How Jon Stewart Turned Conservative Lies Into Groundbreaking Comedy and Enlightened a Generation

Ahhh, the most repeatable and influential person for the liberal left... A guy whose show comes on after a puppet show, oddly that's the same answer he gives when people point out his misinformation and lies... He then asks how seriously can you take him when he comes on after a puppet show. I dono, I guess you would have to ask a liberal drone like we have on these boards.

Didn't john once say that if you get your news from him then your a fucking idiot? Lol, keep telling us about how much you love JS guys =)
Yet, scientific research has shown that people that watch The Daily Show are better informed than those that watch Fox fact, people that watch NO news are better informed than those that watch Fox News.
That's Science.

What's your point?

Why are you talking about fox news?

Did I defend Fox news?

Do you get your news from John Stewart?

Read this if you have the time, it's not funny so you might not make it very far, but who knows.

How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation New York Post
I'm refuting your position that the Daily Show can't be taken seriously by pointing out that they are more effective in informing people than a 'serious' news channel.

Yet he still lies and misrepresents the truth, and that's all I pointed out. So your point is retarded.
Yet his audience are better informed than those watching a 'serious' news channel so my point stands.
You can't argue against science.
Ahhh, the most repeatable and influential person for the liberal left... A guy whose show comes on after a puppet show, oddly that's the same answer he gives when people point out his misinformation and lies... He then asks how seriously can you take him when he comes on after a puppet show. I dono, I guess you would have to ask a liberal drone like we have on these boards.

Didn't john once say that if you get your news from him then your a fucking idiot? Lol, keep telling us about how much you love JS guys =)
Yet, scientific research has shown that people that watch The Daily Show are better informed than those that watch Fox fact, people that watch NO news are better informed than those that watch Fox News.
That's Science.

What's your point?

Why are you talking about fox news?

Did I defend Fox news?

Do you get your news from John Stewart?

Read this if you have the time, it's not funny so you might not make it very far, but who knows.

How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation New York Post
I'm refuting your position that the Daily Show can't be taken seriously by pointing out that they are more effective in informing people than a 'serious' news channel.

Yet he still lies and misrepresents the truth, and that's all I pointed out. So your point is retarded.

What has Jon Stewart lied about? Some "credible" proof would be appreciated.
Jon Stewart has been a highly relevant and groundbreaking comedian in America not only because of his talent. He's had the luxury of relying on the comedic talent of GOP lawmakers, pundits, and an Orwellian right-wing propaganda machine in Fox News. Like Fox, Stewart has been "fair and balanced," but with comedy and not fear mongering. He'll be greatly missed by a generation of Americans who sought refuge in his comedy, while enduring the loud and paranoid rhetoric of illegal immigrant hating Islamophobes, homophobes, racists, and war mongering chicken hawks within the right-wing of our political spectrum. For the record, Stewart and The Daily Show have also mocked Obama, Pelosi, and other liberals, which speaks volumes about not only his comedy, but also his integrity.

From the OP link.
I can't imagine who could replace Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. John Oliver is good - but he's not Stewart.

They could give John Fugalsang a shot.

You're right. John Fugelsang is brilliant.

I've never heard of him! But maybe Louis C.K.
Frankly, I'd love it if Chris Rock took over if Stewart insists on leaving.

Check him out

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I can't imagine who could replace Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. John Oliver is good - but he's not Stewart.

They could give John Fugalsang a shot.

You're right. John Fugelsang is brilliant.

I've never heard of him! But maybe Louis C.K.
Frankly, I'd love it if Chris Rock took over if Stewart insists on leaving.

Check him out

I hadn't seen him before - he's hilarious!
Ahhh, the most repeatable and influential person for the liberal left... A guy whose show comes on after a puppet show, oddly that's the same answer he gives when people point out his misinformation and lies... He then asks how seriously can you take him when he comes on after a puppet show. I dono, I guess you would have to ask a liberal drone like we have on these boards.

Didn't john once say that if you get your news from him then your a fucking idiot? Lol, keep telling us about how much you love JS guys =)
He really had you burning, didn't he?
Stewart is an equal opportunity basher - but NaziCons just give him soooooooo much more material to work with.
NaziCons have no one like Jon Stewart.

Thank God there aren't any of those around. They sound scary, kind of like the boogyman that hides in childrens' closets and has to be chased away by Daddy before said children can go to sleep.
Now that you assclowns don't have Jon Stewart to tell you what you think anymore, you need a replacement.

Might I suggest;


He captures all the quality of Stewart and continues the intellectual level you leftists are used to....
How about Lewis Black?
He could do a whole Limbaugh parody thing.

Politics aside, in what way is Lewis Black funny? I watched about half of his HBO special and didn't even crack a smile.

Kathleen Madigan is a leftist nutjob, but at least funny.

Lewis Black though? Dude ain't funny.
It's so fun to play MYTHBUSTER!

As of 2013, The Daily Show was bringing in approximately 2 million nightly viewers. And according to an exhaustive Pew Survey from 2012, 39 percent of The Daily Show’s regular viewers are between the ages of 18 and 29. That means that approximately 780,000 millennials are regular Daily Show watchers. In the United States, there are 53 million people between the ages of 18 and 29. That means that a whopping 1.5 percent of millennials watch the Daily Show regularly! Let’s be generous and assume that, say, 5 million people watch The Daily Show even occasionally. That would still mean a paltry 1.95 million out of 53 million millennials are Stewart fans.

That’s not all. According to Bill Carter, then of the New York Times, the average Daily Show viewer is 41 years old. Considering other cable shows alone, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Archer, American Horror Story, and Louie all have significantly younger audiences than does Stewart. And here’s my favorite nugget: 9 percent of the regular viewers of the nightly evening news – long derided as the news source of the geriatric set – are between the ages of 18 and 29. About 22 million people watch the nightly news. Thus, nearly 2 million millennials are regular viewers of the nightly evening news. That’s right: more than twice as many millennials watch Brian Williams, Scott Pelley, et al, than watch The Daily Show.

In other words, the great millennial following of The Daily Show is a total myth. Perhaps Stewart can “destroy” it on tonight’s broadcast.

The Myth of Jon Stewart s Millennial Following The Weekly Standard
Yes, NaziCons have professional liars - and peon asswipes like you that suck it up. Are you proud of that?

Shitting Bull, the average fire hydrant being pissed on by a Chihuahua is your intellectual superior. The type of partisan advocacy that Stewart represents was invented by Rush Limbaugh.
Yes, NaziCons have professional liars - and peon asswipes like you that suck it up. Are you proud of that?

Shitting Bull, the average fire hydrant being pissed on by a Chihuahua is your intellectual superior. The type of partisan advocacy that Stewart represents was invented by Rush Limbaugh.

Just keep worshiping your NaziCon God.

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