How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation

Progs thought Jon Stewart was a newscaster, they often quoted him in the politics section

Frank often believes he knows what progs believe, but Frank often makes strawmen of what progs think just to feel powerful from striking down said strawman.
[So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
At the end of Bush's last fiscal year we were $12 trillion in debt, all of it from GOP Socialists Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Half of the debt since then is interest in the GOP National Debt.

More l Bullshit from a leftist :ahole-1: The debt was $10.3 Trillion.... and this GENIUS thinks that $4 TRILLION in debt was added in 6 years due to interest>>>>No wonder anyone with a 3 digit IQ thinks these subversives as pond scum and liars.... Can't be Liberals without LIES!!
More bullshit from an idiot who doesn't even know what a fiscal year is. :asshole:
[So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
At the end of Bush's last fiscal year we were $12 trillion in debt, all of it from GOP Socialists Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Half of the debt since then is interest in the GOP National Debt.

More l Bullshit from a leftist :ahole-1: The debt was $10.3 Trillion.... and this GENIUS thinks that $4 TRILLION in debt was added in 6 years due to interest>>>>No wonder anyone with a 3 digit IQ thinks these subversives as pond scum and liars.... Can't be Liberals without LIES!!
More bullshit from an idiot who doesn't even know what a fiscal year is. :asshole:

This is why I call you EdtheIDIOT.... point proven...yet another time! We were talking about when Bush left office, NOTHING about a fiscal year..... Spin away, lunatic!
Its not Jon Stewart's fault the left are idiots, personally I thought the guy was a comic genius.
[So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
At the end of Bush's last fiscal year we were $12 trillion in debt, all of it from GOP Socialists Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Half of the debt since then is interest in the GOP National Debt.

More l Bullshit from a leftist :ahole-1: The debt was $10.3 Trillion.... and this GENIUS thinks that $4 TRILLION in debt was added in 6 years due to interest>>>>No wonder anyone with a 3 digit IQ thinks these subversives as pond scum and liars.... Can't be Liberals without LIES!!
More bullshit from an idiot who doesn't even know what a fiscal year is. :asshole:

This is why I call you EdtheIDIOT.... point proven...yet another time! We were talking about when Bush left office, NOTHING about a fiscal year..... Spin away, lunatic!
Only a complete idiot does not use fiscal years with presidential budgets and the debt they incur.
That makes YOU a complete idiot!
[So now we are in $18.2 TRILLION IN DEBT FROM A SOCIALIST when BUSH LEFT WE WERE IN $10 TRILLION DEBT.... Get the fuck out of here, you dumb bastard!
At the end of Bush's last fiscal year we were $12 trillion in debt, all of it from GOP Socialists Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Half of the debt since then is interest in the GOP National Debt.

More l Bullshit from a leftist :ahole-1: The debt was $10.3 Trillion.... and this GENIUS thinks that $4 TRILLION in debt was added in 6 years due to interest>>>>No wonder anyone with a 3 digit IQ thinks these subversives as pond scum and liars.... Can't be Liberals without LIES!!
More bullshit from an idiot who doesn't even know what a fiscal year is. :asshole:

This is why I call you EdtheIDIOT.... point proven...yet another time! We were talking about when Bush left office, NOTHING about a fiscal year..... Spin away, lunatic!
Only a complete idiot does not use fiscal years with presidential budgets and the debt they incur.
That makes YOU a complete idiot!

No, only a complete idiot DOESN'T use term ending as the presidents term... Another LIE and bullshit from EdtheIDIOT!
Oh that was hilarious. Obvious republican who is mad that people question their rhetoric.

I love how he said "Bush didn't lie, the reports said that there was WMDs so there was no lie." But that report had so many falsities even before the vote and the Bush adminstration knew it and use fear tactics like the proof being a "mushroom cloud" to get people to stop question the logic and to go all in for America.

Heck, it's even a fact that the Bush administration planted a story in the New York Times which they used as proof on "Meet the press" the very same morning. They lied. It's been proven. Sorry that those facts don't jive with your narrative.
Funny, when it suits the agenda, a pressure cooker full of firecracker powder is a WMD.
At the end of Bush's last fiscal year we were $12 trillion in debt, all of it from GOP Socialists Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Half of the debt since then is interest in the GOP National Debt.

More l Bullshit from a leftist :ahole-1: The debt was $10.3 Trillion.... and this GENIUS thinks that $4 TRILLION in debt was added in 6 years due to interest>>>>No wonder anyone with a 3 digit IQ thinks these subversives as pond scum and liars.... Can't be Liberals without LIES!!
More bullshit from an idiot who doesn't even know what a fiscal year is. :asshole:

This is why I call you EdtheIDIOT.... point proven...yet another time! We were talking about when Bush left office, NOTHING about a fiscal year..... Spin away, lunatic!
Only a complete idiot does not use fiscal years with presidential budgets and the debt they incur.
That makes YOU a complete idiot!

No, only a complete idiot DOESN'T use term ending as the presidents term... Another LIE and bullshit from EdtheIDIOT!
Keep proving you are an idiot!
Thank you.
Jon is a satirist. Republicans don't have a satirist. They have angry fat radio hosts and angry Faux News anchors that try to pass off lies and opinion as fact. Stop being butthurt that nobody on the right is funny.

And I'm sure you'll hate the guy that replaces Stewart just as much. :thup:

Rush uses satire in ways that wipes the floor with Stewart.

Satire is not generally known as mean spirited.
More l Bullshit from a leftist :ahole-1: The debt was $10.3 Trillion.... and this GENIUS thinks that $4 TRILLION in debt was added in 6 years due to interest>>>>No wonder anyone with a 3 digit IQ thinks these subversives as pond scum and liars.... Can't be Liberals without LIES!!
More bullshit from an idiot who doesn't even know what a fiscal year is. :asshole:

This is why I call you EdtheIDIOT.... point proven...yet another time! We were talking about when Bush left office, NOTHING about a fiscal year..... Spin away, lunatic!
Only a complete idiot does not use fiscal years with presidential budgets and the debt they incur.
That makes YOU a complete idiot!

No, only a complete idiot DOESN'T use term ending as the presidents term... Another LIE and bullshit from EdtheIDIOT!
Keep proving you are an idiot!
Thank you.

That's your best shot Ed, please continue to entertain us with you idiocy!
Jon is a satirist. Republicans don't have a satirist. They have angry fat radio hosts and angry Faux News anchors that try to pass off lies and opinion as fact. Stop being butthurt that nobody on the right is funny.

And I'm sure you'll hate the guy that replaces Stewart just as much. :thup:

Rush uses satire in ways that wipes the floor with Stewart.

Satire is not generally known as mean spirited.
Apparently you never looked at political satire from the early years of the Republic.:itsok:
s opposed to what? NBC? CBS? CNN? All major outlets that are demonstrable lie machines... Dan Rather? Liar.... Brian Williams? Liar... ED Schultz? Liar.... Piers Morgan? Lunatic and a liar.... Keith Olbermann? Liar...

Yeah, but you focus on Fox...

Well Stewart does crack on them all, it's just that Faux gives the writers so much more material......
Too bad for the left wing, wonder where they will now get their news.

How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation New York Post

So Brian Williams goes out (for six months) humiliated and derided. Jon Stewart goes out (permanently, one hopes) the same day, but on a giant Comedy Homecoming King float, with a 21-gun salute from the media, his path strewn with roses and teardrops.


Brian Williams lied about his personal exploits a few times. Jon Stewart was unabashedly and habitually dishonest.

John Stewart isn't a journalist. Ending the entire premise of the article.

did you read the article?

I did. Before it was posted here. And its premise is that John Stewart is an irresponsible journalist.

He's neither. He's a comedian and satirist.
Tell that to the duped generation who thinks he was their Walter Fuckin' Cronkite.

No one believes any such thing.
Jon is a satirist. Republicans don't have a satirist. They have angry fat radio hosts and angry Faux News anchors that try to pass off lies and opinion as fact. Stop being butthurt that nobody on the right is funny.

And I'm sure you'll hate the guy that replaces Stewart just as much. :thup:

Rush uses satire in ways that wipes the floor with Stewart.

No he doesn't. Rush is not comedy at all, Alex Jones uses more comedy than Limbaugh.
^^^^hates Rush, listens to him daily.
Jon is a satirist. Republicans don't have a satirist. They have angry fat radio hosts and angry Faux News anchors that try to pass off lies and opinion as fact. Stop being butthurt that nobody on the right is funny.

And I'm sure you'll hate the guy that replaces Stewart just as much. :thup:
The RW tried a satire show like the Daily Show and it failed miserably. So....posters like the OP are just pissed they can't pull comedy off.
Its not Jon Stewart's fault the left are idiots, personally I thought the guy was a comic genius.

He may have been being funny but he wasn't kidding. Jon wasn't making it up that Republicans are assholes. He just used their bad behavior to make fun of them. And occasionally a Democrat acted stupid and he made fun of them.

You guys want to pretend Jon wasn't right that Bush was a horrible president and you guys don't want to believe him when he pointed out how badly the GOP acted the second Obama got into office. I guess it worked though because it turned off millions of voters and you guys won the last 2 midterms. Jerry mandering didn't hurt either.
Too bad for the left wing, wonder where they will now get their news.

How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation New York Post

So Brian Williams goes out (for six months) humiliated and derided. Jon Stewart goes out (permanently, one hopes) the same day, but on a giant Comedy Homecoming King float, with a 21-gun salute from the media, his path strewn with roses and teardrops.


Brian Williams lied about his personal exploits a few times. Jon Stewart was unabashedly and habitually dishonest.

John Stewart isn't a journalist. Ending the entire premise of the article.

did you read the article?

I did. Before it was posted here. And its premise is that John Stewart is an irresponsible journalist.

He's neither. He's a comedian and satirist.
Tell that to the duped generation who thinks he was their Walter Fuckin' Cronkite.
Just because YOU are not able to tell the difference between real news and satire doesn't mean everyone else is so stupid.
I have no idea what this cartoon means.

THIS is why you and your subversive friends don't have the POLITICAL IQ to understand a SLIGHTLY NUANCED satire piece! You idiots keep proving my point for me!

I bet you won't like the idea of going after the illegal employers but the truth is mexicans won't stop coming if the jobs are here. Why are the jobs here? Who's hiring them?

Did you know there are more illegal chinese in america than Mexicans?

BUT if that happens, those EMPLOYERS will stop giving money to the DemocRATS that enable illegals to come here! You think Obozo, and his lapdog Holder would apply the LAW to's prosecutorial discretion!
All I know is 1999 there were hundreds of convictions and 2000 there were only 3. Bush and GOP turned a blind eye. Used illegals to lower wages. And it started on Reagans watch. Before him migrants only did migrant work and left after the season was over.

You know nothing. I knew you would argue against going after the employers. Illegals would go home the minute they lost their job. Bye.

Who controlled Congress and the money?....I would LOVE to see employers arrested...why hasn't Obuma done that in 6 years????

Obama holds record for cracking down on employers who hire undocumented workers says Wasserman Schultz PolitiFact Florida

After multiple efforts, Congress passed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, which stated that employers couldn’t knowingly hire unauthorized workers. Employers must attest that they made a good faith effort to verify the eligibility of workers by completing an I-9 form. The documents are easy to counterfeit, so the federal government developed an online employer verification system in the 1990s under President Bill Clinton, and the use of it soared after 2007. That system, now known as E-Verify, is currently voluntary, though some states mandate it for certain employers.

Are you noticing the dates dummy? Basically Clinton tried to do something about it, Bush didn't and now Obama is again. You guys have to stop fucking up our country then blame the next president for not fixing your mess fast enough especially with all the GOP obstructionists in Congress.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

At times, members in Congress have called for stiffer workplace enforcement. But when the reality hit home in their districts and led to complaints from business owners, politicians urged the federal government to ease up.

The number of I-9 audits soared from 503 in 2008 to more than 8,000 in 2009. So about a year after Bush left office things starting going back to normal again.

You intellectually dishonest stupid fuck!

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