How has the 2nd Amendment Helped this Nation?

we're talking about the highly stylized supersoldier AR fifteens and God knows what handguns. There are 30 million of them in the country and that is plenty. Plus insane Mass murdering people don't go anywhere but stores, when they can. That should end
You are an idiot. There are more Garands, Carbines and Springfields than AR-15s in the USA by an order of magnitude. The government actually sells all three rifles to civilians through the Civilian Marksmanship Program, look it up. The AR-15 is just a BOOGYMAN created by the press to sell advertising. What makes the AR-15 popular is that it's light, has low recoil, is easy for anyone to shoot and surplus military ammo used to be cheap.
The Second Amendment is fine, but not mentally ill people with military style weapons... Tax the rich again and invest in an actual mental health system, not a pill giving away system. And background checks for every sale just like 87% of the country wants for crying out loud. Insane people buy from stores and the military style weapons can be turned into semi-automatic or automatic in many cases. The company that makes the accessory that was on the rifle the Buffalo shooter used, they are being sued since he was able to make it an automatic with a screwdriver in an hour. 18 year old kid who was just waiting to turn 18.... and don't call me a communist unless you want me to explain exactly how ridiculous that is along with your ignorance of politics.... Change the damn channel or whatever, you just get more ignorant listening to that crap... And no one is coming for your guns. What's his name is an idiot.....
Unless you allow those of us who are actually sane and want to solve problems to commit the mentally ill to confinement in asylums, you aren't going to solve your problem. Background checks are already in place for over ninety percent of sales, a hundred percent in some places like California which requires full background checks for not only ALL firearms purchases, but ammo purchases as well. Since California has already had 49 mass shootings THIS YEAR, the background checks don't seem to have accomplished anything except inconvenience law-abiding citizens. Illinois requires ANY firearms purchaser to have a Firearm Owner's Identification Card (FOID) issued by the state before ANY firearms purchase. The seller is required to call and verify they status of the card. Illinois has had the most mass shootings in the nation this year at 57. So, tell us again how universal background checks are going to do anything when the states that already have them are the leaders in mass shootings?
Unless you allow those of us who are actually sane and want to solve problems to commit the mentally ill to confinement in asylums, you aren't going to solve your problem. Background checks are already in place for over ninety percent of sales, a hundred percent in some places like California which requires full background checks for not only ALL firearms purchases, but ammo purchases as well. Since California has already had 49 mass shootings THIS YEAR, the background checks don't seem to have accomplished anything except inconvenience law-abiding citizens. Illinois requires ANY firearms purchaser to have a Firearm Owner's Identification Card (FOID) issued by the state before ANY firearms purchase. The seller is required to call and verify they status of the card. Illinois has had the most mass shootings in the nation this year at 57. So, tell us again how universal background checks are going to do anything when the states that already have them are the leaders in mass shootings?
What a load of crap, Super Duper. Background checks on all sales like 87% of the country wants and stop the BS, BSer.
You are an idiot. There are more Garands, Carbines and Springfields than AR-15s in the USA by an order of magnitude. The government actually sells all three rifles to civilians through the Civilian Marksmanship Program, look it up. The AR-15 is just a BOOGYMAN created by the press to sell advertising. What makes the AR-15 popular is that it's light, has low recoil, is easy for anyone to shoot and surplus military ammo used to be cheap.
You are out of your mind, lol
The United States has over 20 million AR-15-style rifles legally in circulation, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a national trade association for the firearm industry.

Inside the rise of AR-15-style rifles in America - ABC News
What a load of crap, Super Duper. Background checks on all sales like 87% of the country wants and stop the BS, BSer.
I notice you ignored the facts I posted about California and Illinois universal background checks making no difference at all in mass shooting rates.
Also this.....;) The Second is a Constitutional right, and that's matter what the Globlalist Left says.

The RTBA is a natural right. 2A uses that to justify the formation of state and regulated militia.
Why pick on Amendment #2? It only allows law abiding citizens to possess firearms? How about the rest of the Bill of Rights? What has the 5th Amendment done except preventing criminals from testifying against themselves or the most dangerous Amendment that insures religious freedom. What has that ever done to make America a better place? The point is when you open a debate about an Amendment you open a debate about the Bill of Rights.
Yeah because forcing people to follow a government religion is way better than letting them choose for themselves right?

Are you fucking high?
I asked this question in another thread and at least for the first couple days, not a soul provided any sort of answer to it. I was just wondering what all these folks think the amendment has done that has benefitted the nation as a whole. I'm looking for benefits to the population and the nation as a whole. Has it reduced crime? Has it staved off assaults from other nations? Has it upheld our moral fiber? Has it made us better human beings? A lot of you are very attached to the Amendment and to your guns. I just wonder what you think that does for everyone else.
You are an authoritarian jackass Democratic party of slavery asshole.

Fuck off, you stupid dupe.

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