How is it that only the Israelis know that World War III, 09/11


Active Member
Nov 7, 2003

Once again, the Bible's warnings appear to be coming one step closer to fulfillment - namely, that in the latter days the whole world will stumble over all things Israeli. I'll bet you're wondering what is making me think this. Nuclear weapons technology is making me think this. Israeli nuclear weapons technology, that is.

Who is Mordechai Vanunu?

Mr. Vanunu is, arguably, Israel's most famous (or, rather, infamous) spy. He was recently released from an Israeli prison where he had served nearly twenty years for leaking to the world press some information about Israel's nuclear weapons program at its Dimona nuclear reactor.

Specifically, he leaked that Israel had a nuclear weapons program.

The conditions of Vanunu's release were that he give no interviews to the world media and that he not try to leave Israel.

Naturally, the first thing he did was to give an interview to the Bahrain-based Muslim newspaper Al-Wasat. The next thing he did was to announce his decision to seek political asylum somewhere in Europe. In his interview, Mr. Vanunu claimed that "Israel has between 100 and 200 atom bombs, including neutron bombs and hydrogen bombs, which are 10 times more powerful than regular atom bombs," according to a report released today by the respected internet news site

On Plausible Deniability

Nation-states of the world have been playing footloose with the truth about Israel's nuclear weapons capability for several decades now, or at any rate, at least for as long as Mr. Vanunu was serving his prison sentence.

Personally, I don't object to Israel having a nuclear weapons program. Frankly, I can think of "between 100 and 200" reasons why it's in the best interest of Israel neither to affirm nor to deny whether they have nuclear weapons. After all, keeping 400 million Muslim neighbors guessing as to what you have - or don't have - in your nuclear armory can go a long way toward keeping the peace. That's because plausible deniability can be an effective weapon in anyone's armory of nuclear deterrence.

Do they have them?

Or don't they?

Nobody wants to find out the hard way. On the day after.

More than one Israeli I know has confirmed, off the record, that Israel has effective nuclear and neutron bomb capability. And that Israeli leaders aren't afraid to deploy them.

Nobody I've talked to will admit to Israel having thermonuclear capability, however. Thermonuclear weapons are as incrementally more powerful than nuclear weapons as nuclear weapons are more powerful than conventional chemical weapons. I'm informed by one source that the largest thermonuclear weapon in America's arsenal creates a fireball more than twelve miles across when it explodes. It takes a nuclear weapon to ignite, so to speak, a thermonuclear weapon.

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Israel were able to field a thermonuclear weapon. Then again, how one would deploy such a terrifying weapon in the close quarters of Israel's backyard is another question entirely.

The Vanunu Vacuity

Do keep in mind, won't you, that Mr. Vanunu is also the wacko who announced last week that Israel was involved in the death of US President John F. Kennedy. Vanunu was claiming that Kennedy was killed because he had been pressuring Israel's government to open its Dimona nuclear reactor to inspections back in the early 1960s.

Perhaps Israel's secret service, the "Shin Bet", will arrest him soon and then send him back to Israel's equivalent of the "Greystone Hotel". Frankly, I hope nobody kills him. I, for one, think Israel needs a court jester to provide comic relief as a distraction from Muslim mayhem.
dilloduck said:
Because they are smarter than everyone else?

Not exactly smarter but they (Israel) is hedging its play to stay alive.

Like you said, no one doubts that Israel has the power to destroy all those who come against them. Don't they?????
ajwps said:
Not exactly smarter but they (Israel) is hedging its play to stay alive.

Like you said, no one doubts that Israel has the power to destroy all those who come against them. Don't they?????

Hedging it's play ???? Oh I get it----let someone else make the first move in this war thar only Israel knows about.
dilloduck said:
Because they are smarter than everyone else?
Ouch... :poke:

but here is a little joke.

Climate on earth changed, global warming is here and news is out: the ice is melting and world will be covered with water in 1 week.
Dali Lama tells all buddist: go and pray, praise Budda and prepare yourself for reincarnation.

Pop address all catholics: go and pray to God and ask for forgiveness of yoursins

Head Rabbi address all jews: pray to God, but do not forget we have only 6 days to learn how to live under water.
dilloduck said:
Hedging it's play ???? Oh I get it----let someone else make the first move in this war thar only Israel knows about.

What are you talking about?

Hedging it's (Israel) play...... Israel makes it clear/unclear of their potential to retaliate against attack from anyone in the world.

Does any nation or Islamic nation want to bet their very existence for a choice of throwing their dice and attacking this little country?

In other words, is there any country that wants to 'bet the farm' on the possibility Israel cannot massively retaliate?
ajwps said:
What are you talking about?

Hedging it's (Israel) play...... Israel makes it clear/unclear of their potential to retaliate against attack from anyone in the world.

Does any nation or Islamic nation want to bet their very existence for a choice of throwing their dice and attacking this little country?

In other words, is there any country that wants to 'bet the farm' on the possibility Israel cannot massively retaliate?
Kind of like a big game of poker...who's bluffing? I for one wouldn't doubt that Israel's got a royal flush!

Shazbot said:
Kind of like a big game of poker...who's bluffing? I for one wouldn't doubt that Israel's got a royal flush!


Douglas that's what the surrounding Arab armies feel as well...

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