How Jesus became god'... from not being one. Bart Ehrman.

... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free in the USA.

Yes, it makes so much sense for a German to look down on Americans. :rolleyes:

It is as I said it here. You demonstrate very well with this words that your only argument is destruction and death any longer. You know nothing about Germans and Germany. You justify with your crude absurde racism only your own dead ears.

I know that the USA handed the Germans their asses on a fork
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free in the USA.

Yes, it makes so much sense for a German to look down on Americans. :rolleyes:

It is as I said it here. You demonstrate very well with this words that your only argument is destruction and death any longer. You know nothing about Germans and Germany. You justify with your crude absurde racism only your own dead ears.

No, my post wasn't destructive. My post was sarcastic.

The USA had not any reason to begin a war against Germany - but you feel damned proud that you wan this war against your grandparents. That's indeed "sarcasm".

Your post - the post I responded to with sarcasm - was the destructive post.

Way to accuse me of what you did. :clap:

Dead ears. You are not able to listen to anything else except your own ego. Everything else has to die.

Did the Germans kill 6 million Jews?

Take your pills kid, the doctor prescribed them for a reason
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

The people of the funnelbeaker culture made funnelbeackers, which we found, so we called the funnelbeacker culture funnelbeacker culture.

Is that video from 5000 BC

The "Jew's harp" (German: Maultrommel) is an instrument coming from the stone ages. The eldest instrument we found in this context is about 35,000 years old.

... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.

But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword".
you are correct about the nra and american christians - bing bond picaro but not americans ...
View attachment 387902
the originals knew when to leave their guns home and when to use them when they were needed.

there is no place for automatic weapons those people are not american.

Let's see... you are a liberation theologist who hates Christians and zaangalewa is a self loathing German socialist Catholic....

... you two should hit it off. :rolleyes-41:

Btw. Since 1789 - in 231 years - for about 2-3 years in total a Catholic was president of the USA. He brought you direction moon and made the USA great. So the USA eliminated all Kennedies - partially physically - out of the politics of the USA.

I would have to disagree here in a big way. If a man like Eisenhower had still been in office, there would have been no way Bible reading, opening prayer, and REAL Baccalaureate Ceremonies/Services would have been removed from public education. This marked the speedy slide of education from the search for the sublime to that of the absurd. And a breakdown of authority in the public "educational" system. It took only one Catholic President to undermine nearly 200 years of consideration of the spiritual to a total disregard for it as an important factor, and to replace it with material gain as the prime objective. You can try to blame it on the Supreme Court; however, the Democrats had been nibbling away at the public importance of encouraging Spiritual discernment for years, and Kennedy but put the icing on the whole sugary cake.
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.

I do not give a shit about your schizophrenic delusional world...............................


By the way: You are using the same political propaganda strategy as the Nazis and the Commies did. First step is to try to argue - if they were not able to win, because the own arguments were wrong, then they tried to defame and if this did not work then they started to murder.
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.

But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword".
you are correct about the nra and american christians - bing bond picaro but not americans ...
View attachment 387902
the originals knew when to leave their guns home and when to use them when they were needed.

there is no place for automatic weapons those people are not american.

Let's see... you are a liberation theologist who hates Christians and zaangalewa is a self loathing German socialist Catholic....

... you two should hit it off. :rolleyes-41:

Btw. Since 1789 - in 231 years - for about 2-3 years in total a Catholic was president of the USA. He brought you direction moon and made the USA great. So the USA eliminated all Kennedies - partially physically - out of the politics of the USA.

I would have to disagree here in a big way. If a man like Eisenhower had still been in office, there would have been no way Bible reading, opening prayer, and REAL Baccalaureate Ceremonies/Services would have been removed from public education. This marked the speedy slide of education from the search for the sublime to that of the absurd. And a breakdown of authority in the public "educational" system. It took only one Catholic President to undermine nearly 200 years of consideration of the spiritual to a total disregard for it as an important factor, and to replace it with material gain as the prime objective. You can try to blame it on the Supreme Court; however, the Democrats had been nibbling away at the public importance of encouraging Spiritual discernment for years, and Kennedy but put the icing on the whole sugary cake.

And why do you tell me this? What exactly do you say here? That to be the same time a Catholic and an US-American is an impossible thing? Catholics don't have any right to be US-Americans?

By the way: Everyone who helps the US-government to seperate mothers and children of migrants spits in the face of god.
Last edited:
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.

But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword".
you are correct about the nra and american christians - bing bond picaro but not americans ...
View attachment 387902
the originals knew when to leave their guns home and when to use them when they were needed.

there is no place for automatic weapons those people are not american.

Let's see... you are a liberation theologist who hates Christians and zaangalewa is a self loathing German socialist Catholic....

... you two should hit it off. :rolleyes-41:

Btw. Since 1789 - in 231 years - for about 2-3 years in total a Catholic was president of the USA. He brought you direction moon and made the USA great. So the USA eliminated all Kennedies - partially physically - out of the politics of the USA.

I would have to disagree here in a big way. If a man like Eisenhower had still been in office, there would have been no way Bible reading, opening prayer, and REAL Baccalaureate Ceremonies/Services would have been removed from public education. This marked the speedy slide of education from the search for the sublime to that of the absurd. And a breakdown of authority in the public "educational" system. It took only one Catholic President to undermine nearly 200 years of consideration of the spiritual to a total disregard for it as an important factor, and to replace it with material gain as the prime objective. You can try to blame it on the Supreme Court; however, the Democrats had been nibbling away at the public importance of encouraging Spiritual discernment for years, and Kennedy but put the icing on the whole sugary cake.

And why do you tell me this? What exactly do you say here? That to be the same time a Catholic and an US-American is an impossible thing? Catholics don't have any right to be US-Americans?

By the way: Everyone who helps the US-government to seperate mothers and children of migrants spits in the face of god.

Americans don't like pedophiles that's why they can't be Catholic.
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free in the USA.

Yes, it makes so much sense for a German to look down on Americans. :rolleyes:

It is as I said it here. You demonstrate very well with this words that your only argument is destruction and death any longer. You know nothing about Germans and Germany. You justify with your crude absurde racism only your own dead ears.

I know that the USA handed the Germans their asses on a fork

You "know" that you are an aggressive asshole, who is always right with everything what he says, because you have a big gun in your NRA-brain, which thinks for you.
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.

But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword".
you are correct about the nra and american christians - bing bond picaro but not americans ...
View attachment 387902
the originals knew when to leave their guns home and when to use them when they were needed.

there is no place for automatic weapons those people are not american.

Let's see... you are a liberation theologist who hates Christians and zaangalewa is a self loathing German socialist Catholic....

... you two should hit it off. :rolleyes-41:

Btw. Since 1789 - in 231 years - for about 2-3 years in total a Catholic was president of the USA. He brought you direction moon and made the USA great. So the USA eliminated all Kennedies - partially physically - out of the politics of the USA.

I would have to disagree here in a big way. If a man like Eisenhower had still been in office, there would have been no way Bible reading, opening prayer, and REAL Baccalaureate Ceremonies/Services would have been removed from public education. This marked the speedy slide of education from the search for the sublime to that of the absurd. And a breakdown of authority in the public "educational" system. It took only one Catholic President to undermine nearly 200 years of consideration of the spiritual to a total disregard for it as an important factor, and to replace it with material gain as the prime objective. You can try to blame it on the Supreme Court; however, the Democrats had been nibbling away at the public importance of encouraging Spiritual discernment for years, and Kennedy but put the icing on the whole sugary cake.

And why do you tell me this? What exactly do you say here? That to be the same time a Catholic and an US-American is an impossible thing? Catholics don't have any right to be US-Americans?

By the way: Everyone who helps the US-government to seperate mothers and children of migrants spits in the face of god.

Americans don't like pedophiles that's why they can't be Catholic.

no comment, Nazi.
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

The people of the funnelbeaker culture made funnelbeackers, which we found, so we called the funnelbeacker culture funnelbeacker culture.

Is that video from 5000 BC

The "Jew's harp" (German: Maultrommel) is an instrument coming from the stone ages. The eldest instrument we found in this context is about 35,000 years old.


... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free in the USA.

Yes, it makes so much sense for a German to look down on Americans. :rolleyes:

It is as I said it here. You demonstrate very well with this words that your only argument is destruction and death any longer. You know nothing about Germans and Germany. You justify with your crude absurde racism only your own dead ears.

No, my post wasn't destructive. My post was sarcastic.

The USA had not any reason to begin a war against Germany - but you feel damned proud that you wan this war against your grandparents. That's indeed "sarcasm".

Your post - the post I responded to with sarcasm - was the destructive post.

Way to accuse me of what you did. :clap:

Dead ears. You are not able to listen to anything else except your own ego. Everything else has to die.

Did the Germans kill 6 million Jews?

Take your pills kid, the doctor prescribed them for a reason

no comment
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.

I do not give a shit about your schizophrenic delusional world...............................


By the way: You are using the same political propaganda strategy as the Nazis and the Commies did. First step is to try to argue - if they were not able to win, because the own arguments were wrong, then they tried to defame and if this did not work then they started to murder.

Prozac does not work unless you take it like the doctor prescribed....................

Seriously your mother had no right to keep you in the closet
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free in the USA.

Yes, it makes so much sense for a German to look down on Americans. :rolleyes:

It is as I said it here. You demonstrate very well with this words that your only argument is destruction and death any longer. You know nothing about Germans and Germany. You justify with your crude absurde racism only your own dead ears.

I know that the USA handed the Germans their asses on a fork

You "know" that you are an aggressive asshole, who is always right with everything what he says, because you have a big gun in your NRA-brain, which thinks for you.

Well actually I am always right unlike you. Sorry if this bothers you, it pissed off the FBI too by the way
Assuming God exists (do I always have to start off with that?) and He is perfect, I certainly see lots of imperfection in this world. I'd judge He's not living up to his potential. Would creation fall apart if there were no viruses?

Yes, God exists and he is perfect. It is always wrong and a sin to assume God doesn't exist, but here we are because of liberal, atheist, and evolutionary thinking. We even worship the science of atheism today. It is a sinful science of paganism that we put before real science. We were perfect creatures and God lived with us back then, but for Adam's sin against God he brought death into this life, two covenants, and more sin.
Does god hear you when you pray?

What is your point with this line of questioning? I already said as a child I prayed for a bicycle and got a bicycle.

Some just don't like to admit that God obviously ignores total assholes and never gives them what they want.
Life has been very good to me and Stalin died peacefully in his bed. You're either wrong about God or wrong about assholes.

You think Stalin prayed? lol he was a sociopath, just smarter than his enemy sociopaths is all. You probably would think of him ans a hero. And I'm not surprised you missed my point.

stalin was a DIVINITY STUDENT----so outstanding that the priests were convinced that he would become a PRIEST (eastern orthodox church)

So what? Lots of sociopaths who want power will infiltrate religious hierarchies; just look at all the crazy loony Rabbis running around; just read Erutz Sheva for a week, as they really enjoy reporting on them a lot.

true Josef Stalin was a top notch divinity student.
Martin Luther is considered a founder of the protestants sects------well, at least LUTHERANISM.
The murderer Constantine is a "SAINT" and then there is Pope Frank and Josef Goebbels and wife
Magda were ardent catholics. Our dear pic imagines, in his delirium, something about
seven Erutzes

Are we now supposed to cite crazy Rabbis and Jewish cult crazies for the 17th century now?

to which 17 th century are you referring-----keep
in mind----we are moving into the year 5781
What happened 5781 years ago?

The people of the funnelbeaker culture made funnelbeackers, which we found, so we called the funnelbeacker culture funnelbeacker culture.

Is that video from 5000 BC

The "Jew's harp" (German: Maultrommel) is an instrument coming from the stone ages. The eldest instrument we found in this context is about 35,000 years old.



... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.

But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword".
you are correct about the nra and american christians - bing bond picaro but not americans ...
View attachment 387902
the originals knew when to leave their guns home and when to use them when they were needed.

there is no place for automatic weapons those people are not american.

Let's see... you are a liberation theologist who hates Christians and zaangalewa is a self loathing German socialist Catholic....

... you two should hit it off. :rolleyes-41:

Let's see... you are a liberation theologist who hates (knows the crucifiers) Christians and @zaangalewa is a self loathing German socialist Catholic....

... you two should hit it off.
and you are a 4th century crucifier ... forger and falsifier of the true events of the 1st century.

Actually, I'm not, dumb ass.
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.

But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword".
you are correct about the nra and american christians - bing bond picaro but not americans ...
View attachment 387902
the originals knew when to leave their guns home and when to use them when they were needed.

there is no place for automatic weapons those people are not american.

Idiot. 2 reasons for me to say so: Your use of the words "Christian" and "American".

... you two should hit it off. .:rolleyes-41:
wrong as usual - bing.

You two have more in common than you can imagine.
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.

But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword".
you are correct about the nra and american christians - bing bond picaro but not americans ...
View attachment 387902
the originals knew when to leave their guns home and when to use them when they were needed.

there is no place for automatic weapons those people are not american.

Let's see... you are a liberation theologist who hates Christians and zaangalewa is a self loathing German socialist Catholic....

... you two should hit it off. :rolleyes-41:

Let's see... you are a liberation theologist who hates (knows the crucifiers) Christians and @zaangalewa is a self loathing German socialist Catholic....

... you two should hit it off.
and you are a 4th century crucifier ... forger and falsifier of the true events of the 1st century.

Actually, I'm not, dumb ass.

what did I miss? who was CRUCIFYING in the 4th century? As far as I know, the romans had given it up. The greeks?
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free in the USA.

Yes, it makes so much sense for a German to look down on Americans. :rolleyes:

It is as I said it here. You demonstrate very well with this words that your only argument is destruction and death any longer. You know nothing about Germans and Germany. You justify with your crude absurde racism only your own dead ears.

No, my post wasn't destructive. My post was sarcastic.

The USA had not any reason to begin a war against Germany - but you feel damned proud that you wan this war against your grandparents. That's sarcasm.

Your post - the post I responded to with sarcasm - was the destructive post.

Way to accuse me of what you did. :clap:

Dead ears.

Leave it to you to blame America instead of Germany for WWII. :icon_rolleyes:

I spoke not about world war 2. I spoke about one war. Worls war 1+2 are the same war for me. And now your nation is on the direct way into world war 3.

Again, Germans literally have zero room to talk about starting wars.

I'm only pretty sure American citizens owning guns won't start a war. Stop being a drama queen and get the sand out of your vagina. Mind your own business. Germans don't get a say on American citizens owning guns.
... What was the approximate date of the first epic poem?

Sîn-leqe-unnīnnī wrote down the last version of Gilgamesh epos in the 13th century before Christ. But before existed also versions of this epos from the king of Uruk and his friend Enkidu.

What did they write on and how was it stored so that losers could waste their time reading it

Try to read it and you will find out how strange you sound in my view to see the world. The textes of the bible are for sure much more easy able to be understood. Nevertheless I like Enkidu and the Gilgamesh epos, what doesn't mean I understand this way to live. But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword". Guns make no one free within the USA. Since decades now you always need more guns to fight against more and more guns. Only destruction and death justifies your way to argue any longer. You became a poor guy far from real life.

But I also don't understand the way to live of the US-American weapon fetishists and the slavery of all US-Americans in context of criminal organsations as for example the NRA, which makes the whole USA to a victim of the drug "sword".
you are correct about the nra and american christians - bing bond picaro but not americans ...
View attachment 387902
the originals knew when to leave their guns home and when to use them when they were needed.

there is no place for automatic weapons those people are not american.

Let's see... you are a liberation theologist who hates Christians and zaangalewa is a self loathing German socialist Catholic....

... you two should hit it off. :rolleyes-41:

Let's see... you are a liberation theologist who hates (knows the crucifiers) Christians and @zaangalewa is a self loathing German socialist Catholic....

... you two should hit it off.
and you are a 4th century crucifier ... forger and falsifier of the true events of the 1st century.

Actually, I'm not, dumb ass.

what did I miss? who was CRUCIFYING in the 4th century? As far as I know, the romans had given it up. The greeks?

Apparently I was.

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