How Germany feels about Trump After the NATO Conference

Merkle is leading the German people to genocide and oblivion. She is leading Germany into being an Islamic Republic. That's not something to want to emulate.
On cue, wrong again.
Immigration pushes Germany's ailing birth rate to highest in more than 30 years
The immigrant birth rate isn't the birthrate of Germans you stupid hairy twat. It's the birthrate of muslim immigrants.
Let's add NONREADER to your other titles.

The birth rate in Germany has risen to its highest level in more than 30 years, fueled largely by immigration, raising hopes the country can reverse decades of population decline.

There were an average of 1.5 births for every woman living in Germany for the first time since 1982, according to newly released government figures.

The increase was almost entirely due to immigration, with the birth rate far higher among foreign residents than German citizens.
You really don't have any idea how stupid you really are? Amazing.

Everyone can point and laugh now.
To Rambunctious:
Notes: Zero Hedge is a financial blog that aggregates news and presents editorial opinions from original and outside sources. In between the aggregated news there are crazy economic conspiracies and general right wing biases.
Merkle is leading the German people to genocide and oblivion. She is leading Germany into being an Islamic Republic. That's not something to want to emulate.
On cue, wrong again.
Immigration pushes Germany's ailing birth rate to highest in more than 30 years
The immigrant birth rate isn't the birthrate of Germans you stupid hairy twat. It's the birthrate of muslim immigrants.
Let's add NONREADER to your other titles.

The birth rate in Germany has risen to its highest level in more than 30 years, fueled largely by immigration, raising hopes the country can reverse decades of population decline.

There were an average of 1.5 births for every woman living in Germany for the first time since 1982, according to newly released government figures.

The increase was almost entirely due to immigration, with the birth rate far higher among foreign residents than German citizens.
That's gonna work out real well for welfare recipients.
Since you have much experience being on welfare I'll defer to your expertise.
Look, ma! An ad hominem!
Merkle is leading the German people to genocide and oblivion. She is leading Germany into being an Islamic Republic. That's not something to want to emulate.
On cue, wrong again.
Immigration pushes Germany's ailing birth rate to highest in more than 30 years
The immigrant birth rate isn't the birthrate of Germans you stupid hairy twat. It's the birthrate of muslim immigrants.
Let's add NONREADER to your other titles.

The birth rate in Germany has risen to its highest level in more than 30 years, fueled largely by immigration, raising hopes the country can reverse decades of population decline.

There were an average of 1.5 births for every woman living in Germany for the first time since 1982, according to newly released government figures.

The increase was almost entirely due to immigration, with the birth rate far higher among foreign residents than German citizens.
You really don't have any idea how stupid you really are? Amazing.

Everyone can point and laugh now.
So says the bitch who is tired of getting her fat ass kicked by a liberal.
To Rambunctious:
Notes: Zero Hedge is a financial blog that aggregates news and presents editorial opinions from original and outside sources. In between the aggregated news there are crazy economic conspiracies and general right wing biases.
As though Left Wing "news" outlets don't present opinion as fact?
At least be honest and even handed.
The immigrant birth rate isn't the birthrate of Germans you stupid hairy twat. It's the birthrate of muslim immigrants.
Let's add NONREADER to your other titles.

The birth rate in Germany has risen to its highest level in more than 30 years, fueled largely by immigration, raising hopes the country can reverse decades of population decline.

There were an average of 1.5 births for every woman living in Germany for the first time since 1982, according to newly released government figures.

The increase was almost entirely due to immigration, with the birth rate far higher among foreign residents than German citizens.
That's gonna work out real well for welfare recipients.
Since you have much experience being on welfare I'll defer to your expertise.
Look, ma! An ad hominem!
Look ma, no game.
It's time for Europe to beat its own path just as other world regions are doing and detach itself from reliance on the USA.

America cannot be the Global policeman. America cannot be the Global welfare officer either. It is neither sustainable nor logical.

What America can do is sell these countries weapons so they can protect themselves. That in turn helps American manufacturing and Jobs Jobs Jobs for American workers.

President Trump is pursuing the right strategy, he is putting America first just as he promised to do.
He should be putting planet earth first.
Horseshit! You must be one of those fanatical tree--hugging Greenpeace nincompoops.
To Rambunctious:
Notes: Zero Hedge is a financial blog that aggregates news and presents editorial opinions from original and outside sources. In between the aggregated news there are crazy economic conspiracies and general right wing biases.
As though Left Wing "news" outlets don't present opinion as fact?
At least be honest and even handed.
I use valid sources. Your boys think Brietbart and Infowars are legit because the idiot in Chief uses them. Lol
It's time for Europe to beat its own path just as other world regions are doing and detach itself from reliance on the USA.

America cannot be the Global policeman. America cannot be the Global welfare officer either. It is neither sustainable nor logical.

What America can do is sell these countries weapons so they can protect themselves. That in turn helps American manufacturing and Jobs Jobs Jobs for American workers.

President Trump is pursuing the right strategy, he is putting America first just as he promised to do.
He should be putting planet earth first.
Horseshit! You must be one of those fanatical tree--hugging Greenpeace nincompoops.
I'll plant a tree, I'll hug a tree, your type of scum wants to put endangered species off the earth.
To Rambunctious:
Notes: Zero Hedge is a financial blog that aggregates news and presents editorial opinions from original and outside sources. In between the aggregated news there are crazy economic conspiracies and general right wing biases.
As though Left Wing "news" outlets don't present opinion as fact?
At least be honest and even handed.
I use valid sources. Your boys think Brietbart and Infowars are legit because the idiot in Chief uses them. Lol
I'm not a RWer; I hate Brietbart and Alex Jones is a whack job.
And you're just dying to give some money to an nation but your own.
It's time for Europe to beat its own path just as other world regions are doing and detach itself from reliance on the USA.

America cannot be the Global policeman. America cannot be the Global welfare officer either. It is neither sustainable nor logical.

What America can do is sell these countries weapons so they can protect themselves. That in turn helps American manufacturing and Jobs Jobs Jobs for American workers.

President Trump is pursuing the right strategy, he is putting America first just as he promised to do.
He should be putting planet earth first.
Horseshit! You must be one of those fanatical tree--hugging Greenpeace nincompoops.
your type of scum wants to put endangered species off the earth.
Such as?

The sheep here on this forum. Ready to go over the cliff with DT.
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Imagine that; our President wants other nations to grow up and pay their own bills.
I'm so embarrassed! Not!
Of course you're a rwer. Of course you're not honest enough to refer to the articles more salient points...

*Even our closest ally, Great Britain will no longer share intelligence with us. They can’t trust the USA under Trump.

*He will not endorse Article V to the delight of his Russian pals who helped him get into the White House without winning the majority vote. I’m sure they are doing cartwheels up and down the hallways of the Kremlin right now.

* What is even more dangerous are the GOP sheep in Washington who out of fear of his populism see what a train wreck he has made of the Presidency and yet try to ignore his dangerous and unstable behavior. What kind of cowards has the GOP become?
Imagine that; our President wants other nations to grow up and pay their own bills.
I'm so embarrassed! Not!
Of course you're a rwer. Of course you're not honest enough to refer to the articles more salient points...

*Even our closest ally, Great Britain will no longer share intelligence with us. They can’t trust the USA under Trump.

*He will not endorse Article V to the delight of his Russian pals who helped him get into the White House without winning the majority vote. I’m sure they are doing cartwheels up and down the hallways of the Kremlin right now.

* What is even more dangerous are the GOP sheep in Washington who out of fear of his populism see what a train wreck he has made of the Presidency and yet try to ignore his dangerous and unstable behavior. What kind of cowards has the GOP become?
I'm not in favor of my paycheck going to other nations...period.
remember when that POS DT said " I like my war heroes not to be captured."
Right there it should have disqualified him from be elected.
But the DEPLORABLES excuse the worst type of behavior.
Which brings me to this hilarious line.
Imagine that; our President wants other nations to grow up and pay their own bills.
I'm so embarrassed! Not!
Of course you're a rwer. Of course you're not honest enough to refer to the articles more salient points...

*Even our closest ally, Great Britain will no longer share intelligence with us. They can’t trust the USA under Trump.

*He will not endorse Article V to the delight of his Russian pals who helped him get into the White House without winning the majority vote. I’m sure they are doing cartwheels up and down the hallways of the Kremlin right now.

* What is even more dangerous are the GOP sheep in Washington who out of fear of his populism see what a train wreck he has made of the Presidency and yet try to ignore his dangerous and unstable behavior. What kind of cowards has the GOP become?
I'm not in favor of my paycheck going to other nations...period.
I know you need your welfare check for cigarettes and beer.
When you use bogus sites you will be called out for it.
If you dopes didn't use racist neonazi sites you'd have nothing to link to
It's more legit than CNN but I know how snowflakes think. It's bogus because you disagree with it's content....I get it.

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