How ignorant is Elizabeth Warren of the economy? A perfect example!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Just saw a clip of Warren explaining how those terrible health insurance companies making evil profits will be eliminated by her "Medicare for All " plan that will cost $52 Trillion.

She says,..." after all the expensive salaries, big glass buildings, she states they made AFTER taxes
billions of dollars for the extremely wealthy."

Ms. Warren...
A) Do you honestly believe those profits are going wealthy only to the extremely wealthy?
Total U.S. retirement assets hit $24.9 trillion by the end of March 2015..
Total retirement assets near $25 trillion mark | BenefitsPRO
So Ms. Warren why don't you attack that $25 trillion to pay for it?
After all that is where some of those EVIL profits are going from health insurance companies!
B) Or Ms. Warren do you believe they hide their evil profits in their mattresses or in their back yard?
How about your wealth Ms. Warren...
Screen Shot 2019-11-01 at 8.17.32 AM.png
She's not ignorant. She's a liar. She has no intention of following through with her outlandish proposals.
I have no idea what the OP is trying to say. He is very confused.

But here is how Warren claims she will pay for her socialized medicine plan:

  • Employer contributions: Instead of paying premiums to insurers, companies would send an estimated $8.8 trillion over 10 years to the federal government as an "Employer Medicare Contribution."
  • Taxes on the wealthy: Billionaires would be subject to a new tax of three cents on the dollar on net worth above $1 billion. This is in addition to the wealth tax she announced earlier this year, which would also place a 3 percentage point levy on billionaires. Also, the wealthiest 1% would be taxed on capital gains income annually, rather than at the time of sale, and the capital gains rate would be raised to match income tax rates. Combined, this would raise $3 trillion.
  • Reducing tax evasion: Warren argues that she can collect $2.3 trillion by empowering the Internal Revenue Service to crack down on tax evasion and fraud, redirecting the agency's focus to high-income earners.
  • Levies on financial sector and large corporations: Warren would impose a financial transaction tax of .01% on the sale of stocks, bonds and derivatives. She would also make several significant changes to corporate tax law. All together, these would generate $3.8 trillion.
  • Taxing additional take-home pay: Since employees would no longer have to pay their share of health care premiums, their take-home pay would go up. This would raise $1.4 trillion.
Elizabeth Warren releases plan to fund Medicare for All, pledges no middle class tax hike - CNNPolitics
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you are choosing Obamacare. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I think most Americans are rapidly reaching the conclusion that UHC is the best of two bad choices.
I will be voting for Warren in the primary. She will be the easiest to defeat in the general because she likely won’t try to flip to the center. I winder how much of her millions she and her husband will donate to the federal government.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you are choosing Obamacare. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I think most Americans are rapidly reaching the conclusion that UHC is the best of two bad choices.

UHC will be a costly disaster for generations to come unless it is moved from the purview of the federal government. No reasonable person would assume the federal government could effectively and efficiently administer a healthcare system for 325 million people. As a conservative tending towards Libertarian, I have accepted the fact that this country is moving to some type of UHC system, so I would suggest that the federal government mandates that each state, or groups of states develop, employ and fund their own systems for their citizens.
I will be voting for Warren in the primary. She will be the easiest to defeat in the general because she likely won’t try to flip to the center. I winder how much of her millions she and her husband will donate to the federal government.
She has had the opportunity to "check the box" on her Marxataxachusetts tax form, to pay more in taxes, for years now....Hasn't ever done so.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you are choosing Obamacare. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I think most Americans are rapidly reaching the conclusion that UHC is the best of two bad choices.

In fairness, they liked Obamacare when Romney came up with it.
ILMAO @ fucking morons who support UHC. Seriously, get a grip, it's NEVER going to happen.
She's not ignorant. She's a liar. She has no intention of following through with her outlandish proposals.

This is where I am at with her. I support UHC but I am not convinced she will do it, or even actually try. The only ones I believe are Sanders and Gabbard.
I have no idea what the OP is trying to say. He is very confused.

But here is how Warren claims she will pay for her socialized medicine plan:

  • Employer contributions: Instead of paying premiums to insurers, companies would send an estimated $8.8 trillion over 10 years to the federal government as an "Employer Medicare Contribution."
  • Taxes on the wealthy: Billionaires would be subject to a new tax of three cents on the dollar on net worth above $1 billion. This is in addition to the wealth tax she announced earlier this year, which would also place a 3 percentage point levy on billionaires. Also, the wealthiest 1% would be taxed on capital gains income annually, rather than at the time of sale, and the capital gains rate would be raised to match income tax rates. Combined, this would raise $3 trillion.
  • Reducing tax evasion: Warren argues that she can collect $2.3 trillion by empowering the Internal Revenue Service to crack down on tax evasion and fraud, redirecting the agency's focus to high-income earners.
  • Levies on financial sector and large corporations: Warren would impose a financial transaction tax of .01% on the sale of stocks, bonds and derivatives. She would also make several significant changes to corporate tax law. All together, these would generate $3.8 trillion.
  • Taxing additional take-home pay: Since employees would no longer have to pay their share of health care premiums, their take-home pay would go up. This would raise $1.4 trillion.
Elizabeth Warren releases plan to fund Medicare for All, pledges no middle class tax hike - CNNPolitics

Right now there are 1,400 health insurance companies that employ over 450,000 people. These companies also pay over $100 billion in
Federal, state and local taxes including property taxes.
Eliminate these companies means instead of :
1) 450,000 people paying in along with their employer FICA taxes of 13.4% or at average of $50,000/employee per year: $3 billion a year.
2) 450,000 people on unemployment pay for 99 weeks at average of $246/week or $11 billion per year.
3) Then of course $100 billion in Taxes will NOT be paid... per year.
4) Empty buildings where insurance companies located lower tax revenue on cities,states,etc.
5) One of the biggest savings would come from no more medical malpractice lawsuits being filed...
The average malpractice payment for 2018 was $348,065 or approximately $4,031,987,700 paid to plaintiffs
Medical Malpractice Payout Report for 2018
So do you think these lawyers will allow this???
I have no idea what the OP is trying to say. He is very confused.

But here is how Warren claims she will pay for her socialized medicine plan:

  • Employer contributions: Instead of paying premiums to insurers, companies would send an estimated $8.8 trillion over 10 years to the federal government as an "Employer Medicare Contribution."
  • Taxes on the wealthy: Billionaires would be subject to a new tax of three cents on the dollar on net worth above $1 billion. This is in addition to the wealth tax she announced earlier this year, which would also place a 3 percentage point levy on billionaires. Also, the wealthiest 1% would be taxed on capital gains income annually, rather than at the time of sale, and the capital gains rate would be raised to match income tax rates. Combined, this would raise $3 trillion.
  • Reducing tax evasion: Warren argues that she can collect $2.3 trillion by empowering the Internal Revenue Service to crack down on tax evasion and fraud, redirecting the agency's focus to high-income earners.
  • Levies on financial sector and large corporations: Warren would impose a financial transaction tax of .01% on the sale of stocks, bonds and derivatives. She would also make several significant changes to corporate tax law. All together, these would generate $3.8 trillion.
  • Taxing additional take-home pay: Since employees would no longer have to pay their share of health care premiums, their take-home pay would go up. This would raise $1.4 trillion.
Elizabeth Warren releases plan to fund Medicare for All, pledges no middle class tax hike - CNNPolitics

Right now there are 1,400 health insurance companies that employ over 450,000 people. These companies also pay over $100 billion in
Federal, state and local taxes including property taxes.
Eliminate these companies means instead of :
1) 450,000 people paying in along with their employer FICA taxes of 13.4% or at average of $50,000/employee per year: $3 billion a year.
2) 450,000 people on unemployment pay for 99 weeks at average of $246/week or $11 billion per year.
3) Then of course $100 billion in Taxes will NOT be paid... per year.
4) Empty buildings where insurance companies located lower tax revenue on cities,states,etc.
5) One of the biggest savings would come from no more medical malpractice lawsuits being filed...
The average malpractice payment for 2018 was $348,065 or approximately $4,031,987,700 paid to plaintiffs
Medical Malpractice Payout Report for 2018
So do you think these lawyers will allow this???
And how's all that working out for America?

Let me remind you:

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you are choosing Obamacare. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I think most Americans are rapidly reaching the conclusion that UHC is the best of two bad choices.

In fairness, they liked Obamacare when Romney came up with it.

NO you aren't FAIR! Romney came up with a plan for Massachusetts... NOT for the entire country! And I had NO problem with that experiment
for a state...i.e. 50 different states have different issues.
That's why ONE size doesn't fit all! Living in Texas is different than in Florida and different in Massachusetts!
But you again were NOT fair... Romneycare was for one state and by the way But the state’s health care reform law—like the ACA—did not fix the problem of rising health care costs—and Massachusetts health care spending and prices are among the highest in the country.
Massachusetts: What Universal Coverage Could Look Like

So again please state FACTS not made up statements as you did!
52 Trillion with our borders wide open to the worlds sickly people? will be more like 100 Trillion before its done....Warren just lost the DNC primary....
The health care issue is a perfect example of how the American people are being fucked by both parties.

Health care costs have been skyrocketing for decades, and the Republican plan is to do NOTHING. That's Fuck-You-In-The-Ass Plan A.

The Democrats plan on socializing your health care. That's Fuck-You-In-The-Ass Plan B.

The American people are being forced to choose between Plan A and Plan B.

They WILL choose Plan B, and the Republican party is responsible because all they are is a bunch of fucktards who TALK bullshit and DO nothing.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you are choosing Obamacare. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I think most Americans are rapidly reaching the conclusion that UHC is the best of two bad choices.

In fairness, they liked Obamacare when Romney came up with it.

NO you aren't FAIR! Romney came up with a plan for Massachusetts... NOT for the entire country! And I had NO problem with that experiment
for a state...i.e. 50 different states have different issues.
That's why ONE size doesn't fit all! Living in Texas is different than in Florida and different in Massachusetts!
But you again were NOT fair... Romneycare was for one state and by the way But the state’s health care reform law—like the ACA—did not fix the problem of rising health care costs—and Massachusetts health care spending and prices are among the highest in the country.
Massachusetts: What Universal Coverage Could Look Like

So again please state FACTS not made up statements as you did!

Ok so how are healthcare needs different in Massacheusetts vs Pennsylvania?

Why don't you list out some of the differences that would prevent both states using the same plan.
Of the two front runners one is a crook (and an idiot) and the other one is an idiot. No wonder democrats would rather overthrow the government.

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