How I Think Trump Can Polish His Campaign


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I do not believe the polls about Trump being 80 gazzillion points behind Brainless Biden.

But Trump can polish his campaign with the following tactical adjustments.

1) Not everyone voting for Biden really *wants* Biden, they are just terrified of Trump. And why? Some think he is an ally of Putin, is corrupt and some think he is a genuine idiot. These morons are not reachable. But some people just dont like Trumps brashness and style. Trump could compliment his justifiable strike-back tweets with conciliatory tweets to people like victims of crime in Democratic cities and people displaced by H1-b visa holders. Just more balance between slamming his fist on opponents noses vrs conciliatory pats on the back to people he plans to champion in his next term can soften his image some and go a very long way.

2) While I think Trump has done a great job with the economy and the COVID19 policies, voters are of the 'Whathaveyoudoneformelately' tribe and Trumps best moves are way back in time, whole months ago, lol. So Trump needs to try to put the spotlight on good things that are happening NOW. Like the continued fall in COVID19 deaths/million, and the hospitalization rate which I think is also much more of a tiny blip than a catastrophe. He needs to get people rehired and small businesses reopening ASAP, and I think he is doing really good so far, but there is a perception that the V recovery is collapsing which is not true. He needs to get some make work, shovel ready jobs out there to get people employed with money in their pockets to spend at the reopened businesses. Then chat up the lowering unemployment rate till the cows wander home.

3) Trump needs to hold a rally each weekend somewhere. These rallies are very valuable in getting contact info for volunteers, but to make them appear to be safer, and would be in actuality IMO, do out door rallies instead of indoor rallies.

4) Trump should counter-punch the Medicare for all of Bidens with a Medicaid for all as an insurance policy. Use existing Medicaid, turn into a semi government insurance program, and price the policies with the average of a national level insurance pool (nationalize the ACA state pools) and prorate the coverage based on income and remove the cap on the benefits. That way we can have both a safety net insurance program subsidized and run by the Federalis, it wont destroy Medicare, and still have our own private health insurance system. This would make the Democrats look stupid, IMO, and take the steam out of half of Biden's campaign.

5) Trump should get his supporters to highlight the Marxism of the Democratic Party without doing it himself so much. The Dimocrats are light work now, leave it to the loyal minions to knock them down.

6) Trump needs to do a report on his tax returns by his lawyers and accountants that would be certified by his auditers to be accurate, but not releasing anything that would hurt his business or is simply no ones business. I think this will satisfy a good chunk of people who are suspicious of his refusal to release his tax returns, not everyone, but a good chunk of moderates.

7) Trump should come up with a plan to pay off the National debt by the end of his 8th year of office using tariffs, debt refinancing with lower rates, auctioning Federal land, and slashing Federal costs by freezing new hiring among civilian branches of our government. Obviously he will need to have a Republican Congress to carry this along so he needs to have some brain storming sessions with his Congressional allies as to what is realistically achievable.

Those are a few things Trump can do to blow Biden even further out of the water.
I do not believe the polls about Trump being 80 gazzillion points behind Brainless Biden.

But Trump can polish his campaign with the following tactical adjustments.

1) Not everyone voting for Biden really *wants* Biden, they are just terrified of Trump. And why? Some think he is an ally of Putin, is corrupt and some think he is a genuine idiot. These morons are not reachable. But some people just dont like Trumps brashness and style. Trump could compliment his justifiable strike-back tweets with conciliatory tweets to people like victims of crime in Democratic cities and people displaced by H1-b visa holders. Just more balance between slamming his fist on opponents noses vrs conciliatory pats on the back to people he plans to champion in his next term can soften his image some and go a very long way.

2) While I think Trump has done a great job with the economy and the COVID19 policies, voters are of the 'Whathaveyoudoneformelately' tribe and Trumps best moves are way back in time, whole months ago, lol. So Trump needs to try to put the spotlight on good things that are happening NOW. Like the continued fall in COVID19 deaths/million, and the hospitalization rate which I think is also much more of a tiny blip than a catastrophe. He needs to get people rehired and small businesses reopening ASAP, and I think he is doing really good so far, but there is a perception that the V recovery is collapsing which is not true. He needs to get some make work, shovel ready jobs out there to get people employed with money in their pockets to spend at the reopened businesses. Then chat up the lowering unemployment rate till the cows wander home.

3) Trump needs to hold a rally each weekend somewhere. These rallies are very valuable in getting contact info for volunteers, but to make them appear to be safer, and would be in actuality IMO, do out door rallies instead of indoor rallies.

4) Trump should counter-punch the Medicare for all of Bidens with a Medicaid for all as an insurance policy. Use existing Medicaid, turn into a semi government insurance program, and price the policies with the average of a national level insurance pool (nationalize the ACA state pools) and prorate the coverage based on income and remove the cap on the benefits. That way we can have both a safety net insurance program subsidized and run by the Federalis, it wont destroy Medicare, and still have our own private health insurance system. This would make the Democrats look stupid, IMO, and take the steam out of half of Biden's campaign.

5) Trump should get his supporters to highlight the Marxism of the Democratic Party without doing it himself so much. The Dimocrats are light work now, leave it to the loyal minions to knock them down.

6) Trump needs to do a report on his tax returns by his lawyers and accountants that would be certified by his auditers to be accurate, but not releasing anything that would hurt his business or is simply no ones business. I think this will satisfy a good chunk of people who are suspicious of his refusal to release his tax returns, not everyone, but a good chunk of moderates.

7) Trump should come up with a plan to pay off the National debt by the end of his 8th year of office using tariffs, debt refinancing with lower rates, auctioning Federal land, and slashing Federal costs by freezing new hiring among civilian branches of our government. Obviously he will need to have a Republican Congress to carry this along so he needs to have some brain storming sessions with his Congressional allies as to what is realistically achievable.

Those are a few things Trump can do to blow Biden even further out of the water.
Just a fantastic post. Thank you.
I do not believe the polls about Trump being 80 gazzillion points behind Brainless Biden.

But Trump can polish his campaign with the following tactical adjustments.

1) Not everyone voting for Biden really *wants* Biden, they are just terrified of Trump. And why? Some think he is an ally of Putin, is corrupt and some think he is a genuine idiot. These morons are not reachable. But some people just dont like Trumps brashness and style. Trump could compliment his justifiable strike-back tweets with conciliatory tweets to people like victims of crime in Democratic cities and people displaced by H1-b visa holders. Just more balance between slamming his fist on opponents noses vrs conciliatory pats on the back to people he plans to champion in his next term can soften his image some and go a very long way.

2) While I think Trump has done a great job with the economy and the COVID19 policies, voters are of the 'Whathaveyoudoneformelately' tribe and Trumps best moves are way back in time, whole months ago, lol. So Trump needs to try to put the spotlight on good things that are happening NOW. Like the continued fall in COVID19 deaths/million, and the hospitalization rate which I think is also much more of a tiny blip than a catastrophe. He needs to get people rehired and small businesses reopening ASAP, and I think he is doing really good so far, but there is a perception that the V recovery is collapsing which is not true. He needs to get some make work, shovel ready jobs out there to get people employed with money in their pockets to spend at the reopened businesses. Then chat up the lowering unemployment rate till the cows wander home.

3) Trump needs to hold a rally each weekend somewhere. These rallies are very valuable in getting contact info for volunteers, but to make them appear to be safer, and would be in actuality IMO, do out door rallies instead of indoor rallies.

4) Trump should counter-punch the Medicare for all of Bidens with a Medicaid for all as an insurance policy. Use existing Medicaid, turn into a semi government insurance program, and price the policies with the average of a national level insurance pool (nationalize the ACA state pools) and prorate the coverage based on income and remove the cap on the benefits. That way we can have both a safety net insurance program subsidized and run by the Federalis, it wont destroy Medicare, and still have our own private health insurance system. This would make the Democrats look stupid, IMO, and take the steam out of half of Biden's campaign.

5) Trump should get his supporters to highlight the Marxism of the Democratic Party without doing it himself so much. The Dimocrats are light work now, leave it to the loyal minions to knock them down.

6) Trump needs to do a report on his tax returns by his lawyers and accountants that would be certified by his auditers to be accurate, but not releasing anything that would hurt his business or is simply no ones business. I think this will satisfy a good chunk of people who are suspicious of his refusal to release his tax returns, not everyone, but a good chunk of moderates.

7) Trump should come up with a plan to pay off the National debt by the end of his 8th year of office using tariffs, debt refinancing with lower rates, auctioning Federal land, and slashing Federal costs by freezing new hiring among civilian branches of our government. Obviously he will need to have a Republican Congress to carry this along so he needs to have some brain storming sessions with his Congressional allies as to what is realistically achievable.

Those are a few things Trump can do to blow Biden even further out of the water.
What is that Carole King song? For Trump it should now be his bowing out song.
It's Too Late

I do not believe the polls about Trump being 80 gazzillion points behind Brainless Biden.

But Trump can polish his campaign with the following tactical adjustments.

1) Not everyone voting for Biden really *wants* Biden, they are just terrified of Trump. And why? Some think he is an ally of Putin, is corrupt and some think he is a genuine idiot. These morons are not reachable. But some people just dont like Trumps brashness and style. Trump could compliment his justifiable strike-back tweets with conciliatory tweets to people like victims of crime in Democratic cities and people displaced by H1-b visa holders. Just more balance between slamming his fist on opponents noses vrs conciliatory pats on the back to people he plans to champion in his next term can soften his image some and go a very long way.

2) While I think Trump has done a great job with the economy and the COVID19 policies, voters are of the 'Whathaveyoudoneformelately' tribe and Trumps best moves are way back in time, whole months ago, lol. So Trump needs to try to put the spotlight on good things that are happening NOW. Like the continued fall in COVID19 deaths/million, and the hospitalization rate which I think is also much more of a tiny blip than a catastrophe. He needs to get people rehired and small businesses reopening ASAP, and I think he is doing really good so far, but there is a perception that the V recovery is collapsing which is not true. He needs to get some make work, shovel ready jobs out there to get people employed with money in their pockets to spend at the reopened businesses. Then chat up the lowering unemployment rate till the cows wander home.

3) Trump needs to hold a rally each weekend somewhere. These rallies are very valuable in getting contact info for volunteers, but to make them appear to be safer, and would be in actuality IMO, do out door rallies instead of indoor rallies.

4) Trump should counter-punch the Medicare for all of Bidens with a Medicaid for all as an insurance policy. Use existing Medicaid, turn into a semi government insurance program, and price the policies with the average of a national level insurance pool (nationalize the ACA state pools) and prorate the coverage based on income and remove the cap on the benefits. That way we can have both a safety net insurance program subsidized and run by the Federalis, it wont destroy Medicare, and still have our own private health insurance system. This would make the Democrats look stupid, IMO, and take the steam out of half of Biden's campaign.

5) Trump should get his supporters to highlight the Marxism of the Democratic Party without doing it himself so much. The Dimocrats are light work now, leave it to the loyal minions to knock them down.

6) Trump needs to do a report on his tax returns by his lawyers and accountants that would be certified by his auditers to be accurate, but not releasing anything that would hurt his business or is simply no ones business. I think this will satisfy a good chunk of people who are suspicious of his refusal to release his tax returns, not everyone, but a good chunk of moderates.

7) Trump should come up with a plan to pay off the National debt by the end of his 8th year of office using tariffs, debt refinancing with lower rates, auctioning Federal land, and slashing Federal costs by freezing new hiring among civilian branches of our government. Obviously he will need to have a Republican Congress to carry this along so he needs to have some brain storming sessions with his Congressional allies as to what is realistically achievable.

Those are a few things Trump can do to blow Biden even further out of the water.
What is that Carole King song? For Trump it should now be his bowing out song.
It's Too Late

I don't believe the polls, they were wrong in 2016 and they are wrong now. Real Americans are not going to vote for the Party supporting rioters, statue destroyers, looters and occupiers.
I do not believe the polls about Trump being 80 gazzillion points behind Brainless Biden.

If the election were held today, I think he could lose. Fortunately it is in November, and the only thing that counts is what the voters think THEN. I believe Trump will focus himself on the things that got him elected, crack down on this lawlessness in the country, show the people the leadership, security and vision people crave, and most of all, force Biden out of his rat-hole into the open light where he is forced to show the voters his glaring deficiencies as a man, a leader and a candidate.
I do not believe the polls about Trump being 80 gazzillion points behind Brainless Biden.

But Trump can polish his campaign with the following tactical adjustments.

1) Not everyone voting for Biden really *wants* Biden, they are just terrified of Trump. And why? Some think he is an ally of Putin, is corrupt and some think he is a genuine idiot. These morons are not reachable. But some people just dont like Trumps brashness and style. Trump could compliment his justifiable strike-back tweets with conciliatory tweets to people like victims of crime in Democratic cities and people displaced by H1-b visa holders. Just more balance between slamming his fist on opponents noses vrs conciliatory pats on the back to people he plans to champion in his next term can soften his image some and go a very long way.

2) While I think Trump has done a great job with the economy and the COVID19 policies, voters are of the 'Whathaveyoudoneformelately' tribe and Trumps best moves are way back in time, whole months ago, lol. So Trump needs to try to put the spotlight on good things that are happening NOW. Like the continued fall in COVID19 deaths/million, and the hospitalization rate which I think is also much more of a tiny blip than a catastrophe. He needs to get people rehired and small businesses reopening ASAP, and I think he is doing really good so far, but there is a perception that the V recovery is collapsing which is not true. He needs to get some make work, shovel ready jobs out there to get people employed with money in their pockets to spend at the reopened businesses. Then chat up the lowering unemployment rate till the cows wander home.

3) Trump needs to hold a rally each weekend somewhere. These rallies are very valuable in getting contact info for volunteers, but to make them appear to be safer, and would be in actuality IMO, do out door rallies instead of indoor rallies.

4) Trump should counter-punch the Medicare for all of Bidens with a Medicaid for all as an insurance policy. Use existing Medicaid, turn into a semi government insurance program, and price the policies with the average of a national level insurance pool (nationalize the ACA state pools) and prorate the coverage based on income and remove the cap on the benefits. That way we can have both a safety net insurance program subsidized and run by the Federalis, it wont destroy Medicare, and still have our own private health insurance system. This would make the Democrats look stupid, IMO, and take the steam out of half of Biden's campaign.

5) Trump should get his supporters to highlight the Marxism of the Democratic Party without doing it himself so much. The Dimocrats are light work now, leave it to the loyal minions to knock them down.

6) Trump needs to do a report on his tax returns by his lawyers and accountants that would be certified by his auditers to be accurate, but not releasing anything that would hurt his business or is simply no ones business. I think this will satisfy a good chunk of people who are suspicious of his refusal to release his tax returns, not everyone, but a good chunk of moderates.

7) Trump should come up with a plan to pay off the National debt by the end of his 8th year of office using tariffs, debt refinancing with lower rates, auctioning Federal land, and slashing Federal costs by freezing new hiring among civilian branches of our government. Obviously he will need to have a Republican Congress to carry this along so he needs to have some brain storming sessions with his Congressional allies as to what is realistically achievable.

Those are a few things Trump can do to blow Biden even further out of the water.
What is that Carole King song? For Trump it should now be his bowing out song.
It's Too Late

Good for him!
What is that Carole King song? For Trump it should now be his bowing out song.
It's Too Late
Gee, Fine, we could stick that comment onto any one of your posts from 2017, 2018, 2019 and on! You keep predicting Trump's demise any day now, the only problem is that after 117,800 promises, you've been wrong every time! What are you waiting for, Trump to die of old age so you can then tell us you told us so? :heehee:
What is that Carole King song? For Trump it should now be his bowing out song.
It's Too Late
Gee, Fine, we could stick that comment onto any one of your posts from 2017, 2018, 2019 and on! You keep predicting Trump's demise any day now, the only problem is that after 117,800 promises, you've been wrong every time! What are you waiting for, Trump to die of old age so you can then tell us you told us so? :heehee:
Like all Doomsayers, he keeps hoping that THIS time will be different.

It rarely is.
What is that Carole King song? For Trump it should now be his bowing out song.
It's Too Late
Gee, Fine, we could stick that comment onto any one of your posts from 2017, 2018, 2019 and on! You keep predicting Trump's demise any day now, the only problem is that after 117,800 promises, you've been wrong every time! What are you waiting for, Trump to die of old age so you can then tell us you told us so? :heehee:
Making shit up as you go I see. Only been here a year Trump dummy. So, good luck with that.
I do not believe the polls about Trump being 80 gazzillion points behind Brainless Biden.

If the election were held today, I think he could lose. Fortunately it is in November, and the only thing that counts is what the voters think THEN. I believe Trump will focus himself on the things that got him elected, crack down on this lawlessness in the country, show the people the leadership, security and vision people crave, and most of all, force Biden out of his rat-hole into the open light where he is forced to show the voters his glaring deficiencies as a man, a leader and a candidate.
Nice post, tf. Thank you.
What is that Carole King song? For Trump it should now be his bowing out song.
It's Too Late
Gee, Fine, we could stick that comment onto any one of your posts from 2017, 2018, 2019 and on! You keep predicting Trump's demise any day now, the only problem is that after 117,800 promises, you've been wrong every time! What are you waiting for, Trump to die of old age so you can then tell us you told us so? :heehee:
Making shit up as you go I see. Only been here a year Trump dummy. So, good luck with that.
Gee, it feels like ten.
What is that Carole King song? For Trump it should now be his bowing out song.
It's Too Late
Gee, Fine, we could stick that comment onto any one of your posts from 2017, 2018, 2019 and on! You keep predicting Trump's demise any day now, the only problem is that after 117,800 promises, you've been wrong every time! What are you waiting for, Trump to die of old age so you can then tell us you told us so? :heehee:
Making shit up as you go I see. Only been here a year Trump dummy. So, good luck with that.
Gee, it feels like ten.
And you've actually been here for over THREE YEARS, tf. I guess math is NOT one of okfine's strong suits.
What is that Carole King song? For Trump it should now be his bowing out song.
It's Too Late
Gee, Fine, we could stick that comment onto any one of your posts from 2017, 2018, 2019 and on! You keep predicting Trump's demise any day now, the only problem is that after 117,800 promises, you've been wrong every time! What are you waiting for, Trump to die of old age so you can then tell us you told us so? :heehee:
Making shit up as you go I see. Only been here a year Trump dummy. So, good luck with that.
Great for him!
How I Think Trump Can Polish His Campaign

I do not believe the polls about Trump being 80 gazzillion points behind Brainless Biden.

But Trump can polish his campaign with the following tactical adjustments.

1) Not everyone voting for Biden really *wants* Biden, they are just terrified of Trump. And why? Some think he is an ally of Putin, is corrupt and some think he is a genuine idiot. These morons are not reachable. But some people just dont like Trumps brashness and style. Trump could compliment his justifiable strike-back tweets with conciliatory tweets to people like victims of crime in Democratic cities and people displaced by H1-b visa holders. Just more balance between slamming his fist on opponents noses vrs conciliatory pats on the back to people he plans to champion in his next term can soften his image some and go a very long way.

2) While I think Trump has done a great job with the economy and the COVID19 policies, voters are of the 'Whathaveyoudoneformelately' tribe and Trumps best moves are way back in time, whole months ago, lol. So Trump needs to try to put the spotlight on good things that are happening NOW. Like the continued fall in COVID19 deaths/million, and the hospitalization rate which I think is also much more of a tiny blip than a catastrophe. He needs to get people rehired and small businesses reopening ASAP, and I think he is doing really good so far, but there is a perception that the V recovery is collapsing which is not true. He needs to get some make work, shovel ready jobs out there to get people employed with money in their pockets to spend at the reopened businesses. Then chat up the lowering unemployment rate till the cows wander home.

3) Trump needs to hold a rally each weekend somewhere. These rallies are very valuable in getting contact info for volunteers, but to make them appear to be safer, and would be in actuality IMO, do out door rallies instead of indoor rallies.

4) Trump should counter-punch the Medicare for all of Bidens with a Medicaid for all as an insurance policy. Use existing Medicaid, turn into a semi government insurance program, and price the policies with the average of a national level insurance pool (nationalize the ACA state pools) and prorate the coverage based on income and remove the cap on the benefits. That way we can have both a safety net insurance program subsidized and run by the Federalis, it wont destroy Medicare, and still have our own private health insurance system. This would make the Democrats look stupid, IMO, and take the steam out of half of Biden's campaign.

5) Trump should get his supporters to highlight the Marxism of the Democratic Party without doing it himself so much. The Dimocrats are light work now, leave it to the loyal minions to knock them down.

6) Trump needs to do a report on his tax returns by his lawyers and accountants that would be certified by his auditers to be accurate, but not releasing anything that would hurt his business or is simply no ones business. I think this will satisfy a good chunk of people who are suspicious of his refusal to release his tax returns, not everyone, but a good chunk of moderates.

7) Trump should come up with a plan to pay off the National debt by the end of his 8th year of office using tariffs, debt refinancing with lower rates, auctioning Federal land, and slashing Federal costs by freezing new hiring among civilian branches of our government. Obviously he will need to have a Republican Congress to carry this along so he needs to have some brain storming sessions with his Congressional allies as to what is realistically achievable.

Those are a few things Trump can do to blow Biden even further out of the water.
I'm afraid that you and I are at odds on "some" of this.
1. Trump doesn't need to be conciliatory, just tone down the language
2. Acceptable.
3. Change the title of "rally" to "protest." A protest against cultural Marxism, explaining it's inherent flaws, along with what he plans to do for the next four years, should he win.
4. Acceptable.
5. On this, I revert back to his scheduled protests (rallies). I see no problem with him, along with others citing Marxism's flaws.
6. Jesus Christ. We need to stop with the call for his tax returns. Trump, like all taxpayers, has to file a tax return. If there is anything shady or outright criminal in a tax return, the IRS performs an audit, with the taxpayer present. If he had done anything wrong, he would have been called out on it the year he filed. If through legal loopholes, he was able to pay less than you or I, I don't care, as long as it was legal, which the IRS ensures.
7. The only way we are going to pay off the National Debt, is if we significantly reduce government employees retired pay, take away any entitlements the people may have and scrub social security. The end result is a lot of elderly out in the streets. As to selling off federal lands, I say HELL NO! Our National Parks, National Forests and Wildlife Refuges are the only remaining undamaged areas left for the remaining wildlife, hikers and campers. I'd rather take up arms against people wanting to get rid of them.
I do not believe the polls about Trump being 80 gazzillion points behind Brainless Biden.

But Trump can polish his campaign with the following tactical adjustments.

1) Not everyone voting for Biden really *wants* Biden, they are just terrified of Trump. And why? Some think he is an ally of Putin, is corrupt and some think he is a genuine idiot. These morons are not reachable. But some people just dont like Trumps brashness and style. Trump could compliment his justifiable strike-back tweets with conciliatory tweets to people like victims of crime in Democratic cities and people displaced by H1-b visa holders. Just more balance between slamming his fist on opponents noses vrs conciliatory pats on the back to people he plans to champion in his next term can soften his image some and go a very long way.

2) While I think Trump has done a great job with the economy and the COVID19 policies, voters are of the 'Whathaveyoudoneformelately' tribe and Trumps best moves are way back in time, whole months ago, lol. So Trump needs to try to put the spotlight on good things that are happening NOW. Like the continued fall in COVID19 deaths/million, and the hospitalization rate which I think is also much more of a tiny blip than a catastrophe. He needs to get people rehired and small businesses reopening ASAP, and I think he is doing really good so far, but there is a perception that the V recovery is collapsing which is not true. He needs to get some make work, shovel ready jobs out there to get people employed with money in their pockets to spend at the reopened businesses. Then chat up the lowering unemployment rate till the cows wander home.

3) Trump needs to hold a rally each weekend somewhere. These rallies are very valuable in getting contact info for volunteers, but to make them appear to be safer, and would be in actuality IMO, do out door rallies instead of indoor rallies.

4) Trump should counter-punch the Medicare for all of Bidens with a Medicaid for all as an insurance policy. Use existing Medicaid, turn into a semi government insurance program, and price the policies with the average of a national level insurance pool (nationalize the ACA state pools) and prorate the coverage based on income and remove the cap on the benefits. That way we can have both a safety net insurance program subsidized and run by the Federalis, it wont destroy Medicare, and still have our own private health insurance system. This would make the Democrats look stupid, IMO, and take the steam out of half of Biden's campaign.

5) Trump should get his supporters to highlight the Marxism of the Democratic Party without doing it himself so much. The Dimocrats are light work now, leave it to the loyal minions to knock them down.

6) Trump needs to do a report on his tax returns by his lawyers and accountants that would be certified by his auditers to be accurate, but not releasing anything that would hurt his business or is simply no ones business. I think this will satisfy a good chunk of people who are suspicious of his refusal to release his tax returns, not everyone, but a good chunk of moderates.

7) Trump should come up with a plan to pay off the National debt by the end of his 8th year of office using tariffs, debt refinancing with lower rates, auctioning Federal land, and slashing Federal costs by freezing new hiring among civilian branches of our government. Obviously he will need to have a Republican Congress to carry this along so he needs to have some brain storming sessions with his Congressional allies as to what is realistically achievable.

Those are a few things Trump can do to blow Biden even further out of the water.
I'm afraid that you and I are at odds on "some" of this.
1. Trump doesn't need to be conciliatory, just tone down the language
2. Acceptable.
3. Change the title of "rally" to "protest." A protest against cultural Marxism, explaining it's inherent flaws, along with what he plans to do for the next four years, should he win.
4. Acceptable.
5. On this, I revert back to his scheduled protests (rallies). I see no problem with him, along with others citing Marxism's flaws.
6. Jesus Christ. We need to stop with the call for his tax returns. Trump, like all taxpayers, has to file a tax return. If there is anything shady or outright criminal in a tax return, the IRS performs an audit, with the taxpayer present. If he had done anything wrong, he would have been called out on it the year he filed. If through legal loopholes, he was able to pay less than you or I, I don't care, as long as it was legal, which the IRS ensures.
7. The only way we are going to pay off the National Debt, is if we significantly reduce government employees retired pay, take away any entitlements the people may have and scrub social security. The end result is a lot of elderly out in the streets. As to selling off federal lands, I say HELL NO! Our National Parks, National Forests and Wildlife Refuges are the only remaining undamaged areas left for the remaining wildlife, hikers and campers. I'd rather take up arms against people wanting to get rid of them.
Nice post, thanks.
How I Think Trump Can Polish His Campaign

View attachment 357155
Another commie tossing in a stupid cartoon. Move to China, you'll be happier there. They have only one-political party, Marxist. And, when uppity young people sit down, hold up signs and demand freedom, they're conveniently murdered to silence the public. They are right up your alley. You would never have to listen to a different political stance again.

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