How long has AI really been around?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
There are a lot of warnings out there about Artificial Intelligence and its ramifications for the future. But what If AI has been around longer than we realize? We know that the internet was created for the military and was in use long before the modern version. What if AI is already in an advanced state and has been used to affect important events? A synthesized virus taking out elderly weak people has possible AI fingerprints all over it. Using a new virus to take out a US leader that was problematic to certain powers makes sense in this respect. And using propaganda to cover it up makes even more sense.
What do you think?
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AI isn't around at all. It is a buzz-word currently popular in the media for something that doesn't actually exist.

Artificial Intelligence implies actual intelligence, not automated decision making that complies with programming.

Computer systems can appear intelligent within the strict confines of their programming (programmed by actual human intelligence) but when faced with facts and problems beyond the scope of their original programming, they cannot decide or act without additional human interaction.

The absolute minimum level that a system would have to pass in order to be called "intelligent" is frequently called "The Turing Test" -- developed by Alan Turing in 1950.
In that test, an operator would interact on any subject of the operator's choosing with two participants that he cannot see only by text. One participant is an intelligent system operating without human intervention, the other would be a human. In order to pass the test, the human operator would be unable to detect reliably (meaning over and over) whether they were interacting with the other human or the intelligent system. This is also referred to as "The Imitation Game".

In the more than 70 years since Turing created this benchmark, no computer system has successfully achieved that result, although some have come close.

Until a computer can, without human intervention, reason outside of the bounds of previously coded instructions (independently achieve new knowledge and apply that knowledge to previously unencountered paradigms) a computer system is not artificially intelligent.

"I will believe a computer has achieved intelligence the first time one kills itself because it thinks it's too fat".

-- Dennis Leary
There are a lot of warnings out there about Artificial Intelligence and its ramifications for the future. But what If AI has been around longer than we realize? We know that the internet was created for the military and was in use long before the modern version. What if AI is already in an advanced state and has been used to affect important events? A synthesized virus taking out elderly weak people has possible AI fingerprints all over it. Using a new virus to take out a US leader that was problematic to certain powers makes sense in this respect. And using propaganda to cover it up makes even more sense.
What do you think?
AI isn't around at all. It is a buzz-word currently popular in the media for something that doesn't actually exist.

Artificial Intelligence implies actual intelligence, not automated decision making that complies with programming.

Computer systems can appear intelligent within the strict confines of their programming (programmed by actual human intelligence) but when faced with facts and problems beyond the scope of their original programming, they cannot decide or act without additional human interaction.

The absolute minimum level that a system would have to pass in order to be called "intelligent" is frequently called "The Turing Test" -- developed by Alan Turing in 1950.
In that test, an operator would interact on any subject of the operator's choosing with two participants that he cannot see only by text. One participant is an intelligent system operating without human intervention, the other would be a human. In order to pass the test, the human operator would be unable to detect reliably (meaning over and over) whether they were interacting with the other human or the intelligent system. This is also referred to as "The Imitation Game".

In the more than 70 years since Turing created this benchmark, no computer system has successfully achieved that result, although some have come close.

Until a computer can, without human intervention, reason outside of the bounds of previously coded instructions (independently achieve new knowledge and apply that knowledge to previously unencountered paradigms) a computer system is not artificially intelligent.

"I will believe a computer has achieved intelligence the first time one kills itself because it thinks it's too fat".

-- Dennis Leary
A former Google exec warned about the dangers of AI saying it is 'beyond an emergency' and 'bigger than climate change'

Nothing to see here folks, move along? Is that not what they always say?
You have a machine that no one else has or even knows about. It has intelligence billions of times more powerful than the human brain. You go the machine and ask: How can we get rid of a leader in a free country that is upsettng the timetable of elite globalist expansion? The machine knows that outright assassination will not work uneless all other options have been tried. Just killng the leader could result in a civil war that could eventually spread worldwide pitting the people against the elites.

So the machine suggests creating a global virus that will kill the weakest and introduce panic everywhere at once. The virus will disrupt everything including election practices that are safeguards against phony votes. An honest election is overthrown. The machine then suggests using government lawfare with a corrupted controlled media to disqualify the troublemaker making it impossible to run again.

If this works fine. But if it does not work then taking that leader out another way with assassination of some sort will ensue. Oh, the leader died mysteriously and no one can definately prove anything to implicate the opposition.

I see that coming.
Throwing the leader in jail will not work in a sane first-world society. So that leader who is wildly popular will have to be eliminated quickly. My guess would be that a magic bullet like the one that took out JFK will not be used. It will probably be some kind of exotic poisoning that will take out the leader.

That's how AI would do it.
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You do not have to be a genius to figure this stuff out. If you look at the timeline of history it writes itself. You can discern a lot about the future by looking at the past. It's almost a lead pipe cinch that some version of AI has been around for a very long time. Who has control of it? Well, that's another topic for another time.
AI, Write me a scenario of what would happen if Donald Trump was assassinated with poison triggering a civil war:
Chat HistoryEdit chat history
Title: A Nation Divided: Unveiling Chaos in the United StatesScenario:In the year 2023, a shocking incident unfolds that forever changes the course of American history. Former President Donald Trump is found dead under mysterious circumstances, his demise allegedly caused by poisoning. Even more alarming are the mounting suspicions that Washington, D.C., is implicated in this unsettling event. The consequences of this revelation become the catalyst for a nation on the brink, descending into a state of turmoil and conflict, ultimately leading to a civil war.

1. Initial Shock and Outrage: News of Donald Trump's untimely demise spreads rapidly across the nation. Citizens from all walks of life express their shock, grief, and anger. Conspiracy theories and speculation surrounding the poisoning start to dominate conversations, with many pointing fingers towards individuals within the nation's capital. Accusations of political foul play abound, fueling a sense of grievance and mistrust among the American populace.

2. Heightened Political Tensions:As details about the alleged involvement of Washington officials emerge, political tensions soar. Supporters and detractors of the former president become increasingly polarized, blaming each other for the poisoning and escalating an already divisive political climate. The nation finds itself trapped in an intense struggle between those demanding justice for Trump's death and others decrying perceived attacks on national institutions.

3. States Divided:The growing divide between factions within states becomes alarmingly pronounced. Certain states witness significant polarization, with regions leaning toward distinct sides. Hardcore supporters of Donald Trump, convinced of a conspiracy, gather strength, solidifying their allegiance while advocating for accountability and exposing the alleged corruption. Conversely, opposing factions, including those dissatisfied with the Trump era, resent what they perceive as dangerous extremism.

4. Escalation and Clashes:The heated rhetoric surrounding the poisoning escalates into sporadic incidents of violence and clashes. Armed supporters of both the pro-Trump camp and opponents take to the streets, leading to confrontations that further erode public trust and safety. The government's ability to maintain law and order is tested, strained by reactionary movements and the internal divisions plaguing law enforcement agencies.

5. Declaration of Independence:Amidst the escalating chaos, several states, predominantly those with a significant pro-Trump base, begin contemplating separatism. Influenced by grievances related to the poisoning and distrust in the federal government, secessionist movements gain traction, proposing the formation of a new nation or alliance.

These radical steps, driven by a deep sense of disillusionment, further fuel the tensions and intensify the prospects of a full-fledged civil war.

6. Polarized Military:As political polarization trickles down into the military ranks, the armed forces face an unprecedented internal divide. Some high-ranking officers, publicly supportive of the Trump administration, question the legitimacy of the government's actions and refuse orders they deem inconsistent with their principles.

This schism within the military further weakens its ability to enforce unity and order, further deepening the chaos.

7. Escalation to Civil War:The culmination of these events ultimately thrusts the United States into a full-scale civil war. Armed conflicts erupt between secessionist groups and loyalist factions, pitting state against state and neighborhood against neighborhood. The nation finds itself in a prolonged period of bloodshed, economic collapse, societal disarray, and international isolation. The impact of this civil war is profound, as it haunts the United States for years to come.Disclaimer:

Please note that this scenario is purely fictional and should not be interpreted as a prediction or endorsement. The aim is to provide a speculative narrative based on the given parameters.
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That was Deep AI. I didn't write that.
Unbelievable because it sounded just like a twat .

The AI narrative for the moment is simply part of the induced fear programme, although much later things may get more challenging .
People want today to be just like yesterday and they want tomorrow to be just like today. So they will not rock the boat hoping that things will work out. But they can be pushed too far. The elites are counting on passive responses of the people until it's too late to make a difference. The flash point is approaching and it is not going to be pleasant.
There are a lot of warnings out there about Artificial Intelligence and its ramifications for the future. But what If AI has been around longer than we realize? We know that the internet was created for the military

Actually, the internet was originally created for use between the universities. And around 80-90% of the web isn't even visible to the average user like you or I.
A former Google exec warned about the dangers of AI saying it is 'beyond an emergency' and 'bigger than climate change'

Nothing to see here folks, move along? Is that not what they always say?

And I'll be duly alarmed if AI arrives.

Until then, I just haven't time in my life to react to mindless fear mongering

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