How Jesus became god'... from not being one. Bart Ehrman.

Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

Pic has such a REFINED sense of humor----he laughed when I mentioned Stalin's projected career
as an Eastern Orthodox Priest. It is kinda funny.
Constantine is a SAINT in that sect

Rosie can't admit her racist Orthodox Jews are mass murdering bigots whose 'persecution' problems have all been largely self-inflicted, and mostly made up to boot; Jews have always aligned themselves with the 'states' against the peasants, and for most of history did very well as ass kissing tax collectors and stooges sneering at the lower classes. they prospered under both Muslims and western feudal lords for a couple of thousand years, and still do. The Jewsih version of an 'Enlightment' and 'Reformation' that came about in the 18th and 19th centuries must surely have been a great tragedy for her and her hassidic lunatics.

Pic knows random words
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

Pic has such a REFINED sense of humor----he laughed when I mentioned Stalin's projected career
as an Eastern Orthodox Priest. It is kinda funny.
Constantine is a SAINT in that sect

Rosie can't admit her racist Orthodox Jews are mass murdering bigots whose 'persecution' problems have all been largely self-inflicted, and mostly made up to boot; Jews have always aligned themselves with the 'states' against the peasants, and for most of history did very well as ass kissing tax collectors and stooges sneering at the lower classes. they prospered under both Muslims and western feudal lords for a couple of thousand years, and still do. The Jewsih version of an 'Enlightment' and 'Reformation' that came about in the 18th and 19th centuries must surely have been a great tragedy for her and her hassidic lunatics.

The chassidic movement was not all that BIG in the 18th century----it really took off (to the extent that it ever did take off) in the 19th century and benefitted greatly from the Age of Enlightenment.
My very own forebears could logically be considered
Chassidic and their survival (such as it was---ie before adolf and josef goebbels) did depend on
the ENLIGHTENED Emperor Franz Josef who---did not support christian galvanized pogroms, thus my
maternal grandfather survived (unlike most of his six brothers)
C.S. Lewis responds to Bart Ehrman:

"..If you are a nice person — if virtue comes easily to you beware! Much is expected from those to whom much is given. If you mistake for your own merits what are really God's gifts to you through nature, and if you are contented with simply being nice, you are still a rebel: and all those gifts will only make your fall more terrible, your corruption more complicated, your bad example more disastrous. The Devil was an archangel once; his natural gifts were as far above yours as yours are above those of a chimpanzee.

But if you are a poor creature — poisoned by a wretched upbringing in some house full of vulgar jealousies and senseless quarrels — saddled, by no choice of your own, with some loathsome sexual perversion — nagged day in and day out by an inferiority complex that makes you snap at your best friends — do not despair. He knows all about it. You are one of the poor whom He blessed. He knows what a wretched machine you are trying to drive. Keep on. Do what you can. One day (perhaps in another world, but perhaps far sooner than that) he will fling it on the scrap-heap and give you a new one. And then you may astonish us all — not least yourself: for you have learned your driving in a hard school. (Some of the last will be first and some of the first will be last.) "Niceness" — wholesome, integrated personality — is an excellent thing. We must try by every medical, educational, economic, and political means in our power, to produce a world where as many people as possible grow up "nice"; just as we must try to produce a world where all have plenty to eat. But we must not suppose that even if we succeeded in making everyone nice we should have saved their souls. A world of nice people, content in their own niceness, looking no further, turned away from God, would be just as desperately in need of salvation as a miserable world — and might even be more difficult to save.

For mere improvement is not redemption, though redemption always improves people even here and now and will, in the end, improve them to a degree we cannot yet imagine. God became man to turn creatures into sons: not simply to produce better men of the old kind but to produce a new kind of man. It is not like teaching a horse to jump better and better but like turning a horse into a winged creature. Of course, once it has got its wings, it will soar over fences which could never have been jumped and thus beat the natural horse at its own game. But there may be a period, while the wings are just beginning to grow, when it cannot do so: and at that stage the lumps on the shoulders — no one could tell by looking at them that they are going to be wings — may even give it an awkward appearance.

But perhaps we have already spent too long on this question. If what you want is an argument against Christianity (and I well remember how eagerly I looked for such arguments when I began to be afraid it was true) you can easily find some stupid and unsatisfactory Christian and say, "So there's your boasted new man! Give me the old kind." But if once you have begun to see that Christianity is on other grounds probable, you will know in your heart that this is only evading the issue. What can you ever really know of other people's souls — of their temptations, their opportunities, their struggles? One soul in the whole creation you do know: and it is the only one whose fate is placed in your hands. If there is a God, you are, in a sense, alone with Him. You cannot put Him off with speculations about your next door neighbours or memories of what you have read in books. What will all that chatter and hearsay count (will you even be able to remember it?) when the anaesthetic fog which we call "nature" or "the real world" fades away and the Presence in which you have always stood becomes palpable, immediate, and unavoidable?..."

Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?

of course-----it was when mankind emerged from the forests and the fields and the wilderness and
began to form actual SOCIETIES with rules of
morality and table etiquette including the washing
of ones' hands before eating and many noticed that
sacrificing infants to the moon was NOT NICE. The
first enlightenment
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?

of course-----it was when mankind emerged from the forests and the fields and the wilderness and
began to form actual SOCIETIES with rules of
morality and table etiquette including the washing
of ones' hands before eating and many noticed that
sacrificing infants to the moon was NOT NICE. The
first enlightenment
Where is that captured in the Torah?
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?

of course-----it was when mankind emerged from the forests and the fields and the wilderness and
began to form actual SOCIETIES with rules of
morality and table etiquette including the washing
of ones' hands before eating and many noticed that
sacrificing infants to the moon was NOT NICE. The
first enlightenment
Did they not have a "society" when they were in the forest and the fields and the wilderness?

Or were they just all wandering around in the forest, fields and wilderness individually waiting for someone to say, hey, we need to form a society and start washing our hands and stop sacrificing infants to the moon?

And who was it that formed that first society or civilization? Because it seems to me that societies and civilizations existed before 5,781 years ago.
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?

of course-----it was when mankind emerged from the forests and the fields and the wilderness and
began to form actual SOCIETIES with rules of
morality and table etiquette including the washing
of ones' hands before eating and many noticed that
sacrificing infants to the moon was NOT NICE. The
first enlightenment
Where is that captured in the Torah?

for further information see THE MAHABHARATA
and the MISHNAH Torah----loosely translated
means something like natural law or STUDY OF---
like the LOGIA in Biology. It is not a comprehensive history of the world. It does not even mention ARJUNA
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?

of course-----it was when mankind emerged from the forests and the fields and the wilderness and
began to form actual SOCIETIES with rules of
morality and table etiquette including the washing
of ones' hands before eating and many noticed that
sacrificing infants to the moon was NOT NICE. The
first enlightenment
Where is that captured in the Torah?

for further information see THE MAHABHARATA
and the MISHNAH Torah----loosely translated
means something like natural law or STUDY OF---
like the LOGIA in Biology. It is not a comprehensive history of the world. It does not even mention ARJUNA
When were those written and how did they know what happened 5,781 years ago?
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?

of course-----it was when mankind emerged from the forests and the fields and the wilderness and
began to form actual SOCIETIES with rules of
morality and table etiquette including the washing
of ones' hands before eating and many noticed that
sacrificing infants to the moon was NOT NICE. The
first enlightenment
Did they not have a "society" when they were in the forest and the fields and the wilderness?

Or were they just all wandering around in the forest, fields and wilderness individually waiting for someone to say, hey, we need to form a society and start washing our hands and stop sacrificing infants to the moon?

And who was it that formed that first society or civilization? Because it seems to me that societies and civilizations existed before 5,781 years ago.

that depends on how you define "society" By your very loose definition-----bees and birds and apes have SOCIETIES-------and certainly elephants and Dolphins. The planet from inception of primates and thence to humans was very diverse----that which makes HUMAN SOCIETY of the enlightened type includes actual stated and SUNG IN POEM
written forms rules of morality and table etiquette.
Another issue is BREAD
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?

of course-----it was when mankind emerged from the forests and the fields and the wilderness and
began to form actual SOCIETIES with rules of
morality and table etiquette including the washing
of ones' hands before eating and many noticed that
sacrificing infants to the moon was NOT NICE. The
first enlightenment
Did they not have a "society" when they were in the forest and the fields and the wilderness?

Or were they just all wandering around in the forest, fields and wilderness individually waiting for someone to say, hey, we need to form a society and start washing our hands and stop sacrificing infants to the moon?

And who was it that formed that first society or civilization? Because it seems to me that societies and civilizations existed before 5,781 years ago.

that depends on how you define "society" By your very loose definition-----bees and birds and apes have SOCIETIES-------and certainly elephants and Dolphins. The planet from inception of primates and thence to humans was very diverse----that which makes HUMAN SOCIETY of the enlightened type includes actual stated and SUNG IN POEM
written forms rules of morality and table etiquette.
Another issue is BREAD
Why are you conversing with ding dong
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?

of course-----it was when mankind emerged from the forests and the fields and the wilderness and
began to form actual SOCIETIES with rules of
morality and table etiquette including the washing
of ones' hands before eating and many noticed that
sacrificing infants to the moon was NOT NICE. The
first enlightenment
Did they not have a "society" when they were in the forest and the fields and the wilderness?

Or were they just all wandering around in the forest, fields and wilderness individually waiting for someone to say, hey, we need to form a society and start washing our hands and stop sacrificing infants to the moon?

And who was it that formed that first society or civilization? Because it seems to me that societies and civilizations existed before 5,781 years ago.

that depends on how you define "society" By your very loose definition-----bees and birds and apes have SOCIETIES-------and certainly elephants and Dolphins. The planet from inception of primates and thence to humans was very diverse----that which makes HUMAN SOCIETY of the enlightened type includes actual stated and SUNG IN POEM
written forms rules of morality and table etiquette.
Another issue is BREAD
Why are you conversing with ding dong

Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?

of course-----it was when mankind emerged from the forests and the fields and the wilderness and
began to form actual SOCIETIES with rules of
morality and table etiquette including the washing
of ones' hands before eating and many noticed that
sacrificing infants to the moon was NOT NICE. The
first enlightenment
Did they not have a "society" when they were in the forest and the fields and the wilderness?

Or were they just all wandering around in the forest, fields and wilderness individually waiting for someone to say, hey, we need to form a society and start washing our hands and stop sacrificing infants to the moon?

And who was it that formed that first society or civilization? Because it seems to me that societies and civilizations existed before 5,781 years ago.

that depends on how you define "society" By your very loose definition-----bees and birds and apes have SOCIETIES-------and certainly elephants and Dolphins. The planet from inception of primates and thence to humans was very diverse----that which makes HUMAN SOCIETY of the enlightened type includes actual stated and SUNG IN POEM
written forms rules of morality and table etiquette.
Another issue is BREAD
I'm going off of what YOU said that 5,781 years ago they formed the first societies. So according to YOUR definition there were no societies prior to 5,781 years ago.
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

the world became ENGLIGHTENED
Can you "enlighten" me as to which specific event that would have been?

of course-----it was when mankind emerged from the forests and the fields and the wilderness and
began to form actual SOCIETIES with rules of
morality and table etiquette including the washing
of ones' hands before eating and many noticed that
sacrificing infants to the moon was NOT NICE. The
first enlightenment
Did they not have a "society" when they were in the forest and the fields and the wilderness?

Or were they just all wandering around in the forest, fields and wilderness individually waiting for someone to say, hey, we need to form a society and start washing our hands and stop sacrificing infants to the moon?

And who was it that formed that first society or civilization? Because it seems to me that societies and civilizations existed before 5,781 years ago.

that depends on how you define "society" By your very loose definition-----bees and birds and apes have SOCIETIES-------and certainly elephants and Dolphins. The planet from inception of primates and thence to humans was very diverse----that which makes HUMAN SOCIETY of the enlightened type includes actual stated and SUNG IN POEM
written forms rules of morality and table etiquette.
Another issue is BREAD
Why are you conversing with ding dong

I'm more fun than a barrel full of monkeys.

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