How Jesus became god'... from not being one. Bart Ehrman.

So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
- is a mindless repetitious monologue sinful ...
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
- is a mindless repetitious monologue sinful ...
Actually it's not. His position is that God is doing his job poorly. If that is the case he ought to be able to explain how he would do it better.

Feel free to step into his shoes and answer the questions.
The reality is that it is illogical for anyone to assume they could do a better job than infinite logic, infinite truth and infinite love could do. People may not understand why it is the way it is but that is because they lack complete information and understanding. And that is the reason we are told not to judge the person... we don't have all the information. God does. But from everything I have read, God doesn't actually judge us, we judge ourselves after we have been stripped of our pride; our ego; our self. Only then can we see ourselves as we really were. So it is ridiculous to criticize God for judging us and it is hypocritical to judge God for judging us. Especially since I don't believe He does. We seem to be the only ones judging anyone.

As to the so-called evils, God is not to blame for that. That's on us. It is ridiculous to judge God for bad acts of man. It is ridiculous to judge God for imperfections in matter. It is ridiculous to judge God for death. Diversity is good. It is diversity which propels us forward. Death is required for genesis. If there is no death there can be no genesis. But what blows my mind the most is how they ignore all the good there is in existence and only see the bad. What fools they are.

I can promise you that for everything people say they would do differently I can point out why their solution is a bad idea and I don't even have complete information. Imagine what God would do. So if I were you guys I'd be very careful about explaining how God messed up because he has complete information and he will show you how stupid your beliefs are in actuality.
there would be millions lined up to make Hitler miserable
So you would allow others to punish people? So there would be punishment, right?
We'd all be judges. Just like now.
So then judging others isn't necessarily bad but you criticized God for judging, right?

How is that not hypocritical of you?
In my court there would be no doubt by the defendant as to what the laws were. There would be a single set of laws for each person, they wouldn't have to guess what law/religion/god to follow. There would be no question of if there was a god or not.
Am I criticizing anyone? Am I saying I was better? Am I suggesting it should have been done differently? No.
Your judgement is to accept genocide, pain, and suffering. That is your right.

In my judgement, those things are wrong. Is there a good reason that is the only way things can be designed to be? None that I can see. Now do you understand?
Holy shit, there you go again with your dishonest arguments.

No, I don't understand. You start with an argument you don't believe to arrive at what you do believe. Totally illogical. Doesn't make any sense at all. It's a self fulfilling prophecy that ass fucks logic and reason.

P.S. and you are still judging God. So just to be clear, you believe you know better than the creator of existence, right?
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?
Your judgments don't seem to assume God is perfect. Your judgments seem to assume God is imperfect.

So is your assumption that if God is perfect (whatever that means) that what He created should be perfect too? There are a couple of ways I can approach this.

What God created is perfect for its purpose and objective which is the Catholic thought.
That with infinite wisdom and goodness God freely willed to create a world "in a state of journeying" towards its ultimate perfection. In God's plan this process of becoming involves the appearance of certain beings and the disappearance of others, the existence of the more perfect alongside the less perfect, both constructive and destructive forces of nature. With physical good there exists also physical evil as long as creation has not reached perfection. For almighty God. . ., because he is supremely good, would never allow any evil whatsoever to exist in his works if he were not so all-powerful and good as to cause good to emerge from evil itself.

Or Jewish thought that whatever imperfections which exist are imperfections of matter and consequence of free will. That whatever is formed of any matter receives the most perfect form possible in that species of matter: in each individual case the defects are in accordance with the defects of that individual matter and that these are very few and rare. Such that is cannot be said that God directly creates evil, or He has the direct intention to produce evil. That God only produces existence, and all existence is good. That the great evils which men cause to each other because of certain intentions, desires, opinions, or religious principles, originate in ignorance, which is absence of wisdom. The numerous evils to which individual persons are exposed are due to the defects existing in the persons themselves. We suffer from the evils which we, by our own free will, inflict on ourselves and ascribe them to God, who is far from being connected with them. Man himself is the author of this class of evils. The error of the ignorant goes so far as to say that God's power is insufficient, because He has given to this Universe the properties which they imagine cause these great evils.

But what struck me most about your post was your description that God is supposed to be perfect. Perfect what and what exactly does that mean to you? Because I think it is your misguided and biased perception of God which has you confused.
All my life I've been told God is real, he is loving, he is perfect, and he is watching over us. So far as I can see, none of that is true. Maybe God's not evil but he created a world filled with it. You're always saying there is a reason, what is the reason for COVID 19?
Seems to me that you blame God for the bad acts of man and imperfections of matter. Every living thing dies. It's a requirement for genesis to occur.

Tell me how it would work in your world if you were God.

The reason for Covid 19 is that it mutated. Viruses exist in nature and play a role in nature. They serve a purpose.

Funny how you want to blame God for the bad but aren't willing to give God credit for the good... which BTW dwarfs the bad. Unless of course you believe existence is bad.
I would not judge men when they die. No heaven and no hell. I would not intervene in human affairs.

I have an aquarium but I have no idea which goldfish are good and which are bad, I let them work it out for themselves. I do intervene if they get ill and ensure they have enough to eat because I like them.
Is that it? Nothing else? Get it all out in the open.
If I had any rules for behavior I'd make sure EVERYONE knew what they were. No multiple religions saying various contradictory things.

And no viruses.
Anything else? How about diseases and death? Or hunger or poverty?
No disease but an afterlife would be nice. Everyone goes to Heaven. I envision an afterlife as a virtual world where everyone can interact with everyone else, imagine meeting Alexander the Great or your own Great, Great Grandfather. God wouldn't need to judge, there would be millions lined up to make Hitler miserable or thank John Lennon for his art.
How about poverty, hunger and death?
If there is an afterlife, death is fine. Should you suffer hunger because your parents were unlucky or stupid? I wouldn't visit the father's sins on the child for any generations.
I can't tell from your answer if you would allow hunger, death and poverty in your world if you were God. I don't need your rationalizations for what you would do. I am only looking at what you would allow to exist. So... in your world, if you were God, would your world have hunger, poverty and death?
I think I was quite clear. If there is an afterlife, death is fine. I would allow hunger and poverty if an individual made bad choices and lost everything. I would not have his children suffer the same fate because of him.
there would be millions lined up to make Hitler miserable
So you would allow others to punish people? So there would be punishment, right?
We'd all be judges. Just like now.
So then judging others isn't necessarily bad but you criticized God for judging, right?

How is that not hypocritical of you?
In my court there would be no doubt by the defendant as to what the laws were. There would be a single set of laws for each person, they wouldn't have to guess what law/religion/god to follow. There would be no question of if there was a god or not.
So you are smarter than God is what you are saying? That God is doing it wrong and you would be doing it right? This from the guy who says he wouldn't punish anyone then explains how they would be punished by others.

I think I'll go with you are a hypocrite for judging God for your perception that he judges others as you judge him.
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
Would there be murders in your world? If not, how would you stop them from murdering?
Same as for all crimes. You know the rules, if you violate the rules you will be punished. If you're caught while alive you'll be judged & punished by your society. If you're not caught you'll be punished by your victims in the afterlife.
Am I criticizing anyone? Am I saying I was better? Am I suggesting it should have been done differently? No.
Your judgement is to accept genocide, pain, and suffering. That is your right.

In my judgement, those things are wrong. Is there a good reason that is the only way things can be designed to be? None that I can see. Now do you understand?
Holy shit, there you go again with your dishonest arguments.

No, I don't understand. You start with an argument you don't believe to arrive at what you do believe. Totally illogical. Doesn't make any sense at all. It's a self fulfilling prophecy that ass fucks logic and reason.

P.S. and you are still judging God. So just to be clear, you believe you know better than the creator of existence, right?
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?
Your judgments don't seem to assume God is perfect. Your judgments seem to assume God is imperfect.

So is your assumption that if God is perfect (whatever that means) that what He created should be perfect too? There are a couple of ways I can approach this.

What God created is perfect for its purpose and objective which is the Catholic thought.
That with infinite wisdom and goodness God freely willed to create a world "in a state of journeying" towards its ultimate perfection. In God's plan this process of becoming involves the appearance of certain beings and the disappearance of others, the existence of the more perfect alongside the less perfect, both constructive and destructive forces of nature. With physical good there exists also physical evil as long as creation has not reached perfection. For almighty God. . ., because he is supremely good, would never allow any evil whatsoever to exist in his works if he were not so all-powerful and good as to cause good to emerge from evil itself.

Or Jewish thought that whatever imperfections which exist are imperfections of matter and consequence of free will. That whatever is formed of any matter receives the most perfect form possible in that species of matter: in each individual case the defects are in accordance with the defects of that individual matter and that these are very few and rare. Such that is cannot be said that God directly creates evil, or He has the direct intention to produce evil. That God only produces existence, and all existence is good. That the great evils which men cause to each other because of certain intentions, desires, opinions, or religious principles, originate in ignorance, which is absence of wisdom. The numerous evils to which individual persons are exposed are due to the defects existing in the persons themselves. We suffer from the evils which we, by our own free will, inflict on ourselves and ascribe them to God, who is far from being connected with them. Man himself is the author of this class of evils. The error of the ignorant goes so far as to say that God's power is insufficient, because He has given to this Universe the properties which they imagine cause these great evils.

But what struck me most about your post was your description that God is supposed to be perfect. Perfect what and what exactly does that mean to you? Because I think it is your misguided and biased perception of God which has you confused.
All my life I've been told God is real, he is loving, he is perfect, and he is watching over us. So far as I can see, none of that is true. Maybe God's not evil but he created a world filled with it. You're always saying there is a reason, what is the reason for COVID 19?
Seems to me that you blame God for the bad acts of man and imperfections of matter. Every living thing dies. It's a requirement for genesis to occur.

Tell me how it would work in your world if you were God.

The reason for Covid 19 is that it mutated. Viruses exist in nature and play a role in nature. They serve a purpose.

Funny how you want to blame God for the bad but aren't willing to give God credit for the good... which BTW dwarfs the bad. Unless of course you believe existence is bad.
I would not judge men when they die. No heaven and no hell. I would not intervene in human affairs.

I have an aquarium but I have no idea which goldfish are good and which are bad, I let them work it out for themselves. I do intervene if they get ill and ensure they have enough to eat because I like them.
Is that it? Nothing else? Get it all out in the open.
If I had any rules for behavior I'd make sure EVERYONE knew what they were. No multiple religions saying various contradictory things.

And no viruses.
Anything else? How about diseases and death? Or hunger or poverty?
No disease but an afterlife would be nice. Everyone goes to Heaven. I envision an afterlife as a virtual world where everyone can interact with everyone else, imagine meeting Alexander the Great or your own Great, Great Grandfather. God wouldn't need to judge, there would be millions lined up to make Hitler miserable or thank John Lennon for his art.
How about poverty, hunger and death?
If there is an afterlife, death is fine. Should you suffer hunger because your parents were unlucky or stupid? I wouldn't visit the father's sins on the child for any generations.
I can't tell from your answer if you would allow hunger, death and poverty in your world if you were God. I don't need your rationalizations for what you would do. I am only looking at what you would allow to exist. So... in your world, if you were God, would your world have hunger, poverty and death?
I think I was quite clear. If there is an afterlife, death is fine. I would allow hunger and poverty if an individual made bad choices and lost everything. I would not have his children suffer the same fate because of him.
So you would perform magic for them to make everything all right?

Sounds like you are making judgement to me. This guy deserves to go hungry and be broke and this guy doesn't deserve to be hungry and be broke. Are you ready to admit you are judging people?
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
Would there be murders in your world? If not, how would you stop them from murdering?
Same as for all crimes. You know the rules, if you violate the rules you will be punished. If you're caught while alive you'll be judged & punished by your society. If you're not caught you'll be punished by your victims in the afterlife.
So you will judge others but you criticize God for judging others?

And you are not a hypocrite how?
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
I wouldn't. God's role is to make the rules clear to everyone.
My washing machine and dryer don't spin their loads as much as I have spun this guy around.
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
I wouldn't. God's role is to make the
So you wouldn't stop anything bad from happening but you criticize God for allowing bad things to happen?
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
Would there be murders in your world? If not, how would you stop them from murdering?
Same as for all crimes. You know the rules, if you violate the rules you will be punished. If you're caught while alive you'll be judged & punished by your society. If you're not caught you'll be punished by your victims in the afterlife.
So you will judge others but you criticize God for judging others?

And you are not a hypocrite how?
I think God set up a lousy and is not qualified to judge.
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
I wouldn't. God's role is to make the rules clear to everyone.
So the rules are clear but you said you wouldn't punish anyone so what good are the rules exactly?
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
Would there be murders in your world? If not, how would you stop them from murdering?
Same as for all crimes. You know the rules, if you violate the rules you will be punished. If you're caught while alive you'll be judged & punished by your society. If you're not caught you'll be punished by your victims in the afterlife.
So you will judge others but you criticize God for judging others?

And you are not a hypocrite how?
I think God set up a lousy and is not qualified to judge.
So you are judging God but judging is bad unless you are the one judging?
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
I wouldn't. God's role is to make the
So you wouldn't stop anything bad from happening but you criticize God for allowing bad things to happen?
Did God ever say slavery was bad? Did slave owners know if they were in opposition to God?
there would be millions lined up to make Hitler miserable
So you would allow others to punish people? So there would be punishment, right?
We'd all be judges. Just like now.
So then judging others isn't necessarily bad but you criticized God for judging, right?

How is that not hypocritical of you?
In my court there would be no doubt by the defendant as to what the laws were. There would be a single set of laws for each person, they wouldn't have to guess what law/religion/god to follow. There would be no question of if there was a god or not.
You think people do bad things because they don't know they are bad?

Did you have to be told not to diddle your 6 year old daughter?
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
I wouldn't. God's role is to make the
So you wouldn't stop anything bad from happening but you criticize God for allowing bad things to happen?
Did God ever say slavery was bad? Did slave owners know if they were in opposition to God?
You had to be told treating people as property was bad? You couldn't figure that out using reason and experience?

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