How Jesus became god'... from not being one. Bart Ehrman.

Morals are effectively standards. For any given thing there exists a standard which is the highest possible standard. This standard exists independent of anything else. It is in effect a universal standard. It exists for a reason. When we deviate from this standard and normalize our deviance from the standard, eventually the reason the standard exists will be discovered. The reason this happens is because error cannot stand. Eventually error will fail and the truth will be discovered. Thus proving that morals cannot be anything we want them to be but are indeed based upon some universal code of common decency that is independent of man.
Christians are the largest religious group on Earth if you deny this you are more delusional than you seem.

Really I am all out of meth, can you spare some
So? What is your point? Is religion some sort of a democracy or is it a relic of a violent and colonialistic past? Jews never went to war to convert others while Christians and Muslims did. Jews make up a tiny portion of the world while Christians and Muslims have huge numbers. Coincidence?

Sorry to hear about your meth shortage, hope you get some soon.
Christians are the largest religious group on Earth if you deny this you are more delusional than you seem.

Are you out of Prozac too?
Morals are effectively standards. For any given thing there exists a standard which is the highest possible standard. This standard exists independent of anything else. It is in effect a universal standard. It exists for a reason. When we deviate from this standard and normalize our deviance from the standard, eventually the reason the standard exists will be discovered. The reason this happens is because error cannot stand. Eventually error will fail and the truth will be discovered. Thus proving that morals cannot be anything we want them to be but are indeed based upon some universal code of common decency that is independent of man.
This is completely False.
Morals have changed since 20,000 years
Changed since 5000 years,
Changed since 2000 years
Changed since 500 years
Changed in 100 years
Changed in 50 years
Changed from even 20 years ago.
And religion follows/last kicking and screaming on issues such as, ie, women's rights increase. (and many others)
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
- is a mindless repetitious monologue sinful ...
Actually it's not. His position is that God is doing his job poorly. If that is the case he ought to be able to explain how he would do it better.

Feel free to step into his shoes and answer the questions.
Actually it's not. His position is that God is doing his job poorly. If that is the case he ought to be able to explain how he would do it better.

Feel free to step into his shoes and answer the questions.
as you are aware the religion of antiquity precludes intervention till completion - noah was the exception as an attempt to give humanity a second chance due to the pending failure and certain extinction of mankind that otherwise would have occurred. analog hasn't a clue. or gratitude.

in the case of the defective desert religions a waste of time. and the possible extinction of all life and Garden Earth as the final outcome.
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
Would there be murders in your world? If not, how would you stop them from murdering?
Same as for all crimes. You know the rules, if you violate the rules you will be punished. If you're caught while alive you'll be judged & punished by your society. If you're not caught you'll be punished by your victims in the afterlife.
So you will judge others but you criticize God for judging others?

And you are not a hypocrite how?
I think God set up a lousy and is not qualified to judge.
So you are judging God but judging is bad unless you are the one judging?
I believe I was consistent in saying God should not judge, it is society or the victims that should judge.
You are saying that because you don't believe God exists. If you believed that God exists then you would want infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite love and infinite wisdom to be the final arbitrator. The reality is that society already does judge. But society is not infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite love or infinite wisdom. Your problem is your perception of God. You refuse to consider a realistic perception of God. The God you have created in your mind does not exist. You need to rethink these questions in the context of the God that does exist. If you do that then things might actually begin to make sense to you. Until then you are just confirming your bias and not expanding your intellectual boundary. Or you can continue making dishonest arguments and deal with me. Your call.
Morals are effectively standards. For any given thing there exists a standard which is the highest possible standard. This standard exists independent of anything else. It is in effect a universal standard. It exists for a reason. When we deviate from this standard and normalize our deviance from the standard, eventually the reason the standard exists will be discovered. The reason this happens is because error cannot stand. Eventually error will fail and the truth will be discovered. Thus proving that morals cannot be anything we want them to be but are indeed based upon some universal code of common decency that is independent of man.
This is completely False.
Morals have changed since 20,000 years
Changed since 5000 years,
Changed since 2000 years
Changed since 500 years
Changed in 100 years
Changed in 50 years
Changed from even 20 years ago.
And religion follows/last kicking and screaming on issues such as, ie, women's rights increase. (and many others)
Logic and reason determine what is right and wrong. I would have thought someone in Mensa would have known this. The reality is your post proves that truth is discovered. The reason truth is discovered is that error cannot stand the scrutiny of logic and reason. Which is exactly why you see the changes throughout history. So thanks for proving my point even though your Mensa intelligence didn't realize you were proving my point for me. :)
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So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
- is a mindless repetitious monologue sinful ...
Actually it's not. His position is that God is doing his job poorly. If that is the case he ought to be able to explain how he would do it better.

Feel free to step into his shoes and answer the questions.
Actually it's not. His position is that God is doing his job poorly. If that is the case he ought to be able to explain how he would do it better.

Feel free to step into his shoes and answer the questions.
as you are aware the religion of antiquity precludes intervention till completion - noah was the exception as an attempt to give humanity a second chance due to the pending failure and certain extinction of mankind that otherwise would have occurred. analog hasn't a clue. or gratitude.

in the case of the defective desert religions a waste of time. and the possible extinction of all life and Garden Earth as the final outcome.
No, I'm not aware of your religion of antiquity which as I understand it is liberation theology. Yes, socialism has existed since the beginning of man. It is a subtle destroyer of the human spirit and counter to freedom and liberty.

You do realize that most of what you post doesn't make any sense at all, right?
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
If you were God how would you stop them from doing it?
I wouldn't. God's role is to make the rules clear to everyone.
I wouldn't. God's role is to make the rules clear to everyone.
they are the gatekeeper to the Everlasting - being suppressed by evil is the motivation to undue the injustice before death as the means for a spirits admission.

evolution is dependent on a clear path, purity of spirit that is the role that is being guarded.
they are the gatekeeper to the Everlasting - being suppressed by evil is the motivation to undue the injustice before death as the means for a spirits admission.

evolution is dependent on a clear path, purity of spirit that is the role that is being guarded.
breezewood is a looney tune.gif
Christians are the largest religious group on Earth if you deny this you are more delusional than you seem.

Really I am all out of meth, can you spare some
So? What is your point? Is religion some sort of a democracy or is it a relic of a violent and colonialistic past? Jews never went to war to convert others while Christians and Muslims did. Jews make up a tiny portion of the world while Christians and Muslims have huge numbers. Coincidence?

Sorry to hear about your meth shortage, hope you get some soon.
Christians are the largest religious group on Earth if you deny this you are more delusional than you seem.

Are you out of Prozac too?
You need to take that up with Death Angel.
Jews make up a tiny portion of the world while Christians
True Christianity is the SMALLEST

“Not everyone who calls out to me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven
Logic and reason determine what is right and wrong. I would have thought someone in Mensa would have known this. The reality is your post proves that truth is discovered. The reason truth is discovered is that error cannot stand the scrutiny of logic and reason. Which is exactly why you see the changes throughout history. So thanks for proving my point even though your Mensa intelligence didn't realize you were proving my point for me. :)
Yes, and I said/pointed out that has CHANGED over millennia, and even a few decades.
There is/was NO "Universal Morality," only an evolving one. (Like plant and animal life too!).
There' also not a "universal" one at any given moment due to the state/beliefs of different societies.

You're so Brain-F*****.
Like so many religionists you should have educated BEFORE you were indoctrinated.

Logic and reason determine what is right and wrong. I would have thought someone in Mensa would have known this. The reality is your post proves that truth is discovered. The reason truth is discovered is that error cannot stand the scrutiny of logic and reason. Which is exactly why you see the changes throughout history. So thanks for proving my point even though your Mensa intelligence didn't realize you were proving my point for me. :)
Yes, and Isaid/pointed out that has CHANGED over millennia, and even a few decades.
There is/was NO "Universal Morality," only an evolving one. (Like plant and animal life too!).
There' alos not a "universal one" even t any given moment due to the stat/beliefs of different societies.

You're so Brain-F*****.
Lie so many religionists you should have educated BEFORE you were indoctrinated.

Dude, you can't even figure out how to properly use the USMB reply button.

Logic and reason determine what is right and wrong, dummy.
Logic and reason determine what is right and wrong. I would have thought someone in Mensa would have known this. The reality is your post proves that truth is discovered. The reason truth is discovered is that error cannot stand the scrutiny of logic and reason. Which is exactly why you see the changes throughout history. So thanks for proving my point even though your Mensa intelligence didn't realize you were proving my point for me. :)
Yes, and I said/pointed out that has CHANGED over millennia, and even a few decades.
There is/was NO "Universal Morality," only an evolving one. (Like plant and animal life too!).
There' also not a "universal" one at any given moment due to the state/beliefs of different societies.

You're so Brain-F*****.
Like so many religionists you should have educated BEFORE you were indoctrinated.

I like it when guys from Mensa argue against reason and logic as the reason for shit happening. :lol:
Startlingly, a lecture at the Atheist org.. Freedom From Religion Foundation/FFRF.. by one of thee most Renowned professor's of Religious Studies, Bart Ehrman.
One of the world's foremost experts on Christianity/NT.
Can't say he doesn't know his topic.
99% of the time he is invited to speak to religious groups.
But, as it turns out, he's an "Agnostic and an Atheist."
A good bit of the youtube on his 'new' book, 'How Jesus became God' [2014]
I've seen him several times on PBS'/other religious documentaries.

Bart D. Ehrman (1955) is an American New Testament scholar, currently the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.​
According to the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, he is one of North America's Leading scholars in his field, having written and edited 27 books, including three college textbooks.
He has also achieved acclaim at the popular level, authoring five New York Times bestsellers.​
Ehrman's work focuses on textual criticism of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and the development of early Christianity.​


Believing in God is much like a stained glass window in a Cathedral, because if you are inside of the congregation, the windows fill the room with beautiful colors and images; but if you are outside looking in, you cannot see anything except nondescript dark areas with confusing dark areas that are unintelligible. In the same manner the belief in Jesus shows the believer the uncanny beauty of living within the Kingdom of God, whereas those outside the belief in His loving salvation see nothing but a maze of darkness and disparaged forms. Believing and caring for others more than oneself is a characteristic of the inner beauty of the spirit. That's one thing we cannot miss inside the kingdom of God's inimitable mystique and in God's love, I cannot miss that inside knowledge of caring brothers and sisters, whoever loves doing what is right in the love of God's truth, may all believers in him let his light shine and brighten the human heart, even when facing down the dark side of unbelief that ends in despair and confusion that brings Jesus to weep.
Disraeli said, Christianity is completed Judaism. Jews didn't become monotheistic until Deutro-Isaiah, and since universalism is implicit in monotheism, Judaism became explicitly universal via Christianity
Judaism is universal per se. For the last 2000 years they were more concerned about the survival of their communities, so they weren't too outward, yes. But the things are changing now, it seems.
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.
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... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the word. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free in the USA.

Yes, it makes so much sense for a German to look down on Americans. :rolleyes:
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free in the USA.

Yes, it makes so much sense for a German to look down on Americans. :rolleyes:

It is as I said it here. You demonstrate very well with this words that your only argument is destruction and death any longer. You know nothing about Germans and Germany. You justify with your crude absurde racism only your own dead ears.

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