How is Biden Losing To This Guy?

  • 55% of the respondents believe the economy is shrinking and 56% say the U.S. is experiencing a recession. Fact. The broadest measure of the economy – the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – increased 3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024.
  • Approximately half (49%) believe the stock market is down for the year. Fact. The S&P is above 5,300 and up more than 12% as of today and rose 24% a year ago.
  • Nearly 1-in-2 (49%) believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high. Fact. The U.S. unemployment rate has been near a 50-year-low at 3.9%.
Half a dozen threads with this link already.
Most of the GDP growth is government spending
Wake up
The first 2, showing increases.....but from what time period??? Since 2020's plandemic, shut downs, etc and the US, in effect had bottomed out........anything would be considered an increase.

Then unemployment...... is based on what? Usually the number of NEW APPLICATIONS for benefits, not those who have been on or maxed out of the system.

Current administration believes everything is fine and dandy, because the struggles don't effect their daily lives and the media tells the public what they should think cause the government says so

But the FACTs........The people BELIEVE the worst because of the impacts on their daily lives. Companies are closing with layoffs, price of essentials like shelter, food, utilities, gas, etc are beyond what most can afford and people are forced to make difficult choices of where to spend what money they do have.

and thus creates more homelessness, crime and drug use.

A glowing FALSE economy, is not an economy at all

This is insane

  • 55% of the respondents believe the economy is shrinking and 56% say the U.S. is experiencing a recession but that's wrong. (GDP) – increased 3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024.

  • Approximately half (49%) believe the stock market is down for the year but the S&P is above 5,300 and up more than 12% as of today and rose 24% a year ago.

  • Nearly 1-in-2 (49%) believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high but The U.S. unemployment rate has been near a 50-year-low at 3.9%.
What the fuck do you mean fact? They are wrong bitch! Are you that stupid?

What you love is that the public is buying your lies. At least 49% are. But that's not surprising. We just need to work on those 6% who aren't Republicans but believing Republican lies. This is why I started the thread. Half the American people believe alternative facts.
Half a dozen threads with this link already.
Most of the GDP growth is government spending
Wake up

In 2023 consumers increased their total spending by 5.9% (December 2022 through December 2023). After inflation adjustment the gain was still 3.2%. The increase came despite the Federal Reserve's sharp interest rate increases in 2022 and 2023.
  • 55% of the respondents believe the economy is shrinking and 56% say the U.S. is experiencing a recession. Fact. The broadest measure of the economy – the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – increased 3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024.
  • Approximately half (49%) believe the stock market is down for the year. Fact. The S&P is above 5,300 and up more than 12% as of today and rose 24% a year ago.
  • Nearly 1-in-2 (49%) believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high. Fact. The U.S. unemployment rate has been near a 50-year-low at 3.9%.
Because you guys ignore the fact that Americans can't afford to live anymore with record prices, record foreclosures, record evictions, record auto defaults, record savings withdraws, record credit card debt, record homelessness, etc. Instead, you tell the Americans who can't afford to live anymore that they are wrong because everything's just fine. And, you keep on mercilessly abusing your power to get Trump at the same time you are ignoring American's plights, not to mention all the wars we are in. That's how you are losing to Trump and you're too stupid to see it and correct it because TDS has eaten away your brains.

In 2023 consumers increased their total spending by 5.9% (December 2022 through December 2023). After inflation adjustment the gain was still 3.2%. The increase came despite the Federal Reserve's sharp interest rate increases in 2022 and 2023.
Yep - Biden is still spending like the pandemic is still here.
No President in history has spent like Biden. By the end of his 4 year term, he will have outspent Obama's 8 years.
This is insane

  • 55% of the respondents believe the economy is shrinking and 56% say the U.S. is experiencing a recession but that's wrong. (GDP) – increased 3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024.

  • Approximately half (49%) believe the stock market is down for the year but the S&P is above 5,300 and up more than 12% as of today and rose 24% a year ago.

  • Nearly 1-in-2 (49%) believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high but The U.S. unemployment rate has been near a 50-year-low at 3.9%.
What the fuck do you mean fact? They are wrong bitch! Are you that stupid?

What you love is that the public is buying your lies. At least 49% are. But that's not surprising. We just need to work on those 6% who aren't Republicans but believing Republican lies. This is why I started the thread. Half the American people believe alternative facts.

IF your facts were correct, there wouldn't be so many people struggling to make ends meet and looking for a job.

Oh look, this article even calls it 'INFLATION'.....a dirty word ya'll keep avoiding

And this site has a paywall that I refuse to do, but speaks of all the big companies layoffs.....I'm sure even you've seen the stories.

The full list of major US companies slashing staff this year, from Tesla to Google and Apple

You can call me a bitch anytime, I'll take it as a compliment.........but what I've said isn't wrong. It is the reality the left keeps turning away from.

Can YOU honestly say you aren't paying more for goods, services, rent, utilities, food, gas, etc?????? Is your job secure? Wages enough to pay for all you need & want with plenty leftover for saving or investing??????

Your so-called great economy is actually very similar to what happened in USSR just before the collapse.
  • 55% of the respondents believe the economy is shrinking and 56% say the U.S. is experiencing a recession. Fact. The broadest measure of the economy – the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – increased 3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024.
  • Approximately half (49%) believe the stock market is down for the year. Fact. The S&P is above 5,300 and up more than 12% as of today and rose 24% a year ago.
  • Nearly 1-in-2 (49%) believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high. Fact. The U.S. unemployment rate has been near a 50-year-low at 3.9%.
It's very simple. Numbers like that mean nothing to the guys who have to work a second job just to maintain the lifestyle they had only a few years ago. The fact that democrats REALLY don't understand this just demonstrates how out of touch they are with the average voter's daily struggles. Democrats are NOT for the little guy, not when 10% goes to the big guy.
The vast majority are paying far more for things than they were four years ago it’s really not hard to figure out.

How is Biden Losing To This Guy?​

If you have to ask, you aren't bright enough to understand the answer.
IF your facts were correct, there wouldn't be so many people struggling to make ends meet and looking for a job.

Oh look, this article even calls it 'INFLATION'.....a dirty word ya'll keep avoiding

And this site has a paywall that I refuse to do, but speaks of all the big companies layoffs.....I'm sure even you've seen the stories.

The full list of major US companies slashing staff this year, from Tesla to Google and Apple

You can call me a bitch anytime, I'll take it as a compliment.........but what I've said isn't wrong. It is the reality the left keeps turning away from.

Can YOU honestly say you aren't paying more for goods, services, rent, utilities, food, gas, etc?????? Is your job secure? Wages enough to pay for all you need & want with plenty leftover for saving or investing??????

Your so-called great economy is actually very similar to what happened in USSR just before the collapse.
I'm taking in what you and all my co workers told me. I don't agree with you all but I believe this is how the rich/nazi's take/took over. Trump is brilliant. Putting inflation on Biden. I said "how is it Biden's fault" and the guy said gas prices and car prices because biden is for going green.

Now I get it. Going green, doing things the liberal way, is not winning over the people it's going to help the most. Socialized medican. Unions. Social Security. Middle class Americans are willing to give up a lot just to save $200 a month.

But then I ask myself, if I believed one party was going to make me $200 more a month, would I vote for them? Hell, I vote Democratic because I believe Republicans are going to cut our social security and it's going to cost me $500 a month, so basically, I'm just like everyone else.

I'm also for going green. So I am okay with paying more.

We will pay more and inflation will go up if we tariff and insist on buying American.

What am I saying? I think Trump is going to win. And I'm very good at going along with the Republican way. In fact, I live my life as a conservative American. I take all their advice. So if Trump wins, I'm going full Not See. I am going to be the most pro life person you ever saw. And I'm going to Proud Boy rallies. And I am going to vote against gay marriage and Obamacare. And I will push to have bombs put in the rio grande river. If they cross, BOOM! And death to Affirmative Action!!!! And we are a Christian nation! No muslims! Fuck Palestine!! Fuck Ukraine!

If Mexicans, Blacks, Women and Gays don't mind, neither do I.
I'm taking in what you and all my co workers told me. I don't agree with you all but I believe this is how the rich/nazi's take/took over. Trump is brilliant. Putting inflation on Biden. I said "how is it Biden's fault" and the guy said gas prices and car prices because biden is for going green.

Now I get it. Going green, doing things the liberal way, is not winning over the people it's going to help the most. Socialized medican. Unions. Social Security. Middle class Americans are willing to give up a lot just to save $200 a month.

But then I ask myself, if I believed one party was going to make me $200 more a month, would I vote for them? Hell, I vote Democratic because I believe Republicans are going to cut our social security and it's going to cost me $500 a month, so basically, I'm just like everyone else.

I'm also for going green. So I am okay with paying more.

We will pay more and inflation will go up if we tariff and insist on buying American.

What am I saying? I think Trump is going to win. And I'm very good at going along with the Republican way. In fact, I live my life as a conservative American. I take all their advice. So if Trump wins, I'm going full Not See. I am going to be the most pro life person you ever saw. And I'm going to Proud Boy rallies. And I am going to vote against gay marriage and Obamacare. And I will push to have bombs put in the rio grande river. If they cross, BOOM! And death to Affirmative Action!!!! And we are a Christian nation! No muslims! Fuck Palestine!! Fuck Ukraine!

If Mexicans, Blacks, Women and Gays don't mind, neither do I.

How is inflation Bidens fault??? Try him spending/wasting trillions of dollars not just for 'going green' but student loan forgiveness? Illegals? Wars we are not part of and the list goes on and on and on. And We The People have to pay for all that and won't get anything from it. We are paying for his joy ride

Have you never heard the saying that if everyone else is crazy and you are the only sane one of the bunch......YOU are actually the crazy one??

And you who adore the Spud in chief, yet will pretend to be a conservative Trump supporting Republican?????? GFY
  • 55% of the respondents believe the economy is shrinking and 56% say the U.S. is experiencing a recession. Fact. The broadest measure of the economy – the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – increased 3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024.
  • Approximately half (49%) believe the stock market is down for the year. Fact. The S&P is above 5,300 and up more than 12% as of today and rose 24% a year ago.
  • Nearly 1-in-2 (49%) believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high. Fact. The U.S. unemployment rate has been near a 50-year-low at 3.9%.
This is not hard. The economic stats are geared for the top 5% of American families and not for the other 95%. The 95% are not benefitted directly by the Stock market and couldn't give shit what it is doing at any given time. The impression of unemployment is bolstered by UNDEREMPLOYMENT.....which is rampant. In some cases a person is better off unemployed. Fuck the employment rate.... a person raking leaves for 8 bucks an hour is considered to be employed. Fact: He is actually unemployed. Rising grocery prices, rising rents, rising energy prices, rising municipal fees.....they all take a piece of the shrinking pie.
It's all about the messaging. And once again, Democratic campaign staffs are having an issue getting the message out
When you have a constant stream of alt-right media yelling in your face every day that everything sucks....people start to believe it if you don't counteract the message.
Fuck off Jack. Only a useless liberal would suggest the right controls propaganda. What the fuck is the matter with you to live a life in denial and projection?
  • 55% of the respondents believe the economy is shrinking and 56% say the U.S. is experiencing a recession. Fact. The broadest measure of the economy – the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – increased 3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024.
  • Approximately half (49%) believe the stock market is down for the year. Fact. The S&P is above 5,300 and up more than 12% as of today and rose 24% a year ago.
  • Nearly 1-in-2 (49%) believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high. Fact. The U.S. unemployment rate has been near a 50-year-low at 3.9%.
Regardless of what folks think Facts is that home prices are still through the roof. Interest rates on home loans are triple what they were under Trump. These are the core aspects along with the price of groceries which are still high. These are things that matter the most to the working man in the USA.

Most Americans do not have a stock portfolio. And if they are lucky too, they’re not necessarily invested into the right stocks. Plenty of people lose money in stocks. There you go.

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