CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

The amount of ridiculously dishonest and incorrect claims combined with the consistent strawman arguments make discussion not worth the time. It's like trying to debate with a passionate flat-earther. Just let them be in their own world. They're not out to discuss, they just want to attack. Who knows why.. insecurity?

Or maybe we don't want to live in a country run by religious nutters like you.
Really? So essentially, you are stating that a woman's only value is her ability to create little humans? you know, instead of, oh, having a career, advocating for change, etc. Yeah, your cult isn't misogynistic at all., we have adoption. We have surrogacy. We have in-vitro fertilization. We even have some shit where rich old broads trick young girls who didn't know how to use birth control properly into being baby machines. And that's with the technology we have now. Who knows what we'll have in 100 years.

We might get rid of childbirth altogether and have babies grown in tanks...

Uh, guy, Trump and Bush were far more incompetent, as we have had three recessions and two wars to prove it. Not to mention a major city getting wiped out by a storm and a plague that killed half a million people.

Uh, check out how you started your little diatribe... where the whole discussion was about reproduction being the be all and end all of human existence.

Except when you got up here and argued that BLM was "criminal" for complaining about it....

No, guy, it's about you needing someone to irrationally hate.

Gender identity isn't math, bud.

Except science recognizes Gender Dysphoria and transgenderism as real.

You realize you do shit like that, you'll actually be charged with a crime. You know, one of those things you keep accusing everyone else of committing.

That you're too much of a worthless pussy to protect any women in your life from degenerate perverts does not give you any position from which to look down on actual men who recognize their responsibility to do so.
That you're too much of a worthless pussy to protect any women in your life from degenerate perverts does not give you any position from which to look down on actual men who recognize their responsibility to do so.

Again- 11 years in the military protecting this country, what do you have?

A guy who needs to feel like a man by beating up an trans person isn't a hero, he's a hateful bully.
When you talk about 2 sexes you are using the discussion to deny their legitimacy and therefore there rights to be who they are.
As someone said earlier. what "rights" are we talking about?

Does someone have the "right" to identify as a dolphin? And anyone who says that's not correct is invoking some sort of hatred? No, that's silly.
When someone tells you to keep your hate to yourself, they're not attacking your faith. they're attacking your use of your faith to demean, debase, and vilify innocent people.

Get your story straight.
See, here's where it breaks down. If you don't choose to believe in the Christian ideology and theology, I respect your right not to. You don't "hate" me, or it. But, you don't give the same courtesy. If someone disagrees with your ideology, they "hate". It's simpleton, immature logic you're clinging to.. as well as completely inconsistent.

The only standards you have are double standards.
Naw...We know that's the secret fear of each of you.

What exactly is the problem?
How, EXACTLY, are you harmed if a person 2000 miles away decide they are trans?
If you are not harmed then your fears come from elsewhere.

Seems your nom de plume has more significance than originally intended.
This is all incoherent babbling. What in the blue hell are you trying to say.
As a Christian I am not to judge. Live and let live. In america there is room for everyone and anyone.
Agreed. Sadly, the transgender ideology doesn't feel this. They want to attack and censor anyone who doesn't agree with what they believe to be true.
As someone said earlier. what "rights" are we talking about?

Does someone have the "right" to identify as a dolphin? And anyone who says that's not correct is invoking some sort of hatred? No, that's silly.

Why do you guys use these absurd comparisons?

If you met this person on the street...


You would assume she is female. You probably wouldn't think twice about it. But then if someone told you she used to be a man, you'd freak the hell out.

See, here's where it breaks down. If you don't choose to believe in the Christian ideology and theology, I respect your right not to. You don't "hate" me, or it. But, you don't give the same courtesy. If someone disagrees with your ideology, they "hate". It's simpleton, immature logic you're clinging to.. as well as completely inconsistent.


You're the one trying to ban Transgenders.
You're the ones trying to ban gay marriage.
You're the ones trying to make abortion illegal.
You're the ones limited women's access to contraception because it makes Baby Jesus cry.

The idea that Christians are "tolerant" flies in the fact of 2000 years of history that says otherwise.

Agreed. Sadly, the transgender ideology doesn't feel this. They want to attack and censor anyone who doesn't agree with what they believe to be true.

No more than Racists are 'censored' when they are held accountable for being racist.
You're the one trying to ban Transgenders.
You're the ones trying to ban gay marriage.
You're the ones trying to make abortion illegal.

It is truly bizarre how your kind think that taking the side of degenerate sexual perverts and crazies, and defending the cold-blooded murder of innocent children, gives you some kind of moral high ground from which to look down on and condemn sane, decent people for being sane and decent.

You are truly, deeply, fucked up in the head, and in the soul, and so far gone that you cannot even see it.
It is truly bizarre how your kind think that taking the side of degenerate sexual perverts and crazies, and defending the cold-blooded murder of innocent children, gives you some kind of moral high ground from which to look down on and condemn sane, decent people for being sane and decent.

You are truly, deeply, fucked up in the head, and in the soul, and so far gone that you cannot even see it.

Fetuses aren't people. If they were, they'd have more rights than the women they are inside.

We'd have to investigate every miscarriage like a homicide.

The moral high ground I am on is "Freedom"... I know you guys on the right only think "Freedom" means the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us...

But people should be free to live whatever sexuality they are.

They should be free to control their own bodies....

This really isn't complicated, Mormon Bob...
There is no “right” for a man to be a woman; and no legitimacy to a man claiming to be a woman, or demanding to be recognized as such.

This is not a case of denying someone a “right” to be “who they are”, but of declining to recognize someone as who they are clearly not.

A man is not a woman. A man cannot become a woman. Period. Rights don't even enter the equation. This is not about rights, but about hard science.

To demand that I recognize a man as a woman is as absurd as demanding that I recognize two plus two as equaling ten.

Science does not yield to the insane delusions of those who are so deeply fucked up in their heads that they are confused about basic human biology.
And ?

If you believe yourself to be a chicken, how am I harmed?
Should I hate you for this belief?
Science tells me you are not a chicken but how am I harmed in allowing you this?
If you believe yourself to be a chicken, how am I harmed?
Should I hate you for this belief?
Science tells me you are not a chicken but how am I harmed in allowing you this?

It's plainly obvious, by now, that you have no regard for truth, and therefore see no harm in believing falsehood.

Obviously, I am not a chicken but a man. It may not harm you for me to believe that I am a chicken, but it would certainly indicate that there is something very wrong with me, if I believed that.

Would you consider yourself harmed, if you were compelled to recognize me, acknowledge me, and treat me as a chicken, even when you can see with your own eyes that I am not? If you chose not to acknowledge me as a chicken, would you be harmed if you were punished or faced adverse consequences for that choice?

What if you have a wife or a daughter, and I follow her into a women's locker room and watch her undress. If you believe that I am merely a chicken, then that should pose no problem, but would you be OK with that, recognizing that I am a man?
As someone said earlier. what "rights" are we talking about?

Does someone have the "right" to identify as a dolphin? And anyone who says that's not correct is invoking some sort of hatred? No, that's silly.

See, here's where it breaks down. If you don't choose to believe in the Christian ideology and theology, I respect your right not to. You don't "hate" me, or it. But, you don't give the same courtesy. If someone disagrees with your ideology, they "hate". It's simpleton, immature logic you're clinging to.. as well as completely inconsistent.

The only standards you have are double standards.
Dolphin? Sure
Elephant? Sure
T-Rex? Sure
As long as no one is being hurt, what is the harm?

And that bring us back to...
And if you are not being hurt the why not just STFU and let people live their lives.
This is all incoherent babbling. What in the blue hell are you trying to say.
I'm asking you what harm you endure if someone 2000 miles decides they are trans?

How simple is that?
Must be pretty hard because I've asked the question several times and you've failed to answer.
But you -did- just claim God does not exist.
Burden of proof lies with he who makes the claim - can you prove your claim true or not?
Why do you make claims you know you cannot prove true?

I am an atheist. For 2000 years the claim was made for a god and still no evidence yet I'm now responsible for the burden of proof? Don't make me vomit.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

If you had evidence you would produce it in a heart beat just to prove me wrong.
Furthermore, Christians believe immaculate conception and virgin births, talking snakes, resurrections, dead men walking, turning women into salt, walking on water and parting the seas.
I don't have a problem you telling me that. The problem starts when you expect a grown human being to believe it.

That is the same as the ridiculousness of a god and you wonder why I pity you for your beliefs grow up.
And ?

If you believe yourself to be a chicken, how am I harmed?
Should I hate you for this belief?
Science tells me you are not a chicken but how am I harmed in allowing you this?

He believes he's going to rule his own planet in the afterlife. But we should all respect that belief and never criticize the history of his cult.
It's plainly obvious, by now, that you have no regard for truth, and therefore see no harm in believing falsehood.

Obviously, I am not a chicken but a man. It may not harm you for me to believe that I am a chicken, but it would certainly indicate that there is something very wrong with me, if I believed that.
Reminds me of the old joke, "My uncle thinks he's a chicken, but we need the eggs."

Guy, you believe all sorts of crazy stuff.

You believe you are going to rule your own planet in the afterlife.
You believe you are wearing magic underwear.
you believe Joseph Smith was talking to God.
You believe that Native Americans descended from the Hebrews and were cursed with dark skin by God.
You believe in baptizing dead people into your cult to make the new recruits happy.

And mostly, you are perfectly free to believe this nonsense.

Now, the reason why I bring this up is, again, in the early days of your cult, you all practiced polygamy, and some splinter groups of your cult still do. For this, you were chased out of Illinois and Joseph Smith, Jr. was shot by an angry mob.

Me, I'd have no problem with legalizing polygamy, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. (Which of course, in early Mormonism, not everyone was.)

It's a free country, you should be able to believe whatever you want..

Would you consider yourself harmed, if you were compelled to recognize me, acknowledge me, and treat me as a chicken, even when you can see with your own eyes that I am not? If you chose not to acknowledge me as a chicken, would you be harmed if you were punished or faced adverse consequences for that choice?

Again, you transphobes aren't being punished, unless you do something hateful, in which case, you kind of brought it on yourselves.

What if you have a wife or a daughter, and I follow her into a women's locker room and watch her undress. If you believe that I am merely a chicken, then that should pose no problem, but would you be OK with that, recognizing that I am a man?

Except nobody is following anyone into a locker room to watch them undress. Trans people have no sexual interest in cis-gendered people.
I'm now responsible for the burden of proof? Don't make me vomit.
Burden of proof lies with he who makes the claim - can you prove your claim true or not?
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
An assertion such as yours. Indeed.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
This only mean you understand you need extraordinary evidence to prove your claim.

So... show us your proof.
Burden of proof lies with he who makes the claim - can you prove your claim true or not?

An assertion such as yours. Indeed.

This only mean you understand you need extraordinary evidence to prove your claim.

So... show us your proof.

Ok. I'll admit I was wrong.
Can you prove there is a god and produce that evidence now? I'll bet you can't and you know it.
The burden of proof is on anyone who believes there. Start now.

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