How is investigating Burisma investigating Joe Biden and interfering in the 2020 election?

Is investigating Burisma, investigating Joe Biden, and therefore interfering in the 2020 election?

  • Yes, Joe Biden is Burisma

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • No, Joe Biden is NOT Burisma

    Votes: 17 94.4%

  • Total voters
Why would oppose no new evidence be admitted?

The House either has a valid case for impeachment or not, as written.
Its just making the Senate rules favorable to the president, the same way the House made their rules unfair to the president.

What was unfair about the House rules?

1. The GOP couldn't call all the witnesses they wanted, such as Ciaramella, Hunter Biden, Chalupa, etc.
2. The Chair told witnesses not to answer GOP many questions
3. The GOP wasn't allowed to issue subpoenas.
4. The democrats did not follow the same protocols for impeachment that were used previously, such as allowing "hearsay" evidence.

1. none of those are fact witnesses to Trump’s actions. You don’t get to hijack the proceeding to chase down an unrelated matter.
2. The Chair told a few witnesses not to answer questions intended to unmask a whistleblower and were irrelevant to the matter
3. That’s how all committees work. The minority doesn’t get to issue subpoenas unless agreed to by the majority.
4. Hearsay evidence is very often admissible. There are plenty of rules governing it.

1. If the GOP wants to prove that there is a conspiracy against Trump they need to call their witnesses. Trump does get to mount a defense, especially if a conspiracy is involved.
2. The whistleblower does not get his identity protected according to the law. That the WB is a CIA plant, and a Biden supporter is relevant.
3. The minorities in prior impeachments did get to issue subpoenas, but not for this kangaroo court.
4. True, "hearsay" can be admissible, but the senate rules should make hearsay evidence inadmissible, because they can.

1. That is crazy.
2. The whistleblower is entitled to protection. He is not a CIA plant and what he alleges has been proven to be true.
3. Republicans were allowed to call witnesses which had relevant information.
4. They can't. Three Republicans defect and it fails. The VP does not cast a tie braking vote.
Unless he has something to hide...
Clearly the crime Trump is guilty of is investigating Democrats that have committed criminal acts.

What criminal acts did the Biden's commit? Specifically?

Because so far there is not a single bit of evidence of any crime.
Why was the son of the American VP on a Ukranian board of a power company getting paid over $50,000 a month?

That is not illegal.
Unless he has something to hide...
Clearly the crime Trump is guilty of is investigating Democrats that have committed criminal acts.

What criminal acts did the Biden's commit? Specifically?

Because so far there is not a single bit of evidence of any crime.
Why was the son of the American VP on a Ukranian board of a power company getting paid over $50,000 a month?

What criminal acts did the Biden's commit? Specifically?

Because so far there is not a single bit of evidence of any crime
We're never gonna know. The Democrat chairman wouldn't let Republicans call Hunter Biden for questioning.

He was right to do so.
Unless he has something to hide...
Clearly the crime Trump is guilty of is investigating Democrats that have committed criminal acts.

What criminal acts did the Biden's commit? Specifically?

Because so far there is not a single bit of evidence of any crime.
Why was the son of the American VP on a Ukranian board of a power company getting paid over $50,000 a month?

That is not illegal.
You jerks are so corrupt.
Unless he has something to hide...
Clearly the crime Trump is guilty of is investigating Democrats that have committed criminal acts.

Exactly the point I'm trying to make in the OP.
There is no connection between Biden and Burisma, unless there is a crime involved.
Your point is pointless, because Biden and burisma were brought up in the sworn testimony from a dozen or so witnesses, plus three legal scholars cementing the validity of the crimes as pointed out by the witnesses.

Witnesses who witnessed nothing first hand, but who all had opinions. Legal Scholars? cementing the validity of suppositions by people who had a beef with Trump to begin with in some cases? by Legal scholars you probably mean Liberal professors who didn't like Trump in the first place. A nice dog and pony show when you don't have an actual crime. You have to call in law professors to try and make something real. At worst Trump committed a thought crime, but it would not have been an actual crime. Someone show us evidence of a directive. there must be an email or a note on paper? The Democrats tried to sell the crime of Bribery but in this case its a victimless crime because no one is claiming they were bribed.
No wonder the Democrats are trying to push this through as quickly as possible
Clearly the crime Trump is guilty of is investigating Democrats that have committed criminal acts.

What criminal acts did the Biden's commit? Specifically?

Because so far there is not a single bit of evidence of any crime.
Why was the son of the American VP on a Ukranian board of a power company getting paid over $50,000 a month?

What criminal acts did the Biden's commit? Specifically?

Because so far there is not a single bit of evidence of any crime
We're never gonna know. The Democrat chairman wouldn't let Republicans call Hunter Biden for questioning.

He was right to do so.
You jerks are so corrupt.
And none of them, including the radical scholars, would admit that a crime had been committed.
Negative! The witnesses did testify under sworn testimony that crimes were committed. It wasn't the job of the scholars to decide. They just confirmed that what the witnesses said are confirmed, they were all impeachable offenses. There is zero defense. Stop being so pitifully desperate.

You've got one typo that is a mistake.

They just confirmed that what the witnesses said "were" confirmed, they were all impeachable offenses.

That's the issue. What the witnesses said was not confirmed or proven.
What the witnesses confirmed aligns with the physical evidence of Trumps own big mouth.

You've been voted down by the Dem party. They aren't going anywhere near the Ukraine for impeachment

They have zero proof/evidence of a quid pro quo
It's already been proven. A conspiracy to defraud the US to have a free and fair election has already been revealed. It's too late for Trump.

You haven't been paying attention
The democrats are accusing Trump of soliciting "foreign interference" in the 2020 election by asking the Ukraine to investigate Burisma. How is investigating Burisma the same as investigating Joe Biden? I'm not seeing the connection. No wonder the voters are rejecting the democrat's inane coup plot, and as Professor Turley explained, it is the democrats in the House that are abusing their power, not Trump.

House Democrats' impeachment report accuses Trump of obstruction, other misconduct
Democrats on Tuesday publicly released a new report accusing President Donald Trump of soliciting Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election for his benefit and obstructing the impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives.

The 300-page report alleges a quid pro quo scheme in which Trump “conditioned official acts on a public announcement by the new Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, of politically-motivated investigations” into former Vice President Joe Biden — a top Democratic presidential candidate — and his son Hunter.

“In pressuring President Zelensky to carry out his demand, President Trump withheld a White House meeting desperately sought by the Ukrainian President, and critical U.S. military assistance to fight Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine,” the report says.

Here's another article with the same accusation:
House Democrats conclude Trump solicited foreign interference in 2020
WASHINGTON – Three House committees investigating the potential impeachment of President Donald Trump uncovered a months-long effort "to use the powers of his office to solicit foreign interference on his behalf in the 2020 election," according to their draft report released Tuesday.

Let's take a poll....
Were you hit on the head or something?

Trump specifically connected Biden to Burisma in his phone call!

Jesus, you people are getting more desperate every day.

Sorry, Trump's legacy is set for all time. He will go down in history as the third president to ever be impeached.

A hundred years from now, the only thing Americans will know about Donald J. Trump is that he was a crooked game show host who was elected by Putin and tried to rig the 2020 election.

The end.

Thatn and by 2024 he will have placed 4 to 6 people on the SCOTUS
The democrats are accusing Trump of soliciting "foreign interference" in the 2020 election by asking the Ukraine to investigate Burisma. How is investigating Burisma the same as investigating Joe Biden? I'm not seeing the connection. No wonder the voters are rejecting the democrat's inane coup plot, and as Professor Turley explained, it is the democrats in the House that are abusing their power, not Trump.

House Democrats' impeachment report accuses Trump of obstruction, other misconduct
Democrats on Tuesday publicly released a new report accusing President Donald Trump of soliciting Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election for his benefit and obstructing the impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives.

The 300-page report alleges a quid pro quo scheme in which Trump “conditioned official acts on a public announcement by the new Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, of politically-motivated investigations” into former Vice President Joe Biden — a top Democratic presidential candidate — and his son Hunter.

“In pressuring President Zelensky to carry out his demand, President Trump withheld a White House meeting desperately sought by the Ukrainian President, and critical U.S. military assistance to fight Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine,” the report says.

Here's another article with the same accusation:
House Democrats conclude Trump solicited foreign interference in 2020
WASHINGTON – Three House committees investigating the potential impeachment of President Donald Trump uncovered a months-long effort "to use the powers of his office to solicit foreign interference on his behalf in the 2020 election," according to their draft report released Tuesday.

Let's take a poll....
Were you hit on the head or something?

Trump specifically connected Biden to Burisma in his phone call!

Jesus, you people are getting more desperate every day.

Sorry, Trump's legacy is set for all time. He will go down in history as the third president to ever be impeached.

A hundred years from now, the only thing Americans will know about Donald J. Trump is that he was a crooked game show host who was elected by Putin and tried to rig the 2020 election.

The end.

Thatn and by 2024 he will have placed 4 to 6 people on the SCOTUS
That's what is driving the lefties nuts. They're gonna jump into fire when Trump is reelected. RBG can't last long.
Unless he has something to hide...
Clearly the crime Trump is guilty of is investigating Democrats that have committed criminal acts.

What criminal acts did the Biden's commit? Specifically?

Because so far there is not a single bit of evidence of any crime.
Why was the son of the American VP on a Ukranian board of a power company getting paid over $50,000 a month?

That is not illegal.
You jerks are so corrupt.

Following the Constitution is not corrupt. You are.
Clearly the crime Trump is guilty of is investigating Democrats that have committed criminal acts.

What criminal acts did the Biden's commit? Specifically?

Because so far there is not a single bit of evidence of any crime.
Why was the son of the American VP on a Ukranian board of a power company getting paid over $50,000 a month?

That is not illegal.
You jerks are so corrupt.

Following the Constitution is not corrupt. You are.
This sham has nothing to do with the Constitution. Democrats have been planning this from the day that Hillary lost.
Why would oppose no new evidence be admitted?

The House either has a valid case for impeachment or not, as written.
Its just making the Senate rules favorable to the president, the same way the House made their rules unfair to the president.

What was unfair about the House rules?

1. The GOP couldn't call all the witnesses they wanted, such as Ciaramella, Hunter Biden, Chalupa, etc.
2. The Chair told witnesses not to answer GOP many questions
3. The GOP wasn't allowed to issue subpoenas.
4. The democrats did not follow the same protocols for impeachment that were used previously, such as allowing "hearsay" evidence.

1. none of those are fact witnesses to Trump’s actions. You don’t get to hijack the proceeding to chase down an unrelated matter.
2. The Chair told a few witnesses not to answer questions intended to unmask a whistleblower and were irrelevant to the matter
3. That’s how all committees work. The minority doesn’t get to issue subpoenas unless agreed to by the majority.
4. Hearsay evidence is very often admissible. There are plenty of rules governing it.

1. If the GOP wants to prove that there is a conspiracy against Trump they need to call their witnesses. Trump does get to mount a defense, especially if a conspiracy is involved.
2. The whistleblower does not get his identity protected according to the law. That the WB is a CIA plant, and a Biden supporter is relevant.
3. The minorities in prior impeachments did get to issue subpoenas, but not for this kangaroo court.
4. True, "hearsay" can be admissible, but the senate rules should make hearsay evidence inadmissible, because they can.

1. Witnesses called at an impeachment have to be voted on by the Senate. Enough republican senators already stated they're not turning it into a circus by traveling down conspiracy territory.
2. Whether any of that conspiracy theory is true is irrelevant to the material facts of the case
3. That is incorrect. In the Clinton and Nixon impeachments, subpoenas by the minority were subject to a vote of the full committee.
4. I guess the Senate can do that if they want to make it a Kangaroo court.
Except it was orchestrated by Trump who is running for president, which is illegal. The investigation didn't come from the FBI or our intelligence agency. No, it came from Trump, a non-government person who had no business launching investigations based on the fact Giuliani had no government role, Sondland, Mulvaney, Perry, and others. Like Sondland said, 'they were all in the loop." The gig is up people. Trump is guilty as hell. Get over it. He cheated in the first election, and was looking to do it again. LOl! The piece of shit hasn't even given Ukraine all the money like he said he did. Piece of shit scum of the earth liar was using our tax dollars to cheat in another election. Impeach the criminal now.

A non-government person? How did you graduate from high school after failing basic civics class so badly? The President of the United States is the head of the Executive Branch, which includes the Department of Justice. The FBI is under the direct jurisdiction of the DOJ and reports to the AG, who is the head of the DOJ. The FBI is also part of the US Intelligence Community.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Wikipedia

In sum, Trump is the head of all law enforcement and intelligence in the US. Is this satire? If not, take a minute and learn a lesson or two that you obviously slept through in school.
Except it was orchestrated by Trump who is running for president, which is illegal. The investigation didn't come from the FBI or our intelligence agency. No, it came from Trump, a non-government person who had no business launching investigations based on the fact Giuliani had no government role, Sondland, Mulvaney, Perry, and others. Like Sondland said, 'they were all in the loop." The gig is up people. Trump is guilty as hell. Get over it. He cheated in the first election, and was looking to do it again. LOl! The piece of shit hasn't even given Ukraine all the money like he said he did. Piece of shit scum of the earth liar was using our tax dollars to cheat in another election. Impeach the criminal now.

A non-government person? How did you graduate from high school after failing basic civics class so badly? The President of the United States is the head of the Executive Branch, which includes the Department of Justice. The FBI is under the direct jurisdiction of the DOJ and reports to the AG, who is the head of the DOJ. The FBI is also part of the US Intelligence Community.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Wikipedia

In sum, Trump is the head of all law enforcement and intelligence in the US. Is this satire? If not, take a minute and learn a lesson or two that you obviously slept through in school.
Giuliani you dumb ass.
Except it was orchestrated by Trump who is running for president, which is illegal. The investigation didn't come from the FBI or our intelligence agency. No, it came from Trump, a non-government person who had no business launching investigations based on the fact Giuliani had no government role, Sondland, Mulvaney, Perry, and others. Like Sondland said, 'they were all in the loop." The gig is up people. Trump is guilty as hell. Get over it. He cheated in the first election, and was looking to do it again. LOl! The piece of shit hasn't even given Ukraine all the money like he said he did. Piece of shit scum of the earth liar was using our tax dollars to cheat in another election. Impeach the criminal now.

A non-government person? How did you graduate from high school after failing basic civics class so badly? The President of the United States is the head of the Executive Branch, which includes the Department of Justice. The FBI is under the direct jurisdiction of the DOJ and reports to the AG, who is the head of the DOJ. The FBI is also part of the US Intelligence Community.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Wikipedia

In sum, Trump is the head of all law enforcement and intelligence in the US. Is this satire? If not, take a minute and learn a lesson or two that you obviously slept through in school.
Giuliani you dumb ass.

Giuliani was a former US Attorney (i.e., a top federal prosecutor), and the President of the United States can appoint whomever he pleases to assist in conducting foreign policy and executive functions (including law enforcement and intelligence). If you attended public school it is yet another indictment of the eroding quality of public school education.
The democrats are accusing Trump of soliciting "foreign interference" in the 2020 election by asking the Ukraine to investigate Burisma. How is investigating Burisma the same as investigating Joe Biden? I'm not seeing the connection. No wonder the voters are rejecting the democrat's inane coup plot, and as Professor Turley explained, it is the democrats in the House that are abusing their power, not Trump.

House Democrats' impeachment report accuses Trump of obstruction, other misconduct
Democrats on Tuesday publicly released a new report accusing President Donald Trump of soliciting Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election for his benefit and obstructing the impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives.

The 300-page report alleges a quid pro quo scheme in which Trump “conditioned official acts on a public announcement by the new Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, of politically-motivated investigations” into former Vice President Joe Biden — a top Democratic presidential candidate — and his son Hunter.

“In pressuring President Zelensky to carry out his demand, President Trump withheld a White House meeting desperately sought by the Ukrainian President, and critical U.S. military assistance to fight Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine,” the report says.

Here's another article with the same accusation:
House Democrats conclude Trump solicited foreign interference in 2020
WASHINGTON – Three House committees investigating the potential impeachment of President Donald Trump uncovered a months-long effort "to use the powers of his office to solicit foreign interference on his behalf in the 2020 election," according to their draft report released Tuesday.

Let's take a poll....
Political dirt you idiot.

Please define "political dirt". We generally call them "crimes", or "corruption".
And if the "political dirt" is true, then why should it matter who it comes from?
Except it was orchestrated by Trump who is running for president, which is illegal. The investigation didn't come from the FBI or our intelligence agency. No, it came from Trump, a non-government person who had no business launching investigations based on the fact Giuliani had no government role, Sondland, Mulvaney, Perry, and others. Like Sondland said, 'they were all in the loop." The gig is up people. Trump is guilty as hell. Get over it. He cheated in the first election, and was looking to do it again. LOl! The piece of shit hasn't even given Ukraine all the money like he said he did. Piece of shit scum of the earth liar was using our tax dollars to cheat in another election. Impeach the criminal now.

A non-government person? How did you graduate from high school after failing basic civics class so badly? The President of the United States is the head of the Executive Branch, which includes the Department of Justice. The FBI is under the direct jurisdiction of the DOJ and reports to the AG, who is the head of the DOJ. The FBI is also part of the US Intelligence Community.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Wikipedia

In sum, Trump is the head of all law enforcement and intelligence in the US. Is this satire? If not, take a minute and learn a lesson or two that you obviously slept through in school.
Giuliani you dumb ass.

Giuliani was a former US Attorney (i.e., a top federal prosecutor), and the President of the United States can appoint whomever he pleases to assist in conducting foreign policy and executive functions. If you attended public school it is yet another indictment of the eroding quality of public school education.
No, he was not a government official. Giuliani has no government role in any government capacity. He still doesn't. Trump’s Extortion of Ukraine: A Complete Government Shakedown - Center for American Progress There is no official appointment. Damn you people are ignorant as hell.
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Except it was orchestrated by Trump who is running for president, which is illegal. The investigation didn't come from the FBI or our intelligence agency. No, it came from Trump, a non-government person who had no business launching investigations based on the fact Giuliani had no government role, Sondland, Mulvaney, Perry, and others. Like Sondland said, 'they were all in the loop." The gig is up people. Trump is guilty as hell. Get over it. He cheated in the first election, and was looking to do it again. LOl! The piece of shit hasn't even given Ukraine all the money like he said he did. Piece of shit scum of the earth liar was using our tax dollars to cheat in another election. Impeach the criminal now.

A non-government person? How did you graduate from high school after failing basic civics class so badly? The President of the United States is the head of the Executive Branch, which includes the Department of Justice. The FBI is under the direct jurisdiction of the DOJ and reports to the AG, who is the head of the DOJ. The FBI is also part of the US Intelligence Community.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Wikipedia

In sum, Trump is the head of all law enforcement and intelligence in the US. Is this satire? If not, take a minute and learn a lesson or two that you obviously slept through in school.
Being head of law enforcement does not give you the right to break it. Trump broke it.
What criminal acts did the Biden's commit? Specifically?

Because so far there is not a single bit of evidence of any crime.
Why was the son of the American VP on a Ukranian board of a power company getting paid over $50,000 a month?

That is not illegal.
You jerks are so corrupt.

Following the Constitution is not corrupt. You are.
This sham has nothing to do with the Constitution. Democrats have been planning this from the day that Hillary lost.
Trump violated election laws by committing treason, bribery, extortion, abuse of power, obstruction of Congress, election laws, and conspired to break our election laws by soliciting help from a foreign government. All of that has been proven. Get a clue.

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