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How Fox "News" Makes You Stupid

the OP is saying Fox news made him stupid, so he ran over here to ADMIT IT?

you want to see stupid, go watch you some Chris Matthews.:lol:
At a certain point, you have to be an adult and admit to yourself that everybody's heard you and they don't care. The FOX News "whistleblowing" has been going on for no less than ten years, and they still get great ratings. If any of you liberals were going to blow FOX out of the water with your tired accusations of dishonesty, it would've happened by now. It essentially hasn't, so...maybe it's time to move on to something else.

I will say, though, that part of the reason it hasn't is because a lot of this isn't about media dishonesty; it's score settling. FOX's major crime has been to try and make Republicans look good at a time when we're supposed to believe the average American Conservative is some Bible-thumping, anti-government Timothy-McVeigh-in-waiting who hates everybody who isn't white and male. It's not that we disagree with Obama on his spending proposals, or that we didn't think a guy whose record really just consists of winning elections was a great President, no, we just worship Glenn Beck and his clearly-deliberate-Nazi-references.

If any of you who spend so much "debunking FOX News" cared about media bias, you'd hate it in all forms. So it's fine for MSNBC to obsess over Sarah Palin -- clearly no bias there -- but it's nefariously deceitful for FOX to use "Obamacare" rather than "government-run health care".
At a certain point, you have to be an adult and admit to yourself that everybody's heard you and they don't care. The FOX News "whistleblowing" has been going on for no less than ten years, and they still get great ratings. If any of you liberals were going to blow FOX out of the water with your tired accusations of dishonesty, it would've happened by now. It essentially hasn't, so...maybe it's time to move on to something else.

I will say, though, that part of the reason it hasn't is because a lot of this isn't about media dishonesty; it's score settling. FOX's major crime has been to try and make Republicans look good at a time when we're supposed to believe the average American Conservative is some Bible-thumping, anti-government Timothy-McVeigh-in-waiting who hates everybody who isn't white and male. It's not that we disagree with Obama on his spending proposals, or that we didn't think a guy whose record really just consists of winning elections was a great President, no, we just worship Glenn Beck and his clearly-deliberate-Nazi-references.

If any of you who spend so much "debunking FOX News" cared about media bias, you'd hate it in all forms. So it's fine for MSNBC to obsess over Sarah Palin -- clearly no bias there -- but it's nefariously deceitful for FOX to use "Obamacare" rather than "government-run health care".

You sound just like them. Don't respond to the truth in the accusations, make me the problem for noticing there's a problem.

Re: Fox. The emperor is wearing no clothes. I'm not a pervert for noticing.
The John Stewart's show ran a small clip of Hannity's show to make a joke out of it.
This is why his show is on comedy central.
They showed the full version of what President Obama said on the Hannity Show.
I watch both shows.
If you had watched Hannity and then John's show you would have been able to tell, and know the difference.
One is a comedy show, the other is a opinion on the news show.
Why I Called Fox News "Propaganda" While Live on Fox News | Video | AlterNet

This helps answer the last question - Wasn't my tirade a little rude and lacking in class? A few people who agree with what I said have asked this. My own mother said I should have warned the nice news people that I was going to trash them. My view of a lack of class is knowing that nearly a million civilians have died in Iraq and yet then reporting that 80,000 have. My view of unrefined is calling peace activists "anti-American." My view of barbaric is being aware that genocide goes on in Darfur but refusing to speak about it on-air because the people funding it are your corporate friends. My view of disrespectful is calling the first probable African American nominee for president "Muslim" in hopes that it will inspire enough racism in your viewers to defeat him in November. My idea of vulgar is creating false "news" stories that have some relation to naked women so that you can show clips of those women while you discuss it in a "professional" manner.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
"Some people say ..."
I hear that on ALL networks, not just Fox. "...but some critics say..." and "...but some would argue..." without ever saying who is doing the arguing or criticizing (I know they're "journ-o-lists").

You wanna' call Fox a Propaganda Arm of the Republican Party? Fine. I t looks to me that MSNBC is the Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party. You just mad because Fox gets better ratings? Does the job better?

Hint: Liberals have a hard time seeing the difference between political commentary and comedy, i.e. Jon Stewart. We Conservatives can see the bias in the networks and figure that in when we come to a conclusion.
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Look folks.... I was a HARD CORE republican 2 years ago. When I mean HARD CORE I would put most of the GOPers here as slightly Liberal. What happened? I actually started to..... *gasp* think. I tuned out Hannity and the rest that I listened to more than my pastor. For 2 weeks I vowed not to listen to talk radio OR watch Fox News. (I can write a book on why but Im not going to here)
While munching on my sushi one day, after the 2 weeks I had a thought. That thought I had was I was being sold to. As a salesperson myself I was really pissed because it was an insult to who I am. I started breaking down what some of these talk show hosts were feeding me and compared notes to how I was going to sell my product and services to MY clients.
It turns out..... I..... ME! was being sold and for 5 years I didnt even know it! :cuckoo: I made a fool..... out of ME! Since then Ive been on a cusade to rectify my stupidity. I thought I was SHARP. And could never be wrong. My ego fell and so did my self belief.

ANYHEW...... Im out to spead the word that most ALL radio talk show hosts are only Entertainers and Salesmen. Here is an exaple:
‪How Fox "News" Makes You Stupid‬‏ - YouTube

So THAT'S where people on here get that 'Anointed One' nickname.

I also liked when Jon Stewart went on Chris Wallace's show, and Chris Wallace made a point of stressing the 'Fair And Balanced' slogan.

And then Chris Wallace says they report the other side of the story.
Hate to break this to you, Noodle but Sean Hannity is not part of Fox "News". He's a commentator who does a show that is HEAVILY biased against Barack Obama and Democrats in general. Now if you'd like to chastise Brett Baier for doing what Hannity did then you might have a valid point.

Which timeslots are the news slots?

It's tough to tell.

All the times you want to complain about aren't news slots. In order to remain "Fair and Balanced" in their news coverage, they had to drop all such coverage. :cool:
The John Stewart's show ran a small clip of Hannity's show to make a joke out of it.
This is why his show is on comedy central.
They showed the full version of what President Obama said on the Hannity Show.
I watch both shows.
If you had watched Hannity and then John's show you would have been able to tell, and know the difference.
One is a comedy show, the other is a opinion on the news show.

That's what I say. It's easy to tell which one is opinion and which is comedy by how much you end up laughing. Hannity, you win hands down on the Laugh-O-Meter. :clap2:
At a certain point, you have to be an adult and admit to yourself that everybody's heard you and they don't care. The FOX News "whistleblowing" has been going on for no less than ten years, and they still get great ratings. If any of you liberals were going to blow FOX out of the water with your tired accusations of dishonesty, it would've happened by now. It essentially hasn't, so...maybe it's time to move on to something else.

I will say, though, that part of the reason it hasn't is because a lot of this isn't about media dishonesty; it's score settling. FOX's major crime has been to try and make Republicans look good at a time when we're supposed to believe the average American Conservative is some Bible-thumping, anti-government Timothy-McVeigh-in-waiting who hates everybody who isn't white and male. It's not that we disagree with Obama on his spending proposals, or that we didn't think a guy whose record really just consists of winning elections was a great President, no, we just worship Glenn Beck and his clearly-deliberate-Nazi-references.

If any of you who spend so much "debunking FOX News" cared about media bias, you'd hate it in all forms. So it's fine for MSNBC to obsess over Sarah Palin -- clearly no bias there -- but it's nefariously deceitful for FOX to use "Obamacare" rather than "government-run health care".

You sound just like them. Don't respond to the truth in the accusations, make me the problem for noticing there's a problem.

Re: Fox. The emperor is wearing no clothes. I'm not a pervert for noticing.

I'm just saying people would take complaints about FOX more seriously if the rest of the media wasn't so clearly in the tank for Democrats. We're supposed to be offended by FOX pandering to conservatives, but nary a word about MSNBC pandering to liberals.
Look folks.... I was a HARD CORE republican 2 years ago. When I mean HARD CORE I would put most of the GOPers here as slightly Liberal. What happened? I actually started to..... *gasp* think. I tuned out Hannity and the rest that I listened to more than my pastor. For 2 weeks I vowed not to listen to talk radio OR watch Fox News. (I can write a book on why but Im not going to here)
While munching on my sushi one day, after the 2 weeks I had a thought. That thought I had was I was being sold to. As a salesperson myself I was really pissed because it was an insult to who I am. I started breaking down what some of these talk show hosts were feeding me and compared notes to how I was going to sell my product and services to MY clients.
It turns out..... I..... ME! was being sold and for 5 years I didnt even know it! :cuckoo: I made a fool..... out of ME! Since then Ive been on a cusade to rectify my stupidity. I thought I was SHARP. And could never be wrong. My ego fell and so did my self belief.

ANYHEW...... Im out to spead the word that most ALL radio talk show hosts are only Entertainers and Salesmen. Here is an exaple:
‪How Fox "News" Makes You Stupid‬‏ - YouTube

A hardcore Republican for two whole years? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I swear I have seen libs quote the comedy channel "Colbert Report" as if it was news. Clearly the left wing mind doesn't know what news is anymore after forty years of liberal propaganda disguised as news. Jonathan Stewart Liebowitz probably changed his name to anglo sounding Jon Stewart because he instinctively knew he would never be successful with a Jewish name pandering to the usually anti-semitic hate filled left.
Hate to break this to you, Noodle but Sean Hannity is not part of Fox "News". He's a commentator who does a show that is HEAVILY biased against Barack Obama and Democrats in general. Now if you'd like to chastise Brett Baier for doing what Hannity did then you might have a valid point.

And this changes Hannity getting caught with his pants clear down around his dishonest ankles exactly how?

Does the fact that Hannity is "HEAVILY biased against Barack Obama and Democrats in general" somehow excuse his taking President Obama's statement about raising taxes, TOTALL OUT OF CONTEXT and trying to foist it off as a statement entire to itself?

Of course it doesn't. Instead, it exposes him for the liar that he is. Thank God for Jon Stewart. And how sad it is that there are so many people out there who are taken in by his garbage.
I swear I have seen libs quote the comedy channel "Colbert Report" as if it was news. Clearly the left wing mind doesn't know what news is anymore after forty years of liberal propaganda disguised as news. Jonathan Stewart Liebowitz probably changed his name to anglo sounding Jon Stewart because he instinctively knew he would never be successful with a Jewish name pandering to the usually anti-semitic hate filled left.

The "usually anti-semetic hate filled left." I don't suppose you migdht have something to document this statement other than an opinion that certainly appears as if it was pulled right out of the center of your ass?
I swear I have seen libs quote the comedy channel "Colbert Report" as if it was news. Clearly the left wing mind doesn't know what news is anymore after forty years of liberal propaganda disguised as news. Jonathan Stewart Liebowitz probably changed his name to anglo sounding Jon Stewart because he instinctively knew he would never be successful with a Jewish name pandering to the usually anti-semitic hate filled left.

The "usually anti-semetic hate filled left." I don't suppose you migdht have something to document this statement other than an opinion that certainly appears as if it was pulled right out of the center of your ass?

I had no idea I was anti-semitic. I must ponder this turn of events.
I swear I have seen libs quote the comedy channel "Colbert Report" as if it was news. Clearly the left wing mind doesn't know what news is anymore after forty years of liberal propaganda disguised as news. Jonathan Stewart Liebowitz probably changed his name to anglo sounding Jon Stewart because he instinctively knew he would never be successful with a Jewish name pandering to the usually anti-semitic hate filled left.

The "usually anti-semetic hate filled left." I don't suppose you migdht have something to document this statement other than an opinion that certainly appears as if it was pulled right out of the center of your ass?

I had no idea I was anti-semitic. I must ponder this turn of events.

I had no such idea either. My experience has been that when you see a racist or an anti-semite, chances are you will probably be able to pretty accurately predict which side of the political spectrum he or she will be on. Hint: Don't guess Left.
Look folks.... I was a HARD CORE republican 2 years ago. When I mean HARD CORE I would put most of the GOPers here as slightly Liberal. What happened? I actually started to..... *gasp* think. I tuned out Hannity and the rest that I listened to more than my pastor. For 2 weeks I vowed not to listen to talk radio OR watch Fox News. (I can write a book on why but Im not going to here)
While munching on my sushi one day, after the 2 weeks I had a thought. That thought I had was I was being sold to. As a salesperson myself I was really pissed because it was an insult to who I am. I started breaking down what some of these talk show hosts were feeding me and compared notes to how I was going to sell my product and services to MY clients.
It turns out..... I..... ME! was being sold and for 5 years I didnt even know it! :cuckoo: I made a fool..... out of ME! Since then Ive been on a cusade to rectify my stupidity. I thought I was SHARP. And could never be wrong. My ego fell and so did my self belief.

ANYHEW...... Im out to spead the word that most ALL radio talk show hosts are only Entertainers and Salesmen. Here is an exaple:
‪How Fox "News" Makes You Stupid‬‏ - YouTube

No self respecting conservative makes a habit of eating sushi. While you're eating your sushi why don't you work on your Engrish skills as well because they are quite lacking.

Thanks for the worthless input sock-puppet.

BTW, if we relied on Fox for all of our news we would be as stupid as you think we are.
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