Zone1 How Foreigners Feel About (White) Americans


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Us whites like to criticize black people but look at how we act when we travel abroad.

Some foreigners' attitudes about Americans are grounded in genuinely ridiculous situations and experiences. If you don't want to be that person and instead want to help redeem the international reputation of your country, here are 20 things to avoid doing that make Americans come off as entitled, arrogant or ignorant to locals.

Stealing historic items as souvenirs
Dressing disrespectfully
Not keeping your clothes on

Leaving graffiti
Expecting everyone to speak English
Showing up unprepared
Trying to smuggle things in
Making rude gestures
Ignoring the rules
Knowing whether to tip or not

These are almost entirely white Americans they are talking about.
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America has had problems with 'ugly Americans' for a long time.

Long before this movie was made.

We went to Greece in 1999 and my cousin was the typical fat loud annoying ignorant arrogant clueless American. It was so obvious to everyone but him. It was so embarrassing.

My sister in law taught me the secret is to act like you've been here before. Don't act like it's your first time.
Us whites like to criticize black people but look at how we act when we travel abroad.

Some foreigners' attitudes about Americans are grounded in genuinely ridiculous situations and experiences. If you don't want to be that person and instead want to help redeem the international reputation of your country, here are 20 things to avoid doing that make Americans come off as entitled, arrogant or ignorant to locals.

Read More: https://w

Stealing historic items as souvenirs
Dressing disrespectfully
Not keeping your clothes on

Leaving graffiti
Expecting everyone to speak English
Showing up unprepared
Trying to smuggle things in
Making rude gestures
Ignoring the rules
Knowing whether to tip or not

These are almost entirely white Americans they are talking about.
Its odd that the picture you show to represent white Americans is a black guy with his pants below the crack of his ass
Its odd that the picture you show to represent white Americans is a black guy with his pants below the crack of his ass

That's my point. I'm showing you how foreigners negatively view us white Americans. One of their criticisms is not keeping our clothes on? Sound familiar?

A lot of their criticisms sound like things we say about black people here at home. Then we go abroad and do that shit? Weird huh?
That's my point. I'm showing you how foreigners negatively view us white Americans. One of their criticisms is not keeping our clothes on? Sound familiar?

A lot of their criticisms sound like things we say about black people here at home. Then we go abroad and do that shit? Weird huh?
I’ve never seen white Americans overseas dressed like a son of Obama on the hood

The popularization of Ugly American goes back to the 1950’s and I dont deny there is some truth to it

Since most American foreign travelers are white then its understandable why only whites are blamed for the image

But its not exactly accurate
Its odd that the picture you show to represent white Americans is a black guy with his pants below the crack of his ass

Locals and fellow tourists alike are mortified when Americans dress and act disrespectfully at religious sites. Wearing flip flops and a fanny pack to Vatican City treats this revered place like a theme park. Modesty is key and sometimes required when visiting religious buildings such as churches, mosques or Buddhist temples. Even if it's the peak of summer, wear tops that cover your shoulders and long pants or skirts that cover your legs. Remember many of these places are still functional, so make sure you're not loudly talking during worship or services.

Think about it. We don't like them wearing their pants low. But we go to religious sites wearing bikini's and flip flops. Totally clueless to how inappropriate we are being. Perhaps we should consider this when blacks venture out into white communities. I think about here in Metro Detroit. Detroiters move to the suburbs and honestly, a lot of them don't know how to act. I'm just pointing out we do the same thing when we travel abroad. Why? We don't know any better.

Talk loud during worship? We do that? And we complain about black people in movie theaters???
I’ve never seen white Americans overseas dressed like a son of Obama on the hood

The popularization of Ugly American goes back to the 1950’s and I dont deny there is some truth to it

Since most foreign travelers are white then its understandable why only whites are blamed for the image

But its not exactly accurate
Oh I'm sure there are black American families who go abroad and act foolish too.
Most American traveling abroad are retired and are too decrepit to get into much trouble. Europe LOVES our dollars, which is why virtually every Western European you encounter speaks...sad to say...better English than "we" do. A lot of crude American habits have long been adopted by Europeans, especially in the way they dress.

They have their own graffiti problem...don't need Americans to blame for it.

Tipping? Gimme a fucking break. Europeans, by and large, don't tip. They LOVE IT when a busload of Americans shows up because half of us tip the same way we would at home, which is to their benefit.
Most American traveling abroad are retired and are too decrepit to get into much trouble. Europe LOVES our dollars, which is why virtually every Western European you encounter speaks...sad to say...better English than "we" do. A lot of crude American habits have long been adopted by Europeans, especially in the way they dress.

They have their own graffiti problem...don't need Americans to blame for it.

Tipping? Gimme a fucking break. Europeans, by and large, don't tip. They LOVE IT when a busload of Americans shows up because half of us tip the same way we would at home, which is to their benefit.

Lol. Most Americans who travel aren't senior citizens.

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