How has Obama affected you?

Has obama and company affectd yorur views on race

  • I'm white , and disliked blacks before obama

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm black and think blacks deserve whatever they can take now that Obama is in charge

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm black and wish obama would do something to tone down the rhetoric

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
LOL, I guess one good thing about being a liberal is you can constantly live in a alternative Universe and don't have to see or AMITT the TRUTH if it smacks you on the ass.


ooooooo you got me. and your buddy modbigbert even slapped ya on the back for it.:lol:

pretty fucking desperate, but I understand why you all feel that way.
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LOL, I guess one good thing about being a liberal is you can constantly live in a alternative Universe and don't have to see or AMITT the TRUTH if it smacks you on the ass.


ooooooo you got me. and your buddy modbigbert even slapped ya on the back for it.:lol:

pretty fucking desperate, but I understand why you all feel that way.

It's the best they have. Screaming racist and pointing out typos.
LOL, I guess one good thing about being a liberal is you can constantly live in a alternative Universe and don't have to see or AMITT the TRUTH if it smacks you on the ass.


ooooooo you got me. and your buddy modbigbert even slapped ya on the back for it.:lol:

pretty fucking desperate, but I understand why you all feel that way.

i doubt that you understand very much at all, but if it makes you feel better, you can still call me a liberal. :rofl:
My son will be able to be on my health care plan one day, before they could deny him because of a preexisting condition.

Oh! And He helped me have an abortion. ;)

you're son will also be about $180,000 in debt just for that health coverage bill. You could have easily got him privately insured for a small percentage of that. And that doesn't even count anyone elses share, just his.

But , I didn't know having an air headed iberal for a mom was a pre existing condition.

My son goes to therapy three times a week, you think I could get him on my plan now?
LOL so if Obama doesn't succeed it is Bush's fault no matter what? jesus christ.

lesson one they teach in OCS - That's officer candidacy school

A good , effective leader completely owns what he's in charge of and does not make excuses or accept that excuses are made for him. IE Don't blame your predecessor for your own job performance.

When did the OCS become God and decide who gets blamed for what?

So you are comparing getting assigned to some shit hole like Nome, Alaska - and trying to make life a little better for your troops - to an estimated $10 trillion deficit brought about by no fault of his own, but by his predecessor who had a huge hand in bringing about said deficit?

Ever since I've been on this board, one of the huge catch cries of the right has always been about personal responsibility. Any neutral can see that the economy was in a huge mess when Obama took over and it'll take, if not all of his term, then the next decade to right itself.

Has he done a perfect job? No. Has he done a decent job? Yes he has under the circumstances. This wasn't some tiny deficit that can be brought under control within a year or 18 months. I harp on about this all the time, but since you guys ragged on him since day one - not one week, not one month, not one year after he was sworn in, but DAY ONE - any credibility any rightie had about him went straight out the window.

Give a guy a year in office and look at his actions retrospectively? Sure. But NOT ONE SINGLE CONSERVATIVE on this board has given him a go since day one. Not, to put it bluntly, there is a huge chasm of credibility when it comes to cons banging on about how useless he is...
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I didn't say I liked the skin color issue either. And I aint proud that Obama and his fools have have made me feel this way, but it is what it is.

pegged the bullshit meter with this. :thup:

Then your bullshit meter is broken. I would be thrilled if we were completely past the issue of color. As a white man with a brown wife and daughter in Arkansas I can tell you I know the issues of racial ignorance. That doesn't mean I don't get frustrated at the people who seemingly support this man just because he's black or scream racist at you if you dare to disagree with him on ANY issue.

so you're so pathetically weak mentally that the pinhead obama has forced you to dislike black people. is that your story? sweet. :thup:

ooooooo you got me. and your buddy modbigbert even slapped ya on the back for it.:lol:

pretty fucking desperate, but I understand why you all feel that way.

i doubt that you understand very much at all, but if it makes you feel better, you can still call me a liberal. :rofl:

awwww, still whining about being called a lefty.....waaaaa
and I think you and the modberty should go get a room, sheesh:eusa_whistle:
My son will be able to be on my health care plan one day, before they could deny him because of a preexisting condition.

Oh! And He helped me have an abortion. ;)

you're son will also be about $180,000 in debt just for that health coverage bill. You could have easily got him privately insured for a small percentage of that. And that doesn't even count anyone elses share, just his.

But , I didn't know having an air headed iberal for a mom was a pre existing condition.

My son goes to therapy three times a week, you think I could get him on my plan now?

Listen Luissa, I did not say that making insurance companies change a few policies was a bad idea. i said spending $4T that we don't have to get it was. He could have made that change without spending a dime of government money.

ooooooo you got me. and your buddy modbigbert even slapped ya on the back for it.:lol:

pretty fucking desperate, but I understand why you all feel that way.

i doubt that you understand very much at all, but if it makes you feel better, you can still call me a liberal. :rofl:
I love it when they call you liberal, or an Obama lover. It makes things so easy.
ooooooo you got me. and your buddy modbigbert even slapped ya on the back for it.:lol:

pretty fucking desperate, but I understand why you all feel that way.

i doubt that you understand very much at all, but if it makes you feel better, you can still call me a liberal. :rofl:

awwww, still whining about being called a lefty.....waaaaa
and I think you and the modberty should go get a room, sheesh:eusa_whistle:


if by whining you mean laughing my ass off at you, then you've nailed it.
unlike the pussy corndog, i don't let other people control how i feel.

ooooooo you got me. and your buddy modbigbert even slapped ya on the back for it.:lol:

pretty fucking desperate, but I understand why you all feel that way.

i doubt that you understand very much at all, but if it makes you feel better, you can still call me a liberal. :rofl:
I love it when they call you liberal, or an Obama lover. It makes things so easy.

everybody knows i'm a leftist american, lu.
i doubt that you understand very much at all, but if it makes you feel better, you can still call me a liberal. :rofl:

awwww, still whining about being called a lefty.....waaaaa
and I think you and the modberty should go get a room, sheesh:eusa_whistle:


if by whining you mean laughing my ass off at you, then you've nailed it.
unlike the pussy corndog, i don't let other people control how i feel.


oooooooooooooo, you just be big and bad tonight. I think I'm sceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd.:eek::eusa_whistle:
i doubt that you understand very much at all, but if it makes you feel better, you can still call me a liberal. :rofl:

awwww, still whining about being called a lefty.....waaaaa
and I think you and the modberty should go get a room, sheesh:eusa_whistle:


if by whining you mean laughing my ass off at you, then you've nailed it.
unlike the pussy corndog, i don't let other people control how i feel.


Lol is that the best you have? Calling someone a pussy because they are tired of being called a racist?

I'll just slide you over into the Ravi category and move on then.
awwww, still whining about being called a lefty.....waaaaa
and I think you and the modberty should go get a room, sheesh:eusa_whistle:


if by whining you mean laughing my ass off at you, then you've nailed it.
unlike the pussy corndog, i don't let other people control how i feel.


oooooooooooooo, you just be big and bad tonight. I think I'm sceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd.:eek::eusa_whistle:

and i know you're stupid. :thup:
So we can't even have a serious god damned conversation about has obama hurt race relations? you fuckers suck, on both sides.

if by whining you mean laughing my ass off at you, then you've nailed it.
unlike the pussy corndog, i don't let other people control how i feel.


oooooooooooooo, you just be big and bad tonight. I think I'm sceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd.:eek::eusa_whistle:

and i know you're stupid. :thup:

poor baby, ya got nothing else. you're falling down on the insult job dear. ya really need to try harder.:lol:

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