acidic enough to kill off the life that evolved there during periods when atmospheric CO2 was measured in thousands of ppm.

In short, the sky isn't falling and all the hand waving hysterics you care to bring here isn't going to change that even one small bit.
Ol' Bent does not seem to understand the differance between calcite and aragonite. Nor the relationship between a minor shift in PH, and the ability of certain food chain base organism capability of creating a protective shell.

Ol' Bent does not seem to understand the differance between calcite and aragonite. Nor the relationship between a minor shift in PH, and the ability of certain food chain base organism capability of creating a protective shell.


And you do?:lol::lol: Now I've heard everything! The two have the exact same chemical composition (CaCO3) and are polymorphous to each other. The only real difference between them is in their crystalline structure. Calcite being trigonal and aragonite being orthorombic. Oh yeah calcite can also be flourescent whereas aragonite isn't.
May 2013 "May" see a avg May co2 level of 398.5-399.0 ppm with at least a week nearing 400ppm. We will see. Would need about 2 to 2.5 ppm increase to do it!

I think one of our weekly updates next May-- we may have our first global 400ppm. I'd say 1 out of 3 chance.

We got around 397.12 in early may this year! If we see a BIG NINO we will get the 3ppm!
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Ol' Bent does not seem to understand the differance between calcite and aragonite. Nor the relationship between a minor shift in PH, and the ability of certain food chain base organism capability of creating a protective shell.


I understand them perfectly rocks which is why I asked the question regarding the time they evolved. Do you not grasp the connection between the time of their evolution into the modern creatures we see today, the conditions in which they evolved, and that relationship to the present. You actually shoud be astounded that they can survive in today's conditions and wring your hands (if you must) over how quickly we can get back to the conditions in which they evolved.
All of that bob and still no answer to the very simple question I put to you. Clearly you are completely unable to actually discuss the topic. You are a cut and paste drone cutting and pasting and hoping that somewhere in the volumes of drivel you paste, there is something like the answer you were expected to give. Do you really have no words of your own that aren't impotent latently homosexual bloviation?
All of that bob and still no answer to the very simple question I put to you. Clearly you are completely unable to actually discuss the topic. You are a cut and paste drone cutting and pasting and hoping that somewhere in the volumes of drivel you paste, there is something like the answer you were expected to give. Do you really have no words of your own that aren't impotent latently homosexual bloviation?

Dr.Global Change is waiting for you, since you need to have answers, which are demonstrably not easy to estimate or compute, you moronic shit. Hit search, punk-hole!

Meanwhile, let me remind you, how you still apparently don't know, how to read Fatass' graph, so why should I do a load of PhD-level work because Queen Wienerbitch demands an answer, to a complicated calculation?

Earth to Wienerbitch:

Hey. Wiener. Psst! See the thread on acidification, where I wrote the OP? See about ten of my posts, which you were too gay to read, but they all mention carbonic acidification, and how the carbonic acid has an affinity, for cold water? Preach, if you must, DD+D.

Yeah, I saw the thread. You proved beyond any doubt that you fail to understand the science. And again, neither CO2 nor carbonic acid has any affinity for cold water. Neither CO2 nor carbonic acid seeks out cold water or bypasses warm water in favor of cold water which is what the word affinity suggests. Words have meanings and it always helps to know and understand those meanings if you want to avoid looking like a rube.

OMG, Wiener found out about the dead oysters. What's next, Wiener admits the reefs are due to die, by 2050, and the eggs, little fish, plankton, and whatever can go, any time? What's next, Wiener rants about CO2 being all the way, to 400 ppm? Go Wiener, go Wiener, go Wienerbitch! Earth to Wiener . . .

And again I found that you fail to understand the science. The cold water upwelling from the deep ocean has absolutely nothing to do with man and his burning of fossil fuel.

And again, I like the way you show how intimidated you are with your incessant and completely impotent name calling. I note that you can't talk to anyone on the topic without falsely fortifying yourself with a dose of name calling. Mental masturbation is what it is and it only makes you look like the idiot that you clearly are. But do keep it up because it is very entertaining. It is always good to know that one's opponent is intimidated and routine name calling is such a clear psychological tell.

But Wienerbitch, again you are being oppositional, in the face of science, and you assert your own previous oppositionality, and you are like the queers which shot speed and tricked their HIV all the way through full-blown AIDS, to die and kill others, which means you are a selfish shit-piece that gets called "bitch."

Ocean acidification - another effect of global warming | Time for change

Marine calcifiers face a second challenge: their calcium carbonate shells dissolve in environments that are too acidic. In fact, some deep, cold ocean waters are naturally too acidic for marine calcifiers to survive, meaning that these organisms only exist above a certain depth known as the "saturation horizon." With ocean acidification, the saturation horizon is expected to shift closer to the surface by 50 to 200 meters relative to its position during the 1800s (Doney, 2006). The Southern and Arctic oceans, which are colder and therefore naturally more acidic, may become entirely inhospitable for organisms with shells made from aragonite--one of the weaker mineral forms of calcium carbonate--by the end of this century (EUR-OCEANS, 2007).

Don't forget to eat lots of your own shit, and swallow it, since you put your foot in your mouth, your head up your asshole, and you don't chew and swallow your own shit or your own foot, but rather, you pull your head out of your ass, for moments, and show people your shit-eating grin. You type shit, for USMB readers. This will prove to be a mistake. Chew and wallow your own shit. Don't pony it over to USMB.


Here is Fatass' swell graph, again, since from thread-to-thread, you keep Wienerbitching around, ignoring Fatass' graph and its implications, which are CO2 flattens out, at 280 ppm, at peak warming, to fall, forcing cooling, which trend is consistent, for 430,000 years, until we get to the present, when CO2 shoots all the way to 400 ppm, today, following the industrial age, when humans multiplied, emitted GHGs, and defoliated, egregiously. And now for telling a bitch, just how it is . . .

Fatass' graph is following you around, Wienerbitch. Maybe you should have a look at the fucker! Even really stupid people can read graphs, Wiener. Go for it. This one shows what happens, with CO2, without too much methane, CH4. When the methane gets out, up go temperatures. When the cold water wells up, water-creatures get dead. It's rather simple, but you are worse than simple, you are a fucktard.

And still no answer. You really are a major league goob aren't you? And it was such a simple question.

Not to worry guy, I didn't expect an answer from you. Cut and paste drones never have answers. They all post reams of crap that they don't understand and can't answer even the simplest questions in their own words. Whats the matter bob, no words of your own?
And still no answer. You really are a major league goob aren't you? And it was such a simple question.

Not to worry guy, I didn't expect an answer from you. Cut and paste drones never have answers. They all post reams of crap that they don't understand and can't answer even the simplest questions in their own words. Whats the matter bob, no words of your own?

Wienershit, you want specific calcs, you want to know how acidic is "to acidic," you want to know all about GHGs, and you are some asshole, who doesn't read very well. When somebody knows exactly what specifics are relevant, I bet O.R. or Trakar beats me to it. The oceans are TOO acidic, already.

Since you are a queer, you didn't expect an answer. You know what the answer would be, if we had to be around each other. This forum lets you fuck up and demand answers, which simply are not evident. I will post GHG character, when the internet works well, which it isn't doing, on this hot day.
Wienershit, you want specific calcs, you want to know how acidic is "to acidic," you want to know all about GHGs, and you are some asshole, who doesn't read very well. When somebody knows exactly what specifics are relevant, I bet O.R. or Trakar beats me to it. The oceans are TOO acidic, already.

No bob, I don't want any "calcs" from you because wanting "calcs" from you would be like wanting bags of gold from a pennyless homeless person. It would be stupid to want "calcs" from you because you aren't able. It would be like wanting a dog to build its own house. I didn't ask a question that I though was over your head. I asked a straight forward question that you should be able to answer with a few words if you have even the least understanding of all the crap that you cut and paste.

Clearly you don't and you can't.

As a side note, how miserable you must be repressing your homosexuality to such a degree. You aren't in the closet bob, you are in a bank vault with 6 foot thick reinforced concete walls. How you must hate yourself for having to hide in private to look at photos of men and scream hatred for those who do it in public.

How terribly you must hate what you are if you find that you can't refrain from injecting it into a topic as far removed from sexual preference as climate change and you don't just inject it some, you can hardly make a single statement without telling everyone how badly you hate what you are. That sort of self hatred is going to burn you up bob. You can't keep that sort of thing bottled up indefiniately. Maybe it has already driven you across the boundry into illegal actions but if it hasn't, it will. Seek help bob before you do something you will live to regret or get caught next time you do it.
Wienershit, you want specific calcs, you want to know how acidic is "to acidic," you want to know all about GHGs, and you are some asshole, who doesn't read very well. When somebody knows exactly what specifics are relevant, I bet O.R. or Trakar beats me to it. The oceans are TOO acidic, already.

No bob, I don't want any "calcs" from you because wanting "calcs" from you would be like wanting bags of gold from a pennyless homeless person. It would be stupid to want "calcs" from you because you aren't able. It would be like wanting a dog to build its own house. I didn't ask a question that I though was over your head. I asked a straight forward question that you should be able to answer with a few words if you have even the least understanding of all the crap that you cut and paste.

Clearly you don't and you can't.

As a side note, how miserable you must be repressing your homosexuality to such a degree. You aren't in the closet bob, you are in a bank vault with 6 foot thick reinforced concete walls. How you must hate yourself for having to hide in private to look at photos of men and scream hatred for those who do it in public.

How terribly you must hate what you are if you find that you can't refrain from injecting it into a topic as far removed from sexual preference as climate change and you don't just inject it some, you can hardly make a single statement without telling everyone how badly you hate what you are. That sort of self hatred is going to burn you up bob. You can't keep that sort of thing bottled up indefiniately. Maybe it has already driven you across the boundry into illegal actions but if it hasn't, it will. Seek help bob before you do something you will live to regret or get caught next time you do it.

I cut and paste from sites with science, written by scientists, bitchin' Queen Wiener. You go to pants-on-fire jubilees, with lots of queer porn and hustles.

I'm not in a closet or a vault, Queenerbitch. I cut, paste, type, do healthy things, enjoy life as best I can. I have no self-hatred, such as you must have, leading to your royal advocacy. My pants aren't on fire, from lying all day, so I don't have your issues, and these won't apply to me, except I know you and your pals. You can see from my signature, I expect to meet kleptos.

You are a no-value geek, if it weren't for your leading questions, which lead to my research, into pub-criminology, which is a science a lot of libtards should be into, rather than imitating you.

What do you mean by illegal actions, Queen of the Republicans? Your whole life is about dirt. Go ahead and let us know, about illegal actions, if you think you know anything, which I'm sure you do, a lot more than you know about science or trends or reporting.
At the present 395 ppm of CO2, what are we already committed to in terms of ice melt, disregarding feedback effects? According to the paleo-record, an increase of about 25 meters in sea level.

Oh my!

Is there any way to appease the gods? If we were to give our virgin daughters to the Shamans, Michael Mann, Pope Algore, Phil Jones, etc.? Could they intervene with Gaea on behalf of our carbon sins, so she won't destroy the world due to our wickedness?

Will you, the good and faithful, be raptured before Gaea unleashes her wrath and destroys the world?

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