How far is the US from Fascism ?

The Black Legion (nationalists) were reacting to immigrants, so no doubt, the nazi dems are supporting Black Legion evolution via a porous border. The fascisti were a political party founded 6 years earlier:

We're never far from Fascism.

The Black Legion was a white supremacist terrorist organization which was active in the Midwestern United States during the Great Depression of the 1930s. It split off from the Ku Klux Klan. They were far right, white, working class.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Black Legion (political movement) - Wikipedia

Dates of operation: 1925 –1936
Active regions: Primarily Michigan and Ohio

Funny. I grew up in Michigan and never heard of them. Fascists, sounds like Democrats. Fascists aren't leftists by accident. It's about absolute control over the economy and the people. You'll vote for it over and over and over and end up with us when they don't need you anymore, broke and unfree.

Sucks for me, but you're the one who's doing it on purpose to yourself and everyone. Fuck you and die
It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power.
We continue to get closer and closer, and he's telling us.

It appears that this is what his followers have been wanting all along. The question now is how much of the electorate is either (a) taking him seriously or (b) paying attention at all.

They're doing us the courtesy of telling us what they plan to do. I think we should take them at their word. Like 1930's Europe.

It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power. As I watched this programme I was struck by the similarities between Germany and the US. Hitler and Trump.

Hitler waged war on German institutions. Its government, its press and of course its court system. When he had finished there was nothing left.He burned fown the Reichstag. Trump lanched an invasion of Congress.

Hitler told Germans that he was the only answer to the problems of the state. Trump is doing that right now.

Hitlers followers had a violent core of street thugs who beat and murdered anybody that Hitler didnt like, They were paramilitary and wore their own uniforms. A bit like the proud boys and oath keepers. Violent thugs.

The threats of violence to prosecutors, judges and juries is something that they both share.

Hitler took his revenge on those who opposed him. Check out the story of Hans Litten. He was murdered in a camp for the crime of humiliating Hitler in court.

Of course Trump is threatening revenge on everyone who gets in his way.

Hitler and his group despised democracy. So do Trump and his chums. They just want power and too many "wrong" people vote. Election denying is pure fascism when it does not present any evidence. Its not just that trump is a narcissist. He is a deeply evil man.Like Hitler.

Hitler hated minorities. So does trump and trumpism. The nazis told women to get back in the home. So do trumpists. The nazis murdered gay folk. Trump vilifies them and works to remove them from society.

The nazis burned books, so does trumpism. Intellectuals were murdered by nazis. Check out trumpism and climate change.

This is not controversial. The biggest eye opener was the way that German society backed down at every opportunity. They thought that they were being clever. But Hitler just took the concession and moved on to the next level.

Those GOP politicians who have facilitated the rise of trump, looked the other way and swallowed their pride will have blood on their hands.

Trumpism isnt new. There is a long history of fascism in the US. If trump is elected then a noisy minority may see all their dreams come true.
We are one election away.
The U.S. has been subliminally fascist since Truman.

Once Truman bought into Churchill's fanatic anti-Communism, which started the cold war, fascist have quietly dominated American politics. America became the strong arm of European conservativism.

Eisenhower destroyed Democracy in the 'Third World' and imposed fascist regimes. We're still fighting with Iran because if that.

They murdered 3 Kennedy Brothers to stop liberalism (Yes, Joe Kennedy Jr. was assassinated also).

They catered to the facade of Democracy for as long as they controlled it. They let liberalism exist just to give false hope to the masses of the American people.

Now there's been a change in American demographics and a new generation of American that support liberalism and limited socialism. The fascist backs are to the wall, and they know it.

That's why they're attempting a full scale overt fascist takeover spearheaded by DJT (aka 'Agent Orange')

It will fail.
Scary times. Incredible really.
trump would quickly put his fellow criminal types in positions in the justice system to block legal actions preventing his take over of government.

The justice system was the one system that kept him from overturning the election. If he can destroy that like he tried to destroy the electoral system, he will turn the US into a dictatorship.
We continue to get closer and closer, and he's telling us.

It appears that this is what his followers have been wanting all along. The question now is how much of the electorate is either (a) taking him seriously or (b) paying attention at all.

They're doing us the courtesy of telling us what they plan to do. I think we should take them at their word. Like 1930's Europe.
Biden and his NAZI minders are the ones taking us closer and closer to a police state.
We continue to get closer and closer, and he's telling us.

It appears that this is what his followers have been wanting all along. The question now is how much of the electorate is either (a) taking him seriously or (b) paying attention at all.

They're doing us the courtesy of telling us what they plan to do. I think we should take them at their word. Like 1930's Europe.

Trump is reacting to you fucktards letting our own country being invaded, leftist nut job. We have to get control of our own borders because you ass wipe Democrats couldn't even defend our own country.

I just hope it's not already too late. You idiots need serious mental help. You are fine with a destroyed country if that's what it takes to have Mickey Mouse Biden run it
The U.S. has been subliminally fascist since Truman.

Once Truman bought into Churchill's fanatic anti-Communism, which started the cold war, fascist have quietly dominated American politics. America became the strong arm of European conservativism.

Eisenhower destroyed Democracy in the 'Third World' and imposed fascist regimes. We're still fighting with Iran because if that.

They murdered 3 Kennedy Brothers to stop liberalism (Yes, Joe Kennedy Jr. was assassinated also).

They catered to the facade of Democracy for as long as they controlled it. They let liberalism exist just to give false hope to the masses of the American people.

Now there's been a change in American demographics and a new generation of American that support liberalism and limited socialism. The fascist backs are to the wall, and they know it.

That's why they're attempting a full scale overt fascist takeover spearheaded by DJT (aka 'Agent Orange')

It will fail.
No doubt the subliminality is always already in place. Do you have handy a citation for the Eisenhower-Iran assemblage? We need more details in order to mesh with this:

'You may make a rupture, draw a line of flight, yet there is still a danger that you will reencounter organizations that restratify everything, formations that restore power to a signifier, attributions that reconstitute a subject - anything you like, from Oedipal resurgences to fascist concretions. Groups and individuals contain microfascisms just waiting to crystalize.'
(A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, pp. 10-11)
No doubt the subliminality is always already in place. Do you have handy a citation for the Eisenhower-Iran assemblage? We need more details in order to mesh with this:

'You may make a rupture, draw a line of flight, yet there is still a danger that you will reencounter organizations that restratify everything, formations that restore power to a signifier, attributions that reconstitute a subject - anything you like, from Oedipal resurgences to fascist concretions. Groups and individuals contain microfascisms just waiting to crystalize.'
(A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, pp. 10-11)
Thanks, though this wikipage does not mention Eisenhower, who was from a German immigrant family. We thus establish the familial DNA, much as Ruth Matar did when establishing the 87.5% Arab DNA of Barack Obama, for our study of fascism.

This connects such things as Operation Paper Clip to the CIA:

Eisenhower Approves Coup in Iran
It's becoming difficult to avoid comparing the two situations. Particularly the enabling of lies and the openness to the idea of a dictator.

Remember what he himself says: "I am your retribution". "This is the final battle". "Like vermin".

It's tough to miss.
And that was in November. Has he toned down his Hitler rhetoric since then?

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) tried everything to explain away Trump's claim that immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of America during an interview with CNN’s Jim Acosta on Sunday.

Burchett initially acknowledged the criticism that Trump’s comments were reminiscent of something Adolf Hitler said in his book “Mein Kampf,” where the Nazi leader wrote: “All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning.”

Donald Trump is being called out for adopting language that Adolf Hitler used. But according to Fox News host Brian Kilmeade, it’s no biggie ― the former president just wants to “keep America, America.”

Authoritarianism Expert Spots Trump Line Showing Who He'll Target After Immigrants​

"They’re not going to stop with immigrants," said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, who explained the calculated reason behind Trump's "poisoning the blood" rhetoric.

“Anyone who thinks this isn’t going to bother them because they’re not an immigrant, they’re not going to stop with immigrants,” she said. “I’m quite concerned that he is mentioning what he calls mental institutions and prisons so often. In another speech, he actually talked about the need to expand psychiatric institutions to confine people, and he mentioned special prosecutor Jack Smith as someone who should end up in a ‘mental institution.’”
“This is what fascists and especially communists used to do to critics,” Ben-Ghiat added. “They used to put people who didn’t believe in the propaganda of the state or who were troublemakers into psychiatric institutions. So the swathe of people who are going to be targeted certainly doesn’t stop with immigrants.”
And that was in November. Has he toned down his Hitler rhetoric since then?

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) tried everything to explain away Trump's claim that immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of America during an interview with CNN’s Jim Acosta on Sunday.

Burchett initially acknowledged the criticism that Trump’s comments were reminiscent of something Adolf Hitler said in his book “Mein Kampf,” where the Nazi leader wrote: “All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning.”

Donald Trump is being called out for adopting language that Adolf Hitler used. But according to Fox News host Brian Kilmeade, it’s no biggie ― the former president just wants to “keep America, America.”

Authoritarianism Expert Spots Trump Line Showing Who He'll Target After Immigrants​

"They’re not going to stop with immigrants," said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, who explained the calculated reason behind Trump's "poisoning the blood" rhetoric.

“Anyone who thinks this isn’t going to bother them because they’re not an immigrant, they’re not going to stop with immigrants,” she said. “I’m quite concerned that he is mentioning what he calls mental institutions and prisons so often. In another speech, he actually talked about the need to expand psychiatric institutions to confine people, and he mentioned special prosecutor Jack Smith as someone who should end up in a ‘mental institution.’”
“This is what fascists and especially communists used to do to critics,” Ben-Ghiat added. “They used to put people who didn’t believe in the propaganda of the state or who were troublemakers into psychiatric institutions. So the swathe of people who are going to be targeted certainly doesn’t stop with immigrants.”
Well, he just used Putin and Orban as character witnesses again.

They're putting less and less effort into hiding this, and it doesn't appear to matter.

I wonder if Americans either (a) weren't paying attention in history class, (b) weren't even TAUGHT history, or (c) just don't care any more.
Well, he just used Putin and Orban as character witnesses again.

They're putting less and less effort into hiding this, and it doesn't appear to matter.

I wonder if Americans either (a) weren't paying attention in history class, (b) weren't even TAUGHT history, or (c) just don't care any more.

In the past we would say to anyone who brought up Hitler or Nazis, "you just lost the argument when you brought up Hitler" because comparing someone to Hitler was ridiculous.

Comparing Trump to Hitler isn't ridiculous. Trump is calculating this is his best chance to winning. Go full on Authoritarian. Hopefully people do care. I think Trump lost a lot of votes this weekend.
Got news for you, when a select group of oligarchs control the country, Gates, Soros..etc…when the DOJ becomes a corrupt political tool designed to punish those that disagree, the press and wannabe mainstream media goose steps along and does the bidding of one party, courts become political mouth pieces repressing the opposition to further their own agenda, freedom of speech silenced, and schools become the breeding ground for indoctrination you have become a Fascist Banana Republic. But… don’t fear the Dimbo's know what’s best for you, furthermore, you elected them!
Got news for you, when a select group of oligarchs control the country, Gates, Soros..etc…when the DOJ becomes a corrupt political tool designed to punish those that disagree, the press and wannabe mainstream media goose steps along and does the bidding of one party, courts become political mouth pieces repressing the opposition to further their own agenda, freedom of speech silenced, and schools become the breeding ground for indoctrination you have become a Fascist Banana Republic. But… don’t fear the Dimbo's know what’s best for you, furthermore, you elected them!
When populists convince the idiots that everyone is out to get them, the idiots get angry and scared. And it's a perfect recipe for fascism. Read some history.
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In the past we would say to anyone who brought up Hitler or Nazis, "you just lost the argument when you brought up Hitler" because comparing someone to Hitler was ridiculous.

Comparing Trump to Hitler isn't ridiculous. Trump is calculating this is his best chance to winning. Go full on Authoritarian. Hopefully people do care. I think Trump lost a lot of votes this weekend.
I went about five years before I was willing to bring up the similarities and parallels. But there are just too many to ignore.

Either these people have forgotten history, or they never learned it in the FIRST fucking place. OR, this is what they actually want.
I went about five years before I was willing to bring up the similarities and parallels. But there are just too many to ignore.

Either these people have forgotten history, or they never learned it in the FIRST fucking place. OR, this is what they actually want.
I refuse to believe the polls. No way America 2024 will vote like Germany did in the 1930's. But that's exactly what Trump is attempting to pull off. If it worked for Hitler why not Trump? Does Trump have any other option? He can no longer pretend to be a moderate like he did when he first ran for president.

Remember he said the Clinton's and Pelosi were great. Bush should have gotten impeached for lying us into Iraq. He said he would raise taxes on rich people. But he also said a lot of things that appeal to a lot of people. The border, china, taxes, illegals, woke

The left better show up. I think they will. Nothing drives us to the polls after Trump won than Trump himself. We don't want a repeat. And no one has polled me.

And forget polls. What about last month when Republicans lost in OH, VA and KY? And what about the last midterms?

And what about the low inflation, unemployment and high stock market? Biden is crushing it. But it'll never be enough for the corporate media. Is the corporate media admitting how Biden's crushing it?

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