How Long Before Texas Secedes?

The Texan's first choice was to form their own republic, not to joint the union. When given a chance the republic jumped at the opportunity of statehood because they were broke and afraid of Mexico. Over the years there have been many threats of secession form the union.

They should take action and secede now. And the U.S should bid them a fond farewell....if we can stop laughing long enough.
Let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

Obama is going to slap on a swastika armband; cut loose his Muslim nazi stormtroopers on every god-fearing, white, Christian, real, American; torch the Constitution and replace it with an Executive Order that declares him Dictator-For-Life; and force the rich to build bridges, without power tools.

He is going to rape Ronald Reagan's corpse; throw live puppies into rush hour traffic and charge Occupiers five bucks to watch on Pay-Per-View; and assign John Kerry the task of surrendering the Louisiana Purchase back to the French.

To fund his dictatorship, Obama will have the Fed print trillion dollar bills to give out to the poor.

Michelle Obama will shove so much food past her big lips that her ass will acquire its own gravitational force, and she will replace the FBI with Chicago gangstas to enforce her husband's raping and pillaging of America.

Fags and wetbacks will be given free reign in California to set up their own hedonistic orgy paradise, funded by Texas oil revenues taken at gunpoint.

Every white person who does not swear allegiance to Obama will be taken away to FEMA camps and shot 1.4 billion times with hollow point rounds.

After Obama runs America into the dirt, he will give up and turn the whole mess over to the UN to fix.


Did I leave anything out?

The sad thing is, yes you did.
The reverse osmosis desalination plants may cover drinking needs by using mega energy, but the desalination plants, can never generate enough fresh water for crops.
Sorry bout that,

The reverse osmosis desalination plants may cover drinking needs by using mega energy, but the desalination plants, can never generate enough fresh water for crops.

1. Whats all this talk about water resources we have water up the ying yang in Texas:eusa_eh:???
2. We have our *own* water.
3. We have fresh water lakes all over this land.
4. We also has access to the huge aquifer!
5. We don't import in any way, some bottled waters from here and there, Ozarka, etc.

Texas has been incredibly successful in many different areas:

• Greatest percentage of minimum wage workers.
• Highest percentage of population that is uninsured.
• Teenage birth rate.
• Annual number of executions.
• Percentage of uninsured children.
• Percent of people over 25 without a high school diploma.
• Percentage of non-elderly uninsured.
• Least per capita spending on Mental Health.
• Percent of pregnant women not receiving prenatal care in first trimester.
• Lack of workers’ compensation coverage.

The local government debt in Texas is over $175 billion.

Texas Miracle - Number One Rankings

Poverty rates remain at record highs; median income falls |
Here is an even better report from the Texas Legislative Study Group "On the State of our State":

Texas On the Brink

Texas isn't first in everything. There are some things where they are nearly or dead last:

Workers’ Compensation Coverage 50th

Average Credit Score 49th

Percent of Pregnant Women Receiving Prenatal Care in First Trimester 50th

Women’s Voter Turnout 49th

Percent of Non-Elderly Women with Health Insurance 50th

Per Capita State Spending on Mental Health 50th

Per Capita State Spending on Medicaid 49th

Percent of Low Income Population Covered by Medicaid 49th

Yea, let them secede. They will do really well on their own.

"Remember the Alamo!"

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