How has the 2nd Amendment Helped this Nation?

No...they aren't.....they end up with mass graves and murder, once they have total power.......close to 200 million people murdered by left wing/socialists since 1917.......that you still believe in them shows what a fool you are...
Of course people in the UK Canada Australia and New Zealand don't know they have socialism. They have to call it labour or social Democrats or Democratic Socialists or green or whatever they have. they have healthcare cheap college and training, Great infrastructure and vacations and they tax the rich for God's sake, Super Duper
Of course people in the UK Canada Australia and New Zealand don't know they have socialism. They have to call it labour or social Democrats or Democratic Socialists or green or whatever they have. they have healthcare cheap college and training, Great infrastructure and vacations and they tax the rich for God's sake, Super Duper
And they have to cross the border and come down here to evil USA to buy affordable petro and dairy and many other basic consumer goods either not available or affordable up North.
Then there's the cases of they need medical treatment now, rather than six months from now when their turn in line comes up so if they have the money and/or private insurance they come down here to USA and avail of our "lousy" medical care resources.
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that will come to a huge surprise to all the socialist voters and Socialist parties that have existed since before the USSR and the mountain of Savage Capitalist propaganda that conflated communism and socialism to protect the greedy idiot conservative rich and employers... communists want a dictatorship that owns all business and industry because that's the only way it can happen, socialism has never. And never will....dupe. people in France Italy Spain Scandinavia the Netherlands and every and every other democracy that has had socialist parties wonder what the hell you are talking about.... they had socialist parties and Communist Parties at the same time in their democracies and the difference is democracy. Socialists won easily and the communists disappeared with USSR aid in the late 90s. Let's face it, you people call anyone communist who disagrees with your total baloney give away to the rich/Screw everybody else policies. wake up and smell the coffee Ignoramus.
Speaking of USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Hmmm. Claim to be socialist and republic rather than democracy ????
Could they be lying, or confused, or disinforming, or all three ????

As many point out, basically both are 'apples', just of different color on the outside;

Communism vs. Socialism​

In a way, communism is an extreme form of socialism. ...
Despite the semantics of supposed differences between 'socialism' and 'communism', it does boil down to this essential conflict with capitalism;

What Is the Difference Between Socialism and Capitalism?​

In a nutshell, these two economic systems differ in their objectives as well as their structures of ownership and production. In a capitalist economy, also known as a free-market or market economy, private individuals and enterprises own the means of production and the right to profit from them. By contrast, in a socialist economy, the government owns and controls the means of production, and public officials regulate trade, the flow of capital, and other resources. Some countries have elements of both in what's known as a mixed economy.

So, who needs more than one brand of toothpaste? Toothpaste is toothpaste - so declares that public/government official regulating trade.
Why so many types of automobiles? One basic model should be all anyone needs, or wants.
Why so many different types of apples? An apple is an apple and we only need one type/flavor of that fruit.
Even though I put in my money and labor to grow food (vegetables and fruit) in my backyard (or is it the State's backyard?) garden, that "production" is owned by the state(people) and they get to have it, and decide how much, if any, I get to keep.

You can take your socialism~communism, = legalized theft and plunder from we real producers and stick it up your bung hole!
Of course people in the UK Canada Australia and New Zealand don't know they have socialism. They have to call it labour or social Democrats or Democratic Socialists or green or whatever they have. they have healthcare cheap college and training, Great infrastructure and vacations and they tax the rich for God's sake, Super Duper

Their healthcare systems are failing......they are running out of money, they refuse to treat people over 55 for common problems, they have to wait months, sometimes over a year for basic medical access, and they can't keep doctors and nurses who get tired of being treated like government clock punchers......
Speaking of USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Hmmm. Claim to be socialist and republic rather than democracy ????
Could they be lying, or confused, or disinforming, or all three ????

As many point out, basically both are 'apples', just of different color on the outside;

Communism vs. Socialism​

In a way, communism is an extreme form of socialism. ...
Despite the semantics of supposed differences between 'socialism' and 'communism', it does boil down to this essential conflict with capitalism;

What Is the Difference Between Socialism and Capitalism?​

In a nutshell, these two economic systems differ in their objectives as well as their structures of ownership and production. In a capitalist economy, also known as a free-market or market economy, private individuals and enterprises own the means of production and the right to profit from them. By contrast, in a socialist economy, the government owns and controls the means of production, and public officials regulate trade, the flow of capital, and other resources. Some countries have elements of both in what's known as a mixed economy.

So, who needs more than one brand of toothpaste? Toothpaste is toothpaste - so declares that public/government official regulating trade.
Why so many types of automobiles? One basic model should be all anyone needs, or wants.
Why so many different types of apples? An apple is an apple and we only need one type/flavor of that fruit.
Even though I put in my money and labor to grow food (vegetables and fruit) in my backyard (or is it the State's backyard?) garden, that "production" is owned by the state(people) and they get to have it, and decide how much, if any, I get to keep.

You can take your socialism~communism, = legalized theft and plunder from we real producers and stick it up your bung hole!

Yep......Hayek and his "Road to Serfdom," is a great read on this subject....

and a must read for anyone who want to understand socialism is "The Law," by Friedrich Bastiat......a critical book on why socialism is stupid and should be mandatory reading in all schools....

Here, in this 1850 classic, a powerful refutation of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, published two years earlier, Bastiat discusses: what is law?, why socialism constitutes legal plunder, the proper function of the law, the law and morality, "the vicious circle of socialism", and the basis for stable government. French political libertarian and economist CLAUDE FRÉDÉRIC BASTIAT (1801-1850) was one of the most eloquent champions of the concept that property rights and individual freedoms flowed from natural law.

Amazon product ASIN 1940177014
you're talking about communism, brain washed functional moron. I'm talking about socialism like they have in every modern country but us, until we get health care for all Anyway.....

Socialism is simply the first step to mass murder and genocide......socialism kills off the work ethic, strangles growth, limits life choices, and grows government to the point you speak out, you first get stomped on, and then when you get more vocal, you get sent to death camps.....
that will come to a huge surprise to all the socialist voters and Socialist parties that have existed since before the USSR and\ the mountain of Savage Capitalist propaganda that conflated communism and socialism to protect the greedy idiot conservative rich and employers... communists want a dictatorship that owns all business and industry because that's the only way it can happen, socialism has never. And never will....dupe. people in France Italy Spain Scandinavia the Netherlands and every and every other democracy that has had socialist parties wonder what the hell you are talking about.... they had socialist parties and Communist Parties at the same time in their democracies and the difference is democracy. Socialists won easily and the communists disappeared with USSR aid in the late 90s. Let's face it, you people call anyone communist who disagrees with your total baloney give away to the rich/Screw everybody else policies. wake up and smell the coffee Ignoramus.

Spin, Spin, Spin and more spin.

Socialisms/communisms failures are always someone else's fault.
and hateful idiocy like that gives you the destruction of their economy and their refugees at the border. ENJOY!! by the way, the Cold War is over and the communists lost and are gone forever except with a gun to their head in other countries that you have backed into that corner....

They did it all to themselves, cronyism, corruption, government mismanagement of industries, all part and parcel of the socialist dream. Plus added persecution of people who don't go along with the plan.

They backed themselves into the corner, then spread nails in the corner, then destroyed their shoes, and now bitch when they have nails in their feet.
Speaking of USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Hmmm. Claim to be socialist and republic rather than democracy ????
Could they be lying, or confused, or disinforming, or all three ????

As many point out, basically both are 'apples', just of different color on the outside;

Communism vs. Socialism​

In a way, communism is an extreme form of socialism. ...
Despite the semantics of supposed differences between 'socialism' and 'communism', it does boil down to this essential conflict with capitalism;

What Is the Difference Between Socialism and Capitalism?​

In a nutshell, these two economic systems differ in their objectives as well as their structures of ownership and production. In a capitalist economy, also known as a free-market or market economy, private individuals and enterprises own the means of production and the right to profit from them. By contrast, in a socialist economy, the government owns and controls the means of production, and public officials regulate trade, the flow of capital, and other resources. Some countries have elements of both in what's known as a mixed economy.

So, who needs more than one brand of toothpaste? Toothpaste is toothpaste - so declares that public/government official regulating trade.
Why so many types of automobiles? One basic model should be all anyone needs, or wants.
Why so many different types of apples? An apple is an apple and we only need one type/flavor of that fruit.
Even though I put in my money and labor to grow food (vegetables and fruit) in my backyard (or is it the State's backyard?) garden, that "production" is owned by the state(people) and they get to have it, and decide how much, if any, I get to keep.

You can take your socialism~communism, = legalized theft and plunder from we real producers and stick it up your bung hole!
DUHH that's communism
I asked this question in another thread and at least for the first couple days, not a soul provided any sort of answer to it. I was just wondering what all these folks think the amendment has done that has benefitted the nation as a whole. I'm looking for benefits to the population and the nation as a whole. Has it reduced crime? Has it staved off assaults from other nations? Has it upheld our moral fiber? Has it made us better human beings? A lot of you are very attached to the Amendment and to your guns. I just wonder what you think that does for everyone else.
I haven't read the whole thread, so if this has been stated, o well, here it is again.

The 2A primary purpose is to protect the people from the Gov't when, decided by the people, becomes a threat to the Federal Constitutional Republic that was formed by the founding fathers.

For this protection, the right of the people to be armed is necessary. Yesterday, Today, and tomorrow.

limiting the people's ability to carry arms, even military style weapons, limits the people's ability to protect our freedoms and liberty.

My right to bear arms allows me to potentially keep my house safe, and if needed, and I choose to, keep my person safe or others in the event that self defense is warranted.

Oh... and as usual, I see the thread is now 2 million miles away from the OP.
Why pick on Amendment #2? It only allows law abiding citizens to possess firearms? How about the rest of the Bill of Rights? What has the 5th Amendment done except preventing criminals from testifying against themselves or the most dangerous Amendment that insures religious freedom. What has that ever done to make America a better place? The point is when you open a debate about an Amendment you open a debate about the Bill of Rights.
Why pick on Amendment #2? It only allows law abiding citizens to possess firearms? How about the rest of the Bill of Rights? What has the 5th Amendment done except preventing criminals from testifying against themselves or the most dangerous Amendment that insures religious freedom. What has that ever done to make America a better place? The point is when you open a debate about an Amendment you open a debate about the Bill of Rights.

Don't you worry......they see the 5th Amendment protections against their ability to round people up.....and that is on their list too......
The Second Amendment is fine, but not mentally ill people with military style weapons... Tax the rich again and invest in an actual mental health system, not a pill giving away system. And background checks for every sale just like 87% of the country wants for crying out loud. Insane people buy from stores and the military style weapons can be turned into semi-automatic or automatic in many cases. The company that makes the accessory that was on the rifle the Buffalo shooter used, they are being sued since he was able to make it an automatic with a screwdriver in an hour. 18 year old kid who was just waiting to turn 18.... and don't call me a communist unless you want me to explain exactly how ridiculous that is along with your ignorance of politics.... Change the damn channel or whatever, you just get more ignorant listening to that crap... And no one is coming for your guns. What's his name is an idiot.....
It's needed to form the equivalent of police and the National Guard, plus to justify conscription.

Also, the RTBA exists even without 2A.
The Second Amendment is fine, but not mentally ill people with military style weapons... Tax the rich again and invest in an actual mental health system, not a pill giving away system. And background checks for every sale just like 87% of the country wants for crying out loud. Insane people buy from stores and the military style weapons can be turned into semi-automatic or automatic in many cases. The company that makes the accessory that was on the rifle the Buffalo shooter used, they are being sued since he was able to make it an automatic with a screwdriver in an hour. 18 year old kid who was just waiting to turn 18.... and don't call me a communist unless you want me to explain exactly how ridiculous that is along with your ignorance of politics.... Change the damn channel or whatever, you just get more ignorant listening to that crap... And no one is coming for your guns. What's his name is an idiot.....

Which military style weapons.......actual military weapons like the pump action shotgun and bolt action rifle...weapons currently used by the U.S. military and militaries around the world.....?

The AR-15 is a civilian rifle...always has been.

87% of Americans don't understand we already have background checks, let alone understanding the only reason anti-gunners want universal background checks is so they can later demand gun registration.

When those 87% of Americans actually understand the issues, get back to us.... can explain to us how background checks stop mass public shooters...people who generally do not have criminal records so pass any background check....and criminals, who use straw buyers who can also pass any background check, or they simply steal their guns....

Go ahead......explain away....
military style weapons seem to have a bad effect on some people. it shouldn't be sold anymore. there are already like 30 million in the country You can play you can play with. but the insane won't be able won't be able to buy them in stores with no papers OMG anymore.
So the M-1 Carbine, M-1 Garand, M-1903 Springfield and M-1A all have bad effects on some people? Are you really trying to sell that bull? The first three are actual, US Army issued combat weapons and the last is a civilianized M-14. The Carbine, Garand and M-1A all are more powerful than the "fearsome AR-15" and have similar rates of fire. The Springfield is more powerful than an AR-15, but being bolt action, has a lower rate of fire.
So the M-1 Carbine, M-1 Garand, M-1903 Springfield and M-1A all have bad effects on some people? Are you really trying to sell that bull? The first three are actual, US Army issued combat weapons and the last is a civilianized M-14. The Carbine, Garand and M-1A all are more powerful than the "fearsome AR-15" and have similar rates of fire. The Springfield is more powerful than an AR-15, but being bolt action, has a lower rate of fire.
we're talking about the highly stylized supersoldier AR fifteens and God knows what handguns. There are 30 million of them in the country and that is plenty. Plus insane Mass murdering people don't go anywhere but stores, when they can. That should end
they are leaving Venezuela because the economy has been destroyed by GOP lead sanctions. They can't even sell their oil... great great job! the Socialists were elected in Venezuela and and they probably still would be reelected because they are sick and tired of people like you who have no clue just basically have policies shaped by brainwashed racism.... mainly these people from Venezuela Nicaragua and Cuba already have relatives in the United States after many years of the same problem. Whatever happened to the Monroe doctrine, do we only just profit from it Or we are we really trying to be helpful to our little friends in Latin America. Breaking news, the Cold War is over, The Communists lost. the Socialists won. Too bad so many yearsof UK Anti Socialist propaganda has made it impossible to even use the term in English speaking countries. they have to call it labor or Democrats or social democracy or Democratic Socialists or any other number of examples like the Green Party....

How Every House Member Voted on the Infrastructure Bill

WebNov 5, 2021 · The House of Representatives approved a $1 trillion infrastructure package on Friday night, with a majority of Democrats and 13 Republicans voting in favor. Read the …
mber of examples. green example.
Venezuela destroyed its oil industry by nationalizing it and putting idiot political (read communist) cronies in charge. The government then proceeded to destroy the rest of the economy and now a once prosperous nation's citizens are reduced to eating zoo animals and rats when they can get them. The USA had nothing to do with that. Thank Hugo Chavez and the Castro brothers for that.

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