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How Far to the Left is Too Far?

When discussing the Nazis, Italian Fascists, State Communists and the like it is best to use a totalitarian vs individualist scale:
the wealth doesn't matter it's what POLICIES they support. but it would actually take thought to understand that.

they ALL need money to run for office. :rolleyes:

it's so cute watching rightwingnuts at play.

By that you must mean the policies of the New Slavery - The Welfare State ? I think you might be onto something Silly Jilly.

The New Slavery
Enslaves all equally Black and White
To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

Walter Williams, economist, philosopher, columnist, professor at George Mason University, and Black Republican was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal and discussed research he conducted which led him to the conclusion that the government welfare state killed the black family, not slavery or racism.

........ He also found that Republicans don't respond at all to the desires of voters with modest incomes. Maybe that's not a surprise, either. But this should be: Bartels found that Democratic senators don't respond to the desires of these voters, either. At all.

It doesn't take a multivariate correlation to conclude that these two things are tightly related: If politicians care almost exclusively about the concerns of the rich, it makes sense that over the past decades they've enacted policies that have ended up benefiting the rich. And if you're not rich yourself, this is a problem. First and foremost, it's an economic problem because it's siphoned vast sums of money from the pockets of most Americans into those of the ultrawealthy. At the same time, relentless concentration of wealth and power among the rich is deeply corrosive in a democracy, and this makes it a profoundly political problem as well.

Why the Democratic Party Has Abandoned the Middle Class in Favor of the Rich | Alternet

The right wing likes to trot out Walter Williams and Uncle Tom Sowell from time to time I see. "See, we're not prejudiced" say the right wing. "We really like our darkies, as long as they act white and preach against food stamps and taxing the rich".

What ? .. he's not black enough for you - LMAO -tyypical socio-fascist response. I prefer to go by the advice of MLK jr - to judge people by the content of their character , not the color of their skin... you are a racist , the worst kind - a decietful and dishonest one. You hate it when intelligent black people speak out aginst the oppression don't you . Why don't youtake the sheet and white hood out of the closet and start burning crosses again - you'd still be a racist , but at least you'd be an honest one.

The right wing likes to trot out Walter Williams and Uncle Tom Sowell

What ? .. you forgot Michael Steele, Condoleeza Rice, LL Coool J, Eldridge Cleaver, Herman Cain, Robert George,Ken Blackwell, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Allen West, Clarence Thomas ... I guess they're all "Uncle Toms" because they're intelligent Black people who can see through the ruse. You think all Bllack people are stupid , you think you're more intelligent because you're white !!!! You despicable Racist Pig !
The further left things swing in the near term, the farther they'll swing to the right when the cycle shifts. It always has; it always will. Sometimes peacefully; sometimes violently. But shift it does. And always goes too far in the other direction.

Count on it.

What's frightening is that the swing left is continuing beyond the point where it logically should have reversed. Not that it's a problem just now but when it does swing right it's going to be sudden and awful. Not a kind of awful you'll like.

Lock and Load - it almost seems inevitable.
Jesus is the farthest left that the spectrum goes, Hitler is on the right.

It's that simple.

Hitler was a Nationalist SOCIALIST. Jesus was not politically affiliated, but if was I doubt he would endorse a pro-abortion liberal. Thank's for your opinion though.

Oh, a WORD bound pea brain...

Hitler was no socialist. As a matter of FACT the 'socialists' were exterminated June 30, 1934. Educate yourself.

1934: Night of the Long Knives

"German fascism, like Italian fascism, raised itself to power on the backs of the petty bourgeoisie, which it turned into a battering ram against the organizations of the working class and the institutions of democracy. But fascism in power is least of all the rule of the petty bourgeoisie. On the contrary, it is the most ruthless dictatorship of monopoly capital."
Communist exile Leon Trotsky’s 1933 analysis of the infant Nazi Germany
[the Democratic Party (which is very center right)


The Democrats are Marxists, how far left are you? I think you're so far left, you've left the building...

The Democratic Party is not a Marxist party. Marxists support the destruction of the state, for one.

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Why would Democrats want to destroy a state they control? That doesn't even make sense. You can't make shit up as a definition.

Communism is defined by the Communist Manifesto. Which is the same as the Democratic party platform. And Democrats justify it with the same anti-capitalist, anti-wealth rhetoric. They are one and the same.

The Democrats are Marxists, how far left are you? I think you're so far left, you've left the building...

The Democratic Party is not a Marxist party. Marxists support the destruction of the state, for one.

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Why would Democrats want to destroy a state they control? That doesn't even make sense. You can't make shit up as a definition.

Communism is defined by the Communist Manifesto. Which is the same as the Democratic party platform. And Democrats justify it with the same anti-capitalist, anti-wealth rhetoric. They are one and the same.

Lol ignorance at its best. Have you even read the Communist Manifesto or the Democratic Party platform? Or are you just on here to be satirical of the American Right?

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Communism is defined by the Communist Manifesto. Which is the same as the Democratic party platform. And Democrats justify it with the same anti-capitalist, anti-wealth rhetoric. They are one and the same.

Lol ignorance at its best. Have you even read the Communist Manifesto or the Democratic Party platform? Or are you just on here to be satirical of the American Right?

Yes, I have. So give me an example, name a plank of the communist manifesto that the Democratic party or Obama just flat out oppose. That should be easy if they aren't Marxists, right? Disagree with the Communist Manifesto? Once? That bar is a line painted on the floor.
Communism is defined by the Communist Manifesto. Which is the same as the Democratic party platform. And Democrats justify it with the same anti-capitalist, anti-wealth rhetoric. They are one and the same.

Lol ignorance at its best. Have you even read the Communist Manifesto or the Democratic Party platform? Or are you just on here to be satirical of the American Right?

Yes, I have. So give me an example, name a plank of the communist manifesto that the Democratic party or Obama just flat out oppose. That should be easy if they aren't Marxists, right? Disagree with the Communist Manifesto? Once? That bar is a line painted on the floor.

Well, first of all there is the matter of the destruction of the state into a classless society where everyone exists in harmony.

I don't have the manifesto with me (I'm on a mobile device) but their are a whole bunch of other differences, such as the views of the proletariat uprising and the upper class.

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Lol ignorance at its best. Have you even read the Communist Manifesto or the Democratic Party platform? Or are you just on here to be satirical of the American Right?

Yes, I have. So give me an example, name a plank of the communist manifesto that the Democratic party or Obama just flat out oppose. That should be easy if they aren't Marxists, right? Disagree with the Communist Manifesto? Once? That bar is a line painted on the floor.

Well, first of all there is the matter of the destruction of the state into a classless society where everyone exists in harmony.

You're not familiar with the Democrat's wealth redistribution schemes, are you?

I don't have the manifesto with me (I'm on a mobile device) but their are a whole bunch of other differences, such as the views of the proletariat uprising and the upper class.

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LOL, that's a great example of exactly what the Democrats ... do ... with their endless anti-capitalist, anti-wealth rhetoric.
Jesus is the farthest left that the spectrum goes, Hitler is on the right.

It's that simple.

Hitler was a Nationalist SOCIALIST. Jesus was not politically affiliated, but if was I doubt he would endorse a pro-abortion liberal. Thank's for your opinion though.

National socialist, the flip side of Marxism. And Jesus taught giving to the poor also. No way to pin a label on Christ.
Jesus is the farthest left that the spectrum goes, Hitler is on the right.

It's that simple.

Hitler was a Nationalist SOCIALIST. Jesus was not politically affiliated, but if was I doubt he would endorse a pro-abortion liberal. Thank's for your opinion though.

National socialist, the flip side of Marxism. And Jesus taught giving to the poor also. No way to pin a label on Christ.

Why the hell are you going around correcting everyone?? Oh wait.. I meant correcting conservatives.. God forbid you show some type of equity in your obsessive compulsive disorder.

Pinning a label on Jesus to Peach is stating he wouldn't endorse child slaughter.. Unreal. Of course he wouldn't..:cuckoo:
Democratic Socialists of America

Here are the people that have taken over the traditional Democratic Party. Who do you think they voted for in 2008 and 2012? Think they will back Warren(although they want Sanders) in 2016? You bet... in a heartbeat. Are there any Democrats out there that feel their party is too far to the left? Look at what this group stands for...is that not exactly what the Democratic Party stands for? I know Republican's that think its too far/not far enough to the right. please sound-off cause I want to know. Liberal's are quick to condemn Republican's as far right robots marching in lockstep. Better take a look around Democrats.

Apparently not as far as right wing terrorists

Erick Ruldolph was convicted of bombings and murder of an abortion clinic? The victims included an off duty police officer.

Rudolph was a Republican.
Yes, I have. So give me an example, name a plank of the communist manifesto that the Democratic party or Obama just flat out oppose. That should be easy if they aren't Marxists, right? Disagree with the Communist Manifesto? Once? That bar is a line painted on the floor.

Well, first of all there is the matter of the destruction of the state into a classless society where everyone exists in harmony.

You're not familiar with the Democrat's wealth redistribution schemes, are you?

I don't have the manifesto with me (I'm on a mobile device) but their are a whole bunch of other differences, such as the views of the proletariat uprising and the upper class.

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LOL, that's a great example of exactly what the Democrats ... do ... with their endless anti-capitalist, anti-wealth rhetoric.

I am a democrat, FYI. And technically, any form of taxation is "wealth distribution." And there is a large difference between that and the elimination of the state and the capitalist system.

Also, democrats are capitalists.

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Yes, I have. So give me an example, name a plank of the communist manifesto that the Democratic party or Obama just flat out oppose. That should be easy if they aren't Marxists, right? Disagree with the Communist Manifesto? Once? That bar is a line painted on the floor.

Well, first of all there is the matter of the destruction of the state into a classless society where everyone exists in harmony.

You're not familiar with the Democrat's wealth redistribution schemes, are you?

I don't have the manifesto with me (I'm on a mobile device) but their are a whole bunch of other differences, such as the views of the proletariat uprising and the upper class.

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LOL, that's a great example of exactly what the Democrats ... do ... with their endless anti-capitalist, anti-wealth rhetoric.

Why Thomas Jefferson Favored Profit Sharing

By David Cay Johnston

The founders, despite decades of rancorous disagreements about almost every other aspect of their grand experiment, agreed that America would survive and thrive only if there was widespread ownership of land and businesses.

George Washington, nine months before his inauguration as the first president, predicted that America "will be the most favorable country of any kind in the world for persons of industry and frugality, possessed of moderate capital, to inhabit." And, he continued, "it will not be less advantageous to the happiness of the lowest class of people, because of the equal distribution of property."

The second president, John Adams, feared "monopolies of land" would destroy the nation and that a business aristocracy born of inequality would manipulate voters, creating "a system of subordination to all... The capricious will of one or a very few" dominating the rest. Unless constrained, Adams wrote, "the rich and the proud" would wield economic and political power that "will destroy all the equality and liberty, with the consent and acclamations of the people themselves."

James Madison, the Constitution's main author, described inequality as an evil, saying government should prevent "an immoderate, and especially unmerited, accumulation of riches." He favored "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort."

Alexander Hamilton, who championed manufacturing and banking as the first Treasury secretary, also argued for widespread ownership of assets, warning in 1782 that, "whenever a discretionary power is lodged in any set of men over the property of their neighbors, they will abuse it."

Late in life, Adams, pessimistic about whether the republic would endure, wrote that the goal of the democratic government was not to help the wealthy and powerful but to achieve "the greatest happiness for the greatest number."


The Democrats are Marxists, how far left are you? I think you're so far left, you've left the building...

The Democratic Party is not a Marxist party. Marxists support the destruction of the state, for one.

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Why would Democrats want to destroy a state they control? That doesn't even make sense. You can't make shit up as a definition.

Communism is defined by the Communist Manifesto. Which is the same as the Democratic party platform. And Democrats justify it with the same anti-capitalist, anti-wealth rhetoric. They are one and the same.

I never meant to say that the conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it.

John Stuart Mill, in a letter to the Conservative MP, John Pakington

Parrots repeat what they hear. The RW media doesn't profit from educating their listeners. They know the money is in saying outrageous things that fit their listeners ideology. The listeners want to be outraged. The RW media produces the outrageous material. Truth not required. It's a symbiotic relationship.
Democrats are Socialist rats who would lie to God in his face if it meant pushing a leftist agenda. Any jog left is too far from the party who kicked God and Jews from their platform, not to mention BOOOOO'd God at their last Convention.

"Socialist" is just a catch-all term the Right uses to scare the yahoos who really don't know what it even means . . .

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson
This is actually not true. There are
MANY differences between Fascists and Socialists. For one, fascists are nationalist, while socialists are internationalists. Fascism is militaristic, whole socialism is peace loving. Fascism is homophobic and for "traditional family values." Socialism is areligious and doesn't care about said values. Fascism believes In a super-patriotic state with one party dictatorial rule. They believe that in order for a country to prosper, it must constantly be at war. Socialism on the other hand gives all access to resources by means of a brotherhood like governor and quality.

There's also many other differences.

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Fascism is the economic system that the Nazis followed. You are again saying that if a Democrat eats pizza, part of the definition of Democrat is someone who eats pizza. No, eating pizza has nothing to do with Democrat. The fascists of Europe in the 30s were nationalistic, it isn't what fascism means.

The socialism being "peace loving" cracked me up. The Soviets, Red Army, North Korea and Democratic party certainly show that to be the crap that it is.
Yeah typical "peace lover" who FORCES socialism on others. Socialists are no different than nazis with their iron boots on the necks of all that do not follow their demands to bend over and accept anal probing on a daily basis.

Today they are satisfied with stealing your assets and killing your cows. Tomorrow they'll be confiscating weapons, then they'll be putting people in camps. All for our own good.

Unfettered Capitalism is not a good thing

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

As Bill Maher has observed, the GOPers are good at pushing a falsehood until it's accepted as conventional wisdom

"I want my freedom back."

RWers love to use ad nauseam words and phrases that have nothing to do with veracity or reality. Phrases to wind up the lowest common denominator.

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