How Long Before Texas Secedes?


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
Considering that Texas' economy is going gangbusters, Rick Perry has extended an open invitation to any and all of the 49 other states most heavily taxed taxpayers to give Texas a look, Obama's open intent to disarm all Americans so he can cakewalk into dictatorship and one man rule of the United States, and Obama's generalized running roughshod over Texans most closely held values, how long will it be before Texans and Texas decides they've had enough?
Given that Texas Governor Rick Perry greeted a California Fact Finding delegation headed by Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome (D-CA) with a list of Texas' economic achievements and closed his talk with the words "This is Texas, not some state where a man can marry a man", how much satisfaction and pleasure will Obama derive in signing the authorization to terminate Texas governor Rick Perry's life via a drone strike after Texas declares its secession?

Poll: 67% Of Texas Republicans Want Obama Impeached, Also 15% Of Blacks And 30% Latinos? | Weasel Zippers
Good bye Texas.

Hope you don't need Midwest fresh water in the future... oh, thats right... you guys and gals dont believe in global warming.
Let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

Obama is going to slap on a swastika armband; cut loose his Muslim nazi stormtroopers on every god-fearing, white, Christian, real, American; torch the Constitution and replace it with an Executive Order that declares him Dictator-For-Life; and force the rich to build bridges, without power tools.

He is going to rape Ronald Reagan's corpse; throw live puppies into rush hour traffic and charge Occupiers five bucks to watch on Pay-Per-View; and assign John Kerry the task of surrendering the Louisiana Purchase back to the French.

To fund his dictatorship, Obama will have the Fed print trillion dollar bills to give out to the poor.

Michelle Obama will shove so much food past her big lips that her ass will acquire its own gravitational force, and she will replace the FBI with Chicago gangstas to enforce her husband's raping and pillaging of America.

Fags and wetbacks will be given free reign in California to set up their own hedonistic orgy paradise, funded by Texas oil revenues taken at gunpoint.

Every white person who does not swear allegiance to Obama will be taken away to FEMA camps and shot 1.4 billion times with hollow point rounds.

After Obama runs America into the dirt, he will give up and turn the whole mess over to the UN to fix.


Did I leave anything out?
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Good bye Texas.

Hope you don't need Midwest fresh water in the future... oh, thats right... you guys and gals dont believe in global warming.

Water??? Texans don't need no stinkin water. They got oirl. And the Rio Grande. And guns.
And I hope they get on with it. Tired of hearing about succession and besides, I ain't ever going to Texas if I can help it. Vacation paradise it ain't.

But they better do it quick, before they are taken over by Mexicans. LMAO.
Boy howdy! That G5000 is scary with how right he is! Where do I sign the petition to secede afore its too late?
Considering that Texas' economy is going gangbusters, Rick Perry has extended an open invitation to any and all of the 49 other states most heavily taxed taxpayers to give Texas a look, Obama's open intent to disarm all Americans so he can cakewalk into dictatorship and one man rule of the United States, and Obama's generalized running roughshod over Texans most closely held values, how long will it be before Texans and Texas decides they've had enough?
Given that Texas Governor Rick Perry greeted a California Fact Finding delegation headed by Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome (D-CA) with a list of Texas' economic achievements and closed his talk with the words "This is Texas, not some state where a man can marry a man", how much satisfaction and pleasure will Obama derive in signing the authorization to terminate Texas governor Rick Perry's life via a drone strike after Texas declares its secession?

Poll: 67% Of Texas Republicans Want Obama Impeached, Also 15% Of Blacks And 30% Latinos? | Weasel Zippers

That's a satirical site like The Onion or The Daily Currant, right? I don't want to get sucked in again. :doubt:
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Let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

Obama is going to slap on a swastika armband; cut loose his Muslim nazi stormtroopers on every god-fearing, white, Christian, real, American; torch the Constitution and replace it with an Executive Order that declares him Dictator-For-Life; and force the rich to build bridges, without power tools.

He is going to rape Ronald Reagan's corpse; throw live puppies into rush hour traffic and charge Occupiers five bucks to watch on Pay-Per-View; and assign John Kerry the task of surrendering the Louisiana Purchase back to the French.

To fund his dictatorship, Obama will have the Fed print trillion dollar bills to give out to the poor.

Michelle Obama will shove so much food past her big lips that her ass will acquire its own gravitational force, and she will replace the FBI with Chicago gangstas to enforce her husband's raping and pillaging of America.

Fags and wetbacks will be given free reign in California to set up their own hedonistic orgy paradise, funded by Texas oil revenues taken at gunpoint.

Every white person who does not swear allegiance to Obama will be taken away to FEMA camps and shot 1.4 billion times with hollow point rounds.

After Obama runs America into the dirt, he will give up and turn the whole mess over to the UN to fix.


Did I leave anything out?[/QUOTE]

Well....just a couple small minor how everyone that voted Repub in the past will have to wear a solar powered shock collar made by Solyndra.

And drive a General Motors Volt with bad batteries.

And everyone has to have at least one abortion.

Other than that.... I think you covered it well.
Wouldn't it be an interesting experiment to split the U.S. into two competing economic systems? Is there any doubt that the Libtard system would descend into third world status within ten years? No wonder they hate State sovereignty and free speech if it contradicts their propaganda. Real competition is scary.
Let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

Obama is going to slap on a swastika armband; cut loose his Muslim nazi stormtroopers on every god-fearing, white, Christian, real, American; torch the Constitution and replace it with an Executive Order that declares him Dictator-For-Life; and force the rich to build bridges, without power tools.

He is going to rape Ronald Reagan's corpse; throw live puppies into rush hour traffic and charge Occupiers five bucks to watch on Pay-Per-View; and assign John Kerry the task of surrendering the Louisiana Purchase back to the French.

To fund his dictatorship, Obama will have the Fed print trillion dollar bills to give out to the poor.

Michelle Obama will shove so much food past her big lips that her ass will acquire its own gravitational force, and she will replace the FBI with Chicago gangstas to enforce her husband's raping and pillaging of America.

Fags and wetbacks will be given free reign in California to set up their own hedonistic orgy paradise, funded by Texas oil revenues taken at gunpoint.

Every white person who does not swear allegiance to Obama will be taken away to FEMA camps and shot 1.4 billion times with hollow point rounds.

After Obama runs America into the dirt, he will give up and turn the whole mess over to the UN to fix.


Did I leave anything out?

I think you left out the Bavarian Illuminati, the Bilderburgers, The Tri-Lateral Commission, and the New World Order. They have to figure into his evil plans somehow.
Considering that Texas' economy is going gangbusters, Rick Perry has extended an open invitation to any and all of the 49 other states most heavily taxed taxpayers to give Texas a look, Obama's open intent to disarm all Americans so he can cakewalk into dictatorship and one man rule of the United States, and Obama's generalized running roughshod over Texans most closely held values, how long will it be before Texans and Texas decides they've had enough?
Given that Texas Governor Rick Perry greeted a California Fact Finding delegation headed by Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome (D-CA) with a list of Texas' economic achievements and closed his talk with the words "This is Texas, not some state where a man can marry a man", how much satisfaction and pleasure will Obama derive in signing the authorization to terminate Texas governor Rick Perry's life via a drone strike after Texas declares its secession?

Poll: 67% Of Texas Republicans Want Obama Impeached, Also 15% Of Blacks And 30% Latinos? | Weasel Zippers

An excellent idea. Have everyone who doesn't want to stay part of the U.S. go to Texas and then Texas can secede. Soon.....very soon. A win for the U.S.
It makes me wonder what you or perry think would happen to the texas economy if they decided to secede, which they won't, immediately.

Considering that Texas' economy is going gangbusters, Rick Perry has extended an open invitation to any and all of the 49 other states most heavily taxed taxpayers to give Texas a look, Obama's open intent to disarm all Americans so he can cakewalk into dictatorship and one man rule of the United States, and Obama's generalized running roughshod over Texans most closely held values, how long will it be before Texans and Texas decides they've had enough?
Given that Texas Governor Rick Perry greeted a California Fact Finding delegation headed by Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome (D-CA) with a list of Texas' economic achievements and closed his talk with the words "This is Texas, not some state where a man can marry a man", how much satisfaction and pleasure will Obama derive in signing the authorization to terminate Texas governor Rick Perry's life via a drone strike after Texas declares its secession?

Poll: 67% Of Texas Republicans Want Obama Impeached, Also 15% Of Blacks And 30% Latinos? | Weasel Zippers
Considering that Texas' economy is going gangbusters, Rick Perry has extended an open invitation to any and all of the 49 other states most heavily taxed taxpayers to give Texas a look, Obama's open intent to disarm all Americans so he can cakewalk into dictatorship and one man rule of the United States, and Obama's generalized running roughshod over Texans most closely held values, how long will it be before Texans and Texas decides they've had enough?
Given that Texas Governor Rick Perry greeted a California Fact Finding delegation headed by Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome (D-CA) with a list of Texas' economic achievements and closed his talk with the words "This is Texas, not some state where a man can marry a man", how much satisfaction and pleasure will Obama derive in signing the authorization to terminate Texas governor Rick Perry's life via a drone strike after Texas declares its secession?

Poll: 67% Of Texas Republicans Want Obama Impeached, Also 15% Of Blacks And 30% Latinos? | Weasel Zippers

No the confederate states isn't going to raise again.....

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