How Jesus became god'... from not being one. Bart Ehrman.

So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
Would there be murders in your world? If not, how would you stop them from murdering?
Same as for all crimes. You know the rules, if you violate the rules you will be punished. If you're caught while alive you'll be judged & punished by your society. If you're not caught you'll be punished by your victims in the afterlife.
So you will judge others but you criticize God for judging others?

And you are not a hypocrite how?
I think God set up a lousy and is not qualified to judge.
So you are judging God but judging is bad unless you are the one judging?
I believe I was consistent in saying God should not judge, it is society or the victims that should judge.
there would be millions lined up to make Hitler miserable
So you would allow others to punish people? So there would be punishment, right?
We'd all be judges. Just like now.
So then judging others isn't necessarily bad but you criticized God for judging, right?

How is that not hypocritical of you?
In my court there would be no doubt by the defendant as to what the laws were. There would be a single set of laws for each person, they wouldn't have to guess what law/religion/god to follow. There would be no question of if there was a god or not.
You think people do bad things because they don't know they are bad?

Did you have to be told not to diddle your 6 year old daughter?
If you asked a slave owner if they were bad, what would they say?
So you wouldn't judge or punish child sex predators?
If you mean in the here and now? Yes, of course. Other countries and other times may be very different things. Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world, at 11, are they child sex predators or just culturally different? What is God's definition of child sex predators?
Are you crawfishing away from what you said. You said if you were God you would not judge anyone.

Would you or would you not judge child predators? Yes or no?
I think "Yes, of course." is pretty clear. I would not want them to prey on others.
Would there be murders in your world? If not, how would you stop them from murdering?
Same as for all crimes. You know the rules, if you violate the rules you will be punished. If you're caught while alive you'll be judged & punished by your society. If you're not caught you'll be punished by your victims in the afterlife.
So you will judge others but you criticize God for judging others?

And you are not a hypocrite how?
I think God set up a lousy and is not qualified to judge.
So you are judging God but judging is bad unless you are the one judging?
I believe I was consistent in saying God should not judge, it is society or the victims that should judge.
You judge. Does that make you a hypocrite?
there would be millions lined up to make Hitler miserable
So you would allow others to punish people? So there would be punishment, right?
We'd all be judges. Just like now.
So then judging others isn't necessarily bad but you criticized God for judging, right?

How is that not hypocritical of you?
In my court there would be no doubt by the defendant as to what the laws were. There would be a single set of laws for each person, they wouldn't have to guess what law/religion/god to follow. There would be no question of if there was a god or not.
You think people do bad things because they don't know they are bad?

Did you have to be told not to diddle your 6 year old daughter?
If you asked a slave owner if they were bad, what would they say?
They would rationalize that wrong was right. Just like you would when you did something wrong. You are doing it right now on judging.
Morals are effectively standards. For any given thing there exists a standard which is the highest possible standard. This standard exists independent of anything else. It is in effect a universal standard. It exists for a reason. When we deviate from this standard and normalize our deviance from the standard, eventually the reason the standard exists will be discovered. The reason this happens is because error cannot stand. Eventually error will fail and the truth will be discovered. Thus proving that morals cannot be anything we want them to be but are indeed based upon some universal code of common decency that is independent of man.

So the question that naturally begs to be asked is if there is a universal code of common decency that is independent of man how come we all don't behave the same way when it comes to right and wrong? The reason man doesn't behave the same way is because of subjectivity. The difference between being objective and being subjective is bias. Bias is eliminated when there is no preference for an outcome. To eliminate a preference for an outcome one must have no thought of the consequences to one's self. If one does not practice this they will see subjective truth instead of objective truth. Subjective truth leads to moral relativism. Where consequences to self and preferences for an outcome leads to rationalizations of right and wrong.
Man knows right from wrong. The law of nature is written into his heart.
BS. If you grew up in a society that kept slaves and everyone you knew thought those slaves deserved their place and everything was fine, you'd sing a different tune. Or maybe you'd be an abolitionist. Not everyone was 200 years ago and many, if not most of them were deeply religious.
there would be millions lined up to make Hitler miserable
So you would allow others to punish people? So there would be punishment, right?
We'd all be judges. Just like now.
So then judging others isn't necessarily bad but you criticized God for judging, right?

How is that not hypocritical of you?
In my court there would be no doubt by the defendant as to what the laws were. There would be a single set of laws for each person, they wouldn't have to guess what law/religion/god to follow. There would be no question of if there was a god or not.
You think people do bad things because they don't know they are bad?

Did you have to be told not to diddle your 6 year old daughter?
If you asked a slave owner if they were bad, what would they say?
So are you saying that it is a universal truth that slavery is immoral?

I thought you believed that right and wrong could be determined by society.
Man knows right from wrong. The law of nature is written into his heart.
BS. If you grew up in a society that kept slaves and everyone you knew thought those slaves deserved their place and everything was fine, you'd sing a different tune. Or maybe you'd be an abolitionist. Not everyone was 200 years ago and many, if not most of them were deeply religious.
So if you grew up in a society where owning slaves and diddling little girls and boys was moral you would do it too?

I wouldn't. It's not logical.
You think people do bad things because they don't know they are bad?

Did you have to be told not to diddle your 6 year old daughter?
If you asked a slave owner if they were bad, what would they say?
So are you saying that it is a universal truth that slavery is immoral?

I thought you believed that right and wrong could be determined by society.
No, you are the one saying there are universal truths, remember?

Man knows right from wrong. The law of nature is written into his heart.
I don't know how anyone can say that morals are relative and if society said diddling little boys and girls is good wouldn't know better.

Do you really need to be told what is right and wrong? Don't you have a brain?
Man knows right from wrong. The law of nature is written into his heart.
BS. If you grew up in a society that kept slaves and everyone you knew thought those slaves deserved their place and everything was fine, you'd sing a different tune. Or maybe you'd be an abolitionist. Not everyone was 200 years ago and many, if not most of them were deeply religious.
So if you grew up in a society where owning slaves and diddling little girls and boys was moral you would do it too?

I wouldn't. It's not logical.
I hope never to find out what either of us would do.
You think people do bad things because they don't know they are bad?

Did you have to be told not to diddle your 6 year old daughter?
If you asked a slave owner if they were bad, what would they say?
So are you saying that it is a universal truth that slavery is immoral?

I thought you believed that right and wrong could be determined by society.
No, you are the one saying there are universal truths, remember?

Man knows right from wrong. The law of nature is written into his heart.
Says the guy who would accept diddling kids and owning slaves was moral if society said it was.

I wouldn't.
Man knows right from wrong. The law of nature is written into his heart.
BS. If you grew up in a society that kept slaves and everyone you knew thought those slaves deserved their place and everything was fine, you'd sing a different tune. Or maybe you'd be an abolitionist. Not everyone was 200 years ago and many, if not most of them were deeply religious.
So if you grew up in a society where owning slaves and diddling little girls and boys was moral you would do it too?

I wouldn't. It's not logical.
I hope never to find out what either of us would do.
You would accept it because you define right and wrong through society rather than logic.
I don't know how anyone can say that morals are relative and if society said diddling little boys and girls is good wouldn't know better.

Do you really need to be told what is right and wrong? Don't you have a brain?
A brain taught by the society around me.
I don't know how anyone can say that morals are relative and if society said diddling little boys and girls is good wouldn't know better.

Do you really need to be told what is right and wrong? Don't you have a brain?
A brain taught by the society around me.
And yet capable of independent thought. You do realize the reason we no longer accept those things is because logically they were wrong. Thus proving right and wrong is not what majority vote says but is determined through logic and reason. Otherwise, there would never be change for the better.
Even back when slavery was accepted and pedophilia was accepted there were people who said it was wrong.

Thank God for independent thinkers and logic and truth.

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