How has the 2nd Amendment Helped this Nation?

That is correct but I never said anything about a need. I simply asked how the nation benefitted from the 2nd amendment.
How do you quantify untold thousands of violent crimes that never happened, merely because someone flashed a weapon or posted that they are armed on their property?

I don't suppose you recognize that as a benefit.
It was codified as an existing natural right after we used it to defeat the British and form our own nation. You don’t see the value in that?
I just want to know what benefits YOU believe the nation has accrued from the 2nd amendment. If you're saying it helped us rebel against the British, I have to note that it didn't exist when we did so.
How do you quantify untold thousands of violent crimes that never happened, merely because someone flashed a weapon or posted that they are armed on their property?

I don't suppose you recognize that as a benefit.
I am not making judgements here and now. Many gun owners have told me why they own guns. I a simply curious as to why gun owners believe Americans should own guns - what benefit they believe the country receives from that right. I assume you are saying that it reduces the crime rate. Is that correct?
I am not making judgements here and now. Many gun owners have told me why they own guns. I a simply curious as to why gun owners believe Americans should own guns - what benefit they believe the country receives from that right. I assume you are saying that it reduces the crime rate. Is that correct?
In uncountable instances, yes.

How do you think China would look today, if they had free access to firearms in 1989?
I just want to know what benefits YOU believe the nation has accrued from the 2nd amendment. If you're saying it helped us rebel against the British, I have to note that it didn't exist when we did so.
The 2nd Amendment doesn’t grant the right to bear arms, it just restricts the government from infringing upon it. It already existed, as evidenced by the fact that we had weapons to defeat the British. So it may not have been codified, but it did exist.
Regardless, recognizing a right to defend oneself with arms doesn’t need to “benefit the country” to exist.
I a simply curious as to why gun owners believe Americans should own guns -
I don’t believe anyone should own guns. I believe we have the liberty to do so if we choose. Same with any number of other items.

How has the 2nd amendment helped the USA?

Like this.

Our laws are weighed against the good of the many.
A lie at foundation of your preferred socialist/communist countries.
Here in the USA our laws are required to uphold the Rights and Liberties of all citizens, especially those of the individual and minorities.
You're entitled to your opinion.

I'm sure that people who religious practices might otherwise have been repressed think so.

Probably the most important aspect of the First. A key right in a successful democracy.

The protections the Constitution provides prevents this nation from becoming authoritarian

I never expected to stump anyone. And I'm just getting started but so far, no one has yet identified a benefit from the 2nd Amendment.
"The protections the Constitution provides" only prevent if those elected to office and hired to government employment abide by, uphold, perform and preserve the Constitution.
The is enough generic language and "wiggle room" for it to be abused or minimized by those with tyrannical desires.
I asked this question in another thread and at least for the first couple days, not a soul provided any sort of answer to it. I was just wondering what all these folks think the amendment has done that has benefitted the nation as a whole. I'm looking for benefits to the population and the nation as a whole. Has it reduced crime? Has it staved off assaults from other nations? Has it upheld our moral fiber? Has it made us better human beings? A lot of you are very attached to the Amendment and to your guns. I just wonder what you think that does for everyone else.
it was fine until the GOP NRA when nuts on military style, along with hateful propaganda...
A lie at foundation of your preferred socialist/communist countries.
Here in the USA our laws are required to uphold the Rights and Liberties of all citizens, especially those of the individual and minorities.
communism is like China the USSR Cuba Vietnam and North Korea and no one is defending that crap. Socialism is democratic, like France and Germany and Scandinavia and the UK And New Zealand and every other modern country except for us. you have to have health care at least.... the Socialist countries have plenty of hunting rifles but not so many it's insanity like here now.
communism is like China the USSR Cuba Vietnam and North Korea and no one is defending that crap. Socialism is democratic, like France and Germany and Scandinavia and the UK And New Zealand and every other modern country except for us. you have to have health care at least.... the Socialist countries have plenty of hunting rifles but not so many it's insanity like here now.
Most Marxists and Communists agree that socialism is the key stepping stone to later communism. The "democratic" of those "every other modern country" is a soft tyranny of the majority abusing the minority. And note that those countries are either the ones the USA defeated in last global war, or propped up with our "Arsenal of Democracy", or liberated; followed by paying much of the cost to rebuild the damage done in that war. Looking over the past century plus, seems what works here in USA has been better than what has been used and tried in those "modern country".

"health care" is what one does to take care of their health, such as proper diet/nutrition, exercise, avoid unhealthy habits and life styles, etc. "medical care" is what one uses when their care of their health has worked well. "medical insurance" is what many have and use to cover some of the costs of the medical care. The major concern and question is why should your fellow citizen pay the costs of your medical care if such is needed because you didn't take proper care of your health?

Whether we call it socialism or communism or anything similar, the underlying problem is that it is a way for the non-productive, parasitic, deadwood of society to be supported, sustained and allowed to reproduce, increasing the social disease such societies have. Which is why the all are in huge debt and on a path of decline.
I am not making judgements here and now. Many gun owners have told me why they own guns. I a simply curious as to why gun owners believe Americans should own guns - what benefit they believe the country receives from that right. I assume you are saying that it reduces the crime rate. Is that correct?
Here is where you go awry.

I don't think everyone SHOULD own guns but that they can CHOOSE to own guns as is their right. And it doesn't matter if guns reduce the crime rate. Can you name any other right enumerated in the Constitution that is directly responsible for reducing crime rates?
I asked this question in another thread and at least for the first couple days, not a soul provided any sort of answer to it. I was just wondering what all these folks think the amendment has done that has benefitted the nation as a whole. I'm looking for benefits to the population and the nation as a whole. Has it reduced crime? Has it staved off assaults from other nations? Has it upheld our moral fiber? Has it made us better human beings? A lot of you are very attached to the Amendment and to your guns. I just wonder what you think that does for everyone else.
Moron, it kept the japs from invading the west coast.
In uncountable instances, yes.

How do you think China would look today, if they had free access to firearms in 1989?
Much worse than today with millions more dead and a far more authoritarian government. But, that's just my opinion. Maybe they'd look like a capitalist paradise but I doubt it.
Much worse than today with millions more dead and a far more authoritarian government. But, that's just my opinion. Maybe they'd look like a capitalist paradise but I doubt it.
Yes, having guns will turn peaceful people into heinous murderers, and the government of armed people always goes rogue.

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