How far is the US from Fascism ?

I refuse to believe the polls. No way America 2024 will vote like Germany did in the 1930's. But that's exactly what Trump is attempting to pull off. If it worked for Hitler why not Trump? Does Trump have any other option? He can no longer pretend to be a moderate like he did when he first ran for president.

Remember he said the Clinton's and Pelosi were great. Bush should have gotten impeached for lying us into Iraq. He said he would raise taxes on rich people. But he also said a lot of things that appeal to a lot of people. The border, china, taxes, illegals, woke

The left better show up. I think they will. Nothing drives us to the polls after Trump won than Trump himself. We don't want a repeat. And no one has polled me.

And forget polls. What about last month when Republicans lost in OH, VA and KY? And what about the last midterms?

And what about the low inflation, unemployment and high stock market? Biden is crushing it. But it'll never be enough for the corporate media. Is the corporate media admitting how Biden's crushing it?

The invasion of Iraq was promoted by Clean Break Strategy and the dual citizen signatories of the PNAC long before Bush was president. Operation Mass Appeal was set in motion by the British in 1997-1998.
I refuse to believe the polls. No way America 2024 will vote like Germany did in the 1930's. But that's exactly what Trump is attempting to pull off. If it worked for Hitler why not Trump? Does Trump have any other option? He can no longer pretend to be a moderate like he did when he first ran for president.

Remember he said the Clinton's and Pelosi were great. Bush should have gotten impeached for lying us into Iraq. He said he would raise taxes on rich people. But he also said a lot of things that appeal to a lot of people. The border, china, taxes, illegals, woke

The left better show up. I think they will. Nothing drives us to the polls after Trump won than Trump himself. We don't want a repeat. And no one has polled me.

And forget polls. What about last month when Republicans lost in OH, VA and KY? And what about the last midterms?

And what about the low inflation, unemployment and high stock market? Biden is crushing it. But it'll never be enough for the corporate media. Is the corporate media admitting how Biden's crushing it?
Yeah, I agree that the anti-Trump vote will be significant again (it's the only reason I'd vote Democrat instead of third party), but I think there are some dangerous mitigating factors this time around.

First, Biden's age and physical decline are a legitimate concern. Second, while the inflation was inevitable, he's being blamed for it. Third, Trump has successfully tapped into a size and degree of unspoken rage and bigotry that I don't think is clear yet. And finally, I'm beginning to have my doubts that Americans, writ large, fully know or understand the historical parallels to what we're seeing play out here.

Regarding the media, it has been strangely inert. I think they've been successfully intimidated and could be afraid of exposing this. They're supposedly beginning to come out of their shell, but I'm not so sure yet.
The invasion of Iraq was promoted by Clean Break Strategy and the dual citizen signatories of the PNAC long before Bush was president. Operation Mass Appeal was set in motion by the British in 1997-1998.
It's True Rumsfeld, Chaney, Wolfowitz and bush planned Iraq invasion in the 90's. Bush wasn't a big part of the discussions. They pretty much picked him because he had the name. But now he feels really guilty about invading Iraq. Imagine being responsible for that much death and you lied us into that war?

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.

“Impeaching him?” Blitzer asked.

“Absolutely. For the war. For the war,” said Trump, referring to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies, and I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies. By lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction. By saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.”

It was Trump saying things like this that won over Republicans and moderates who were sick of the deep state globalist rinos who lied us into Iraq. Of course Trump supporters here still won't admit Bush lied us into Iraq, but he did.

And Clinton was great. So was Nancy. Trump was right. He's the guy who won in 2016. Why didn't I vote for him? I knew he was a con man. And the way he campaigned and was a birther.
Yeah, I agree that the anti-Trump vote will be significant again (it's the only reason I'd vote Democrat instead of third party),
This is flawed reasoning, Mac. It's what painted us into this corner and it won't get us out.

The real danger of a Trump candidacy isn't that he might get elected. It's that so many people are so fed up with politics as usual that they're willing to support an unhinged fascist just to shake things up. That won't change if Trump is defeated. It will probably get worse.

If the Dems really want to make things better, they'll nominate someone equally challenging to the status quo, who isn't an unhinged fascist. Someone who will strive to unite the country around our common values (there are plenty) instead of dividing us in the name of partisan score keeping.

Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results ... well, you've heard the old saw.
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This is flawed reasoning, Mac. It's what painted us into this corner and it won't get us out.

The real danger of a Trump candidacy isn't that he might get elected. It's that so many people are so fed up with politics as usual that they're will to support an unhinged fascist just to shake things up. That won't change if Trump is defeated. It will probably get worse. If the Dems really want to make things better, they'll nominate someone equally challenging to the status quo, who isn't an unhinged fascist. Someone who will strive to unite the country around our common values (there are plenty) instead of dividing us in the name of partisan score keeping.

Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results ... well, you've heard the old saw.
I've voted third party and advocated for third parties for a long time. I currently contribute to the Forward Party.

But in the last two (and now it looks like three) elections, I believe we're facing a unique and possibly existential threat. And that's the only thing that could get me to vote for one of these awful parties.

If the GQP doesn't run Trump, I can go back to voting third party. My reasoning may be flawed, but I will not look back and wish I had done what I thought I should do. I hate regret.
I've voted third party and advocated for third parties for a long time. I currently contribute to the Forward Party.

But in the last two (and now it looks like three) elections, I believe we're facing a unique and possibly existential threat. And that's the only thing that could get me to vote for one of these awful parties.

If the GQP doesn't run Trump, I can go back to voting third party. My reasoning may be flawed, but I will not look back and wish I had done what I thought I should do. I hate regret.
How did that work out last time around? Everyone told themselves that voting for Biden was the only way to thwart Trump. Did it work? Is Trump gone? Are the MAGA people fading into the sunset? Or is it just getting worse?
My one vote won't change a Presidential election. It will simply be my little voice.
Exactly. So why not speak up for something worthwhile, instead of spitting into the ocean that's swallowing us up?
I refuse to believe the polls. No way America 2024 will vote like Germany did in the 1930's. But that's exactly what Trump is attempting to pull off. If it worked for Hitler why not Trump? Does Trump have any other option? He can no longer pretend to be a moderate like he did when he first ran for president.

Remember he said the Clinton's and Pelosi were great. Bush should have gotten impeached for lying us into Iraq. He said he would raise taxes on rich people. But he also said a lot of things that appeal to a lot of people. The border, china, taxes, illegals, woke

The left better show up. I think they will. Nothing drives us to the polls after Trump won than Trump himself. We don't want a repeat. And no one has polled me.

And forget polls. What about last month when Republicans lost in OH, VA and KY? And what about the last midterms?

And what about the low inflation, unemployment and high stock market? Biden is crushing it. But it'll never be enough for the corporate media. Is the corporate media admitting how Biden's crushing it?
You could argue that germany in the 30s wa\\s a lot more advanced and a lot more educated thaan the USis today
I do that with my donations and my advocacy -- both of them done both locally and nationally.

So I don't feel like I'm just sitting on the sidelines throwing stones.
I agree. You're not. But votes are what matter most. There are intelligent, charismatic leaders who aren't douchebags. But they don't want to waste their time if no one will vote for them. The people have to lead on this one. We have to step off the lesser-of-two-evils treadmill and say "enough is enough". Only then will things change.
well this thread went about as expected....both sides lined up on their side of the cage and threw shit at each other....just like the monkeys at the zoo
I agree. You're not. But votes are what matter most. There are intelligent, charismatic leaders who aren't douchebags. But they don't want to waste their time if no one will vote for them. The people have to lead on this one. We have to step off the lesser-of-two-evils treadmill and say "enough is enough". Only then will things change.
I'm working on it, for my little piece of this. But if we don't turn this back, our electoral system may be irrelevant.

Then we fix the system, as the meme in my sig suggests.
I'm working on it, for my little piece of this. But if we don't turn this back, our electoral system may be irrelevant.

Then we fix the system, as the meme in my sig suggests.
Sadly, I think it's too late for that. We're facing major upheaval in the next decade or two. Probably violent and destructive upheaval (read The Fourth Turning is Here sometime, it's interesting). I think it's inevitable. What matters is how we come out the other side.

Winning the battle, but losing the war, won't point us toward a better future. We need to plant the seeds now if we want to prevent the fascists from taking over completely.
You could argue that germany in the 30s wa\\s a lot more advanced and a lot more educated thaan the USis today
I think if you go back 100 years, 1000 years, even 4000 years, people were always superstitious, followers, mean hearted. Not all people but about half. Just like Republicans think this election is for the heart and soul of America, so do I. Social security, abortion, normalizing gays so they don't have to feel bad about themselves. Future humans hopefully won't be hung up on that.

Social programs, We the People instead of Every Man For Himself.

When they see unions get raises I want them to say I want that too, not "I don't have that so I don't want them to either.

They talk about paying blue collar more but we were paying them a lot before Bush and Reagan sent all their jobs overseas. Now I'm not against global trade but they sent our highest union manufacturing jobs overseas on purpose. Every other country protected their vital industries when free trade opened up. But now Republicans want black or white. Today they say they are AGAINST free trade. Well too late. You got Clinton to sign it, so now it's the way things are. Trump's trade war with china hurt manufacturing. He didn't help.

Anyways, Americans are being manipulated by corporate media. Even MSNBC isn't as liberal as I'd like it. Did it tell us Bush lied us into Iraq? Nope. We had to wait for Trump to admit it in 2008. To this day they don't say it. Not even MSNBC. Not even Rachel Maddow. So even the most liberal media is censured.

Perhaps this is why Republicans are against college. Most of them are uneducated. And they've demonized education, too woke. Science, government, regulations, immigrants, elections.
In the past we would say to anyone who brought up Hitler or Nazis, "you just lost the argument when you brought up Hitler" because comparing someone to Hitler was ridiculous.

Comparing Trump to Hitler isn't ridiculous. Trump is calculating this is his best chance to winning. Go full on Authoritarian. Hopefully people do care. I think Trump lost a lot of votes this weekend.
Trump boxed himself in with his retribution platform. He can only go more unhinged and paranoid.

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