How have the IPCC's computer models performed?

James Hansen was the top of his field. You, however, are a AAAAA Moron.

Hansen is a card carrying activist wacko and his predictions have completely failed. Interesting though that you name such a wacko as the top of the field...says volumes about the field.
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And so you have provided no answer. I can only presume that results from having no pertinent knowledge.

ps: the word is spelled (and pronounced) "a s t e r i s k"
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Permafrost thaw exacerbates climate change -- ScienceDaily
Growing season gains do not offset carbon emissions from permafrost thaw, new research shows. Permafrost contains three to seven times the amount of carbon sequestered in tropical forests



Odds that global warming is due to natural factors: Slim to none -- ScienceDaily

O M G...

(Really, this is what passes for intelligence among Skooker and company?)

I only care about winning s0n!!!

The fact is, after 25 years, the climate crusader alarmists haven't made their case. Its the simple. In the world of the AGW k00ks, they have......but nowhere else. The proof is well illustrated in this forum in the thread, MORE PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING.

Indeed......after 25 years of bomb throwing, fossil fuels still dOmInAtE the energy landscape!! Renewables are a joke......they've barely moved the goalposts. By 2040, the landscape wont look much different too.......well......that is if you take seriously what the Obama EIA said late last year.

Perhaps we skeptics aren't intelligent......but we're winning..........h u g e!!!
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Ahhh.....for the hell of it and the hoot of it, thought Id throw in that Obama administration graph that makes me laugh my balls off every time I post it up!!!

Of course, I threw in the cheesy ghey MS Paint hysteria for effect >>>>>

Do you REALLY want to pull Spencer and Christy's JOKE out here and pretend its real?

Why don't you do some searching and find some of the real discussion about this Spencer claptrap. You've embarrassed yourself here often enough. You really don't need the added exposure.
Do you REALLY want to pull Spencer and Christy's JOKE out here and pretend its real?

Why don't you do some searching and find some of the real discussion about this Spencer claptrap. You've embarrassed yourself here often enough. You really don't need the added exposure.

You can not have a real discussion on this issue with AGW cult members.

Once they can admit AGW is not science then we will be moving in the right direction.

Until then anyone claiming that AGW IS science is not to be taken seriously. Especially to those that enjoy actual real science.
Do you REALLY want to pull Spencer and Christy's JOKE out here and pretend its real?

Why don't you do some searching and find some of the real discussion about this Spencer claptrap. You've embarrassed yourself here often enough. You really don't need the added exposure.

You mean some real cherry picking and denial of the facts from a warmist wacko? No thanks..I will stick to the facts which is what the graph shows. I know it must be like sunlight to a vampire for you, but try and look...set yourself free...stop being a stooge.

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