Artificial Intelligence is in an advanced stage?

A Tiny Mutt Exposed the Frightening Wizard of Oz, Totoly

An oligarchic clique of stupid people who can't pull off these imaginary conspiracies, even if that's their plan. Thinking the inferior people in superior positions, put there by a backwards way of getting ahead, are actually evil geniuses only scares people away from confronting them.
The question is who or what is planning this?
I would tell you but then I would have to send a bee drone to assassinate you.
I have a speculation on Artificial Intelligence. The general knowledge of the public is that it is new and developing, but my cynical mind rejects that out of hand. Maybe I'm playing Winston Smith here, but intuition is strong. I can extrapolate a likely scenario even if it is too late to prevent what has happened and is going to happen. I believe functional AI was developed much earlier than our awareness of it probably by the military industrial complex in Eisenhower's warning, and it has been used already to construct major events that affect us as a species. I believe there is a shadow alien force at work.

If you view current domestic and world leadership, obviously there is a problem. The people did not just suddenly get dumber as technology advanced. The public mind is controlled in a way that is leading to a planned outcome. A sudden artifical pandemic to me is a dead giveaway that depopulation is on the table. The question is who or what is planning this?

You thoughts?
AI is a complete misnomer....
None of it is true AI.
At best the systems are a glorified searchable protected database with a fair OCR and graphics program attached as well as an improved user interface.

The databases are huge...very expensive to create but also they have an expiration date. Meaning they have to be manually updated constantly. The computer can't do it on its own...meaning that it is not AI.
Ever use Bing and the AI thing pops up? I always hit "quit responding" as I prefer to look for my own answers.
there is a "quit reaponding". i'll find that soon. it is bad enough the damn nissan talks to me.
AI is a complete misnomer....
None of it is true AI.
At best the systems are a glorified searchable protected database with a fair OCR and graphics program attached as well as an improved user interface.

The databases are huge...very expensive to create but also they have an expiration date. Meaning they have to be manually updated constantly. The computer can't do it on its own...meaning that it is not AI.
Not exactly.

The databases are used to "train" an artificial neural network.

Once training is complete, the network runs on its own.

There are standardized training sets of all kinds. You can download them for free.

Artificial Intelligence is in an advanced stage?​

No ... it's still in the development stage as in "it hasn't been developed yet".

Not a single AI system existing today has even been capable of reproducing the basic Turing Test (developed in the 1950s by a chemically castrated Alan Turning) and not a single one is capable of general self learning on a scale equivalent to an insect, let alone a human.

This is simply an example, one of many, where the media has latched onto a buzz word and turned it into a full-blown disaster scenario complete with "experts" coming out and telling us how f'd we are because of it.
No ... it's still in the development stage as in "it hasn't been developed yet".

Not a single AI system existing today has even been capable of reproducing the basic Turing Test (developed in the 1950s by a chemically castrated Alan Turning) and not a single one is capable of general self learning on a scale equivalent to an insect, let alone a human.

This is simply an example, one of many, where the media has latched onto a buzz word and turned it into a full-blown disaster scenario complete with "experts" coming out and telling us how f'd we are because of it.
The faith in these things is insane....
The buzz is about how the job market is going to change drastically because of it...and how nobody's job is safe.
The faith in these things is insane....
The buzz is about how the job market is going to change drastically because of it...and how nobody's job is safe.

If a job can be automated, then any human doing that job is at risk of being replaced. That has been going on for centuries.

But, while sufficiently sophisticated IVR programs have replaced human phone operators. Real AI... not the hyped AI we keep hearing about could easily replace a lawyer, or a teacher, or ... hopefully... a politician
I have a speculation on Artificial Intelligence. The general knowledge of the public is that it is new and developing, but my cynical mind rejects that out of hand. Maybe I'm playing Winston Smith here, but intuition is strong. I can extrapolate a likely scenario even if it is too late to prevent what has happened and is going to happen. I believe functional AI was developed much earlier than our awareness of it probably by the military industrial complex in Eisenhower's warning, and it has been used already to construct major events that affect us as a species. I believe there is a shadow alien force at work.

If you view current domestic and world leadership, obviously there is a problem. The people did not just suddenly get dumber as technology advanced. The public mind is controlled in a way that is leading to a planned outcome. A sudden artifical pandemic to me is a dead giveaway that depopulation is on the table. The question is who or what is planning this?

You thoughts?
With what's going on with politics, it's hard to disagree. 8 years ago we all agreed that a convicted felon should not be president. Today 53% think it's okay to be a convicted felony and run for president. You can't own a gun but you can control the nuclear football. You can't vote for president but you can run. Who knew.

Yes, we are being led by sheep. All of us. Even me. Bruce Jenner is voting for Trump?

Southpark was making fun of us for all this in the 2000's. They were way ahead of their time. Or, this has all been going on for over 44 years. That means Republicans stated this when they got Reagan elected. And CIA Bush made a deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages till after the election. Then his son lied us into Iraq and the 2008 Great Recession was on purpose imo.

Anyways, I wanted to bring up something cool about AI I just heard. Ashton Kuscher said in the near future, you and I will be able to make our own movies. If you want Marlon Brando to play the lead, that's fine. AI can do that. So if you think you can do better than the Godfather, go for it.

It reminds me of podcasts. Every sports, actor and singer wants their own podcast. Isn't that funny? They all want to be Howard Stern. He hates Podcasts. But I say it's a omage to him. They are all trying to create a popular radio show. AKA podcast. Internet talk show.

I don't think anyone would want to hear my podcast but I do think I could make a movie with AI that would be great. I'd download that app. Is that available yet?


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