How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation

[So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
At the end of Bush's last fiscal year we were $12 trillion in debt, all of it from GOP Socialists Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Half of the debt since then is interest in the GOP National Debt.
And half of Obamas spending was cleaning up Bush's mess. Vig doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit either.

Yeah, that's it...


Murdoch's tabloid calling anyone a liar is a joke in itself. The OP got it half right. The Daily Shows turn Faux News lies into comedy.

Truth. To anyone outside the conservative bubble world...Faux News "Is" comedy....

As opposed to what? NBC? CBS? CNN? All major outlets that are demonstrable lie machines... Dan Rather? Liar.... Brian Williams? Liar... ED Schultz? Liar.... Piers Morgan? Lunatic and a liar.... Keith Olbermann? Liar...

Yeah, but you focus on Fox...


All of those you listed are still better than Fox...
The daily show told the truth. Its why it was popular. Fox is popular with only right wing tools not independents or moderates. They know fox lies.

If the right could have a right wing version of the daily show they'd have had it by now. In fact they tried but failed because you have to tell the truth. Lies are never funny. The GOP is too angry to be funny. Dennis miller isnt funny.
The right could never make a version of the daily show because truth has a liberal bias.

Most conservative entertainment shows never let the truth get in the way of their format. The reason they could never do their own daily show is that they can't resist going full Garofalo. They almost always put their politics before their comedy, as the purpose of the comedy is the politics. Stewart and most left leaning comics are Comedians first. And political second.

Which is why the comedy works. Dennis Miller could almost do it. Ron White can definitely do it. But very few conservatives can manage the task. Lots and lots of liberals can though.

Why would we do an idiotic Daily Show that caters to a LOW IQ CROWD?... You people are absolute proof of that FACT!

Fox and Friends pretty much locks down the 'low IQ crowd'. The daily shows skews younger and college educated.

I love it how old rich white people set in their ways are telling young people theyre choosing wrong.

Instead they should be yelling at the ones who don't vote but of course they don't want the masses voting.
I like laughing at young people with college degrees who are flipping burgers or waiting tables, or having no job at all, and now on the hook for Obamacare fines, after voting for the SOB.
Most conservative entertainment shows never let the truth get in the way of their format. The reason they could never do their own daily show is that they can't resist going full Garofalo. They almost always put their politics before their comedy, as the purpose of the comedy is the politics. Stewart and most left leaning comics are Comedians first. And political second.

Which is why the comedy works. Dennis Miller could almost do it. Ron White can definitely do it. But very few conservatives can manage the task. Lots and lots of liberals can though.

Why would we do an idiotic Daily Show that caters to a LOW IQ CROWD?... You people are absolute proof of that FACT!

Fox and Friends pretty much locks down the 'low IQ crowd'. The daily shows skews younger and college educated.

I love it how old rich white people set in their ways are telling young people theyre choosing wrong.

Instead they should be yelling at the ones who don't vote but of course they don't want the masses voting.

As long as they are citizens, they should vote, anyone else not here legally should be ARRESTED, their possessions confiscated, and deported ASAP. It's an easy answer that has [politicians SCARED TO DEATH!

Want to solve the problem tomorrow? 1 year in jail and your company and personal belongings are possessed and a 1 million fine if you own a company and hire an illegal.

My brother works in switzerland. You can't hire illegal workers in Switzerland. We have an illegal employer problem in america.
Couple that with one year in a retraining camp if you are able bodied and unemployed due to lack of skills, and I think we could start fixing things.
The only truth we get is sadly on comedy central. The rest of the media is bullshit.

I think this is the one thing I agree with republicans. Only I think it is corporate controlled not liberal.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Corporate Control.... the old Socialist SCREAM!!!:ahole-1:
Its true. Its what you don't get. Sad.

Jon Stewart like Colbert will be fine. Where will O'Reilly go after fox? Radio?
Probably to the counting house, with all his money.
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So I guess your contention that because students watch Stewart and take his brand of journalism seriously it doesn't mean they should because he is on comedy central. I think that would hold water if Stewart didn't take himself so seriously.

Jon Stewart isn't a journalist. Your entire argument is predicated on Jon Stewart 1) Being a journalist 2) Being held to the same standards as other journalists

Neither are true. In fact, the entire argument is stupid. What else have you got?[/QUOTE]

Let me try to explain this to you.

It's classic projection.

The personalities that the right has aren't journalists. They're commentators. Yet they successfully pass themselves off as journalists to the right wingers. They believe that people like limbaugh, o'really, hannity and others are journalists.

So they believe that people on the left who make comments about the right are also journalists.

None of them are yet the right has successfully convinced their blind followers that they are.

The comedians on the the left are very successful on pointing out the hypocrisy and lies of the right by using the right's own ignorance and stupidity as jokes. The right can't do that.

What it comes down to is that the far right has brainwashed their followers so well, their followers don't know what is real, what's a lie and what's a joke.
And I call you plain stupid for NOT KNOWING what YOUR Socialist president is doing!
I don't actually hang on his every word, kind of blows your theory of blind following behavior on my part.

You don't know any of his words, if you did, and if you had a functioning brain, you wouldn't be a subversive!
You like that word "subversive" don't you? Defined as one who stands against the established order and considering that the established order is a corrupt plutocracy then I find it difficult understand how being a subversive is a bad thing today. Also you should call yourself something else if you think being subversive is an insult.

You leftist SUBVERSIVES are who I complain about, we had a decent government UNTIL Carter, Clinton and Obozo took over, although both Bush's weren't great, just the right side of the same club, but better!...Look who runs the Republican party today!

We never had a decent government. Give up that myth right now.
That is one of the stupidest statements I have ever seen on the internet.

[So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
At the end of Bush's last fiscal year we were $12 trillion in debt, all of it from GOP Socialists Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Half of the debt since then is interest in the GOP National Debt.

More l Bullshit from a leftist :ahole-1: The debt was $10.3 Trillion.... and this GENIUS thinks that $4 TRILLION in debt was added in 6 years due to interest>>>>No wonder anyone with a 3 digit IQ thinks these subversives as pond scum and liars.... Can't be Liberals without LIES!!
Progs thought Jon Stewart was a newscaster, they often quoted him in the politics section
This is some weak tea. I know that Jon Stewart bugged some folks on the right. But trying to argue that satire and journalism are the same thing and held to the same standards is one of the stupidest arguments I've heard in recent memory.

he presents news satirically but that is still journalism. What he is doing to giving the news and an editorial at the same time with a comedy lean.

He is MAKING FUN OF THE NEWS AND POLITICIANS. Jesus, I can't believe you people don't know him AT ALL. How many of his shows have you seen?

I guess you stupid idiots think the editors at Charlie Hebdo were liars, too.

Oh, they get that. They've just foolishly shackled themselves to an article they didn't read before posting it or agreeing with it. The premise that satire is journalism is laughably bullshit. The idea that satire is jouralism that is held to the same standard as all other journalism is brain dead idiocy.

And I think even the conservatives here recognize that. But they've already committed to such a useless argument that they kind of have keep polishing a turd. Lest they have to admit that they've just got a pile of shit in their hands.
The idea that the typical American of the Daily Show Generation can tell the difference is laughable.

Hell, most of them still can't even get a decent job.

Says who? Show us your evidence that the average american can't tell that the Daily Show is satire.

It's more projection.

The right doesn't know that shows like limbaugh, o'reilly and hannity aren't real news shows. So they project the same thing on Stewart. They actually think that their far right wing shows are news so they expect Stewart to be news.
I can't sucker in a fucking subversive SOCIALIST that thinks everyone is equal, and should get equal money... you're uncovered!
No one believes thinks or wants that fool.

That's what YOU state, don't you read what you write? Ford did that in the beginning of the car manufacturing period, over 100 years ago!
Did you see this year ford had record profits and gave out record profit sharing? Looks like unions didn't ruin them.

Ford also had a record year in 1999. Then bush got in and the global economy went to shit.

Remember bush had to borrow on the debt and send us each $300 a couple times during his presidency to not fall into an official recession? What a loser. I'm talking about you.

So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
You can't not believe in evolution and be president.

What the fuck does that mean?
Oh that was hilarious. Obvious republican who is mad that people question their rhetoric.

I love how he said "Bush didn't lie, the reports said that there was WMDs so there was no lie." But that report had so many falsities even before the vote and the Bush adminstration knew it and use fear tactics like the proof being a "mushroom cloud" to get people to stop question the logic and to go all in for America.

Heck, it's even a fact that the Bush administration planted a story in the New York Times which they used as proof on "Meet the press" the very same morning. They lied. It's been proven. Sorry that those facts don't jive with your narrative.
[So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
At the end of Bush's last fiscal year we were $12 trillion in debt, all of it from GOP Socialists Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Half of the debt since then is interest in the GOP National Debt.
And half of Obamas spending was cleaning up Bush's mess. Vig doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit either.

Another lie, don't these idiots KNOW we KNOW?
Jon is a satirist. Republicans don't have a satirist. They have angry fat radio hosts and angry Faux News anchors that try to pass off lies and opinion as fact. Stop being butthurt that nobody on the right is funny.

And I'm sure you'll hate the guy that replaces Stewart just as much. :thup:

Rush uses satire in ways that wipes the floor with Stewart.
Like that impression of Michael J. Fox. Comedy gold!
Jon is a satirist. Republicans don't have a satirist. They have angry fat radio hosts and angry Faux News anchors that try to pass off lies and opinion as fact. Stop being butthurt that nobody on the right is funny.

And I'm sure you'll hate the guy that replaces Stewart just as much. :thup:

I agree, Republicans have fat haters lie to their audience, Democrats found if they use humor they too can lie to their audience.

A lie is an attempt to deceive, it doesn't take a genius to differentiate Limbaugh, et al, on AM Radio, and the talking heads on Fox News from John Stewart. Maybe the audience is different, viewers of The Daily Show are capable of drawing conclusions from satire. Limbaugh and his subalterns, and the talking heads on Fox, are not satirists, they are actors playing a role and reading a script of GOP and conservative propaganda.

John Stewart is to Wil Rogers as Sean Hannity is to Michael Weiner.
Jon is a satirist. Republicans don't have a satirist. They have angry fat radio hosts and angry Faux News anchors that try to pass off lies and opinion as fact. Stop being butthurt that nobody on the right is funny.

And I'm sure you'll hate the guy that replaces Stewart just as much. :thup:

I agree, Republicans have fat haters lie to their audience, Democrats found if they use humor they too can lie to their audience.

A lie is an attempt to deceive, it doesn't take a genius to differentiate Limbaugh, et al, on AM Radio, and the talking heads on Fox News from John Stewart. Maybe the audience is different, viewers of The Daily Show are capable of drawing conclusions from satire. Limbaugh and his subalterns, and the talking heads on Fox, are not satirists, they are actors playing a role and reading a script of GOP and conservative propaganda.

John Stewart is to Wil Rogers as Sean Hannity is to Michael Weiner.

That's why you :ahole-1:'s QUOTE Stewart in here, and profess he's REAL NEWS..... I believe that you are so stupid that you actually believe the rest of your bullshit!

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