How Germany feels about Trump After the NATO Conference

Of course you're 100% wrong . The political coward is your serial sex offender. After much bluster about Mexico paying for the wall, did he even mention it when he went to Mexico and stood side by side with the Mexican president?
Of course not. He choked.
The coward spent 2 years saying Obama wouldn't say " radical Islamic terrorist."
When at the NATO conference he didn't say it once. He's now using the one word ," terrorist."
And they're' " losers."
He's the biggest dumbest asshole we've ever seen in this country.
Obama's cowardice destroyed your party fool. A bold unafraid leader will always come out on top in the end. Trump will win, he always does. Obama only has a series of loses stacked up.
I recently got new neighbors French Jews running from muslim violence. If these people are any example, Europe is gone. It cannot be helped. Germany is barely breathing. The UK is struggling. If Trump realizes that we need to cut ties with the EU he is miles ahead of any one else.
It's time for Europe to beat its own path just as other world regions are doing and detach itself from reliance on the USA.

America cannot be the Global policeman. America cannot be the Global welfare officer either. It is neither sustainable nor logical.

What America can do is sell these countries weapons so they can protect themselves. That in turn helps American manufacturing and Jobs Jobs Jobs for American workers.

President Trump is pursuing the right strategy, he is putting America first just as he promised to do.
The funny thing is Trump hate syndrome has probably kept several other nations from admitting the EU was a mistake and remove themselves from it. Libs are libs no matter where they live and none of them want to admit Trump and the UK has a valid point.
Deplorables will watch Tramp make a total fool of himself daily but always look the other way or bring up Hillary.

Trump Reportedly Wants to Stop Germans From Selling So Many Cars Here, Where They’re Made

Dumbest president ever.

GW Bush : Thanks Donald.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama
Wrong. DT exists because he saw a group of people so easy to con so vulnerable to a carnival barker and made it ok for the racists,xenaphobes, misogynists, and haters to come completely out of the closet.
DT exists because we don't want you. We don't want your principles or your ideology. You don't understand. Donald Trump was the big fuck you. Liberals joke about deplorables. We hate you. Liberals are the despiseables. That's why your Trump outrage of the day doesn't work. So keep rolling around on the floor screaming xenophobes, war on women and you will continue to get the Montana body slam vote.
Germany is one of our top allies.

“Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.”

“He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to Trump. And one of the media’s tasks is to continue telling things as they are: Trump has to be removed from the White House. Quickly. He is a danger to the world.”

Leave It To German Paper To Say What Every Sane American Thinks Of Trump; It’s F**king Brutal

The malignant narcissus really made an impression on the Germans.
But more than half ofAmerica feels the same way.

And Germany is well known for its prowess in selecting leaders!

Indeed they are. Angela Merkel is one of the great leaders of the world and currently considered the leader of the free world now that Tramp has lost that title by default.

That is your personal opinion.

One person is hardly a respective sample - however, clearly that fact that eludes you
It's the opinion of most of the leaders in the world.. not only mine.
Tramp is despised by most leaders. Funny you won't admit that.
All the more reason to cut the welfare the USA provides to these leeches.
Germany is barely breathing. .

Germany has a thriving economy as I documented in this thread.
The next time you're right about something will be the first.

Germans Are Leaving Germany 'In Droves' | Zero Hedge
  • More than 1.5 million Germans, many of them highly educated, left Germany during the past decade.Die Welt.
  • Germany is facing a spike in migrant crime, including an epidemic of rapes and sexual assaults. Mass migration is also accelerating the Islamization of Germany. Many Germans appear to be losing hope about the future direction of their country
It's time for Europe to beat its own path just as other world regions are doing and detach itself from reliance on the USA.

America cannot be the Global policeman. America cannot be the Global welfare officer either. It is neither sustainable nor logical.

What America can do is sell these countries weapons so they can protect themselves. That in turn helps American manufacturing and Jobs Jobs Jobs for American workers.

President Trump is pursuing the right strategy, he is putting America first just as he promised to do.
He should be putting planet earth first.
But instead he's doing the opposite.

The Trump Administration: Putting Big Polluters at the Helm
Germany is barely breathing. .

Germany has a thriving economy as I documented in this thread.
The next time you're right about something will be the first.

Germans Are Leaving Germany 'In Droves' | Zero Hedge
  • More than 1.5 million Germans, many of them highly educated, left Germany during the past decade.Die Welt.
  • Germany is facing a spike in migrant crime, including an epidemic of rapes and sexual assaults. Mass migration is also accelerating the Islamization of Germany. Many Germans appear to be losing hope about the future direction of their country
Not surprised a deplorable would use a white nationalist site. Steve Bannon would be proud of you.
Not surprised a deplorable would use a white nationalist site. Steve Bannon would be proud of you
and I'm not surprised that you are too pig headed to learn anything. It shows in everyone of your posted remarks....
Germany is barely breathing. .

Germany has a thriving economy as I documented in this thread.
The next time you're right about something will be the first.

Germans Are Leaving Germany 'In Droves' | Zero Hedge
  • More than 1.5 million Germans, many of them highly educated, left Germany during the past decade.Die Welt.
  • Germany is facing a spike in migrant crime, including an epidemic of rapes and sexual assaults. Mass migration is also accelerating the Islamization of Germany. Many Germans appear to be losing hope about the future direction of their country
Between the immigrants killing the German people and driving them out of the country, Germany will be gone in ten more years. Maybe the Caliph will let the name stay.
Merkle is leading the German people to genocide and oblivion. She is leading Germany into being an Islamic Republic. That's not something to want to emulate.
On cue, wrong again.
Immigration pushes Germany's ailing birth rate to highest in more than 30 years
The immigrant birth rate isn't the birthrate of Germans you stupid hairy twat. It's the birthrate of muslim immigrants.
Let's add NONREADER to your other titles.

The birth rate in Germany has risen to its highest level in more than 30 years, fueled largely by immigration, raising hopes the country can reverse decades of population decline.

There were an average of 1.5 births for every woman living in Germany for the first time since 1982, according to newly released government figures.

The increase was almost entirely due to immigration, with the birth rate far higher among foreign residents than German citizens.
Merkle is leading the German people to genocide and oblivion. She is leading Germany into being an Islamic Republic. That's not something to want to emulate.
On cue, wrong again.
Immigration pushes Germany's ailing birth rate to highest in more than 30 years
The immigrant birth rate isn't the birthrate of Germans you stupid hairy twat. It's the birthrate of muslim immigrants.
Let's add NONREADER to your other titles.

The birth rate in Germany has risen to its highest level in more than 30 years, fueled largely by immigration, raising hopes the country can reverse decades of population decline.

There were an average of 1.5 births for every woman living in Germany for the first time since 1982, according to newly released government figures.

The increase was almost entirely due to immigration, with the birth rate far higher among foreign residents than German citizens.
That's gonna work out real well for welfare recipients.
And Germany is well known for its prowess in selecting leaders!

Indeed they are. Angela Merkel is one of the great leaders of the world and currently considered the leader of the free world now that Tramp has lost that title by default.

That is your personal opinion.

One person is hardly a respective sample - however, clearly that fact that eludes you
It's the opinion of most of the leaders in the world.. not only mine.
Tramp is despised by most leaders. Funny you won't admit that.

Link to proof that most of the world leaders Angela Merkel is one of the great leaders of the world and currently considered the leader of the free world?

Angela Merkel is now the leader of the free world, not Donald Trump

The US President isn’t motivated by protecting liberal democracy or freedom, his sole ideology is Trumpism: corporate autocracy with a populist facade. And he surrounds himself with white nationalists even more hostile to liberal democracy than he is.


The thrice-elected, soft-spoken former scientist from East Germany, armed with a doctorate in quantum chemistry, doesn’t just carry the weight of Germany and Europe on her shoulders, but that of defending freedom and liberalism across the world.

This is not an attempt to be provocative or exaggerate for effect. Donald Trump cannot claim the mantle of “leading” the free world by default. America’s military might is not the only criteria necessary.

Angela Merkel is now the leader of the free world, not Donald Trump

How Angela Merkel, a conservative, became the ‘leader of the free world’

In the eyes of many, the victory of Donald Trump has made Merkel perhaps the most influential individual in the West who is not a populist.

Analysis | How Angela Merkel, a conservative, became the ‘leader of the free world’
She is barely above 30% in Germany.

She can't get the support from her own.

Not exactly world leader material.
Not surprised a deplorable would use a white nationalist site. Steve Bannon would be proud of you
and I'm not surprised that you are too pig headed to learn anything. It shows in everyone of your posted remarks....
When you use bogus sites you will be called out for it.
If you dopes didn't use racist neonazi sites you'd have nothing to link to.
Merkle is leading the German people to genocide and oblivion. She is leading Germany into being an Islamic Republic. That's not something to want to emulate.
On cue, wrong again.
Immigration pushes Germany's ailing birth rate to highest in more than 30 years
The immigrant birth rate isn't the birthrate of Germans you stupid hairy twat. It's the birthrate of muslim immigrants.
Let's add NONREADER to your other titles.

The birth rate in Germany has risen to its highest level in more than 30 years, fueled largely by immigration, raising hopes the country can reverse decades of population decline.

There were an average of 1.5 births for every woman living in Germany for the first time since 1982, according to newly released government figures.

The increase was almost entirely due to immigration, with the birth rate far higher among foreign residents than German citizens.
That's gonna work out real well for welfare recipients.
Since you have much experience being on welfare I'll defer to your expertise.
Trump is turning America into Iran...I hope Germany and France puts sanctions and tariffs our ass.

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