How global warming (heat) causes unprecedented winter storms (cold).


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Another epic blizzard is bearing down on New England. There is a big part played by human-induced climate change, especially warming-fueled ocean temperatures.

In winter it is cold over the continent. But it is warm over the oceans and the contrast between the cold continent and the warm Gulf Stream and surrounding waters is increasing. At present sea surface temperatures are more the 2F above normal over huge expanses (1000 miles) off the east coast and water vapor in the atmosphere is about 10% higher as a result. About half of this can be attributed to climate change.

Science deniers, please take out a post-it note and write down the following:

Climate and weather are not the same.

All weather is a function of one thing - HEAT.

Now stick the post-it on your bathroom mirror and read it every morning.

Like a baseball player on steroids, our climate system is breaking records at an unnatural pace. And like a baseball player on steroids, it’s the wrong question to ask whether a given home run is “caused” by steroids. As Trenberth wrote in his must-read analysis, “How To Relate Climate Extremes to Climate Change,” the “answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be.”

One of the most robust scientific findings is the direct connection between global warming and more extreme precipitation or deluges. “Basic physics tells us that a warmer atmosphere is able to hold more moisture — at a rate of approximately 7 per cent increase per degree [Celsius] warming,” as the U.K. Met Office explained in its 2014 update on climate science. “This is expected to lead to similar percentage increases in heavy rainfall, which has generally been borne out by models and observed changes in daily rainfall.”


I predicted there would be many stupid threads this winter for the far-right anti-science folks, so I post this as a public service.

We would take that advice more seriously if global warming wasn't blamed for everything from Acne to Zits. Climate science is the one using weather to 'prove' its case, not the skeptics.
Another epic blizzard is bearing down on New England. There is a big part played by human-induced climate change, especially warming-fueled ocean temperatures.

In winter it is cold over the continent. But it is warm over the oceans and the contrast between the cold continent and the warm Gulf Stream and surrounding waters is increasing. At present sea surface temperatures are more the 2F above normal over huge expanses (1000 miles) off the east coast and water vapor in the atmosphere is about 10% higher as a result. About half of this can be attributed to climate change.

Science deniers, please take out a post-it note and write down the following:

Climate and weather are not the same.

All weather is a function of one thing - HEAT.

Now stick the post-it on your bathroom mirror and read it every morning.

Like a baseball player on steroids, our climate system is breaking records at an unnatural pace. And like a baseball player on steroids, it’s the wrong question to ask whether a given home run is “caused” by steroids. As Trenberth wrote in his must-read analysis, “How To Relate Climate Extremes to Climate Change,” the “answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be.”

One of the most robust scientific findings is the direct connection between global warming and more extreme precipitation or deluges. “Basic physics tells us that a warmer atmosphere is able to hold more moisture — at a rate of approximately 7 per cent increase per degree [Celsius] warming,” as the U.K. Met Office explained in its 2014 update on climate science. “This is expected to lead to similar percentage increases in heavy rainfall, which has generally been borne out by models and observed changes in daily rainfall.”


I predicted there would be many stupid threads this winter for the far-right anti-science folks, so I post this as a public service.

Is climate change cyclical or peculiar to our "industrial age era?"
Another epic blizzard is bearing down on New England. There is a big part played by human-induced climate change, especially warming-fueled ocean temperatures.

In winter it is cold over the continent. But it is warm over the oceans and the contrast between the cold continent and the warm Gulf Stream and surrounding waters is increasing. At present sea surface temperatures are more the 2F above normal over huge expanses (1000 miles) off the east coast and water vapor in the atmosphere is about 10% higher as a result. About half of this can be attributed to climate change.

Science deniers, please take out a post-it note and write down the following:

Climate and weather are not the same.

All weather is a function of one thing - HEAT.

Now stick the post-it on your bathroom mirror and read it every morning.

Like a baseball player on steroids, our climate system is breaking records at an unnatural pace. And like a baseball player on steroids, it’s the wrong question to ask whether a given home run is “caused” by steroids. As Trenberth wrote in his must-read analysis, “How To Relate Climate Extremes to Climate Change,” the “answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be.”

One of the most robust scientific findings is the direct connection between global warming and more extreme precipitation or deluges. “Basic physics tells us that a warmer atmosphere is able to hold more moisture — at a rate of approximately 7 per cent increase per degree [Celsius] warming,” as the U.K. Met Office explained in its 2014 update on climate science. “This is expected to lead to similar percentage increases in heavy rainfall, which has generally been borne out by models and observed changes in daily rainfall.”


I predicted there would be many stupid threads this winter for the far-right anti-science folks, so I post this as a public service.

Another epic blizzard is bearing down on New England. There is a big part played by human-induced climate change, especially warming-fueled ocean temperatures.

In winter it is cold over the continent. But it is warm over the oceans and the contrast between the cold continent and the warm Gulf Stream and surrounding waters is increasing. At present sea surface temperatures are more the 2F above normal over huge expanses (1000 miles) off the east coast and water vapor in the atmosphere is about 10% higher as a result. About half of this can be attributed to climate change.

Science deniers, please take out a post-it note and write down the following:

Climate and weather are not the same.

All weather is a function of one thing - HEAT.

Now stick the post-it on your bathroom mirror and read it every morning.

Like a baseball player on steroids, our climate system is breaking records at an unnatural pace. And like a baseball player on steroids, it’s the wrong question to ask whether a given home run is “caused” by steroids. As Trenberth wrote in his must-read analysis, “How To Relate Climate Extremes to Climate Change,” the “answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be.”

One of the most robust scientific findings is the direct connection between global warming and more extreme precipitation or deluges. “Basic physics tells us that a warmer atmosphere is able to hold more moisture — at a rate of approximately 7 per cent increase per degree [Celsius] warming,” as the U.K. Met Office explained in its 2014 update on climate science. “This is expected to lead to similar percentage increases in heavy rainfall, which has generally been borne out by models and observed changes in daily rainfall.”


I predicted there would be many stupid threads this winter for the far-right anti-science folks, so I post this as a public service.


NO...You Enjoy!

A Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming

A (Not Quite) Complete List Of Things Supposedly
Caused By Global Warming

Acne , agricultural land increase , Afghan poppies destroyed , Africa devastated, Africa in conflict, African aid threatened, African summer frost , aggressive weeds , air pressure changes , airport malaria , Agulhas current ,Alaska reshaped, moves , allergy season longer , alligators in the Thames , Alps melting , Amazon a desert ,American dream end , amphibians breeding earlier (or not) , anaphylactic reactions to bee stings , ancient forests dramatically changed , animals head for the hills, animals shrink , Antarctic grass flourishes , Antarctic ice grows ,Antarctic ice shrinks , Antarctic sea life at risk, anxiety treatment , algal blooms , archaeological sites threatened ,Arab Spring , Arctic bogs melt , Arctic in bloom , Arctic ice free , Arctic ice melt faster , Arctic lakes disappear ,Arctic tundra to burn , Arctic warming (not), Atlantic less salty , Atlantic more salty, atmospheric circulation modified , attack of the killer jellyfish , avalanches reduced , avalanches increased , Baghdad snow , Bahrain under water , bananas grow , barbarisation , beer shortage , beetle infestation , bet for $10,000, better beer, big melt faster, billion dollar research projects , billion homeless , billions face risk , billions of deaths , bird distributions change , bird loss accelerating , birds shrinking , bird strikes , bird visitors drop , birds confused , birds decline (Wales) , birds driven north , birds return early , bittern boom ends , blackbirds stop singing , blackbirds threatened, Black Hawk down , blood contaminated , blue mussels return , bluetongue , brain eating amoebae , brains shrink ,bridge collapse (Minneapolis), Britain one big city , Britain Siberian , brothels struggle , brown Ireland , bubonic plague , budget increases , Buddhist temple threatened , building collapse , building season extension , bushfires ,business opportunities , business risks, butterflies move north, camel deaths , cancer deaths in England,cannibalism, cannibalism again , caterpillar biomass shift, cave paintings threatened , childhood insomnia,Cholera , circumcision in decline , cirrus disappearance , civil unrest , cloud increase , coast beauty spots lost ,cockroach migration, coffee threatened , cold climate creatures survive , cold spells (Australia) , cold wave (India), computer models , conferences , conflict , conflict with Russia , consumers foot the bill , coral bleaching, coral fish suffer , coral reefs dying , coral reefs grow, coral reefs shrink , coral reefs twilight, Cabbage Shortage , cost of trillions , cougar attacks, crabgrass menace, cradle of civilisation threatened , creatures move uphill, crime increase, crocodile sex, crops devastated , crumbling roads, buildings and sewage systems , curriculum change , cyclones (Australia), danger to kid's health , Darfur , Dartford Warbler plague , death rate increase (US) , deaths to reach 6 million, Dengue hemorrhagic fever , depression , desert advance , desert retreat , destruction of the environment ,disappearance of coastal cities, disasters , diseases move from animals to humans , diseases move north , dog disease , Dolomites collapse , dozen deadly diseases , drought, ducks and geese decline , dust bowl in the corn belt, early marriages , early spring , earlier pollen season , Earth biodiversity crisis , Earth dying , Earth even hotter ,Earth light dimming , Earth lopsided, Earth melting , Earth morbid fever , Earth on fast track , Earth past point of no return , Earth slowing down , Earth spins faster, Earth to explode,Earth's poles shift, earth upside down ,earthquakes , earthquakes redux , earthquakes redux 2 , Egypt revolt , El Niño intensification , end of the world as we know it , erosion , emerging infections, encephalitis, English villages lost , equality threatened , Europe simultaneously baking and freezing, eutrophication , evolution accelerating , expansion of university climate groups,

extinctions (human , civilisation, logic , Inuit , smallest butterfly , cod, ladybirds , pikas , polar bears, possums ,walrus, toads , plants , salmon , trout , wild flowers , woodlice , a million species , half of all animal and plant species, mountain species , not polar bears , barrier reef , leaches , salamanders , tropical insects)

experts muzzled , extreme changes to California , fading fall foliage , fainting , famine, farmers benefit , farmers go under , farm output boost , fashion disaster , fever , figurehead sacked , fir cone bonanza , fish bigger , fish catches drop , fish downsize, fish catches rise , fish deaf, fish get lost , fish head north , fish stocks at risk , fish stocks decline , five million illnesses, flames stoked , flesh eating disease , flood patterns change , floods, floods of beaches and cities , flood of migrants, flood preparation for crisis , Florida economic decline , flowers in peril , fog (more) in San Francisco , fog (less) in San Francisco , food poisoning, food prices rise , food prices soar , food security threat (SA), football team migration , footpath erosion, forest decline , forest expansion , frog with extra heads , frostbite , frost damage increased , frosts , fungi fruitful , fungi invasion , games change , Garden of Eden wilts , geese decline in Hampshire , genetic diversity decline, gene pools slashed , giant oysters invade, giant pythons invade , giant squid migrate , gingerbread houses collapse , glacial earthquakes , glacial retreat, glacial growth , glacier grows (California) , glacier wrapped , global cooling , global dimming, glowing clouds , golf course to drown , golf Masters wrecked , grandstanding , grasslands wetter , Great Barrier Reef 95% dead , Great Lakes drop , great tits cope , greening of the North , Grey whales lose weight , Gulf Stream failure , habitat loss ,haggis threatened , Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, harmful algae , harvest increase , harvest shrinkage , hay fever epidemic , health affected , health of children harmed,health risks, heart disease,heart attacks and strokes (Australia),heat waves, hibernation affected, hibernation ends too soon, hibernation ends too late, high court debates, HIV epidemic, homeless 50 million, hornets, horses shrink, human development faces unprecedented reversal, human fertility reduced, human health risk , human race oblivion , hurricanes , hurricane reduction ,hurricanes fewer , hurricanes not , hydropower problems , hyperthermia deaths , ice age , ice sheet growth , ice sheet shrinkage, icebergs , illegal immigration , illness and death , inclement weather , India drowning ,infrastructure failure (Canada) , industry threatened , infectious diseases, inflation in China , insect explosion,insurance premium rises , Inuit displacement , Inuit poisoned , Inuit suing , invasion of cats , invasion of crabgrass ,invasion of herons , invasion of jellyfish , invasion of king crabs , invasion of midges, island disappears , islands sinking , itchier poison ivy , jellyfish explosion , jets fall from sky , jet stream drifts north , Kew Gardens taxed ,kidney stones , kidney stones again , killer cornflakes , killing us , kitten boom , koalas under threat , krill decline ,lake and stream productivity decline, lake empties , lake shrinking and growing , landslides , landslides of ice at 140 mph , lawsuits increase, lawsuit successful, lawyers' income increased (surprise surprise!) , lawyers want more, legionnaires' surge , lives saved , Loch Ness monster dead , Locust plagues suppressed , Longer wprk breaks ,Lopsided Earth , lush growth in rain forests, Malaria, mammoth dung melt , mango harvest fails , Maple production advanced , Maple syrup shortage , marine diseases, marine food chain decimated, Meaching (end of the world) , Mediterranean rises , megacryometeors , Melanoma , Melanoma decline , meteors from space , methane emissions from plants , methane burps, methane runaway , melting permafrost , Middle Kingdom convulses ,migration , migration difficult (birds) , migratory birds huge losses , microbes to decompose soil carbon more rapidly , minorities hit, monkeys on the move , Mont Blanc grows,monuments imperiled, moose dying,more bad air days, more research needed, mortality increased, mountain (Everest) shrinking, mountaineers fears, mountains break up , mountains green and flowering, mountains taller , mortality lower , murder higher , Myanmar cyclone , narwhals at risk , National security implications , native wildlife overwhelmed , natural disasters quadruple , new islands , next ice age , NFL threatened, Nile delta damaged , noctilucent clouds , no effect in India, Northwest Passage opened, nuclear plants bloom, oaks dying , oaks move north, ocean acidification, ocean acidification faster , ocean dead zones unleashed , ocean deserts expand , ocean waves speed up , oceans noisier , opera house to be destroyed , outdoor hockey threatened, ozone repair slowed, ozone rise , Pacific dead zone , penguin chicks frozen, personal carbon rationing, pest outbreaks , pests increase, phenology shifts , plankton blooms , plankton destabilised , plants lose protein , plants march north, plants move uphill, polar bears aggressive, polar bears cannibalistic, polar bears deaf, polar bears drowning, polar bears eating themselves, polar tours scrapped , popcorn rise , porpoise astray , profits collapse, prostitution, psychiatric illness, puffin decline, radars taken out , railroad tracks deformed , rainfall increase , rape wave , refugees , reindeer endangered , release of ancient frozen viruses , resorts disappear , rice threatened, rice yields crash, rift on Capitol Hill , rioting and nuclear war, Rise and Fall of Rome, river flow impacted , rivers raised , roads wear out , robins rampant, rocky peaks crack apart , roof of the world a desert, rooftop bars , Ross river disease , ruins ruined, Russia under pressure, salinity reduction , salinity increase , Salmonella, Salmon Decline, satellites accelerate , school closures , sea level rise , sea level rise faster , seals mating more , sewer bills rise , severe thunderstorms , sex change, sexual promiscuity , shark attacks , sharks booming , sharks moving north , sheep shrink , shop closures , short-nosed dogs endangered , shrinking ponds, shrinking shrine , ski resorts threatened , skin cancer , slow death, smaller brains ,smog , snowfall increase , snowfall heavy, soaring food prices, societal collapse , soil change , songbirds change eating habits , sour grapes , space problem , spectacular orchids , spiders invade Scotland , squid aggressive giants ,squid population explosion , squid tamed , squirrels reproduce earlier , stingray invasion , storms wetter ,stormwater drains stressed , street crime to increase, subsidence , suicide , swordfish in the Baltic , Tabasco tragedy, taxes , tectonic plate movement , teenage drinking , terrorism , threat to peace , ticks move northward (Sweden) ,tides rise , tigers eat people , tomatoes rot , tornado outbreak , tourism increase , trade barriers, trade winds weakened , traffic jams , transportation threatened , tree foliage increase (UK), tree growth slowed , trees in trouble , trees less colourful , trees more colourful , trees lush , tropics expansion , tropopause raised , truffle shortage, truffles down , turtles crash , Turbulence in air travel , turtle feminised , turtles lay earlier , UFO sightings, UK coastal impact , UK Katrina , uprooted - 6 million , Vampire bats , Vampire moths , Venice flooded , violin decline , volcanic eruptions , volcanic eruptions redux , Iceland volcano eruption, walrus pups orphaned , walrus stampede , war , war between US and Canada , wars over water , wars sparked , wars threaten billions , wasps ,water bills double , water scarcity (20% of increase), water stress , weather out of its mind , weather patterns awry ,Western aid cancelled out, West Nile fever , whales lose weight , whales move north , whales wiped out , wheat yields crushed in Australia , wildfires, wind shift , wind reduced, wine - harm to Australian industry , wine industry damage (California), wine industry disaster (France), wine - more English wine industry disaster (US), wine - more English , wine - England too hot , wine -German boon , wine - no more French , wine passé (Napa) ,wine stronger , winters in Britain colder , winter in Britain dead , witchcraft executions , wolves eat more moose ,wolves eat less, workers laid off , World at war , World War 4 , World bankruptcy , World in crisis , World in flames , Yellow fever.

and all on 0.006 deg C per year!
Another epic blizzard is bearing down on New England. There is a big part played by human-induced climate change, especially warming-fueled ocean temperatures.

In winter it is cold over the continent. But it is warm over the oceans and the contrast between the cold continent and the warm Gulf Stream and surrounding waters is increasing. At present sea surface temperatures are more the 2F above normal over huge expanses (1000 miles) off the east coast and water vapor in the atmosphere is about 10% higher as a result. About half of this can be attributed to climate change.

Science deniers, please take out a post-it note and write down the following:

Climate and weather are not the same.

All weather is a function of one thing - HEAT.

Now stick the post-it on your bathroom mirror and read it every morning.

Like a baseball player on steroids, our climate system is breaking records at an unnatural pace. And like a baseball player on steroids, it’s the wrong question to ask whether a given home run is “caused” by steroids. As Trenberth wrote in his must-read analysis, “How To Relate Climate Extremes to Climate Change,” the “answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be.”

One of the most robust scientific findings is the direct connection between global warming and more extreme precipitation or deluges. “Basic physics tells us that a warmer atmosphere is able to hold more moisture — at a rate of approximately 7 per cent increase per degree [Celsius] warming,” as the U.K. Met Office explained in its 2014 update on climate science. “This is expected to lead to similar percentage increases in heavy rainfall, which has generally been borne out by models and observed changes in daily rainfall.”


I predicted there would be many stupid threads this winter for the far-right anti-science folks, so I post this as a public service.


About half of this can be attributed to climate change.

Prove it. And then prove the portion we caused.
Another epic blizzard is bearing down on New England. There is a big part played by human-induced climate change, especially warming-fueled ocean temperatures.

In winter it is cold over the continent. But it is warm over the oceans and the contrast between the cold continent and the warm Gulf Stream and surrounding waters is increasing. At present sea surface temperatures are more the 2F above normal over huge expanses (1000 miles) off the east coast and water vapor in the atmosphere is about 10% higher as a result. About half of this can be attributed to climate change.

Science deniers, please take out a post-it note and write down the following:

Climate and weather are not the same.

All weather is a function of one thing - HEAT.

Now stick the post-it on your bathroom mirror and read it every morning.

Like a baseball player on steroids, our climate system is breaking records at an unnatural pace. And like a baseball player on steroids, it’s the wrong question to ask whether a given home run is “caused” by steroids. As Trenberth wrote in his must-read analysis, “How To Relate Climate Extremes to Climate Change,” the “answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be.”

One of the most robust scientific findings is the direct connection between global warming and more extreme precipitation or deluges. “Basic physics tells us that a warmer atmosphere is able to hold more moisture — at a rate of approximately 7 per cent increase per degree [Celsius] warming,” as the U.K. Met Office explained in its 2014 update on climate science. “This is expected to lead to similar percentage increases in heavy rainfall, which has generally been borne out by models and observed changes in daily rainfall.”


I predicted there would be many stupid threads this winter for the far-right anti-science folks, so I post this as a public service.


The far left nut case hasn't a clue about thermal dynamics of the earths atmosphere.
Another epic blizzard is bearing down on New England. There is a big part played by human-induced climate change, especially warming-fueled ocean temperatures.

In winter it is cold over the continent. But it is warm over the oceans and the contrast between the cold continent and the warm Gulf Stream and surrounding waters is increasing. At present sea surface temperatures are more the 2F above normal over huge expanses (1000 miles) off the east coast and water vapor in the atmosphere is about 10% higher as a result. About half of this can be attributed to climate change.

Science deniers, please take out a post-it note and write down the following:

Climate and weather are not the same.

All weather is a function of one thing - HEAT.

Now stick the post-it on your bathroom mirror and read it every morning.

Like a baseball player on steroids, our climate system is breaking records at an unnatural pace. And like a baseball player on steroids, it’s the wrong question to ask whether a given home run is “caused” by steroids. As Trenberth wrote in his must-read analysis, “How To Relate Climate Extremes to Climate Change,” the “answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be.”

One of the most robust scientific findings is the direct connection between global warming and more extreme precipitation or deluges. “Basic physics tells us that a warmer atmosphere is able to hold more moisture — at a rate of approximately 7 per cent increase per degree [Celsius] warming,” as the U.K. Met Office explained in its 2014 update on climate science. “This is expected to lead to similar percentage increases in heavy rainfall, which has generally been borne out by models and observed changes in daily rainfall.”


I predicted there would be many stupid threads this winter for the far-right anti-science folks, so I post this as a public service.


More proof that the AGW/far left cult is the most dangerous religion in the world..
Another epic blizzard is bearing down on New England. There is a big part played by human-induced climate change, especially warming-fueled ocean temperatures.

In winter it is cold over the continent. But it is warm over the oceans and the contrast between the cold continent and the warm Gulf Stream and surrounding waters is increasing. At present sea surface temperatures are more the 2F above normal over huge expanses (1000 miles) off the east coast and water vapor in the atmosphere is about 10% higher as a result. About half of this can be attributed to climate change.

Science deniers, please take out a post-it note and write down the following:

Climate and weather are not the same.

All weather is a function of one thing - HEAT.

Now stick the post-it on your bathroom mirror and read it every morning.

Like a baseball player on steroids, our climate system is breaking records at an unnatural pace. And like a baseball player on steroids, it’s the wrong question to ask whether a given home run is “caused” by steroids. As Trenberth wrote in his must-read analysis, “How To Relate Climate Extremes to Climate Change,” the “answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be.”

One of the most robust scientific findings is the direct connection between global warming and more extreme precipitation or deluges. “Basic physics tells us that a warmer atmosphere is able to hold more moisture — at a rate of approximately 7 per cent increase per degree [Celsius] warming,” as the U.K. Met Office explained in its 2014 update on climate science. “This is expected to lead to similar percentage increases in heavy rainfall, which has generally been borne out by models and observed changes in daily rainfall.”


I predicted there would be many stupid threads this winter for the far-right anti-science folks, so I post this as a public service.


The far left nut case hasn't a clue about thermal dynamics of the earths atmosphere.
Give nut a break. He has never picked up a book. We had worse storms in the 1970s. Hell New York didn't even get hit this time. Gotta admit though their desperate local affiliates were pretty hilarious. The Blizzard mobile on CNN was epic.
Last edited:

An explanation of the way that warming can cause persistant cold storms.

certainly! It's so because she says so! Why is it you all can never provide one of these that has actually been tested? the stupid again never takes a day off for you all.
Hey JC, she is a Phd Meteorologist. So we are to take the meandering of a proven ignoramous like you concerning weather over what Dr. Francis has to say?

An explanation of the way that warming can cause persistant cold storms.

certainly! It's so because she says so! Why is it you all can never provide one of these that has actually been tested? the stupid again never takes a day off for you all.

She is one of the few left who do not believe in the paradoxical presentation of earths systems. IN a truly warming world the arctic jet would never make it to 40 deg lat. Our current polar jet is dipping into the -20 lat region (across the equator) collecting massive amounts of heat and cooling the region. Satellite observed heat loss in our arctic polar region is currently 10 times the amount seen just 15 years ago now averaging 355w/m^2 (During night time hours). The main stream media wont tell you that the equatorial regions are 1-3 deg C cooler than just 20 years ago.

The IPCC and others wont tell you that because it would out them as the liars they are.
Hey JC, she is a Phd Meteorologist. So we are to take the meandering of a proven ignoramous like you concerning weather over what Dr. Francis has to say?
nah, but I do want proof, and so far you and yours have provided exactly nothing. please, by all means introduce her experiment that proves what is in that video. You have that? Until then, it is just more of your mumbo jumbo talk. stupid on stupid.
And the last five years have definately given credance to what she has to say.
and no different than the 70's and the 80's so what? NO DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!! in 40 years NO DIFFERENT. No extremes, nothing unusual. the only thing that is unusual is the lying presented by the liars on the left. manipulating and changing temperature records, while observed temperatures have stayed the same for 40 YEARS....
God I love getting the opportunity to blow up these ghey threads about extreme weather = the greatest farce of many farces perpetuated by the AGW k00ks.

Extreme weather has been with us for time and browse through this makes it very clear that the AGW ruse of extreme weather is total bs..........

April 25
  • Liege flooded after heavy down pour. [1]
March 18
  • Hernan de Soto observes first recorded flood in America (Mississippi River). [1]
December 19
  • Dutch west coast hit by hurricane. [1]
January 12
  • Dutch west coast hit by heavy storm, 100s killed. [1]
February 15
  • Dutch coast hit by heavy storm. [1]
January 11
  • Westmunster Church in Middelburg destroyed by heavy storm. [1]
March 14
  • Storm floods ravage Gorinchem, Dordrecht and Woudrichem, Netherlands. [1]
December 24
  • Storm hits Texel: 40 ships hit, 500 killed. [1]
July 5
  • First recorded tornado in US (Essex County, Massachusetts). [1]
March 5
  • South Sea dike in Amsterdam breaks after storm. [1]
January 7
  • Fire after heavy storm destroys 2/3 of De Rijp Netherlands, one dies. [1]
August 27
  • Earliest recorded hurricane in USA (Jamestown, Virginia). [1]
June 10
  • Tornado in Connecticut uproots a 3-foot diameter oak tree. [1]
November 26
  • Bristol England damaged by hurricane, Royal Navy loses 15 warships. [1]
  • A severe storm destroys the Eddystone lighthouse off Plymouth, Devon, England, killing resident designer Mr. Winstanley. [272.623]
January 5
  • Sudden extreme cold kills 1000s of Europeans. [1]
July 30
  • Ten Spanish treasure galleons from Cuba heading to Europe sink in a hurricane off Saint Lucie, Florida. [1] [421.68] [516.32] (11 ships, July 31 [493.73])
December 25
  • Floods ravage Dutch coast provinces, 1000s killed. [1]
August 31
  • Hurricane destroy ships off Dominica. [1]
August 11
  • Barbados hurricane begins. [1]
October 10
  • Great Hurricane of 1780 kills 20,000 to 30,000 in Caribbean. [1]
May 8
  • Only known deaths by hailstones in US (Winnsborough, South Carolina). [1]
June 5
  • First recorded tornado in "Tornado Alley" (Southern Illinois). [1]
August 1
  • A rare tornado hits Westchester County, New York. [1]
June 6
  • 10 inches of snowfall in New England, USA; the "year without a summer" (due to volcano Krakatoa). [1]
February 3
  • Dutch North Sea coast floods. [1]
February 18
  • More than 100 vessels are destroyed in a storm, at Gibraltar. [1]
December 1
  • Erie Canal closes for entire month due to cold weather. [1]
January 6
  • Two-day storm off Irish and English coast immortalized as "The Big Wind". [1]
May 7
  • Tornado strikes Natchez, Mississippi, USA, killing 317. [1]
July 2
  • An alligator falls from the sky during a thunderstorm in Charleston, South Carolina, USA. [1]
March 29
  • Ireland's SS Royal Adelaide sinks in storm; 200 die. [1]
May 27
  • Mormon Temple in Nauvoo, Illinois destroyed by tornado. [1]
July 8
  • In Oregon City, USA, eight men playing cards are killed by lightning. [819.196]
August 10
  • Hurricane washes away 200-300 revelers at Last Island, Louisiana, USA. [1]
September 12
  • SS Central America, en route from Havana, Cuba, to New York, sinks off Cape Romain, South Carolina, USA in a hurricane. 426 passengers and crew drown, with 153 rescued. 3 tons of gold coins and ingots are taken to the bottom. [1] [546.36] [688.70] [1064.1391]
February 20
  • Steeple of Chichester Cathedral is blown down during a storm. [1]
  • 22.99m of rain falls in Cherrapunji, Assam, during year, world record. [1]
December 4
  • Storm flood ravages Nethe coastal provinces. [1]
October 5
  • Most of Calcutta destroyed by cyclone (approx 60,000 die). [1]
January 11
  • Steamship London sinks in storm off Land's End, England, kills 220. [1]
October 29
  • A hurricane at the British Virgin Islands sinks Royal Mail Ship Rhone, destroys Derwent and Wye, and damages Conway, Solent, and Tyne, with loss of 166 from two of the ships. [1] [269.377]
April 3
  • A Hawaiian surfs on highest wave ever, he rides a 50-foot tidal wave. [1]
June 13
  • Hurricane kills 300 in Labrador. [1]
April 1
  • British White Star passenger steamship Atlantic sinks in a storm off Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; 585 die. [1] [71.28]
January 30
  • Storm flood ravages Dutch coastal provinces. [1]
December 18
  • The Tay Bridge in Scotland blows over in a great storm, taking evening mail train to Dundee and 76 passengers and crew. [979.647]
January 9
  • 6 feet (1.8 metres) of snow falls in Seattle, Washington in five days. [1]
August 4
  • In Seville, Spain, a European record hot temperature of 122 degrees F (50 degrees C) is recorded. [1] [54]
June 6
  • Cyclone in Arabian Sea (Bombay India) drowns 100,000. [1]
June 16
  • 17-inch diameter hailstones weighing 1.75 pounds fall in Dubuque, Iowa, USA. [1]
June 17
  • Tornado kills 130 in Iowa, USA. [1]
February 19
  • Tornadoes in Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana kill 800 people. [1]
August 28
  • First known photograph of a tornado is made near Howard, South Dakota, USA. [1] [5]
October 12
  • Hurricane and sea surge kill 250 at Indianola, Texas, USA. [1]
March 11
  • Great Blizzard of 1888 strikes northeast US. [1]
March 12
  • Second day of the Great Blizzard of 1888 in northeast US (400 die). [1]
April 30
  • Hailstones kill about 250 in Moradabad district of Delhi, India. [1]
July 11
  • Pennsylvania's Monongehela River rises 32 feet after 24-hour rainfall. [1]
January 16
  • In Cloncurry, Queensland, an Australian record hot temperature of 128 degrees F (53 degrees C) is recorded. [1] [54]
February 8
  • Flood ravages Dutch coast. [1]
May 31
  • Johnstown Flood; 2,209 die in Pennsylvania, USA. [1]
June 12
  • Single tornado kills 119, injures 146 (New Richmond, Wisconsin, USA). [1]
July 5
  • Hail kills six horses in Rapid City, South Dakota. [1]
February 7
  • In Verkhoyansk, Russia, an Asian record cold temperature of -90 degrees F is recorded. [54]
October 1
  • Third worst hurricane in US history kills 1,800 (Mississippi). [1]
December 22
  • Dutch coast hit by hurricane. [1]
February 11
  • -17 degrees F (-27.2 degrees C) in Braemar, Grampian (United Kingdom record). [1]
May 15
  • Tornado kills 78 in Texas. [1]
May 27
  • First major tornado to strike urban US (Saint Louis and East Saint Louis, Missouri); kills 255 and leaves thousands homeless. [1]
June 16
  • Temperature hits 127 degrees F at Fort Mojave, California. [1]
June 24
  • Hail injures 26 in Topeka, Kansas, USA. [1]
July 27
  • 37.5 cm (14.75 inches) of rainfall in Jewell, Maryland, USA (state 24-hour record). [1]
June 29
  • Brazo River in Texas, USA, floods 12 miles wide causing $10
    September 8
    • 6,000 killed when a hurricane and tidal wave destroy Galveston, Texas, most deadly in US history. [1]
    March 28
    • 27.9 cm precipitation at McMinnville, Tennessee, USA (state record). [1]
    February 8
    • Cyclone hits Tahiti and adjacent islands, killing some 10,000 people. [1]
    December 11
    • 120 degrees F (49 degrees C), Rivadavia, Argentina (South American record). [1]
    March 6
    • Heavy storm bursts dike, flooding Vlissingen, Netherlands. [1]
    March 12
    • Heavy storm ravages Dutch west coast. [1]
    March 19
    • 18.8cm precipitation at Lewer's Ranch, Nevada, USA (state record). [1]
    June 1
    • -27 degrees F (-33 degrees C), Sarmiento, Argentina (South American record low). [1]
    May 1
    • World's most intense rain shower (2.47 inches in 3 minutes) at Portobelo, Panamá. [1]
    November 23
    • 18.2 cm (7.17 inches) of rainfall, in Rattlesnake Creek, Idaho (state record). [1]
    March 1
    • An avalanche of snow hits two trains stranded for seven days outside the Cascade Tunnel below Stevens Pass, near Wellington, Washington, USA, killing 96. Deadliest avalanche in US history. [1] [377.13]
    July 15
    • 46 inches of rain (beginning July 14) falls in Baguio, Phillipines. [1]
    March 21
    • Flood in Ohio, USA, kills 400. [1]
    March 26
    • City of Dayton, Ohio almost destroyed when Scioto, Miami, and Muskingum Rivers reach flood stage simultaneously. [1]
    July 10
    • The highest temperature ever recorded in the United States is at Death Valley, California: 134 degrees F (56.7 C). [1] [5]
    June 27
    • 100 degrees F (38 degrees C), Fort Yukon, Alaska (state record). [1]
    August 17
    • Hurricane kills 275 in Galveston, Texas with $50 million damage. [1] [245.4]
    September 29
    • A hurricane claims 275 human deaths in the Mississippi Delta. [1]
    December 21
    • 25.83 cm (10.17 inches) of rainfall, in Glenora, Oregon (state record). [1]
    January 23
    • Temperature falls from 44 degrees F (7 degrees C) to -56 degrees F (49 degrees C) night of January 23-24, in Browning, Montana, USA. [1]
    July 15
    • 22.22 inches of rain falls in Altapass, North Carolina, USA. [1]
    March 23
    • Four-day series of tornadoes kills 211 in Midwest USA. [1]
    July 22
    • Lightning kills 504 sheep in Utah's Wasatch National Park. [1]
    September 18
    • Hurricane tides 16 feet above normal drown 280 along Gulf Coast. [1]
    April 20
    • Tornadoes kill 219 in Alabama and Mississippi, USA. [1]
    June 3
    • A sudden cloudburst kills 120 near Pikes Peak, Colorado, USA. [1]
    September 13
    • 136.4 degrees F (58 degrees C), El Aziziyah, Libya in shade (world record). [1]
    July 10
    • 2-pound hailstones kill 23 and many cattle (Rostov, Russia). [1]
    June 28
    • Tornado strikes Sandusky and Lorain in Ohio, USA, killing 93. [1]
    March 18
    • Eight 60-MPH tornadoes speed through Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee killing 689. [1]
    January 1
    • Flood in Rhine strikes Cologne, Germany. [1]
    September 18
    • Hurricane hits Miami and south Florida, USA, destroying hotels, piers, marinas, mansions built in preceding years. 400 killed, 50,000 made homeless. [1] [341.116]
    November 3
    • Tropical storm flooding kills 84 in Winooski River Valley (Vermont, USA). [1]
    November 17
    • Tornado hits Washington DC. [1]
    May 1
    • Six children die and ten injured by hailstones in Klausenburg, Romania. [1]
    July 6
    • World's largest hailstones 1.5 pounds (17 inch diameter) fall in Potter, Nebraska, USA. [1] [5]
    September 17
    • Hurricane hits Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA drowning 1,800-2500. [1]
    May 13
    • Farmer killed by hail in Lubbock, Texas, USA; this is the only known fatality due to hail. [1]
    June 13
    • 22 people killed by hailstones in Siatista, Greece. [1]
    September 3
    • Hurricane kills 2,000, injures 4,000 (Dominican Republic). [1]
    May 10
    • Golf ball size hail falls in Burlington, New Jersey, USA. [1]
    July 16
    • The Huang He floods kill between 850,000 and 4,000,000 people (the deadliest historic natural disaster). [429]
    August 31
    • The Yangtze River floods, leaving 23 million homeless. [429]
    September 10
    • The worst hurricane in Belize history kills an estimated 1,500 people. [429]
    February 9
    • US airship Columbia crashes during storm (Flushing, New York). [1]
    June 19
    • Hailstones kill 200 in Hunan Province, China. [1]
    November 9
    • Hurricane storm wave sweeps over Santa Cruz del Sur, Cuba; kills 2,500. [1]
    February 6
    • Highest recorded sea wave (not tsunami), 34 metres (112 feet), in Pacific hurricane near Manila, Philippines. [1]
    August 11
    • Temperature reaches 136 degrees F (58 degrees C) at San Luis Potosí, Mexico (world record). [1] [614.8]
    November 11
    • "Great Black Blizzard" first great dust storm in the Great Plains of the USA. [1]
    April 12
    • Highest velocity wind ever recorded on Mount Washington, New Hampshire, 231 mph. [1]
    May 11
    • Over two days, the most severe dust storm to date in the USA sweeps an estimated 350 million tons of topsoil from the Great Plains across to the eastern seaboard. [129]
    September 21
    • Typhoon strikes Honshu Island, Japan, kills 4,000. [1]
    February 11
    • -11 degrees F (-24 degrees C), Ifrane, Morocco (African record low). [1]
    April 15
    • Another massive dust storm in the USA becomes known as "Black Sunday". [129]
    September 2
    • A hurricane slams the Florida Keys killing 423. [1]
    October 25
    • Hurricane-produced floods kill 2,000 in Jeremie and Jacmel, Haiti. [1]
    April 5
    • Tupelo, Mississippi, USA virtually annihilated by a tornado, 216 die. [1]
    April 6
    • Tornado kills 203 and injures 1,800 in Gainesville, Georgia, USA. [1]
    July 13
    • A Midwestern U.S. heat wave sets the all-time highest temperature records for Wisconsin (46 C), Michigan (44 C), and Indiana (47 C). [1] [5]
    March 2
    • Landslides and floods in Los Angeles, California, USA cause over 200 deaths. [1]
    September 21
    • Hurricane (winds 183 MPH) in New England (Long Island, New York, New Jersey) kills 500-700, wrecking tens of millions of dollars in property. [1] [500.E10]
    March 10
    • Seventeen villages damaged by hailstones in Hyderabad, India. [1]
    May 5
    • Flash floods kill 75 in Northeast Kentucky, USA. [1]
    December 12
    • Soviet prison ship Indigirka, carrying 2,500 prisoners capsizes in blizzard off Japanese coast; 2,470 die. [1]
    November 12
    • Blizzard strikes midwestern US, 154 die (69 on boat on Great Lakes). [1]
    March 15
    • Blizzard in North Dakota kills 151. [1]
    March 16
    • Blizzard hits North Dakota and Minnesota killing 60. [1]
    May 25
    • 5,000 drown in a storm at Ganges Delta region in India. [1]
    January 27
    • -19 degrees F (-27.4 degrees C), Netherlands' coldest day since 1850. [1]
    April 27
    • Tornado destroys Pryor, Oklahoma, USA killing 100, injuring 300. [1]
    June 12
    • Tornado kills 35 in Oklahoma City, USA. [1]
    June 21
    • 129 degrees F (54 degrees C), Tirat Zevi, Israel (Asian record). [1]
    July 17
    • 3 feet of rain falls on Pennsylvania, flooding kills 15. [1]
    October 16
    • Cyclone in Bay of Bengal kills some 40,000 south of Calcutta, India. [1]
    January 20
    • Temperature in Lead, South Dakota is 52 degrees F, while 1.5 miles away Deadwood, South Dakota records -16 degrees F. [1]
    January 22
    • Temperature rises 49 degrees F (9 degrees C) in two minutes in Spearfish, South Dakota, USA. [1]
    June 23
    • Four tornadoes strike Appalachia, killing 153. [1]
    December 18
    • US Destroyers Hull, Spence, and Monaghan sink in typhoon off Philippines, 790 killed. [1]
    • Global mean surface temperature at peak highest point since accurate measurements in 1880, beginning of gradual decline. [58]
    September 16
    • Barometric pressure at 856mb (25.55 inches) off Okinawa, Japan (record low). [1]
    April 1
    • Tsunamis generated by an earthquake in Aleutian Trench strike Hilo, Hawaii. [1]
    February 3
    • -81 degrees F (-63 degrees C) in Snag, Yukon (North American record). [1]
    April 9
    • Tornadoes striking West Texas and Oklahoma kill 169, injuring 1,300. [1]
    May 5
    • Mississippi Valley flooding kills 16 and causes $850 million in damage. [1]
    July 22
    • -8 degrees F (-13 degrees C), Charlotte Pass, New South Wales (Australian record). [1]
    December 26
    • Heavy snow blankets Northeast USA, buries New York City under 25.8 inches of snow in 16 hours; the same day, Los Angeles sets a record high of 84 degrees F. [1]
    July 31
    • Lightning strikes a baseball field in Florida, kills the shortstop and third baseman. [1]
    million in damage. [1]
June 23
  • Most expensive US hailstorm (US$1.5 million crop damage and US$14 million property - Kansas). [1]
August 6
  • Typhoon floods kill 4,800 in Manchuria. [1]
August 17
  • Hurricane winds drive six ships ashore, at Kingston, Jamaica. [1]
January 14
  • Snow storm in Sierra Nevada kills 26. [1]
March 16
  • Greatest 24-hour rainfall: 187 cm in Cilaos, Réunion, in the Indian Ocean. [1]
March 21
  • Tornadoes in Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama and Kentucky cause 343 deaths. [1]
August 15
  • 9 inches of rainfall creates a 20-foot wave in Lynmouth, England, killing 34. [1]
January 31
  • Hurricane-like winds flood Netherlands drowning nearly 2,000. [1]
May 11
  • Tornado kills 114 in Waco, Texas, USA (US$39 million damage). [1]
June 8
  • Cluster of six tornadoes touch down in Flint, Michigan, USA killing 113. [1]
June 9
  • Tornado strikes Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, destroying Assumption College, killing 100. [1]
September 27
  • Typhoon destroys 1/3 of Nagoya, Japan. [1]
December 24
  • Wellington-Auckland (New Zealand) express train swept away in flood kills 166. [1]
January 9
  • -87 degrees F (-66 degrees C), Northice Station, Greenland (Greenland record). [1]
January 11
  • Two-ton locomotive swept into ravine by avalanche - ten die (Austria). [1]
August 31
  • Hurricane Carol (first major named storm) hits New England, 70 die. [1]
September 2
  • Hurricane Edna batters northeast US, killing 20. [1]
September 14
  • Hurricane Edna (second of 1954) hits New York City, causing US$50 million damage. [1]
September 26
  • Typhoon strikes Kakodate Bay, Japan, killing over 1,600. [1]
October 5
  • Hurricane Hazel hits Eastern US. [1]
October 18
  • Hurricane Hazel (third of 1954) becomes most severe to hit US. [1]
May 25
  • Series of 19 twisters destroy Udall, Kansas, and most of Blackwell, Oklahoma. [1]
July 14
  • Two killed, many dazed when lightning strikes Ascott racetrack, England. [1]
August 3
  • Hurricane Connie begins pounding US for 11 days. [1]
August 17
  • Hurricane Diane, following hurricane Connie floods Connecticut River killing 190 and doing $1.8 billion damage. [1]
May 12
  • East Pakistan is struck by cyclone and tidal waves. [1]
July 4
  • US most intense rainfall (1.23 inches in one minute) at Unionville, Maryland. [1]
October 20
  • 58 degrees F (15 degrees C), Esperanza Station, Antarctica (Antarctic record high). [1]
June 27
  • 390 die by Hurricane Audrey in coastal Louisiana and Texas, USA. [1]
April 2
  • Wind speed reaches 450 kph in tornado in Wichita Falls, Texas, USA (record). [1]
June 22
  • Game in Kansas City between Kansas City Athletics and Boston Red Sox delayed 29 minutes due to tornado. [1]
July 10
  • The highest tsunami wave ever recorded is at Lituya Bay, Alaska, at 524m high. [5]
January 9
  • Dam across Tera River collapses after heavy winter rains, 135 die. [1]
February 10
  • Tornado in Saint Louis kills 19 and injures 265. [1]
September 17
  • Typhoon kills 2,000 in Japan and Korea. [1]
September 27
  • Typhoon Vera hits Japanese island of Honshu, kills nearly 5,000. [1]
October 27
  • Rare Pacific hurricane kills 2,000 in Western Mexico. [1]
December 16
  • Snow falling in Lowarai Pass, West Pakistan, kills 48. [1]
August 24
  • A world-record low temperature (-88 degrees Celsuis, -127 degrees Fahrenheit) is measured in Vostok, Antarctica. [1] [5] [614.8]
September 15
  • Hurricane Carla strikes Texas with winds of 175 mph. [1]
February 17
  • Storm in Hamburg, Germany, kills 265. [1]
May 28
  • Cyclone hits Chittagong, Bangladesh; estimated 22,000 die and one million houses destroyed. [1]
October 7
  • Hurricane Flora hits Haiti and Dominican Republic, kills 7,190. [1]
December 8
  • Three fuel tanks explode when jetliner is struck by lightning, crashing near Elkton Maryland; only case of lightning-caused crash, 81 die. [1]
September 12
  • Typhoon Gloria strikes Taiwan killing 330, causing $17.5 million damage. [1]
December 23
  • India and Ceylon hit by cyclone, about 4,850 killed. [1]
April 11
  • 40 tornadoes strike US midwest killing 272 and injuring 5,000. [1]
May 11
  • First of two cyclones in less than a month kills 35,000 in India. [1]
June 2
  • Second of two cyclones in less than a month kills 35,000 (Ganges River, India). [1]
September 12
  • Hurricane Betsy strikes Florida and Louisiana; kills 75. [1]
December 15
  • Third cyclone of year kills another 10,000 at mouth of Ganges River, Bangladesh. [1]
January 11
  • 550 die in landslides in mountains behind Rio de Janeiro after rain. [1]
January 29
  • Snow storm in north-east US kills 165. [1]
March 3
  • Tornado hits Jackson, Mississippi; 3 minutes after first sighting, 57 die. [1]
March 5
  • 75-MPH air currents cause BOAC 707 crash above Mount Fuji, 124 die. [1]
November 4
  • Flooding of Arno River (Italy) destroys countless art works. [1]
February 1
  • Severe brush fires in Tasmania destroy $11 million and 60 lives. [1]
September 20
  • Hurricane Beulah hits Texas-Mexican border, kills 38. [1]
January 31
  • Record high barometric pressure (1083.8 mb, 32 inches), at Agata, USSR. [1]
May 15
  • A tornado strikes Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA, at 10 PM, killing 36. [1]
April 14
  • Tornado strikes Dacca, East Pakistan, killing 540. [1]
April 23
  • Over 1000 square miles flooded in Shantung Province, China. [1]
August 22
  • Hurricane Camille strikes U.S. Gulf Coast; kills 255. [1]
December 8
  • Greek DC-6B crashes in storm at Athens, Greece; 93 killed. [1]
February 11
  • 26.37 cm (10.38 inches) of rainfall, Mount Washington, New Hampshire (state 24-hour record). [1]
August 3
  • Hurricane "Celia" becomes most expensive Gulf storm in history. [1]
September 5
  • Estimated 15 cm (6 inches) of rainfall, Bug Point, Utah (state record). [1]
November 13
  • Cyclone kills estimated 300,000 in Chittagong, Bangladesh. [1]
January 23
  • Prospect Creek Camp, Alaska, (north of Fairbanks) reaches a US record low temperature of -80 degrees F. [1] [32.23]
February 21
  • Series of tornadoes cuts through Mississippi and Louisiana killing 117. [1]
April 26
  • Heaviest rains ever in Bahia district of Brazil, 15 inches in 24 hours. [1]
June 9
  • 14 inches of rain in six hours bursts Rapid City, South Dakota dam, drowns 200. [1]
June 23
  • Hurricane Agnes is costliest natural disaster in American history. [1]
July 22
  • 27.53 cm (10.84 inches) of rainfall, Fort Ripley, Minnesota (state 24-hour record). [1]
July 7
  • 78 drown as flash flood sweeps a bus into a river (India). [1]
July 23
  • Ozark Air Lines' plane knocked out of the air by lightning over Saint Louis - 36 die. [1]
January 5
  • In Vanda Station, Scott Coast, an Antarctican record hot temperature of 59 degrees F is recorded. [54]
April 3
  • In the USA, 148 tornadoes are reported over an area covering a dozen states in the east, south and midwest killed approximately 315. [1]
September 18
  • Hurricane Fifi strikes Honduras with 110 mph winds, 5,000 die. [1]
December 25
  • Cyclone Tracy virtually destroys Darwin, Australia. [1]
May 6
  • Early warnings provided by REACT (ham radio operators) means only three people die in tornado that strikes Omaha, Nebraska. [1]
May 13
  • Hail stones as large as tennis balls hit Wernerville, Tennessee. [1]
June 28
  • Golfer Lee Trevino is struck by lightning at Western Open (Illinois). [1]
June 29
  • 20.57 cm (8.10 inches) of rainfall, Litchville, North Dakota (state 24-hour record). [1]
July 7
  • Juneau, Alaska, reaches a record high temperature: 90 degrees F. [32.22]
July 13
  • 8.5 inches (21.6 cm) of rainfall in Dover, Delaware (US state record). [1]
September 30
  • Five drown in flash flood of sewer and water tunnel (Niagara Falls, New York). [1]
November 10
  • Ore ship Edmund Fitzgerald and crew of 29 lost in storm on Lake Superior. [1]
January 19
  • Rare snow flurries in southeast Florida, USA. [290.15]
February 1
  • Heavy blizzard in New England claims 100 lives. [1]
July 20
  • Flash flood hits Johnstown, Pennsylvania, kills 80 and causing US$350 million damage. [1]
January 25
  • (to January 27) The Great Blizzard of 1978 strikes the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes, killing 70. [841]
February 5
  • (to February 7) The Northeastern United States blizzard of 1978 hits the New England region and the New York metropolitan area, killing about 100 and causing over US$520 million in damage. [841]
January 12
  • Record blizzard strikes American midwest killing over 100. [1]
February 13
  • Intense windstorm strikes western Washington State and sinks a 1/2-mile-long section of the Hood Canal Bridge. [1] [840]
February 18
  • -52 degrees F (-47 degrees C), Old Forge, New York (state record). [1]
  • The African Sahara Desert experiences snow for 30 minutes. [1] [840]
April 10
  • A tornado hits Wichita Falls, Texas, killing 42 people (the most notable of 26 tornadoes that day). [840]
May 17
  • -12 degrees F (-11 degrees C), on top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii (state record). [1] [54]
July 26
  • Estimated 109 cm (43 inches) of rain falls in Alvin, Texas (national record). [1]
August 14
  • A freak storm during the Fastnet Race results in the death of 15 sailors. [840]
September 3
  • Hurricane David, a strong Atlantic storm, kills over 1,000. [1]
September 12
  • Hurricane Frederic makes landfall at 10:00 p.m. on Alabama's Gulf Coast. [840]
October 3
  • A EF4 Tornado hits Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA causing extensive damage to the town. [840]
October 16
  • A tsunami in Nice, France kills 23 people. [840]
October 19
  • 13 US Marines die in a fire at Camp Fuji, Japan as a result of Typhoon Tip. [840]

Chronology of Extreme Weather 1951-1979

OK......I admit it.........I love making the hysterical progressives look like dicks!!!

What can I say??:2up:
Last edited:
The Little Ice Age is a documented fact by scientists.
"NASA defines the term as a cold period between AD 1550 and 1850 and notes three particularly cold intervals: one beginning about 1650, another about 1770, and the last in 1850, each separated by intervals of slight warming."
I am quite certain that the facts within the above quote has nothing to do with the cyclical nature of climate. ;)

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