How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation

I have no idea what this cartoon means.

THIS is why you and your subversive friends don't have the POLITICAL IQ to understand a SLIGHTLY NUANCED satire piece! You idiots keep proving my point for me!

I bet you won't like the idea of going after the illegal employers but the truth is mexicans won't stop coming if the jobs are here. Why are the jobs here? Who's hiring them?

Did you know there are more illegal chinese in america than Mexicans?

BUT if that happens, those EMPLOYERS will stop giving money to the DemocRATS that enable illegals to come here! You think Obozo, and his lapdog Holder would apply the LAW to's prosecutorial discretion!
All I know is 1999 there were hundreds of convictions and 2000 there were only 3. Bush and GOP turned a blind eye. Used illegals to lower wages. And it started on Reagans watch. Before him migrants only did migrant work and left after the season was over.

You know nothing. I knew you would argue against going after the employers. Illegals would go home the minute they lost their job. Bye.

Who controlled Congress and the money?....I would LOVE to see employers arrested...why hasn't Obuma done that in 6 years????

This is just another mess of Bush's that Obama has to clean up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009.

Under Obama, ICE announced sanctions against major employers. That included a $1 million fine gainst Abercrombie and Fitch that grew out of an I-9 inspection in November 2008 while Bush was president, and the termination of hundreds of workers at Chipotle restaurants.

In 2007, ICE arrested 92 employers, while in 2012 it arrested 240, according to ICE. Final orders -- rulings at the end of the case which show employers violated hiring rules -- also increased under Obama. In 2007, there were two final orders, while in 2012 there were 495.

But Obama doesn’t hold a record on final orders against employers. The numbers of final orders hit higher numbers in the 1990s. Those 495 final orders under Obama were consistently exceeded between 1992 and 1998, with a peak 1,063 final orders in 1992, according to data from the government’s Immigration Statistics yearbook.

So Clinton was the best!!!

Hey, look at this:
Wasserman Schultz said that Obama has cracked down "on employers who are attracting undocumented immigrants and hiring them more than any previous president."

She used the word "employers" and not "employees" here for a reason: Obama shifted away from Bush’s strategy of workplace raids and turned the focus on employers. Between 2008 and 2009, immigration audits soared from 503 to more than 8,000.

Obama is doing what I said. Stop picking on the employees and go after the illegal employers. Nice!
If this doesn't tell you the GOP wanted to flood the American workforce with illegal workers in order to lower wages, I don't know what would. Remember they even said as late at 2007 that they were only doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. Fucking liars! Vigalanti is as stupid as they cum.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

At times, members in Congress have called for stiffer workplace enforcement. But when the reality hit home in their districts and led to complaints from business owners, politicians urged the federal government to ease up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009. So about a year after Bush left office things starting going back to normal again.

You intellectually dishonest stupid fuck!

Interesting info.
These right wingers on here really are intellectually dishonest. They will read the information above. Maybe. When and IF they do read it, they won't believe it. Even if they do believe it, they wouldn't SAY that they believe what was posted. Yet they won't ever present a set of counter facts pertaining to the same topic. And there is no universally accepted source of information to arbitrate differences.

All in all, it makes put downs and insults a lot more likely when they continue in such a intellectually dishonest way.
While you righties took a so called-news source but it was really a comedy act....rushie limbaugh and didn't understand.

Be honest lefties. You saw Jon Stewart as a legitimate source of news analysis when you knew he was a freaking comedian on the comedy channel. You loved him because he was a leftie making fun of only republicans. Stewart had a built in excuse for lies and propaganda....he was a comedian not a serious news source and he was immune from scrutiny.
Murdoch's tabloid calling anyone a liar is a joke in itself. The OP got it half right. The Daily Shows turn Faux News lies into comedy.

Truth. To anyone outside the conservative bubble world...Faux News "Is" comedy....

As opposed to what? NBC? CBS? CNN? All major outlets that are demonstrable lie machines... Dan Rather? Liar.... Brian Williams? Liar... ED Schultz? Liar.... Piers Morgan? Lunatic and a liar.... Keith Olbermann? Liar...

Yeah, but you focus on Fox...


All of those you listed are still better than Fox...

Yeah, ok... you apparently like being lied to... that explains your colossal level of

THIS is why you and your subversive friends don't have the POLITICAL IQ to understand a SLIGHTLY NUANCED satire piece! You idiots keep proving my point for me!

I bet you won't like the idea of going after the illegal employers but the truth is mexicans won't stop coming if the jobs are here. Why are the jobs here? Who's hiring them?

Did you know there are more illegal chinese in america than Mexicans?

BUT if that happens, those EMPLOYERS will stop giving money to the DemocRATS that enable illegals to come here! You think Obozo, and his lapdog Holder would apply the LAW to's prosecutorial discretion!
All I know is 1999 there were hundreds of convictions and 2000 there were only 3. Bush and GOP turned a blind eye. Used illegals to lower wages. And it started on Reagans watch. Before him migrants only did migrant work and left after the season was over.

You know nothing. I knew you would argue against going after the employers. Illegals would go home the minute they lost their job. Bye.

Who controlled Congress and the money?....I would LOVE to see employers arrested...why hasn't Obuma done that in 6 years????

Obama holds record for cracking down on employers who hire undocumented workers says Wasserman Schultz PolitiFact Florida

After multiple efforts, Congress passed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, which stated that employers couldn’t knowingly hire unauthorized workers. Employers must attest that they made a good faith effort to verify the eligibility of workers by completing an I-9 form. The documents are easy to counterfeit, so the federal government developed an online employer verification system in the 1990s under President Bill Clinton, and the use of it soared after 2007. That system, now known as E-Verify, is currently voluntary, though some states mandate it for certain employers.

Are you noticing the dates dummy? Basically Clinton tried to do something about it, Bush didn't and now Obama is again. You guys have to stop fucking up our country then blame the next president for not fixing your mess fast enough especially with all the GOP obstructionists in Congress.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

At times, members in Congress have called for stiffer workplace enforcement. But when the reality hit home in their districts and led to complaints from business owners, politicians urged the federal government to ease up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009. So about a year after Bush left office things starting going back to normal again.

You intellectually dishonest stupid fuck!

PolitiFact, the hapless fact checkers/liberal bloggers with whom we find fault almost daily, has a history going back to 2007 of inviting readers to steer their "independent" fact checking.

Your kidding right, like why not let BILL AYERS write his opinion! :ahole-1:

PolitiFact Bias
THIS is why you and your subversive friends don't have the POLITICAL IQ to understand a SLIGHTLY NUANCED satire piece! You idiots keep proving my point for me!

I bet you won't like the idea of going after the illegal employers but the truth is mexicans won't stop coming if the jobs are here. Why are the jobs here? Who's hiring them?

Did you know there are more illegal chinese in america than Mexicans?

BUT if that happens, those EMPLOYERS will stop giving money to the DemocRATS that enable illegals to come here! You think Obozo, and his lapdog Holder would apply the LAW to's prosecutorial discretion!
All I know is 1999 there were hundreds of convictions and 2000 there were only 3. Bush and GOP turned a blind eye. Used illegals to lower wages. And it started on Reagans watch. Before him migrants only did migrant work and left after the season was over.

You know nothing. I knew you would argue against going after the employers. Illegals would go home the minute they lost their job. Bye.

Who controlled Congress and the money?....I would LOVE to see employers arrested...why hasn't Obuma done that in 6 years????

This is just another mess of Bush's that Obama has to clean up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009.

Under Obama, ICE announced sanctions against major employers. That included a $1 million fine gainst Abercrombie and Fitch that grew out of an I-9 inspection in November 2008 while Bush was president, and the termination of hundreds of workers at Chipotle restaurants.

In 2007, ICE arrested 92 employers, while in 2012 it arrested 240, according to ICE. Final orders -- rulings at the end of the case which show employers violated hiring rules -- also increased under Obama. In 2007, there were two final orders, while in 2012 there were 495.

But Obama doesn’t hold a record on final orders against employers. The numbers of final orders hit higher numbers in the 1990s. Those 495 final orders under Obama were consistently exceeded between 1992 and 1998, with a peak 1,063 final orders in 1992, according to data from the government’s Immigration Statistics yearbook.

So Clinton was the best!!!

Hey, look at this:
Wasserman Schultz said that Obama has cracked down "on employers who are attracting undocumented immigrants and hiring them more than any previous president."

She used the word "employers" and not "employees" here for a reason: Obama shifted away from Bush’s strategy of workplace raids and turned the focus on employers. Between 2008 and 2009, immigration audits soared from 503 to more than 8,000.

Obama is doing what I said. Stop picking on the employees and go after the illegal employers. Nice!

Sounds like a crock of shit to me when the fucking Manchurian muslim is.....

Obama 8217 s 5 million illegals could turn into 25 million


Obama Administrative Amnesty Shown In 5.46 Million Work Permits Since 2009 To Otherwise Unentitled Entrants VDARE.COM
If this doesn't tell you the GOP wanted to flood the American workforce with illegal workers in order to lower wages, I don't know what would. Remember they even said as late at 2007 that they were only doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. Fucking liars! Vigalanti is as stupid as they cum.

Another bullshit lie, when the Obomanation has given out 5.46 Million Work Permits Since 2009 To Otherwise Unentitled Entrants

See above link, you douchebags!
Jon is a satirist. Republicans don't have a satirist. They have angry fat radio hosts and angry Faux News anchors that try to pass off lies and opinion as fact. Stop being butthurt that nobody on the right is funny.

And I'm sure you'll hate the guy that replaces Stewart just as much. :thup:
I agree.

They hate it whenever people make fun of them and their political positions.

They can't handle it, and are in serious need of anger management courses.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

At times, members in Congress have called for stiffer workplace enforcement. But when the reality hit home in their districts and led to complaints from business owners, politicians urged the federal government to ease up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009. So about a year after Bush left office things starting going back to normal again.

You intellectually dishonest stupid fuck!

Interesting info.
These right wingers on here really are intellectually dishonest. They will read the information above. Maybe. When and IF they do read it, they won't believe it. Even if they do believe it, they wouldn't SAY that they believe what was posted. Yet they won't ever present a set of counter facts pertaining to the same topic. And there is no universally accepted source of information to arbitrate differences.

All in all, it makes put downs and insults a lot more likely when they continue in such a intellectually dishonest way.

The numbers don't lie. Immigrant migrant workers went from legally coming here and picking fruit every season then going home to coming and staying and taking landscaping jobs, roofing, construction, maid service, housekeeping, cooks. In other words jobs Americans will do. This started under Reagan. Then Bush clearly stopped enforcing the law and one can only assume the GOP liked the cheap labor and they knew it would lower wages for all of us and very clearly this is what corporations want!!!

Now they're trying to pin it on Democrats. Now they're trying to p
I bet you won't like the idea of going after the illegal employers but the truth is mexicans won't stop coming if the jobs are here. Why are the jobs here? Who's hiring them?

Did you know there are more illegal chinese in america than Mexicans?

BUT if that happens, those EMPLOYERS will stop giving money to the DemocRATS that enable illegals to come here! You think Obozo, and his lapdog Holder would apply the LAW to's prosecutorial discretion!
All I know is 1999 there were hundreds of convictions and 2000 there were only 3. Bush and GOP turned a blind eye. Used illegals to lower wages. And it started on Reagans watch. Before him migrants only did migrant work and left after the season was over.

You know nothing. I knew you would argue against going after the employers. Illegals would go home the minute they lost their job. Bye.

Who controlled Congress and the money?....I would LOVE to see employers arrested...why hasn't Obuma done that in 6 years????

This is just another mess of Bush's that Obama has to clean up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009.

Under Obama, ICE announced sanctions against major employers. That included a $1 million fine gainst Abercrombie and Fitch that grew out of an I-9 inspection in November 2008 while Bush was president, and the termination of hundreds of workers at Chipotle restaurants.

In 2007, ICE arrested 92 employers, while in 2012 it arrested 240, according to ICE. Final orders -- rulings at the end of the case which show employers violated hiring rules -- also increased under Obama. In 2007, there were two final orders, while in 2012 there were 495.

But Obama doesn’t hold a record on final orders against employers. The numbers of final orders hit higher numbers in the 1990s. Those 495 final orders under Obama were consistently exceeded between 1992 and 1998, with a peak 1,063 final orders in 1992, according to data from the government’s Immigration Statistics yearbook.

So Clinton was the best!!!

Hey, look at this:
Wasserman Schultz said that Obama has cracked down "on employers who are attracting undocumented immigrants and hiring them more than any previous president."

She used the word "employers" and not "employees" here for a reason: Obama shifted away from Bush’s strategy of workplace raids and turned the focus on employers. Between 2008 and 2009, immigration audits soared from 503 to more than 8,000.

Obama is doing what I said. Stop picking on the employees and go after the illegal employers. Nice!

Sounds like a crock of shit to me when the fucking Manchurian muslim is.....

Obama 8217 s 5 million illegals could turn into 25 million


Obama Administrative Amnesty Shown In 5.46 Million Work Permits Since 2009 To Otherwise Unentitled Entrants VDARE.COM
25 million legals. Theyll be paying taxes at least. If your comanies won't stop hiring them illegally what else can we do?
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

At times, members in Congress have called for stiffer workplace enforcement. But when the reality hit home in their districts and led to complaints from business owners, politicians urged the federal government to ease up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009. So about a year after Bush left office things starting going back to normal again.

You intellectually dishonest stupid fuck!

Interesting info.
These right wingers on here really are intellectually dishonest. They will read the information above. Maybe. When and IF they do read it, they won't believe it. Even if they do believe it, they wouldn't SAY that they believe what was posted. Yet they won't ever present a set of counter facts pertaining to the same topic. And there is no universally accepted source of information to arbitrate differences.

All in all, it makes put downs and insults a lot more likely when they continue in such a intellectually dishonest way.

The numbers don't lie. Immigrant migrant workers went from legally coming here and picking fruit every season then going home to coming and staying and taking landscaping jobs, roofing, construction, maid service, housekeeping, cooks. In other words jobs Americans will do. This started under Reagan. Then Bush clearly stopped enforcing the law and one can only assume the GOP liked the cheap labor and they knew it would lower wages for all of us and very clearly this is what corporations want!!!

Now they're trying to pin it on Democrats. Now they're trying to p
BUT if that happens, those EMPLOYERS will stop giving money to the DemocRATS that enable illegals to come here! You think Obozo, and his lapdog Holder would apply the LAW to's prosecutorial discretion!
All I know is 1999 there were hundreds of convictions and 2000 there were only 3. Bush and GOP turned a blind eye. Used illegals to lower wages. And it started on Reagans watch. Before him migrants only did migrant work and left after the season was over.

You know nothing. I knew you would argue against going after the employers. Illegals would go home the minute they lost their job. Bye.

Who controlled Congress and the money?....I would LOVE to see employers arrested...why hasn't Obuma done that in 6 years????

This is just another mess of Bush's that Obama has to clean up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009.

Under Obama, ICE announced sanctions against major employers. That included a $1 million fine gainst Abercrombie and Fitch that grew out of an I-9 inspection in November 2008 while Bush was president, and the termination of hundreds of workers at Chipotle restaurants.

In 2007, ICE arrested 92 employers, while in 2012 it arrested 240, according to ICE. Final orders -- rulings at the end of the case which show employers violated hiring rules -- also increased under Obama. In 2007, there were two final orders, while in 2012 there were 495.

But Obama doesn’t hold a record on final orders against employers. The numbers of final orders hit higher numbers in the 1990s. Those 495 final orders under Obama were consistently exceeded between 1992 and 1998, with a peak 1,063 final orders in 1992, according to data from the government’s Immigration Statistics yearbook.

So Clinton was the best!!!

Hey, look at this:
Wasserman Schultz said that Obama has cracked down "on employers who are attracting undocumented immigrants and hiring them more than any previous president."

She used the word "employers" and not "employees" here for a reason: Obama shifted away from Bush’s strategy of workplace raids and turned the focus on employers. Between 2008 and 2009, immigration audits soared from 503 to more than 8,000.

Obama is doing what I said. Stop picking on the employees and go after the illegal employers. Nice!

Sounds like a crock of shit to me when the fucking Manchurian muslim is.....

Obama 8217 s 5 million illegals could turn into 25 million


Obama Administrative Amnesty Shown In 5.46 Million Work Permits Since 2009 To Otherwise Unentitled Entrants VDARE.COM
25 million legals. Theyll be paying taxes at least. If your comanies won't stop hiring them illegally what else can we do?

What makes anyone think these new LEGALS will pay taxes? Just wondering!
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

At times, members in Congress have called for stiffer workplace enforcement. But when the reality hit home in their districts and led to complaints from business owners, politicians urged the federal government to ease up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009. So about a year after Bush left office things starting going back to normal again.

You intellectually dishonest stupid fuck!

Interesting info.
These right wingers on here really are intellectually dishonest. They will read the information above. Maybe. When and IF they do read it, they won't believe it. Even if they do believe it, they wouldn't SAY that they believe what was posted. Yet they won't ever present a set of counter facts pertaining to the same topic. And there is no universally accepted source of information to arbitrate differences.

All in all, it makes put downs and insults a lot more likely when they continue in such a intellectually dishonest way.

The numbers don't lie. Immigrant migrant workers went from legally coming here and picking fruit every season then going home to coming and staying and taking landscaping jobs, roofing, construction, maid service, housekeeping, cooks. In other words jobs Americans will do. This started under Reagan. Then Bush clearly stopped enforcing the law and one can only assume the GOP liked the cheap labor and they knew it would lower wages for all of us and very clearly this is what corporations want!!!

Now they're trying to pin it on Democrats. Now they're trying to p
All I know is 1999 there were hundreds of convictions and 2000 there were only 3. Bush and GOP turned a blind eye. Used illegals to lower wages. And it started on Reagans watch. Before him migrants only did migrant work and left after the season was over.

You know nothing. I knew you would argue against going after the employers. Illegals would go home the minute they lost their job. Bye.

Who controlled Congress and the money?....I would LOVE to see employers arrested...why hasn't Obuma done that in 6 years????

This is just another mess of Bush's that Obama has to clean up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009.

Under Obama, ICE announced sanctions against major employers. That included a $1 million fine gainst Abercrombie and Fitch that grew out of an I-9 inspection in November 2008 while Bush was president, and the termination of hundreds of workers at Chipotle restaurants.

In 2007, ICE arrested 92 employers, while in 2012 it arrested 240, according to ICE. Final orders -- rulings at the end of the case which show employers violated hiring rules -- also increased under Obama. In 2007, there were two final orders, while in 2012 there were 495.

But Obama doesn’t hold a record on final orders against employers. The numbers of final orders hit higher numbers in the 1990s. Those 495 final orders under Obama were consistently exceeded between 1992 and 1998, with a peak 1,063 final orders in 1992, according to data from the government’s Immigration Statistics yearbook.

So Clinton was the best!!!

Hey, look at this:
Wasserman Schultz said that Obama has cracked down "on employers who are attracting undocumented immigrants and hiring them more than any previous president."

She used the word "employers" and not "employees" here for a reason: Obama shifted away from Bush’s strategy of workplace raids and turned the focus on employers. Between 2008 and 2009, immigration audits soared from 503 to more than 8,000.

Obama is doing what I said. Stop picking on the employees and go after the illegal employers. Nice!

Sounds like a crock of shit to me when the fucking Manchurian muslim is.....

Obama 8217 s 5 million illegals could turn into 25 million


Obama Administrative Amnesty Shown In 5.46 Million Work Permits Since 2009 To Otherwise Unentitled Entrants VDARE.COM
25 million legals. Theyll be paying taxes at least. If your comanies won't stop hiring them illegally what else can we do?

What makes anyone think these new LEGALS will pay taxes? Just wondering!
If you want to be a citizen you have to tell us where you work how much you make and pay back taxes.

Many illegals will stay illegal. Go after the employers.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

At times, members in Congress have called for stiffer workplace enforcement. But when the reality hit home in their districts and led to complaints from business owners, politicians urged the federal government to ease up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009. So about a year after Bush left office things starting going back to normal again.

You intellectually dishonest stupid fuck!

Interesting info.
These right wingers on here really are intellectually dishonest. They will read the information above. Maybe. When and IF they do read it, they won't believe it. Even if they do believe it, they wouldn't SAY that they believe what was posted. Yet they won't ever present a set of counter facts pertaining to the same topic. And there is no universally accepted source of information to arbitrate differences.

All in all, it makes put downs and insults a lot more likely when they continue in such a intellectually dishonest way.

The numbers don't lie. Immigrant migrant workers went from legally coming here and picking fruit every season then going home to coming and staying and taking landscaping jobs, roofing, construction, maid service, housekeeping, cooks. In other words jobs Americans will do. This started under Reagan. Then Bush clearly stopped enforcing the law and one can only assume the GOP liked the cheap labor and they knew it would lower wages for all of us and very clearly this is what corporations want!!!

Now they're trying to pin it on Democrats. Now they're trying to p
Who controlled Congress and the money?....I would LOVE to see employers arrested...why hasn't Obuma done that in 6 years????

This is just another mess of Bush's that Obama has to clean up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009.

Under Obama, ICE announced sanctions against major employers. That included a $1 million fine gainst Abercrombie and Fitch that grew out of an I-9 inspection in November 2008 while Bush was president, and the termination of hundreds of workers at Chipotle restaurants.

In 2007, ICE arrested 92 employers, while in 2012 it arrested 240, according to ICE. Final orders -- rulings at the end of the case which show employers violated hiring rules -- also increased under Obama. In 2007, there were two final orders, while in 2012 there were 495.

But Obama doesn’t hold a record on final orders against employers. The numbers of final orders hit higher numbers in the 1990s. Those 495 final orders under Obama were consistently exceeded between 1992 and 1998, with a peak 1,063 final orders in 1992, according to data from the government’s Immigration Statistics yearbook.

So Clinton was the best!!!

Hey, look at this:
Wasserman Schultz said that Obama has cracked down "on employers who are attracting undocumented immigrants and hiring them more than any previous president."

She used the word "employers" and not "employees" here for a reason: Obama shifted away from Bush’s strategy of workplace raids and turned the focus on employers. Between 2008 and 2009, immigration audits soared from 503 to more than 8,000.

Obama is doing what I said. Stop picking on the employees and go after the illegal employers. Nice!

Sounds like a crock of shit to me when the fucking Manchurian muslim is.....

Obama 8217 s 5 million illegals could turn into 25 million


Obama Administrative Amnesty Shown In 5.46 Million Work Permits Since 2009 To Otherwise Unentitled Entrants VDARE.COM
25 million legals. Theyll be paying taxes at least. If your comanies won't stop hiring them illegally what else can we do?

What makes anyone think these new LEGALS will pay taxes? Just wondering!
If you want to be a citizen you have to tell us where you work how much you make and pay back taxes.

Many illegals will stay illegal. Go after the employers.

That's a PROPOSAL, not a FACT, or even a law!

I have no problem locking up employers!
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

At times, members in Congress have called for stiffer workplace enforcement. But when the reality hit home in their districts and led to complaints from business owners, politicians urged the federal government to ease up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009. So about a year after Bush left office things starting going back to normal again.

You intellectually dishonest stupid fuck!

Interesting info.
These right wingers on here really are intellectually dishonest. They will read the information above. Maybe. When and IF they do read it, they won't believe it. Even if they do believe it, they wouldn't SAY that they believe what was posted. Yet they won't ever present a set of counter facts pertaining to the same topic. And there is no universally accepted source of information to arbitrate differences.

All in all, it makes put downs and insults a lot more likely when they continue in such a intellectually dishonest way.

The numbers don't lie. Immigrant migrant workers went from legally coming here and picking fruit every season then going home to coming and staying and taking landscaping jobs, roofing, construction, maid service, housekeeping, cooks. In other words jobs Americans will do. This started under Reagan. Then Bush clearly stopped enforcing the law and one can only assume the GOP liked the cheap labor and they knew it would lower wages for all of us and very clearly this is what corporations want!!!

Now they're trying to pin it on Democrats. Now they're trying to p
This is just another mess of Bush's that Obama has to clean up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009.

Under Obama, ICE announced sanctions against major employers. That included a $1 million fine gainst Abercrombie and Fitch that grew out of an I-9 inspection in November 2008 while Bush was president, and the termination of hundreds of workers at Chipotle restaurants.

In 2007, ICE arrested 92 employers, while in 2012 it arrested 240, according to ICE. Final orders -- rulings at the end of the case which show employers violated hiring rules -- also increased under Obama. In 2007, there were two final orders, while in 2012 there were 495.

But Obama doesn’t hold a record on final orders against employers. The numbers of final orders hit higher numbers in the 1990s. Those 495 final orders under Obama were consistently exceeded between 1992 and 1998, with a peak 1,063 final orders in 1992, according to data from the government’s Immigration Statistics yearbook.

So Clinton was the best!!!

Hey, look at this:
Wasserman Schultz said that Obama has cracked down "on employers who are attracting undocumented immigrants and hiring them more than any previous president."

She used the word "employers" and not "employees" here for a reason: Obama shifted away from Bush’s strategy of workplace raids and turned the focus on employers. Between 2008 and 2009, immigration audits soared from 503 to more than 8,000.

Obama is doing what I said. Stop picking on the employees and go after the illegal employers. Nice!

Sounds like a crock of shit to me when the fucking Manchurian muslim is.....

Obama 8217 s 5 million illegals could turn into 25 million


Obama Administrative Amnesty Shown In 5.46 Million Work Permits Since 2009 To Otherwise Unentitled Entrants VDARE.COM
25 million legals. Theyll be paying taxes at least. If your comanies won't stop hiring them illegally what else can we do?

What makes anyone think these new LEGALS will pay taxes? Just wondering!
If you want to be a citizen you have to tell us where you work how much you make and pay back taxes.

Many illegals will stay illegal. Go after the employers.

That's a PROPOSAL, not a FACT, or even a law!

I have no problem locking up employers!
Your party does. Its what I've been trying to explain to you. You're being played. The GOP has your racist wing mad about illegal workers meanwhile their the ones hiring them.
Interesting info.
These right wingers on here really are intellectually dishonest. They will read the information above. Maybe. When and IF they do read it, they won't believe it. Even if they do believe it, they wouldn't SAY that they believe what was posted. Yet they won't ever present a set of counter facts pertaining to the same topic. And there is no universally accepted source of information to arbitrate differences.

All in all, it makes put downs and insults a lot more likely when they continue in such a intellectually dishonest way.

The numbers don't lie. Immigrant migrant workers went from legally coming here and picking fruit every season then going home to coming and staying and taking landscaping jobs, roofing, construction, maid service, housekeeping, cooks. In other words jobs Americans will do. This started under Reagan. Then Bush clearly stopped enforcing the law and one can only assume the GOP liked the cheap labor and they knew it would lower wages for all of us and very clearly this is what corporations want!!!

Now they're trying to pin it on Democrats. Now they're trying to p
25 million legals. Theyll be paying taxes at least. If your comanies won't stop hiring them illegally what else can we do?

What makes anyone think these new LEGALS will pay taxes? Just wondering!
If you want to be a citizen you have to tell us where you work how much you make and pay back taxes.

Many illegals will stay illegal. Go after the employers.

That's a PROPOSAL, not a FACT, or even a law!

I have no problem locking up employers!
Your party does. Its what I've been trying to explain to you. You're being played. The GOP has your racist wing mad about illegal workers meanwhile their the ones hiring them.

What Democrats are now not hiring? You mean they only have jobs as teachers?
Too bad for the left wing, wonder where they will now get their news.

How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation New York Post

So Brian Williams goes out (for six months) humiliated and derided. Jon Stewart goes out (permanently, one hopes) the same day, but on a giant Comedy Homecoming King float, with a 21-gun salute from the media, his path strewn with roses and teardrops.


Brian Williams lied about his personal exploits a few times. Jon Stewart was unabashedly and habitually dishonest.
THIS is why you and your subversive friends don't have the POLITICAL IQ to understand a SLIGHTLY NUANCED satire piece! You idiots keep proving my point for me!

I bet you won't like the idea of going after the illegal employers but the truth is mexicans won't stop coming if the jobs are here. Why are the jobs here? Who's hiring them?

Did you know there are more illegal chinese in america than Mexicans?

BUT if that happens, those EMPLOYERS will stop giving money to the DemocRATS that enable illegals to come here! You think Obozo, and his lapdog Holder would apply the LAW to's prosecutorial discretion!
All I know is 1999 there were hundreds of convictions and 2000 there were only 3. Bush and GOP turned a blind eye. Used illegals to lower wages. And it started on Reagans watch. Before him migrants only did migrant work and left after the season was over.

You know nothing. I knew you would argue against going after the employers. Illegals would go home the minute they lost their job. Bye.

Who controlled Congress and the money?....I would LOVE to see employers arrested...why hasn't Obuma done that in 6 years????

Obama holds record for cracking down on employers who hire undocumented workers says Wasserman Schultz PolitiFact Florida

After multiple efforts, Congress passed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, which stated that employers couldn’t knowingly hire unauthorized workers. Employers must attest that they made a good faith effort to verify the eligibility of workers by completing an I-9 form. The documents are easy to counterfeit, so the federal government developed an online employer verification system in the 1990s under President Bill Clinton, and the use of it soared after 2007. That system, now known as E-Verify, is currently voluntary, though some states mandate it for certain employers.

Are you noticing the dates dummy? Basically Clinton tried to do something about it, Bush didn't and now Obama is again. You guys have to stop fucking up our country then blame the next president for not fixing your mess fast enough especially with all the GOP obstructionists in Congress.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

At times, members in Congress have called for stiffer workplace enforcement. But when the reality hit home in their districts and led to complaints from business owners, politicians urged the federal government to ease up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009. So about a year after Bush left office things starting going back to normal again.

You intellectually dishonest stupid fuck!

Does everyone see on this thread conservatives are crying about illegal workers and on another they are arguing that small business can't afford to pay americans.and we need illegals.
The numbers don't lie. Immigrant migrant workers went from legally coming here and picking fruit every season then going home to coming and staying and taking landscaping jobs, roofing, construction, maid service, housekeeping, cooks. In other words jobs Americans will do. This started under Reagan. Then Bush clearly stopped enforcing the law and one can only assume the GOP liked the cheap labor and they knew it would lower wages for all of us and very clearly this is what corporations want!!!

Now they're trying to pin it on Democrats. Now they're trying to p
25 million legals. Theyll be paying taxes at least. If your comanies won't stop hiring them illegally what else can we do?

What makes anyone think these new LEGALS will pay taxes? Just wondering!
If you want to be a citizen you have to tell us where you work how much you make and pay back taxes.

Many illegals will stay illegal. Go after the employers.

That's a PROPOSAL, not a FACT, or even a law!

I have no problem locking up employers!
Your party does. Its what I've been trying to explain to you. You're being played. The GOP has your racist wing mad about illegal workers meanwhile their the ones hiring them.

What Democrats are now not hiring? You mean they only have jobs as teachers?
We need illegal workers! If small business have to hire americans they will either have to raise their prices or go out of business.

This is the argument your side is making on another thread. You're being neo conned.
I bet you won't like the idea of going after the illegal employers but the truth is mexicans won't stop coming if the jobs are here. Why are the jobs here? Who's hiring them?

Did you know there are more illegal chinese in america than Mexicans?

BUT if that happens, those EMPLOYERS will stop giving money to the DemocRATS that enable illegals to come here! You think Obozo, and his lapdog Holder would apply the LAW to's prosecutorial discretion!
All I know is 1999 there were hundreds of convictions and 2000 there were only 3. Bush and GOP turned a blind eye. Used illegals to lower wages. And it started on Reagans watch. Before him migrants only did migrant work and left after the season was over.

You know nothing. I knew you would argue against going after the employers. Illegals would go home the minute they lost their job. Bye.

Who controlled Congress and the money?....I would LOVE to see employers arrested...why hasn't Obuma done that in 6 years????

Obama holds record for cracking down on employers who hire undocumented workers says Wasserman Schultz PolitiFact Florida

After multiple efforts, Congress passed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, which stated that employers couldn’t knowingly hire unauthorized workers. Employers must attest that they made a good faith effort to verify the eligibility of workers by completing an I-9 form. The documents are easy to counterfeit, so the federal government developed an online employer verification system in the 1990s under President Bill Clinton, and the use of it soared after 2007. That system, now known as E-Verify, is currently voluntary, though some states mandate it for certain employers.

Are you noticing the dates dummy? Basically Clinton tried to do something about it, Bush didn't and now Obama is again. You guys have to stop fucking up our country then blame the next president for not fixing your mess fast enough especially with all the GOP obstructionists in Congress.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

At times, members in Congress have called for stiffer workplace enforcement. But when the reality hit home in their districts and led to complaints from business owners, politicians urged the federal government to ease up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009. So about a year after Bush left office things starting going back to normal again.

You intellectually dishonest stupid fuck!

Does everyone see on this thread conservatives are crying about illegal workers and on another they are arguing that small business can't afford to pay americans.and we need illegals.

Who's doing that?
What makes anyone think these new LEGALS will pay taxes? Just wondering!
If you want to be a citizen you have to tell us where you work how much you make and pay back taxes.

Many illegals will stay illegal. Go after the employers.

That's a PROPOSAL, not a FACT, or even a law!

I have no problem locking up employers!
Your party does. Its what I've been trying to explain to you. You're being played. The GOP has your racist wing mad about illegal workers meanwhile their the ones hiring them.

What Democrats are now not hiring? You mean they only have jobs as teachers?
We need illegal workers! If small business have to hire americans they will either have to raise their prices or go out of business.

This is the argument your side is making on another thread. You're being neo conned.

Is it true? If business only hires American's and are forced to pay them $10 an hour, will many go out of business, and then NO ONE wins? There are all sorts of stories out their that the business just closed up and the workers lost everything... that does all a lot of good, doesn't it?

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