How is a reality tv host with bad hair, 2 impeachments, 91 charges and nonstop smearing by media leading an incumbent POTUS with 50+ experience?

Perhaps. It also could have something to do with his followers as well. My theory is the brainwashing his cult received for thirty years by Limbaugh, et al. laid the groundwork for the acceptance of a man like Trump.

To be fair, he personally didn't kill 100,000 people with COVID or play 10,000 rounds of golf during his term.
Tell the Progs to give the lower classes a massive tax cut on top of the one running out soon to start. A huge tax cut.
He isn't really leading.
Sponge Brains Shits Pants is ahead on 1 (one) of 15 (fifteen) polls, different polls by different organizations, as noted by 538 National : President: general election : 2024 Polls

Take note that the poll where Sponge Brains Shits Pants really gets his ass handed to him is the one where he runs against Nikki Haley.

What does that tell you? Well, what should it tell an informed and intelligent 12 year-old? (Which excludes you)

It tells them that the poll questioners are getting mostly women. At home. Eating Bon Bons and watching The View.

The Polls are conducted during the day and on Week Days. Who do you think they're getting?

So, among women, Biden is getting his ass kicked. Women traditionally vote dimocrap scum 60% of the time.

And he's still getting his kicked. Almost a year out.

And Trump really hasn't started yet. The Republican Party isn't spending any money, doing any advertising. This, while the DISGUSTING FILTH does its usual 24/7/365 campaigning for dimocrap FILTH.

So you keep on thinking that Trump is losing. I want to be around when the Big Melt happens on 11/5/24

I promise you, I will enjoy myself watching you melt like the entitled little brat you are.
Trump robbed millions from suckers with Trump University, he banged pornstars and Playboy models with a pregnant wife at home, he really liked 2 scoops of ice cream and McDonalds, he built a racist wall and didn’t have Mexico pay for it, he “RIPPED” and “TORE” innocent little children from the arms of amazing human beings and put them in “CAGES”, he played 10,000 rounds of golf when he should have been in D.C., he ran his business empire from the Oval Office using his POTUS status to make personal deals, he was best friends with Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and Mohammmed bin Salman, he personally killed 100k people with covid, he stole classified documents from The People, he lied about his real estate values to secure loans, he “ORDERED” an “INSURRECTION”, “THE GREATEST ATTACK ON OUR DEMOCRACY” and resisted the peaceful transfer of power and tried to install himself as President…..he said he wants to become Americas first dictator….etc etc.

With all that to his credit….with nearly all of media and social media slandering him non-stop, with nearly all of academia programming kids to hate him… and the hell is he leading the incumbent POTUS with the Biden brand and more than a half century of experience in government?
Shouldn’t his lead in the polls serve as a firm testament and affirmation to just how bad Biden actually is?
First off, he is not leading Biden. And second, we have 74 million brain dead Americans who don't give a shit about this country.
It would be a better question it the litany of claims against Trump in the OP’s first paragraph been preceded by the word “allegedly” for most of them. Then one may ask, “how is such a person so easily trouncing Potato (if the polling is to be believed)?”

But stating most of the claims against Trump as being valid undercuts that effort.
First off, he is not leading Biden. And second, we have 74 million brain dead Americans who don't give a shit about this country.
First off, of course he’s beating Potato. This is what has the DNC all worked up.

And the DNC “bench” is an abomination.

The brain dead voters are the ones who vote left. Imagine the imbecility it takes to vote for the senile Potato knowing that he is literally rotting away from the inside out.
How does a two-time-loser potus candidate, who never got out of the first round, with a running mate rejected by 97% of her own party, defeat an incumbent who gained 17% more votes than when he won previously?
Because Trump was an incompetent, menacing scumbag who the majority of voter's had enoough of, that's why.
First off, of course he’s beating Potato. This is what has rhe DNC all worked up.

And the DNC “bench” is an abomination.

The brain dead voters are the ones who vote left. Imagine the imbecility it takes to vote for the senile Potato knowing that he is literally rotting away from the inside out.
Republicans have not done one goddamn thing for this country! Democrats, on the other hand, got through 6 major pieces of legislation, before the chickens started ruling the roost.
First off, of course he’s beating Potato. This is what has the DNC all worked up.

And the DNC “bench” is an abomination.

The brain dead voters are the ones who vote left. Imagine the imbecility it takes to vote for the senile Potato knowing that he is literally rotting away from the inside out.
Trump's brain is already rotted. If you had a brain you'd know that after watching that no good fuck for 5 minutes, idiot.
First off, he is not leading Biden. And second, we have 74 million brain dead Americans who don't give a shit about this country.
You're either lying or stupid. I just posted a link to 538's website showing he leads in 14 of 15 polls.

You're all the same
Republicans have not done one goddamn thing for this country! Democrats, on the other hand, got through 6 major pieces of legislation, before the chickens started ruling the roost.

Poor Dildo_really. He eagerly laps up the DNC jizz off the floor.
Trump's brain is already rotted. If you had a brain you'd know that after watching that no good fuck for 5 minutes, idiot.
^ coming from a brain-dead scumbag who hasn’t noted that the incumbent Potato is too addled to know how to get off a podium. :abgg2q.jpg:
That eight year reign of terror / CHANGE AMERICA tour by the Kenyan really took it’s toll on core Americans.

”Real Americans” or ‘core Americans‘ as I like to call them can easily articulate and pronounce the English language, most share a last name with those who died in our world wars, ALL have a 100% LEGAL lineage….they would die for our rights, our freedom and Constitution, they practice and live our core values, principles and moral order, they are proud of America’s heritage and rich history and they usually shed a tear ANYTIME our national anthem is played, they ALL know exactly what “American Culture“ is.

Is there anything else I can teach you?
Sure. Please answer a few questions about this.

How would a thick foreign accent be measured for American purity? Trouble with the r's and l's? Trouble the ch and sh sound? How much trouble would be too much? How is it measured? By whom?

Is there a data base someplace than makes it easy for one to compare their last name to world war deaths to verify one meets the standards for American purity? The pitfall I see is that unless one has a Native American surname, those names come from other countries. That could lead to a problem with the English pronunciation standard of purity if they are a first generation American. What about women who marry somebody with a last name that doesn't appear on the purity list but their maiden name is on the list?
What about the opposite? If a woman has a last name that isn't on the list and marries somebody with a good name, do they automatically qualify for American purity? Assuming they pass the other core American tests. I understand that.

How far back do we go for legal lineage? If somebody is found to have a great great grand parent that wasn't legal, would disqualify them from being a core American?

I have never seen a core American at a baseball game. Not one. And I like baseball. That makes me sad.

Since you are obviously a core American, you know exactly what "American Culture" is. Could you give a quick rundown?
^ coming from a brain-dead scumbag who hasn’t noted that the incumbent Potato is too addled to know how to get off a podium. :abgg2q.jpg:
He handed your boyfriend Trump's ass back to him on a silver platter, skeevy Trump asseater.

Now go have another shit sandwich. :abgg2q.jpg:

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