How Guilty Will You Feel?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
There are vaccines for COVID-19 in the final stage of human trials. What normally takes years of testing instead took months. You know who is and will be responsible for getting a vaccine approved so quickly? Trump, via Operation Warp Speed. By the end of the year, there will more than likely be 600 million doses of the new vaccine available throughout the country.

Trump gets the credit for spurring pharmaceutical companies into action. He gets the credit for getting a vaccine ready so fast. Nevermind his so-called "failure to manage" this crisis, he had his eyes on the endgame all this time. And when you are immunized against this virus, you will have TRUMP to thank for it.

Oh, and Trump, by spurring the biopharmaceutical companies into action also sped up the development of therapeutic regimens to fight COVID-19 in the interim.

Now tell me, how guilty will you feel if you vote Biden into office after the previous president had a vaccine for a deadly virus approved in record time AND who encouraged phenomenal innovation within the pharmaceutical industry? You tell me. Biden would never have come upon these ideas. Only a man with knowledge of industry can.

Trump all the way.

Fight me.

Google this phrase for verifying links and information:

"Pfizer vaccine deal 600 million doses Alex Azar" (without quotes).
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I'm not interested in fight you........but the only failure of your post is the timing of getting a vaccine available in months vs years.

That's because a vaccine was already in the works long before covid showed up.........thanks to Gates
There are vaccines for COVID-19 in the final stage of human trials. What normally takes years of testing instead took months. You know who is and will be responsible for getting a vaccine approved so quickly? Trump, via Operation Warp Speed. By the end of the year, there will more than likely be 600 million doses of the new vaccine available throughout the country.

Trump gets the credit for spurring pharmaceutical companies into action. He gets the credit for getting a vaccine ready so fast. Nevermind his so-called "failure to manage" this crisis, he had his eyes on the endgame all this time. And when you are immunized against this virus, you will have TRUMP to thank for it.

Oh, and Trump, by spurring the biopharmaceutical companies into action also sped up the development of therapeutic regimens to fight COVID-19 in the interim.

Now tell me, how guilty will you feel if you vote Biden into office after the previous president had a vaccine for a deadly virus approved in record time AND who encouraged phenomenal innovation within the pharmaceutical industry? You tell me. Biden would never have come upon these ideas. Only a man with knowledge of industry can.

Trump all the way.

Fight me.

Google this phrase for verifying links and information:

"Pfizer vaccine deal 100 million doses Alex Azar" (without quotes).

If Biden were to win, the public will be convinced that Xi created the vaccine.
There are vaccines for COVID-19 in the final stage of human trials. What normally takes years of testing instead took months. You know who is and will be responsible for getting a vaccine approved so quickly? Trump, via Operation Warp Speed. By the end of the year, there will more than likely be 600 million doses of the new vaccine available throughout the country.

Trump gets the credit for spurring pharmaceutical companies into action. He gets the credit for getting a vaccine ready so fast. Nevermind his so-called "failure to manage" this crisis, he had his eyes on the endgame all this time. And when you are immunized against this virus, you will have TRUMP to thank for it.

Oh, and Trump, by spurring the biopharmaceutical companies into action also sped up the development of therapeutic regimens to fight COVID-19 in the interim.

Now tell me, how guilty will you feel if you vote Biden into office after the previous president had a vaccine for a deadly virus approved in record time AND who encouraged phenomenal innovation within the pharmaceutical industry? You tell me. Biden would never have come upon these ideas. Only a man with knowledge of industry can.

Trump all the way.

Fight me.

Google this phrase for verifying links and information:

"Pfizer vaccine deal 100 million doses Alex Azar" (without quotes).

You do understand that those trials only involved seeing if the vaccine was safe and seeing if it could generate anti-bodies correct?
As of yet, no human has been given the vaccine and then been exposed to COVID-19 on purpose..which is where the rubber meets the road.

Trump golfed, tweeted, held pep rallies, and hung with his buds at Mar-A-Lago. Denied, deflected, took no action. Called it the Democrats latest hoax.
He gets credit for nothing...except fiddling while the United States went up in flames.
Biden is the Empire State Building step-up from Trump.
I'm not interested in fight you........but the only failure of your post is the timing of getting a vaccine available in months vs years.

That's because a vaccine was already in the works long before covid showed up.........thanks to Gates

So, you think Gates knew to have people work on a vaccine for a virus that no one knew about until the end of last year? Or, are you saying the virus was "manufactured and released" in order to enrich Gates because he'd have the vaccine?

Do you have enough aluminum foil for the hats you need?
You do understand that those trials only involved seeing if the vaccine was safe and seeing if it could generate anti-bodies correct?

You do understand that the US government would not be entering into contractual agreements with biopharmaceutical companies to buy vaccines if they didn't have confidence the trials would be successful, right?
I'm not interested in fight you........but the only failure of your post is the timing of getting a vaccine available in months vs years.

That's because a vaccine was already in the works long before covid showed up.........thanks to Gates

Eh? Gates? Bill Gates?

yep.......wake up

Way ahead of you mate.
You do understand that those trials only involved seeing if the vaccine was safe and seeing if it could generate anti-bodies correct?

You do understand that the US government would not be entering into contractual agreements with biopharmaceutical companies to buy vaccines if they didn't have confidence the trials would be successful, right?
Trump could walk on water and contrarian liberoidal dickweeds like JackOfAllAsses would go on and on about how he can't swim.
There are vaccines for COVID-19 in the final stage of human trials. What normally takes years of testing instead took months. You know who is and will be responsible for getting a vaccine approved so quickly? Trump, via Operation Warp Speed. By the end of the year, there will more than likely be 600 million doses of the new vaccine available throughout the country.

Trump gets the credit for spurring pharmaceutical companies into action. He gets the credit for getting a vaccine ready so fast. Nevermind his so-called "failure to manage" this crisis, he had his eyes on the endgame all this time. And when you are immunized against this virus, you will have TRUMP to thank for it.

Oh, and Trump, by spurring the biopharmaceutical companies into action also sped up the development of therapeutic regimens to fight COVID-19 in the interim.

Now tell me, how guilty will you feel if you vote Biden into office after the previous president had a vaccine for a deadly virus approved in record time AND who encouraged phenomenal innovation within the pharmaceutical industry? You tell me. Biden would never have come upon these ideas. Only a man with knowledge of industry can.

Trump all the way.

Fight me.

Google this phrase for verifying links and information:

"Pfizer vaccine deal 100 million doses Alex Azar" (without quotes).

Liberals don't feel guilt, except for being white and American. They'll vote for Biden no matter what.
You do understand that those trials only involved seeing if the vaccine was safe and seeing if it could generate anti-bodies correct?

You do understand that the US government would not be entering into contractual agreements with biopharmaceutical companies to buy vaccines if they didn't have confidence the trials would be successful, right?

This is the most sought after vaccine since the polio vaccine. It's being developed in real time. Of course the government has to enter into contracts because eventually they know something is going to be successful. But it means nothing without the actual Phase 4 trials. The vaccine is given and then the subjects are exposed to the virus to see if it is an effective prevention. That's the only measure of success.
I'm not interested in fight you........but the only failure of your post is the timing of getting a vaccine available in months vs years.

That's because a vaccine was already in the works long before covid showed up.........thanks to Gates

So, you think Gates knew to have people work on a vaccine for a virus that no one knew about until the end of last year? Or, are you saying the virus was "manufactured and released" in order to enrich Gates because he'd have the vaccine?

Do you have enough aluminum foil for the hats you need?
I'm not interested in fight you........but the only failure of your post is the timing of getting a vaccine available in months vs years.

That's because a vaccine was already in the works long before covid showed up.........thanks to Gates

Eh? Gates? Bill Gates?

yep.......wake up

Way ahead of you mate.

I had read a few articles in the last few months about this happening last year or before........but that was also before censuring went full speed ahead and anything other than MSM propaganda is now 'Conspiracy Theory' and since debunked by those same MSM, and I can't find those articles now to show otherwise.
You know who is and will be responsible for getting a vaccine approved so quickly? Trump, via Operation Warp Speed.

Trump may have ordered it, but we all know it was really Scotty who got it done before the engines gave out.


Trump all the way.
Screw Trump. I'm tipping my glass to Mr. Scott. He's a miracle worker.
For comparison purpose I looked at 2009 N1H1 pandemic timeline. Clinical trials of a vaccine began July 22 and the FDA approved four N1H1 vaccines on September 15th.

Edit: In terms of success, I would point to this administration's handling of the Opioid Epidemic
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Perhaps a better question to ask and find the answer for (if possible)...................just who and where is this vaccine going to be manufactured???
There are vaccines for COVID-19 in the final stage of human trials. What normally takes years of testing instead took months. You know who is and will be responsible for getting a vaccine approved so quickly? Trump, via Operation Warp Speed. By the end of the year, there will more than likely be 600 million doses of the new vaccine available throughout the country.

Trump gets the credit for spurring pharmaceutical companies into action. He gets the credit for getting a vaccine ready so fast. Nevermind his so-called "failure to manage" this crisis, he had his eyes on the endgame all this time. And when you are immunized against this virus, you will have TRUMP to thank for it.

Oh, and Trump, by spurring the biopharmaceutical companies into action also sped up the development of therapeutic regimens to fight COVID-19 in the interim.

Now tell me, how guilty will you feel if you vote Biden into office after the previous president had a vaccine for a deadly virus approved in record time AND who encouraged phenomenal innovation within the pharmaceutical industry? You tell me. Biden would never have come upon these ideas. Only a man with knowledge of industry can.

Trump all the way.

Fight me.

Google this phrase for verifying links and information:

"Pfizer vaccine deal 600 million doses Alex Azar" (without quotes).

It's true that Trump put forth a federal response in drugs and potentially a vaccine for 2021. But why should that absolve him from the 200K people dying because he ignored the virus and intentionally skipped on testing? Reagan got lucky because Carter actually started the economic response to hyper inflation, not that freeing up more capital for investment didn't work out well too. Bill Clinton got lucky because HW actually moved on the banking crisis of his day. Did Gerry Ford deserve to win a term of his own? Imo, yes. But luck is part of being potus.
If Fingers Joe was in charge and was told we need 6 million vaccines as soon as possible we would have 6 billion jars of Vaseline in 2 years.
There are vaccines for COVID-19 in the final stage of human trials. What normally takes years of testing instead took months. You know who is and will be responsible for getting a vaccine approved so quickly? Trump, via Operation Warp Speed. By the end of the year, there will more than likely be 600 million doses of the new vaccine available throughout the country.

Trump gets the credit for spurring pharmaceutical companies into action. He gets the credit for getting a vaccine ready so fast. Nevermind his so-called "failure to manage" this crisis, he had his eyes on the endgame all this time. And when you are immunized against this virus, you will have TRUMP to thank for it.

Oh, and Trump, by spurring the biopharmaceutical companies into action also sped up the development of therapeutic regimens to fight COVID-19 in the interim.

Now tell me, how guilty will you feel if you vote Biden into office after the previous president had a vaccine for a deadly virus approved in record time AND who encouraged phenomenal innovation within the pharmaceutical industry? You tell me. Biden would never have come upon these ideas. Only a man with knowledge of industry can.

Trump all the way.

Fight me.

Google this phrase for verifying links and information:

"Pfizer vaccine deal 600 million doses Alex Azar" (without quotes).

It's true that Trump put forth a federal response in drugs and potentially a vaccine for 2021. But why should that absolve him from the 200K people dying because he ignored the virus and intentionally skipped on testing? Reagan got lucky because Carter actually started the economic response to hyper inflation, not that freeing up more capital for investment didn't work out well too. Bill Clinton got lucky because HW actually moved on the banking crisis of his day. Did Gerry Ford deserve to win a term of his own? Imo, yes. But luck is part of being potus.

Trump did not "ignore" the virus. He even mentioned taking action on the virus in his State of the Union address. Trump mentions coronavirus in State of the Union

And, he didn't "intentionally skipped on testing".

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