How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are two of my biggest TV heroes. We haven't heard the last of Stewart - and Colbert is replacing Letterman. Comedy and truth prevail.
If Colbert pulls that shit he did on Comedy Central, he'll be gone.
I'm sorry to see Jon Stewart walk away. Half the time spent watching the show he was driving me bonkers with the views he was presenting. But I accept that people have views different than mine, and once you accept that it's easy to admire his skill at creating a humorous commentary on the current events of our nation and world.

My favorite example from recent time was his rant about the Ferguson riots, and his line about global warming. I absolutely disagree with his position on global warming, and I disagree with the over racialization of the Ferguson issue, but his point remained valid all the same, and juxtaposing the two was brilliant humor.

This Stewart Ferguson routine is based on a fucking lie about the facts. But that doesn't matter to the Libs.
I'm sorry to see Jon Stewart walk away. Half the time spent watching the show he was driving me bonkers with the views he was presenting. But I accept that people have views different than mine, and once you accept that it's easy to admire his skill at creating a humorous commentary on the current events of our nation and world.

My favorite example from recent time was his rant about the Ferguson riots, and his line about global warming. I absolutely disagree with his position on global warming, and I disagree with the over racialization of the Ferguson issue, but his point remained valid all the same, and juxtaposing the two was brilliant humor.

This Stewart Ferguson routine is based on a fucking lie about the facts. But that doesn't matter to the Libs.

Finally. Someone remembers the OP's point. Please tell me, where did Stewart outright lie?
[So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
At the end of Bush's last fiscal year we were $12 trillion in debt, all of it from GOP Socialists Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Half of the debt since then is interest in the GOP National Debt.
Jon Stewart's Jewish mom ordered him to come home, have his sewer mouth washed out with strong soap and take a few lessons in dignity.
I'm not about to get sucked into your right wing circular argument fool.

And companies don't hire unless people have money to buy their products. Its why ford paid his employees so well.

I can't sucker in a fucking subversive SOCIALIST that thinks everyone is equal, and should get equal money... you're uncovered!
No one believes thinks or wants that fool.

That's what YOU state, don't you read what you write? Ford did that in the beginning of the car manufacturing period, over 100 years ago!
Did you see this year ford had record profits and gave out record profit sharing? Looks like unions didn't ruin them.

Ford also had a record year in 1999. Then bush got in and the global economy went to shit.

Remember bush had to borrow on the debt and send us each $300 a couple times during his presidency to not fall into an official recession? What a loser. I'm talking about you.

So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
You can't not believe in evolution and be president.
[So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
At the end of Bush's last fiscal year we were $12 trillion in debt, all of it from GOP Socialists Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Half of the debt since then is interest in the GOP National Debt.
And half of Obamas spending was cleaning up Bush's mess. Vig doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit either.
Murdoch's tabloid calling anyone a liar is a joke in itself. The OP got it half right. The Daily Shows turn Faux News lies into comedy.
Murdoch's tabloid calling anyone a liar is a joke in itself. The OP got it half right. The Daily Shows turn Faux News lies into comedy.

Truth. To anyone outside the conservative bubble world...Faux News "Is" comedy....
Stewart's average viewers total less than 1.3 million I would hardly call that enough to brainwash a generation
Too bad for the left wing, wonder where they will now get their news.

How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation New York Post

So Brian Williams goes out (for six months) humiliated and derided. Jon Stewart goes out (permanently, one hopes) the same day, but on a giant Comedy Homecoming King float, with a 21-gun salute from the media, his path strewn with roses and teardrops.


Brian Williams lied about his personal exploits a few times. Jon Stewart was unabashedly and habitually dishonest.

John Stewart isn't a journalist. Ending the entire premise of the article.

I think the point is/was that sadly, many actually think he is... there are many, many here who have actually quoted Stewart as if he is to be taken seriously.

And for the record, I like Stewart.. I think he's pretty funny.
Murdoch's tabloid calling anyone a liar is a joke in itself. The OP got it half right. The Daily Shows turn Faux News lies into comedy.

Truth. To anyone outside the conservative bubble world...Faux News "Is" comedy....

As opposed to what? NBC? CBS? CNN? All major outlets that are demonstrable lie machines... Dan Rather? Liar.... Brian Williams? Liar... ED Schultz? Liar.... Piers Morgan? Lunatic and a liar.... Keith Olbermann? Liar...

Yeah, but you focus on Fox...


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