How is this not colluding with America’s enemies? (Feinstein meeting with Iranian FM)

"Javad Zarif, the Islamic Republic’s foreign minister, has proven himself a skilled negotiator. When he sat down at the table with Secretary of State John Kerry, it was like Doc Holliday playing poker with a greenhorn in Dodge City." - Washington Post
No more Mr. Nice Guy. We need to let the Mullahs know that ALL options are on the table. That includes the ultimate option, beyond even nuclear---the Hart Cellar option.
Pelosi: "We won't be swayed by a few people who think one way or another, who are running for president - as much as I respect them - and they have the freedom to be for impeachment. We have the responsibility to get a result for the American people & that's where we're going."
Too, when the US gets rid of its nukes it can get weepy about other countries' nukes.
Only a complete idiot would make a statement like that. Congratulations, idiot.
Well it's true only complete idiots expect the US to honour its treaty obligations. Fair enough.
There ya go, keep proving your stupidity with yet another idiotic statement. Got any more? I'm sure you do.

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